

出村, 慎一 ; 松浦, 義行 ; 田中, 喜代次
出版情報: 体育学研究 = Japanese journal of physical education.  29  pp.25-54,  1984-06-01.  日本体育学会 = Japan Society of Physical Eduction, Health and Sports Science
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/29352
概要: The purpose of the present study was to compare four sub-domains of physical fitness (physique, muscular strength, flexibility, and neuromuscular function) among different swimming strokes of highly skilled swimmers trained more than five years. One hundred and forty swimmers (20.2t2.9 yr) were categorized into six groups: sprint crawl (CR1), breast stroke (BR), back stroke (BA), butterfly stroke (BT), individual medley (IM), and long distance crawl (CR2). The Principal Factor Analysis was applied to four different correlation matrices, each consisting of various variables that represent any one of the physique, muscular strength, flexibility, and neuromuscular function sub-domains. The factor analysis, after rotation of the Normal Varimax Criterion procedure, resulted in the fol1owing inferences : 1) In a sub-domain of physique, three extracted factors were interpreted as subcutaneous fat, body linearity, and body bulk. Body linearity was found significantly superior in CR1 group to CR2 and BR groups, and in BA and IM groups to CR2 group. Body bulk was significantly greater in IM,BT, and CR1 groups as compared with BR and BA group. 2) Six factors (interpreted as arm strength, dynamic strength of arm-shoulder girdle and 1eg, static strength of abdomen, grip strength, strength of arm-shoulder girdle and explosive strength of leg, and dynamic strength abdomen) were extracted in a sub-domain of muscular strength. However, there were no distinct differences in any of the six factors between the groups. 3) Also in a sub-domain of flexibility, six factors were extracted and interpreted as trunk rotation, lateral trunk flexion, shoulder flexibility, ankle extension, ankle flexion, and trunk forward and backward flexibility. BT group as compared with CR1, CR2, and BR groups, and IM group as compared with CR2 and BR groups were found to possess significantly greater trunk rotation. Ankle extension appeared significantly superior in BA group to the other groups, and in BT group to BR, CR1 , and CR2 groups. 4) Limbs agility, trunk agility, dynamic balance, static balance, and whole body agility were five interpreted factors in a sub-domain of neuromuscular function. No distinct differences existed in any of these factors between the groups. 続きを見る


青柳, 領 ; 松浦, 義行 ; 出村, 慎一 ; M. アンワール, パサウ ; 服部, 隆 ; 田中, 喜代次
出版情報: 体育学研究 = Japanese journal of physical education.  25  pp.198-206,  1980-12-10.  日本体育学会 = Japan Society of Physical Eduction, Health and Sports Science
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/29354
概要: The purposes of this study were 1) to clarify the factorial structure of coordination concerned balancing performance in childhood, and 2) to examine test batteries estimating each factor. Total of 22 test variables were administered to 234 kindergarden children. Principal factor solution and normal varimax rotation were applied to the correlation matrix which was calculate with 22 test variables. Then the following 9 factors were extracted and interpreted: 1) Coordination for jumping and agile movement. 2) Coordination for stand-up-movement, 3) Physical factor, 4) Coordination for body rotation. 5) Coordination for keeping posture balance in rotation, 6) Locomotive coordination, 7) Coordination for keeping posture balance at standing, 8) Coordination of trunk, 9) Coordination for forward rolling. The formulas for estimating each coordination score concerned balancing performance in childhood were devised as follows; SF1 = 2.4X_<10> + 0.8X_<11> + 0.08X_<13> + 37.1, SF2 = 0.8X_8 + 0.3X_9 + 3.9X_<20> + 21.7, SF4 = 2.3X_1 + 3.8X_6 + 6.8X_<15> + 32.0, SF5 = 3.6X_2 - 0.4X_3 + 0.4X_9 - 0.3X_<16> + 2.2X_<18> + 27.1, SF6 = 0.02X_4 + 0.2X_<12> + 0.001X_<17> + 42.7, SF7 = 2.1X_<14 >+ 0.7X_<16> + 0.02X_<17> + 38.7, SF8 = - 0.03X_4 + 0.4X_7 + 0.9X_<15> + 0.01X_<17> + 0.3X_<18> + 48.6, SF9 = 2.0X_5 + 0.2X_<13> + 0.4X_<15> + 2.3X_<16 >- 0.001X_<17> +1.0X_<20> + 15.1, (SF3 is omitted because of physical factor.) Note; X_1 = Body spinning, X_2 = Jumping up with feet touching hips while in the air (a), X_3 = Jumping up with feet touching hips while in the air (b), X4 = Walking straight with eyes closed, X_5 = Forward roll, X_6 = Three step turn, X_7 = Leg raise balance, X_8 = Standing from knee bent (a), X_9 = Standing from knee bent (b), X_<10> = Jumping full turn right, X_<11> = Jumping full turn left, X_<12> = Walking and full turn on the balance beam, X_<13> = Feet hopping, X_<14 > = Feet balance on beam, X_<15> = Side roll, X_<16> = Foot balance on beam, X_<17> = Stepping stone test. X_<18> = Standing up from lying prone and dash, X_<19> = Shuttle run, X_<20> = Single leg hopping, X_<21> = Height, X_<22> = Weight. 続きを見る


出村, 慎一 ; 鈴木, 厚 ; 野口, 義之
出版情報: 教科教育研究 | 金沢大学教育学部.  22  pp.175-197,  1986-07-21.  金沢大学教育学部 = Faculty of Education, Kanazawa University
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/23451


出村, 慎一 ; 松浦, 義行
出版情報: 体力科学 = Japanese journal of physical fitness and sports medicine.  31  pp.94-102,  1982-04-01.  日本体力医学会 = Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/29413
概要: The purpose of the present study was to construct an appropriate flexibility test battery for competitive swimmers. Twelve flexibility tests which have been validated to measure the flexibility of various parts of body were adminstrated to 153 skilled college swimmers. For the purpose mentioned above, factor analytic procedures were applied to the correlation matrix consisted of 12 flexibility measures and 5 variables derived from some of these 12 measures. As a result, the six factors were extracted and interpreted as follows : I) trunk rotation flexibility, II) trunk lateral flexibility, III) shoulder flexibility, IV) ankle extension and mobility flexibility, V) trunk flexion and extension flexibility, and VI) ankle flexion flexibility. Taking the factorial validity, reliability, and practicability of tests into consideration, the following 6 test items were chosen ; trunk rotation (right) (X1), trunk lateral flexion (right) (X2), shoulder extension (X3), ankle extension (X4), trunk flexion (X5), and ankle flexion (X6) . Then, the following conventional fomulas for estimating each flexibility factor score were developed ; FS1=0.9X1-79.1, FS2=1.9X2 -49.6, FS3=0.7X3-98.9, FS4=1.8 X4 -250.6, FS5 =1.3X5 -141.7, and FS6 = 2.5X6 -179.3. 続きを見る


矢部, 俊政 ; 出村, 慎一 ; 鈴木, 盟子
出版情報: 教科教育研究 | 金沢大学教育学部.  23  pp.143-158,  1987-07-21.  金沢大学教育学部 = Faculty of Education, Kanazawa University
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/23444


出村, 慎一 ; 中, 比呂志
出版情報: 体育学研究 = Japanese journal of physical education.  34  pp.329-344,  1990-03-01.  日本体育学会 = Japan Society of Physical Eduction, Health and Sports Science
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/29341
概要: The first purpose of the present study was to make out the skill tests in volleyball games and examine the reliabilities and objectivities of the tests. Further, the second purpose was to clarify the structure of the group skills in games. Team performance in volleyball games could be classified into two large categories of performance: 1. the performance to get points: A-1: serving A-2: attacking after reception of attacking from service reception by opponent team A-3: attacking after reception of attacking from reception by opponent team after A-2 2. the performance to get side-outs: B-1: attacking after service reception B-2: attacking after reception of attacking from reception by opponent team after B-1 The volleyball skill tests consisted of six individual skills (Serving, Serve reception, Tossing, Spiking, Blocking and Reception) and attacking performance of opponent team. The observed games were the 1988 Spring League of six Intercollegiate Men's Volleyball in Kansai and the performed skills were rated on 30 games, 128 sets with each team and set. These 11 sets which were randomly selected out of them were rated again to investigate the reliabilities of the tests. To investigate the objectivities of the tests, the 11 sets were further rated by another experienced volleyball player. The reliabilities and objectivities of the tests were estimated by using the method of Cramer's V and rates of contingency. To determine the structure of the games, the number of rallies were counted in games. To further examine the structure of the group skills in volleyball games, the frequency of the appearance of composed skill's patterns of the group skills were calculated and investigated. The major results were as follows: 1) It could be inferred that the volleyball skill tests had relatively high reliabilities and objectivities. 2) As the frequency of rallies in volleyball games were calculated, 81.2% of attacking had been performed by the second rally. 3) The frequency of performance formed by only blocking was significantly greater in A-2. The frequency of attacking performed in liaison with blocking, reception, tossing and spiking was also significant and second greatest in A-2; The attacks of these two skill patterns occupied about 77% in A-2. 4) In A-3, the frequency of attacking performed by only blocking was significantly greater and the frequency of attacking followed spike covering was significantly smaller. 5) 91.7% of attacking from service reception (B-1) was performed in liaison with service reception, tossing and spiking. 6) The frequency of attacking performed by only blocking was significantly higher among the composed skill patterns in B-2. 続きを見る


中, 比呂志 ; 出村, 慎一
出版情報: 体育学研究 = Japanese journal of physical education.  35  pp.325-339,  1991-03-01.  日本体育学会 = Japan Society of Physical Eduction, Health and Sports Science
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/29339
概要: Demura and Naka (1990) reported that team performance in volleyball games could be classified into service and the following four group skills: A. the performance to get points: attacking after reception of attacking from service reception by opponent team (A-2), attacking after reception of attacking from reception by opponent team after A-2 (A-3), B. the performance to get side-outs: attacking after service reception (B-1), attacking after reception of attacking from reception by opponent team after B-1(B-2). In addition, they determined that four group skills consisted of various combinations based on liaison of component skills such as tossing, spiking, blocking and reception. Whether or not any component skill contributed higher to the achievement of group skills has been investigated little. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to determine the degree of contribution of component skills to the achievement of the group skills. As the group skills out of various attacking patterns, we selected attacking performed in liaison with blocking, reception, tossing and spiking in A-2, A-3 and B-2, and attacking performed in liaison with service reception, tossing and spiking in B-1, respectively. This selection has been made because of the fact that the above attacking patterns accounted for the majority of all attacking patterns occured in actual games. The gnmes were observed in the 1988 Spring League of six Intercollegiate Men's volleyball games in Kansai district, 128 sets with each team, and data were collected for in each omponent skill pattern. The analysis of theory of quantification II was used to determine the cntribution of each component skill to the achievement of the group skills. The main results can be summarized as follows: 1) In A-2 and A-3, tossing and spiking skills contribute highly to the achievement of attacking performed in liaison with blocking, reception, tossing and spiking. 2) In B-1, tossing skill has the high contribution to attacking performed in liaison with service reception, tossing and spiking. 3) In B-2, the contribution of reception and tossing skills is high in attacking performed in liaison with blocking, reception, tossing and spiking. 続きを見る


出村, 慎一
出版情報: 体力科学 = Japanese journal of physical fitness and sports medicine.  32  pp.8-16,  1983-02-01.  日本体力医学会 = Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/29412
概要: The purpose of this study was to determine the growth and developmental changes and the sex difference in anthropometric characteristics, muscular strength, and flexibility in 205 junior high school competitive swimmers. Factor analytic technique was applied to three different correlation matrices, each of which consisted of 14, 12, and 15 selected variables in anthropometric characteristics, muscular strength, and flexibility domains, respectively. The main results can be summarized as follows; 1) Among 2 extracted factors representing anthropometric characteristics domain, physique (factor 1) grew gradually as the age increased in both sexes. Amount of the physique growth for boys was, however, greater than that for girls. Physique of boys in the 8th and 9th grades was larger than that of girls. Body fat (factor 2) for girls appeared to be greater than that for boys. 2) Among 3 extracted factors representing muscular strength domain, static strength (factor 1) developed gradually as the age increased in the both sexes. Amount of the development for boys was greater than that for girls, and this ability of boys was greater than that of girls. Muscular endurance in fast muscular exercise (factor 2) for boys became to be greater than that for girls as the age increased. Dynamic strength of shoulder-arm girdle (factor 3) for boys of the 8th and 9th grades was greater than that for girls. 3) Among 6 extracted factors reprsenting flexibility domain, trunk rotation flexibility (factor 2) and ankle extension and mobility flexibility (factor 5) for girls were much greater than those for boys. Trunk extension and flexion flexibility (factor 6) for girls seemed to be greater than that for boys. Development of this ability in accordance age increase was found only in boys. In contrast, no differences between sex were found in trunk lateral flexibility (fator 1) and shoulder flexibility (factor 4) . 続きを見る


郷司, 文男 ; 出村, 慎一
出版情報: 体育学研究 = Japanese journal of physical education.  37  pp.123-134,  1992-09-01.  日本体育学会 = Japan Society of Physical Eduction, Health and Sports Science
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/29338
概要: The purpose of this study was to construct a conventional motor achievement test battery based on pass or fail criteria for preschool children. Thirty seven items were examined on reliability and objectivity of both observed value (0V) and measured value (MV); agreement between OV and MV, and discriminating power of items. The thirty seven items were selected from 223 items by taking into account various conditions like a hierarchical structure in fundamental motor ability proposed by Gallahue, possibility of behavior observation, difficulty of task, and so on. As a result, twenty eight items representing each motor pattern of locomotion,manipulation, and stability domains, were reselected. For the purpose mentioned above, using factor analytic procedures, eight motor pattern factors for three domains were extracted and interpreted as folow;: 1) walking-jumping, 2)hopping, 3) climbing for the locomotion type, 1) catching, 2) throwing further, 3) throwing to aim for the manipulation type, 1) maintaining posture, 2) stability during action for the stability type. Examining the factorial validity in addition to taking practicability into consideration, 16 items were chosen at first and 9 items were chosen from them next. Because these test batteries showed a positive relation with another motor test on which performances were measured by CGS scales, they were considered to be practical and effective to estimate motor ability. Finally,assessment scales for two test batteries were constructed, using data of 3564 preschool children aged from three to six. 続きを見る


出村, 慎一 ; 長澤, 吉則
出版情報: 体育学研究 = Japanese journal of physical education.  38  pp.349-360,  1994-04-01.  日本体育学会 = Japan Society of Physical Eduction, Health and Sports Science
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/29335
概要: The purpose of this study was to develop a rational and practical test for estimating the co-ordination ability of strength exertion (CASE) and to examine scale and description forms, test time and estimation time. A total of 89 college students were used as subjects. The test method was form fitting the exertion value of grip strength (GS) to the demand value appeared on display of personal computer (PC). A test of CASE was performed using 3 kinds of description forms on display of PC : bar chart, number, and wave. The demand values of bar chart and the other two were sinusoidal wave form of 0.3 Hz and 0.1 Hz, respectively. Tracking wave was the range from 5% to 25% of maximal grip strength value. The variables estimating CASE were measured by PC both 1) a maximal lag (ML1) and 2) the sum total of lag (SL2), between the demand and GS value (see Figure 5). The findings in this study can be summarized as follows : 1) It is a valid method to estimate by the rest time except the first 5-second period from the beginning of test because its mean value showed significantly larger than those in every other 5-second period both ML1 and SL2. 2) In estimating CASE, the scale form of kg unit is more effective than that of %. 3) Both tests of number and wave description form, the reliability of SL2 in the test for 30 seconds showed significantly higher value than that in the test for 60 seconds. Therefore it seemed that the test for 30 seconds is more effective. 4) The test of number description form was difficult for subjects to pursuit the demand value.Judged from the result of reliability, it seemed that bar chart and wave description forms are effective tests. 続きを見る