

出村, 慎一 ; 佐藤, 進 ; 南, 雅樹 ; 小林, 秀紹 ; 野田, 洋平 ; 松沢, 甚三郎 ; 小林, 寛道 ; 青木, 純一郎
出版情報: 体力科学 = Japanese journal of physical fitness and sports medicine.  49  pp.375-384,  2000-06-01.  日本体力医学会 = Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/29432
概要: The purposes of this study were to examine reliability and validity of ADL index for older people at home, and relations hips between ADL score and various factors (ex. self-assessment of health status and physical fitness level, and exercise frequency/week), and to examine the screening basis for execution of physical fitness test based on distribution of ADL score. A questionnaire consisting of 12 ADL items and a physical fitness test of Ministry of Education, Science and Clture were administered to 5, 715 subjects 65 years or more age (male: 2, 745; female: 2, 970) . As a result of examining test-retest reliability of the ADL index, significant high correlations were shown among 12 ADL items (0.674≤r≤0.886), and in overall score (r=0.943) . The ADL score was significantly related to age and physical fitness test scores, and tended to be higher in subjects with a higher self-assessment of health status and physical fitness level, and with more frequency. It was suggested that these results prove the utility of the present ADL index. Further, as the result of examining relationships between distribution of overall ADL score and physical fitness test scores, the following screening bases were considered to be valid for judgement whether the physical fitness tests could be executed. The three screening bases using overall ADL score were: 1) 12 or under; 2) over 13 to under 24; 3) 24 and over. The four bases using item score were: 1) a category 1 response for items 1, 5 and 6; 2) a category 2 or 3 response for items 1, 5 and 6, and a category 1 response for items 3 and 4; 3) a category 3 response for items 2 and 14; 4) a category 1 response for items 10 and 12. 続きを見る


出村, 慎一 ; Demura, Shinichi
出版情報: 平成9(1997)年度科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C) 研究成果報告書 = 1997 Fiscal Year Final Research Report.  1996-1997  pp.6p.-,  1998-03-01.  金沢大学教育学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/46689
概要: 高齢者の健康・体力に影響を及ぼす生活諸条件の検討を行うために,理論的妥当性を考慮して各体力領域から体力パフォーマンステストを,また,自覚的健康,及び生活状況調査項目を選択した。まず,高齢者における体格・体力の因子構造を明らかにすると共に,そ の性差及び加齢に伴う変化を検討した。次に,横断的資料に基づき,自覚的健康と体力及び生活状況の関係を検討した。また,基礎体力と健康状態,日常生活活動,及び食生活生活との関係についても検討し,基礎体力に関与する生活諸状況について考察を行った。以上の検討から新たに以下のような知見が得られた。1.(1)体格因子として,長育,量・周育及び体脂肪の3因子が解釈され,男女とも量・周育及び長育は加齢と共に小さくなる。(2)体力因子として,筋力,四肢の敏捷性,平衡性及び柔軟性の4因子が解釈され,男女とも加齢に伴い低下する。(3)高齢者における筋力や平衡性は,四肢の敏捷性及び柔軟性より加齢による低下の程度が大きい。2.(1)自覚的健康度と柔軟性因子にのみ有意な関係が認められる。(2)自覚的健康度とBMI及び年齢間に有意な関係は認められない。(3)精神的ストレスによる苛立ちが無いことや就寝前に食事をとらないこと,あるいは社会的貢献やそれに伴う身体活動などの生活状況が自覚的健康感に好影響を及ぼす。3.(1)健康状態,日常生活活動及び食生活の各生活状況は複合して基礎体力に影響を及ぼす。(2)運動習慣,過去の病気や怪我による障害の有無,就寝時間及び年齢は基礎体力の低下に大きな影響を及ぼす。(3)基礎体力は加齢に伴い低下するが周1〜2回程度の運動は加齢に伴う体力の低下を遅延させる効果がある。(4)60歳代と70歳代では基礎体力に及ぼす生活諸条件の影響が異なる。また,一般在宅高齢者及び障害を有する施設入居者を対象とし,日常生活動作を評価する調査票の作成を試み,在宅高齢者の日常生活動作と生活諸状況との関係も検討した。<br />The main purpose of this study was to examine various living conditions affecting health and physical fitness in elderly people. Physical fitness performance tests from each physical fitness element, items on perceived health and living conditions were selected considering theoretical validity. Firstly, factorial structures of physique and physical fitness were examined and the examination of the change of physique and physical fitness with age and its sex difference was done. Secondly, based on a cross-sectional data, the relationships between the degree of perceived health (DPH), and physical fitness and living conditions were examined. The relationships of fundamental physical fitness (FPF) and health-conditions, activities of daily living, and food habits also were examined. The findings in this study can be summarized as follow : 1. (1) In physique domain, three factors were interpreted as body linearity, body bulk and body fat respectively. Body bulk and body linearity in both se xes decrease with age. (2) In physical fitness domain, four factors were interpreted as muscular strength, agility of upper and lower limbs, balance and flexibility respectively, and they show a declining trend with age in both sexes. (3) The influence of aging in muscular strength and balance is greater than that in flexibility and agility of upper and lower limbs. 2. (1) Only the relationship between the DPH and flexibility-factor is significant. (2) There are no significant relations between the DPH,and BMI and age. (3) The living conditions as the irritation by the mental stress and eating before asleep or the social contribution and the physical activities have an influence on the DPH.3. (1) The living conditions as health-conditions, activities of daily living and food habits influence on FPF as a composite factor. (2) The elements of exercise habit, the existence of the trouble caused by past disease and injury, bedtime and age have greater influence on the decline of FPF.(3) FPF shows a decreasing trend with age, but the continuous exercise enforcement on one day or more a week, seems to be effective in postponing the decline of FPF related to age. (4) The influence of ech living condition to FPF differs in the 60 and 70 age levels.<br />研究課題/領域番号:08680102, 研究期間(年度):1996–1997, 平成9(1997)年度科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C) 研究成果報告書の一部 研究概要(はしがき, 概要, 目次, 諸言)を掲載<br />出典:「高齢者の健康・体力に影響を及ぼす生活諸条件の検討」研究成果報告書 課題番号08680102(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所))   本文データは著者版報告書より作成 続きを見る


出村, 慎一 ; 佐藤, 進
出版情報: 日本生理人類学会誌 = Japanese journal of physiological anthropology.  5  pp.53-58,  2000-05-25.  日本生理人類学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/12201
概要: 金沢大学人間社会研究域人間科学系<br />Muscular function in older people has been investigated in various fields, such as kinesiology, ph ysiology, biochemistry, etc. This paper summarizes previous reports, examining the following points of muscular functional characteristics : functional decrease with aging, cause of muscular decrease, trainability of older people, and the importance of resistance training. Both the morphological and functional characteristics of muscular function in older people decrease with aging. However, it has been confirmed that muscular function can be improved by resistance training in older people. Although further research determining more use ful training procedures is necessary, weight training, which can delay functional decrease with aging, is considered to be important. 続きを見る


中, 比呂志 ; 出村, 慎一 ; 松沢, 甚三郎
出版情報: 体育学研究 = Japanese journal of physical education.  42  pp.84-96,  1997-07-10.  日本体育学会 = Japan Society of Physical Eduction, Health and Sports Science
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/29396
概要: The purpose of this study were to investigate factorial structures of physique and physical fitness, and to determine the change of physique and physical fitness with age and its sex difference in the elderly. Nineteen test items were selected from 5 domains of physique, muscle function, joint function (flexibility), neuromuscular function and lung function, considering the validity, safety and convenience of tests. The subjects were 207 males and 226 females aged 65 to 89 years. Factor analysis was applied to each correlation matrixes consisting of 8 physique variables and 11 physical fitness variables. In physique domain, three extracted factors were interpreted as body fat, body linearity and body bulk. Body bulk and body linearity in both sexes and body fat in females decrease significantly with age. Body linearity was found significantly larger in males than females. Body fat was significantly greater in females. In physical fitness domain, four factors were extracted and interpreted as muscular strength, balance, agility of upper and lower limbs, and flexibility. A significant declining trend with age was found in the above-mentioned physical fitness elements both sexes. Also, significant sex differences in muscular strength, balance, and flexibility were found, and males were superior to females except for flexibility. It was inferred that the influence of aging in muscular strength and balance is greater flexibility and agility of upper and lower limbs in the elderly. Further, the decrease of muscular strength seems to facilitate the decline of balance with age. 続きを見る


出村, 慎一 ; Demura, Shinichi
出版情報: 平成11(1999)年度科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C) 研究成果報告書 = 1999 Fiscal Year Final Research Report.  1998-1999  pp.15p.-,  2000-03-01.  金沢大学教育学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/46853
概要: 本研究では、健常な在宅高齢者の日常生活動作能力を評価するのに有効な調査票を作成することを目的とした。まず、先行研究および理論的妥当性を考慮し、移動系、操作系、平衡系および姿勢変換系の4領域を代表する57動作に関する130項目を選択した。在宅 高齢者2100名に対して実施した調査から得た成就率に基づき、各項目の難易度および多段階評価尺度作成の可能性を検討した。分析の結果、各領域を代表する3段階評価尺度からなる15項目を有効な調査項目とした。 次に、この15項目を用いて、458名の在宅高齢者に再度調査および体力テストを実施し、項目および評価尺度の吟味を行った。ADLの成就傾向、および加齢変化、ADL項目相互間の関係、体力テストとの関係の観点から分析した結果、12項目(移動系動作:歩く、走る、溝を跳び越える、階段の上り下り、荷物の運搬、平衡系動作:開眼片足立ち、乗り物内立位保持、ズボンをはく、操作系動作:シャツのボタンとめ、布団の出し入れ、姿勢変換系動作:正座の姿勢から起立、上体起こし)をより有効な項目として再選択した。 さらに、在宅高齢者5715名に対し、ADL調査および文部省新体力テストを実施し、再選択された12項目からなるADL調査票の有効性について分析した。調査票の信頼性は、項目(0.674≦r≦0.886)および総合得点(r=0.943)ともに高い値を示した。ADL得点は加齢に伴い有意に低下し、体力実測値とも有意な関係にあった。加えて、健康や体力に関する自己評価や運動実施状況とも有意な関係にあり、本研究で用いたADL項目の有効性が示唆された。さらに、ADL得点分布と体力テスト得点との関係に基づき、体力テストの実施の可否に関するスクリーニング基準として、ADL調査票の総合得点および項目を用いた有効な基準を提示した。<br />The purpose of this study was to develop a useful ADL (activities of daily living) index for healthy older people at home. First, a total of 130 items for 57 ADLs were selected from the four domains, considering to previous studies and theoretical validity. The survey was carried out on 2,100 older people, and the achievement rate for each item was calculated. As a result, the 15 ADL items constructed with a three level scale were selected. Second, the survey consisting of 15 ADL items and a physical fitness test of the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture were carried out on 458 older people to examine useful ADL items and their scales. As a result of analyses from the viewpoints of aging, physical fitness level, and interrelationship among ADL items, the following useful 12 ADL items were proposed; in the locomotion domain, jumping across a ditch, walking, running up and down stairs, and transfer; in the manipulation domain, taking bedding in and out, buttoning a shirt; in stabi lity domain, standing in the bus or train, dressing while standing (trousers), standing on one foot with eyes open; in the posture-change domain, sitting up, standing up from the floor. Third, a questionnaire consisting of 12 ADL items and a physical fitness test of the Ministry of Education were administered to 5,715 subjects 65 years or older, to examine reliability and validity of the ADL index, the relationships between ADL score and various factors (ex. self-assessment of health status and physical fitness level, and exercise frequency/week), and to examine the screening basis to execute the physical fitness test based on distribution of ADL score. Test-retest reliability of the ADL index showed significant high correlations in 12 ADL items (0.674 ≦ r ≦ 0.886) and overall score (r=0.943). The ADL score was significantly related to age and physical fitness test scores, and tended to be higher in subjects with a higher self-assessment of health status and physical fitness level, and with exercised more. These results were considered to prove the utility of the present ADL index. Further, based on the result of examining relationships between distribution of overall ADL score and physical fitness test scores, useful screening bases using overall score or item scores were proposed to judge whether or not the physical fitness tests could be executed.<br />研究課題/領域番号:10680020, 研究期間(年度):1998–1999<br />出典:「高齢者のためのADL調査票の作成」研究成果報告書 課題番号10680020 (KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所))   本文データは著者版報告書より作成 続きを見る