

池本, 幸雄 ; 出村, 慎一 ; 長澤, 吉則 ; 山次, 俊介 ; 島田, 茂 ; 南, 雅樹
出版情報: 日本生理人類学会誌 = Japanese journal of physiological anthropology.  8  pp.61-68,  2003-05-25.  日本生理人類学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/12195
概要: 金沢大学人間社会研究域人間科学系<br />The purpose of this study was to examine characteristics of life style and health-status of male s tudents at a National College of Technology. A questionnaire consisting of 75 items on life style and health-status was administered to 581 healthy male students aged 15 to 20 years. The frequencies and proportions for each item were computed, and the proportion-differences were examined using one-way analysis of variance. Quite a few students have some exercise habit, and they exercise more than three or four days in a week and/or more than ninety minutes at a time. Many students have regular dietary habits, but have likes and dislikes for food, between-meal snacks, and midnight snacks. Many of them do not take care of nutritional balance and eat meat, fish, meat substitutes, and a confectionery more than three or four times in a week. The ratio of those drinkingj uice 3-4 times or more every day is high. Many students have club activities, housework, and a part-time job after school. It is not unusual for them to go to bed at midnight 0-1 o'clock and rise at 7-8 o'clock. There are many students whose degree of subjective health is low. Care for illness and injury is a problem. Participation in outdoor physical activity and club activities are more less likely than when they were in childhood and junior high school, and there are some students who suffer from some disease. Guidance regarding meal intake, the importance of nutritional balance, rules of life style, and consideration to health may be important for male students at the National College of Technology. 続きを見る


出村, 慎一 ; 長澤, 吉則
出版情報: 体育学研究 = Japanese journal of physical education.  38  pp.349-360,  1994-04-01.  日本体育学会 = Japan Society of Physical Eduction, Health and Sports Science
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/29335
概要: The purpose of this study was to develop a rational and practical test for estimating the co-ordination ability of strength exertion (CASE) and to examine scale and description forms, test time and estimation time. A total of 89 college students were used as subjects. The test method was form fitting the exertion value of grip strength (GS) to the demand value appeared on display of personal computer (PC). A test of CASE was performed using 3 kinds of description forms on display of PC : bar chart, number, and wave. The demand values of bar chart and the other two were sinusoidal wave form of 0.3 Hz and 0.1 Hz, respectively. Tracking wave was the range from 5% to 25% of maximal grip strength value. The variables estimating CASE were measured by PC both 1) a maximal lag (ML1) and 2) the sum total of lag (SL2), between the demand and GS value (see Figure 5). The findings in this study can be summarized as follows : 1) It is a valid method to estimate by the rest time except the first 5-second period from the beginning of test because its mean value showed significantly larger than those in every other 5-second period both ML1 and SL2. 2) In estimating CASE, the scale form of kg unit is more effective than that of %. 3) Both tests of number and wave description form, the reliability of SL2 in the test for 30 seconds showed significantly higher value than that in the test for 60 seconds. Therefore it seemed that the test for 30 seconds is more effective. 4) The test of number description form was difficult for subjects to pursuit the demand value.Judged from the result of reliability, it seemed that bar chart and wave description forms are effective tests. 続きを見る


出村, 慎一 ; 長澤, 吉則
出版情報: 体育学研究 = Japanese journal of physical education.  39  pp.176-188,  1994-09-10.  日本体育学会 = Japan Society of Physical Eduction, Health and Sports Science
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/29331
概要: The purposes of this study were to develop a rational and practical test for estimating the co-ordination ability of strength exertion (CASE) and to examine its statistical validity, reliability, and objectivity. Statistical reliability of the test was examined from both standpoints of the variation and the degree of correspondence of measurement values. Objectivity was examined from the correlation coefficient of measurement values by two testers. Validity was examined from two viewpoints as follows: 1) discrimination between different-ability-groups in nervous function, and 2) fall of CASE by drinking alcohol (See Table 1). The test method was form fitting the exertion value of grip strength (GS) to the demand value appeared on display of personal computer (PC). The test of CASE was performed using 2 kinds of description forms on display of PC: bar chart and wave. The demand values of bar chart and wave were sinusoidal wave form of 0.3 Hz and 0.1 Hz, respectively. Tracking wave was the range from 5% to 25% of maximal grip strength value. The variable estimating CASE was used the total of lags between the demand value and GS value. The findings on the test estimating CASE developed in this study can be summarized as follows: 1) The test has relatively high reliability and can estimate CASE with three trials. 2) The correlation coefficient of measurement values by two testers was significant (0.617-0.747). 3) The test can discriminate between different-ability-groups in nervous function. The biserial correlation coefficient showed significantly high value (0.631-0.931). 4) The test can discriminate between normal conditions and alcohol drinking conditions. Based on results obtained in 3) and 4), validity of the test seemed to be relatively high. 続きを見る


出村, 慎一 ; 小林, 秀紹 ; 佐藤, 進 ; 長澤, 吉則
出版情報: 日本公衆衛生雑誌 = Japanese journal of public health.  48  pp.76-84,  2001-02-15.  日本公衆衛生学会 = Japanese society of public health
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/34899


山次, 俊介 ; 出村, 慎一 ; 長澤, 吉則 ; 中田, 征克 ; 松澤, 甚三郎 ; 島田, 茂
出版情報: 体力科学 = Japanese journal of physical fitness and sports medicine.  48  pp.281-290,  1999-04-01.  日本体力医学会 = Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/29280
概要: This study aims to examine the effects of kinesio taping (KT) on explosive muscle and sustained maximal muscle exertions of lower limbs in pre- and post-strenuous exercises (SE) up to exhaustion. Twenty healthy college males (mean age 20.4 ± 1.08 yr) participated in the experiment for both the conditions of strapping KT (KT group) and no strapping KT (control group) . They all took pre- and post-SE isokinetic tests (IK test) . The KT was strapped around muscle groups related to flexion and extension motions of a knee joint before the experiment. The effects of KT were confirmed on the exertion of the explosive muscle strength in flexion motion of post-SE, and the sustained muscle strength in pre- and post-SEs. It was inferred that the effects of KT relate to the fatigue state of muscle groups related to motion and motion types, and interpretation of these effects differs by the load intensity and the variables used for evaluation. 続きを見る


小林, 秀紹 ; 出村, 慎一 ; 郷司, 文男 ; 南, 雅樹 ; 長澤, 吉則 ; 佐藤, 進 ; 山次, 俊介
出版情報: 体力科学 = Japanese journal of physical fitness and sports medicine.  48  pp.619-630,  1990-10-01.  日本体力医学会 = Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/29428
概要: The purpose of this study was to examine sex differences in subjective symptoms of fatigue (SSF) in high school and college students by considering the relationship between subjective feeling of fatigue and life habits. A questionnaire on SSF (54 items), dealing with subjective feeling of fatigue and life habits (frequency of exercise, going to sleep, waking in the morning and physical condition) was administered to 5622 healthy students aged 15-20 yr, and data of 5335 properly completed questionnaires was analyzed. The following was determined : 1) Sex differences were confirmed in most SSF items. SSF complaints for females was generally higher than that of males. 2) The relationship between SSF and the age was low in both sexes. 3) Subjective feeling of fatigue is somewhat related to SSF. 4) The going to sleep last night influence on SSF was different in both sexes and related largely to the next day SSF in males. 5) Waking this morning and today's physical condition are related to SSF in both sexes. 6) In males, the influence of exercise habits on SSF regarding drowsiness is relatively large. 続きを見る


島田, 茂 ; 出村, 慎一 ; 池本, 幸雄 ; 山次, 俊介 ; 南, 雅樹 ; 長澤, 吉則
出版情報: 日本生理人類学会誌 = Japanese journal of physiological anthropology.  8  pp.109-117,  2003-08-25.  日本生理人類学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/12194
概要: 金沢大学人間社会研究域人間科学系<br />The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between physical fitness, life styl e, and health-status using cross sectional data in adolescent male students. A total of 581 males aged 15 to 20 years were selected as subjects for this study. The physique tests (6 items) and new physical fitness tests developed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports Science, and Technology of Japan (9 items) were used. To assess life style and health-status, a questionnaire consisting of 75 items was constructed. Principal component analysis was applied to the partial correlation matrix, neglecting the age-effect, consisting of 9 physical fitness variables. Cramer's association coefficient and theory of quantification I were used to examine the relationship between life style, health-status and physical fitness. Cramer's association coefficients were significant for 12 variables of exercise habit, 8 variables of meal habit, 2 variables of other life style, and 4 variables of health-status. The multiple correlation coefficient between physical fitness, life style, and health-status was moderate (0.500, p < 0.01). Partial correlation coefficients were high for variables of present exercise-frequency, exercise-frequency and picky eating during junior high school days, and television-reception hour. Exercise frequency of more than three or four days a week, taking meals, and television-reception hour might be related to the maintaining or increasing the physical fitness level in adolescent male students. 続きを見る


長澤, 吉則 ; 出村, 慎一 ; 吉村, 喜信 ; 山次, 俊介 ; 中田, 征克 ; 松澤, 甚三郎
出版情報: 体力科学 = Japanese journal of physical fitness and sports medicine.  49  pp.495-502,  2000-08-01.  日本体力医学会 = Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/29281
概要: The purpose of this study was to examine the individual differences in relative grip-strengthendurance (RGE) variables and relations between force, endurance time and level of subjective musclefatigue sensation (SMS) of RGE. Endurance time and SMS during grip-strength exertion using various relative demand values to the maximal grip-strength-value (MAX) were analyzed. Subjects were 23 healthy adults (male 10 and female 13) . Four demand values of 25, 35, 50 and 75% were selected as relative demand values to MAX. The grip-strength-exertion value was input into a personal computer using the system of grip-strength with a strain-gauge (Yagami : ED-D 100 R) . The results are summarized as follows: 1) Muscle group related to grip-strength exertion recovered up to about 60% of initial within 10-15 sec after grip-strength exertion stopped regardless of the degree of relative demand values. 2) The SMS in any relative demand values reached a peak after continuing relative demand values became impossible, and the tendency is stronger with a higher demand value. 3) With about 25% relative demand values, physiological muscle fatigue and SMS advanced at almost the same time, and the grip-strength exertion was possible for a little while after the SMS reached a peak. 4) With the lower relative demand values under 50%, the influence of SMS appeared stronger by extending the endurance time and the decline-delay of grip-strength-exertion. 5) With relative demand values over 50%, continuing relative demand values became impossible within a short time, and the peak SMS appeared earlier than that of relative demand values. On the other hand, the continuing the lower relative demand values was possible to some extent, and individual differences in the continuance and peak arrival-times of SMS were large. 続きを見る


出村, 慎一 ; 山次, 俊介 ; 長澤, 吉則 ; 小林, 秀紹 ; 南, 雅樹 ; 豊島, 慶男
出版情報: 体力科学 = Japanese journal of physical fitness and sports medicine.  49  pp.459-468,  2000-08-01.  日本体力医学会 = Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/29388
概要: This study aimed to examine the effect of linear polarized near-infrared light (PL) irradiation on the recovery of isokinetic muscle exertion and subjective fatigue sensation in muscles after strenuous exercise. Eighteen healthy college students participated in the experiment for all conditions of meridian point irradiation (MPI), femurs muscles irradiation (FMI), and no irradiation (NI) . They all took isokinetic knee extension and flexion tests (IK test) before and after strenuous exercise up to exhaustion. Each subject was irradiated at the meridian point or in femurs muscles after the second IK test. The third IK test was carried out after ten-minutes rest. The effects of PL irradiation were confirmed on the recovery rate of muscle fatigue in knee extension motion with high load intensity (PT 60 d/s and TW 60 d/s : MPI, FMI> NI, p<0.05 16.2%, 13.4%>8.5%, and 16.1%, 14.1%>8.3%, respectively) . Also, in flexion motion, significant differences in the recovery-degree for each condition were found, and the effect of PL irradiation was suggested. There was no difference between the effect of MPI and FMI. In addition, subjective fatigue sensation in muscles after rest decreased significantly in MPI as compared with NI (MPI: 52.1%>NI : 36.6%, p<0.05) . From the above, it was suggested that PL irradiation is effective on recovery in muscle fatigue after strenuous exercise regardless of irradiation conditions, MPI or FMI. 続きを見る


島田, 茂 ; 出村, 慎一 ; 長澤, 吉則 ; 南, 雅樹 ; 松澤, 甚三郎
出版情報: 日本生理人類学会誌.  11  pp.69-74,  2006-05-25.  日本生理人類学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/12193
概要: 金沢大学人間社会研究域人間科学系<br />The purposes of this study were to clarify the characteristics of growth and development of physic al fitness with age, and to examine the influence of the difference of habitual exercise on physique and physical fitness of male students at a National College of Technology. A total of 132 males enrolled in 2001 were administered physique and physical fitness tests for three years. The 5 physique tests and 9 new physical fitness tests developed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports Science, and Technology of Japan were used The participated students were classified into 4 groups based on the frequencies of their exercise enforcement for three years. The mean differences were examined using two-way analysis of variance of one-factor repeated measurements. Body linearity and body bulk become larger with age, but the influence of exercise enforcement frequencies on physique was low. It is considered that the continuous exercise enforcement contributes to an increase of muscular power, agility, muscle endurance, and whole-body endurance, and an effect of continuous exercise with age is marked in muscle endurance. However, the influence of the continuous exercise enforcement on improving static strength and flexibility is not high. The lack of exercise by adolescent students may produce a decline of whole-body endurance, muscle endurance, and agility in spite of the growth period. 続きを見る