
Mechanical drawing for high schools : a text with problem layouts. 2nd.ed
- フォーマット:
- 図書
- 責任表示:
- by Thomas E. French and Carl L. Svensen
- 言語:
- 英語
- 出版情報:
- new York : McGraw-Hill, 1927
- 形態:
- x, 242 p. : ill. ; 23cm
- 著者名:
- 書誌ID:
- BA27409573
McGraw-Hill, Kogakusha | |
D. Van Nostrand | |
Macmillan | |
McGraw-Hill, Kogakusha |
John Willey & Sons, Chapman & Hall |
J. Wiley & sons | |
Aberdeen Univ. Press |