

脇元, 理恵 ; 田崎, 和江 ; Wakimoto, Rie ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  60  pp.275-286,  2006-07-25.  地学団体研究会 The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061669
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />新潟県月岡温泉は,原油と共に噴出したpH7.3,Eh-184mV,49.2℃の化石海水型の温泉で,その源泉井戸には黒色の原油と緑色バイオマットが存在する.このバイオマット中には糸状細菌および球菌 が存在し,銅藍(covellite; CuS)の鉱物化が認められた.銅藍の構成元素であるCuは原油に由来している.SEM観察により,油滴表面での糸状細菌のコロニー形成および溶菌作用によるバイオフィルムの形成が認められ,さらに,その表面に銅藍の結晶化が認められた.微生物の培養実験により,バイオマット中には石油分解菌である糸状細菌と硫酸還元菌である球菌が同定された.さらに,有機結合およびリン脂質分析により,バイオマット中のリン脂質,特に,界面活性作用を持つレシチンおよびリン酸エステルの存在が明らかになった.また,糸状細菌は二重膜および細胞外多糖類(EPS)を持ち,リン脂質はこの部分に含まれると考えられる.糸状細菌はバイオマット表面に付着した油滴を栄養源とし,球菌が生成した硫酸塩を電子授与体として代謝を行い,溶菌後,バイオフィルムを形成する.油滴中のCuは温泉水中に溶出し,中性で還元的な環境下において銅藍の結晶を形成する.すなわち,本研究において,石油分解菌の細胞膜およびEPSの有機界面活性作用と硫酸還元菌による水質の還元化が,油滴表面での銅藍の形成に重要な役割を果たしていることが明らかになった.この結果は,土壌および地下水圏の石油汚染地域における石油の分解・除去メカニズムの解明の糸口となると考えられる.<br />The inner wall of the Tsukioka hot spring well was covered with green microbial mats which contained black crude oil. The hot spring is located in Tsukioka, Niigata, Japan. The hot spring water (pH 7.3, Eh -184 mV and 49.2℃) that was produced from a 280m in depth originated from fossil seawater. The aim of this study was to investigate of covellite biomineralization in the green microbial mats with crude oil from the Tsukioka hot spring water. Observations by optical and electron microscopy, phospholipid analysis and bacterial cultivation showed that the biomineralization of covellite (CuS) was found on the surface of crude oil droplets. ED-XRF analysis showed that the crude oil contained SO3 (67.6wt%), CaO (24.8wt%) and Cu2O (2.6wt%). Observations by optical and epifluorescence microscopy as well as scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed that two morphological types of bacteria (i.e., filamentous and coccus typed bacteria) were found on crude oil droplets. Transmission electron microscopic (TEM) observations further revealed that the cell wall of the filamentous bacteria had a double membrane and was surrounded by Extracellular Polymeric Substance (EPS), which might provide the favorable nucleation sites for CuS. X-ray diffraction and electron diffraction analyses of the microbial mats showed that the materials precipitated on the surface of the oil droplets were highly crystallized covellite (CuS). FT-IR spectra of the microbial mats that contained covellite showed the appearance of C-N-H, P=O, P-O-C and N-H bands, indicating the presence of phospholipids (lecithin and phosphoric ester) in the microbial mats. Cultivation experiments, furthermore, demonstrated that the cultivated bacteria were identified as sulfate reducing bacteria (for coccus typed bacteria) and oil decomposing bacteria (for filamentous bacteria). A schematic formation model is here suggested to better understand the interaction between bacterial cells and oil droplets under anaerobic conditions in the Tsukioka hot spring water. The biomineralization of covellite described in this study might have profound implications for bioremediation of oilcontaminated site. 続きを見る


小林, 昭二 ; 田崎, 和江 ; Kobayashi, Shoji ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  60  pp.49-62,  2006-01-25.  地学団体研究会 The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061674
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />系統的にDusisiren jordaniとHydrodamalis gigasの間にあるヤマガタダイカイギュウD. dewana,アイヅタカサトカイギュウD. takasatensis,タキカ ワカイギュウH. spissa等をふくむヒドロダマリス亜科の下顎(咀嚼),頭の背屈・側屈,脊柱運動機能の変化について,骨格の観察と現生の海牛(ジュゴンとマナティー)の筋学的な知見をもとに考察を試み,次の結果を得た.1)後期中新世のD. takasatensisとD. dewanaでは歯が小さくなった後,翼状突起腹側部が広がり,下顎骨の吻部咀嚼面が狭い長方形となることから下顎骨を動かし吻部で餌をはさむ力が増したと考えられる.歯を欠如した鮮新世のH. spissaではそれがさらに強くなったと推測される.また側頭稜の発達から鮮新世のH. cuestae, H. spissaでは側頭筋の力が現世のH. gigas以上に強いと考えられる.2)鱗状骨外側部,上後頭骨・外後頭骨背外側縁の形状比較から,後期中新世のD. jordaniのように板状筋が発達する傾向はD. takasatensis, D. dewanaにも認められる.しかし,H. gigasのように板状筋より頭半棘筋の発達が目立つのはすでにH. spissaから認められる.3) D. dewanaとD. takasatensisはほぼ同じ大きさの頭蓋をもつが,鱗状骨外側部,上後頭骨・外後頭骨背外側縁の形状の差異から,D. takasatensisが頭の背屈・側屈がより強く,頭の可動範囲も広いと考えられる.4)ヒドロダマリス亜科は中位胸椎の棘突起が低いことから,最長筋などの軸上筋の発達が弱く,脊柱を背屈させる力もジュゴンの場合より弱い,特にH. spissaで顕著であると考えられる.ヒドロダマリス亜科は水流エネルギーのあまり強くない環境に穏やかな脊柱の動きで生息していたと推測できる.<br />Evolutional change in function of the jaw, mobility of the neck and the vertebral column in Hydrodamalinae is examined on the basis of the fossil skeleton, the myological and osteological knowledge of living sirenians. In Dusisiren dewana, Dusisiren takasatensis and Hydrodamalis spissa, the holding function of their rostra probably had been developed like Hydrodamalis gigas, because they had a mandibular masticating surface which is narrow and rectangular in outline, ventrally broadened pterygoid process that attached the pterygoid muscles. In D. dewana and D. takasatensis, the splenius muscles may have been developed like Dusisiren jordani, but in H. spissa, the semispinalis capitis muscle may have been more developed than the splenius muscle like H. gigas. D. takasatensis has some other features, longer sigmoid ridge of squamosal, larger occipital condyle and occipitosphenoidal eminence, and thicker lateral flange of exoccipital than those of D. dewana. Therefore, there is a possibility that in D. takasatensis the neck force for raising and depressing the head had been strengthened by the developed splenius, semispinalis capitis and longus capitis muscles. The low spinous process of the middle part of the thoracic vertebrae in Hydrodamalinae indicates that the epaxial muscles (longissimus dorsi and transversospinalis muscles) are less developed, and therefore that the mobilities of the vertebral column are gentle. They might have been swimming in the calm environment. 続きを見る


石渡, 明 ; 小泉, 一人 ; 市山, 祐司 ; 柳田, 祐樹 ; 町, 澄秋 ; Ishiwatari, Akira ; Koizumi, Kazuto ; Ichiyama, Yuji ; Yanagida, Yuki ; Machi, Sumiaki
出版情報: 地質学雑誌 = The Journal of the Geological Society of Japan.  112  pp.XIII-XIV,  2006-07-15.  日本地質学会 The Geological Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00063624
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域自然システム学系


山本, 真也 ; 長谷川, 卓 ; Yamamoto, Shinya ; Hasegawa, Takashi
出版情報: 地質学雑誌 = The Journal of the Geological Society of Japan.  112  pp.243-256,  2006.  日本地質学会 The Geological Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00063644
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域自然システム学系<br />北海道穂別北部地域のMiddle-Upper Turonian亜階で,国際的に年代指標性のある浮遊性有孔虫が連続的に産出し,重要な浮遊性有孔虫帯境界であるHelvetoglobotruncana helvetica帯上限の層序学的位置を推定することができた.更に,国際的に同種と共産するとされている浮遊性有孔虫3種との共産が確認され,鍛冶屋の沢ルートの上部がほぼH. helvetica帯最上部であることが明らかになった.同ルートの炭素同位体比の変動は,汎世界的なMiddle-Upper Turonian亜階の変動と調和的であり,浮遊性有孔虫層序から推定された年代を支持する.また,Middle Turonian亜階でArchaeoglobigerina属がH. helveticaと共産することから,同属の初出現の時期は従来の知見より古いことが示された.<br />Continuous occurrence of international planktonic foraminiferal index species was recognized in the Middle to Upper Turonian successions in the Hobetsu area, Hokkaido, Japan. It enables us to assume the stratigraphic position of the upper limit of the Helvetoglobotruncana helvetica Zone, an important planktonic foraminiferal zonal boundary. Helvetoglobotruncana praehelvetica, Marginotruncana pseudolinneiana, and Praeglobotruncana gibba, which are also internationally recognizable species, occur associated with Helvetoglobotruncana helvetica. This association indicates that stratigraphic top of the Kajiyanosawa route should be assigned to close to the top of the total range of Helvetoglobotruncana helvetica. Correlation of the carbon isotope fluctuation through the Kajiyanosawa route with that of well-studied sections supports our chronostratigraphic interpretation from planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphyConcurrence of genus Archaeoglobigerina with Helvetoglobotruncana helvetica in the Middle Turonian of this area demonstrates that the timing of the first appearance of Archaeoglobigerina is older than previous known. 続きを見る


吉田, 晶 ; 安達, 正明 ; 天野, 原成 ; Yoshita, Akira ; Adachi, Masaaki ; Asano, Motonari
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 = 2006 JSPE Autumn Meeting.  2006 Autumn  pp.699-670,  2006.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00049990
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />豆腐をはじめとするゲル状物質内部の凝固状態を非接触,非破壊的に計測する手法の開発を目的としている.レーザをゲル状物質に照射するとスペックルパターンが得られる.本研究では,スペックルパターンの時間的また は空間的変化を用いて凝固状態の違いを捉えることが課題である.<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


古本, 達明 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 細川, 晃 ; 田中, 隆太郎 ; 嵐, 友哉 ; 杉原, 成良 ; 和賀, 正明 ; 今野, 明 ; Furumoto, Tatsuaki ; Ueda, Takashi ; Hosokawa, Akira ; Tanaka, Ryutaro ; Arashi, Tomoya ; Sugihara, Nariyoshi ; Waga, Masaaki ; Konno, Akira
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 = 2006 JSPE Spring Meeting.  2006 Spring  pp.1271-1272,  2006.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050002
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />In dental treatment with Nd:YAG laser, the laser beam which ordinarily comes out from the optical fi ber is effective to eliminate the enamel and the dentin. A diffused and circumferential laser beam, which is produced by using a processed optical fiber at the tip, is effective for the treatment of soft tissue. In this report, the processing characteristics of the enamel and the dentin by the titanium–processed fiber (TP fiber) are investigated. On the cavity made in the enamel and the dentin, the volume and maximum depth are measured by a 3D surface profiling system and compared with that of the non–processed fiber. Furthermore, the cavity of the enamel made by Nd:YAG laser beam are observed by the high–speed video camera. 本研究は,Nd:YAGレーザを用いた高度歯科治療の実現を目的として行っている.これまで,ファイバ先端を酸化チタン粉末で加工してレーザ直進光を減衰させ,360度全方位にレーザ照射を行う手法を提案した.そして,加工条件の検討により先端のエネルギ分布が調整可能なことを示した.本報告では,先端加工ファイバを用いた歯質の窩洞形成特性を調べると共に,その歯質表面を高速度カメラで撮影した内容について考察する.<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


関, 啓明 ; 城殿, 千生 ; 黒田, 成人 ; 神谷, 好承 ; 疋津, 正利 ; Seki, Hiroaki ; Seki, Kazuo ; Kuroda, Narito ; Kamiya, Yoshitsugu ; Hikizu, Masatoshi
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 = 2006 JSPE Spring Meeting.  2006 Spring  pp.661-662,  2006.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050027
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />人の動きをモニタする時、従来のセンサは重い、取り付け難い、不快感を与える等の問題がある。最近発明された感圧導電繊維は衣服に埋め込められる柔軟なセンサとして有望である。これを利用したセンサを開発する前に 、本研究ではこの繊維の基礎特性を詳細に調べている。張力により電気抵抗が下がる性質を持つが精度はあまり良くない。今回、弾性糸を混紡することで特性が向上する事が分った。また、動的な特性についても調べた。<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


岩松, 佳代 ; 沖津, 進 ; Iwamatsu, Kayo ; Okitsu, Susumu
出版情報: 植物地理・分類研究 = The journal of phytogeography and toxonomy.  54  pp.1-6,  2006-10-31.  植物地理・分類学会 — The Society for the Study of Phytogeography and Taxonomy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050039
概要: Polygonum weyrichii var. alpinum is a dominant species on the alpine gravel deserts of Mt. Fuji, which have wide variati ons in soil particle size. To clarify why P . weyrichii can dominate over a wide range of soil particle size, this study compares the root morphology of P . weyrichii growing at two habitats with different soil particle sizes. The study area was divided into two sites based on the soil particle sizes, that is, large scoria site(L-site) and small scoria site(S-site).The L-site had large scoria layer about 10 cm in depth whereas the S-site only on the surface. The root morphology and the root area were different between the sites. At the L-site, P . weyrichii had abundant coarse adventitious root(≧1 mm in diameter)in the10to20cmlayer.AttheS-site,fineadven-titious root(<1mm)develops vigorously in the first 10 cm of soil. The large scoria layer is dryer than the sand layer. The expansion of coarse adventitious roots at the L-site was considered to be adaptation for unfavorable environments. The adventitious roots as well as a vertical rhizome are important for growing on the gravel site. 続きを見る


花井, 隆晃 ; 渡邊, 幹男 ; 芹沢, 俊介 ; Hanai, Takaaki ; Watanabe, Mikio ; Serizawa, Shunsuke
出版情報: 植物地理・分類研究 = The journal of phytogeography and toxonomy.  54  pp.7-14,  2006-10-31.  植物地理・分類学会 — The Society for the Study of Phytogeography and Taxonomy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050040
概要: The morphological characters of Polygonum thunbergii s. lat. were studied in the populations in Azai-cho, Shiga Prefectu re(Azai)and Mt. Takao, Tokyo Prefecture(Hachioji). The Azai population was separated into two subpopulations and the Hachioji population was separated into three subpopulations. Of these subpopulations, one in Azai and two in Hachioji were referred to two types recognized in Hanai et al.(2004). The remaining two subpopulations, however, did not agree with any types previously recognized, and were considered to represent other types, respectively. An individual morphologically intermediate between two of these types was found in Hachioji population. From the results of allozyme analysis, it was inferred to be the natural hybrid between them. 続きを見る


芹沢, 俊介 ; Serizawa, Shunsuke
出版情報: 植物地理・分類研究 = The journal of phytogeography and toxonomy.  54  pp.21-26,  2006-10-31.  植物地理・分類学会 — The Society for the Study of Phytogeography and Taxonomy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050042
概要: The Japanese pale-yellow-flowered dandelions, Taraxacum denudatum, T . hideoi, T . nambuense and T . al-bidum var. igaense, are morphologically not distinct from one another. They are referred to a single species, T . denudatum. The lemon-yellow-flowered dandelions, T . arakii and T . ceratolepis, are regarded to be a variety of T . denudatum. 続きを見る


中西, 弘樹 ; 中西, こずえ ; 岩城, 太郎 ; Nakanishi, Hiroki ; Nakanishi, Kozue ; Iwaki, Tarou
出版情報: 植物地理・分類研究 = The journal of phytogeography and toxonomy.  54  pp.27-33,  2006-10-31.  植物地理・分類学会 — The Society for the Study of Phytogeography and Taxonomy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050043
概要: Floral characters and their variations of Hibiscus makinoi Jotani et H. Ohba were examined in comparison with H. mutabilis L. Hibiscus makinoi, distributed from the Ryukyu Islands to western Kyushu of Japan, has been confused with H . mutabilis which is widely cultivated and sometimes escaped in western Japan. Eight flo-ral characters ; petal length, petal width, style length, anther-anther distance, anther-stigma distance, number of anthers, number of episepals, episepal width, and potential number of seeds per fruit and dry seed weight were measured for 10 individuals of H . makinoi and for 7 individuals of H . mutabilis, respectively. The petal length and width, style length, anther-anther distance, anther-stigma distance, and number of stamens of H . makinoi were signficantly smaller, and the episepal width was wider than those of H . mutabilis. Floral vari-ations in color and form of H . makinoi might be due to its ruderal habitat and for pollinators. 続きを見る


鳴橋, 直弘 ; 和田, 賢次 ; Naruhashi, Naohiro ; Wada, Kenji
出版情報: 植物地理・分類研究 = The journal of phytogeography and toxonomy.  54  pp.35-44,  2006-10-31.  植物地理・分類学会 — The Society for the Study of Phytogeography and Taxonomy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050044
概要: Fritillaria tokushimensis(Liliaceae)was described as new species by Naito(2005). Fritillaria shikokiana and F . muraiana which distribute in the same area, Shikoku Island, are closely related to the new species. These 3 taxa belonging to F . japonica group, resemble morphologically closely and show their differences only in flower. Comparing the new species with the othe two, F . shikokiana and F . muraiana, we conclude that the new plant is a natural hybrid between them, because of many intermediate characters among the numerous morphological characters of their flowers. Namely shape of flower, shape and pattern of outer and inner perianth, process on style and filament are intermediate character. Moreover, 13 of the 33 morphological characters of flower meas-ured in the present study are in intermediate values. Hybrid nature of the plant is also discussed from the point of chromosome number and karyotype, geographical distribution and habitat. 続きを見る


岩松, 佳代 ; 沖津, 進 ; Iwamatsu, Kayo ; Okitsu, Susumu
出版情報: 植物地理・分類研究 = The journal of phytogeography and toxonomy.  54  pp.45-49,  2006-10-31.  植物地理・分類学会 — The Society for the Study of Phytogeography and Taxonomy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050045
概要: Size distributions of Polygonum weyrichii var. alpinum, a dominant species in a volcanic gravel desert on Mt. Fuji, Japa n, were compared be-tween two habitats with different soil particle sizes. The study sites were divided into two types, i.e., the large-scoria site(L-site)and the small-scoria site(S-site)based on the soil parti-cle size. 10 quadrats were set up at each of the two sites and number of individuals, diameter, and number of inflorescences of P . weyrichii var. alpinum within the quadrats were recorded. The number of small individuals(less than 10 cm in diameter)growing on the S-site was higher than that on the L-site. The total number of inflores-cences showed no significant difference between the two sites. At the L-site the large scoria layer with little water supply seems to limit the seed-ling establishment. At the S-site the surface movement of fine scoria might injure the plants. Thus, the soil structure appears to strongly in-fluence the size distribution of P . weyrichii var. alpinum. 続きを見る


山田, 直樹 ; Yamada, Naoki
出版情報: 植物地理・分類研究 = The journal of phytogeography and toxonomy.  54  pp.51-56,  2006-10-31.  植物地理・分類学会 — The Society for the Study of Phytogeography and Taxonomy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050046
概要: The Leiden University branch of the National Herbarium of the Netherlands holds various kinds of the botanical specimens assembled by Philipp Franz von Siebold(1796―1866)in Japan. The content of his collection was reported by Kato(1988)and Yamaguchi(1997, 2003).I was much interested in a plant album donated by an unknown physician to von Siebold in 1827. The album consists of two volumes and in the first volume 160 and in the second 110 plants are at-tached. I examined the photographs of them given by Dr. T. Yamaguchi and confirmed that following four Viola species are included in the first volume : No. 19, Viola mandshurica W. Becker(identified by von Siebold as Viola pa-trinii), No. 24, Viola eizanensis(Makino)Makino (von Siebold identified it as Viola dissecta),No.46, Viola grypoceras A. Gray(von Siebold identi-fied this specimen as Viola canina)and finally No. 153, Viola hondoensis W. Becker et H. Bois-sieu(von Siebold identified it only as Viola). 続きを見る


池田, 博 ; 津坂, 真智子 ; 兼子, 伸吾 ; 狩山, 俊悟 ; Ikeda, Hiroshi ; Tsusaka, Machiko ; Kaneko, Shingo ; Kariyama, Shungo
出版情報: 植物地理・分類研究 = The journal of phytogeography and toxonomy.  54  pp.65-69,  2006-10-31.  植物地理・分類学会 — The Society for the Study of Phytogeography and Taxonomy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050048
概要: We examined an Adonis species occurring in Okayama Prefecture, Western Honshu, Japan. After studying morphological chara cters and as-certaining of the chromosome numbers, it was determined as A. multiflora Nishikawa and Koji Ito by having hollow scape, sepals shorter than the petals and the chromosome number of 2n=16. Adonis multiflora is newly reported from Okayama Pefecture, and the Adonis plants hith-erto reported from the limestone areas in Chu-goku District(Atetsu Region)are considered to belong to this species. A karyomorphological study of Adonis multi-flora collected from Okayama and Hiroshima Prefectures was carried out. They proved to be diploid with 2n=16 chromosomes, and eight chro-mosome pairs were recognized by configuration of chromosomes : four pairs with median chro-mosomes and remaining four pairs with subme-dian and/or subterminal chromosomes. Among the submedian and/or subterminal chromosomes, two pairs had satellites on the short arms. This is the first report for the karyotype under the name of A. multiflora, and the karyotype is nearly the same as that of materials with 2n=16 underthenameofA. amurensis Regel and Radde by Suda and Herai(1991). 続きを見る


梅林, 正芳 ; 加藤, 真 ; 太田, 道人 ; 本谷, 二三夫 ; 中野, 真理子 ; 木下, 栄一郎 ; Umebayashi, Masayoshi ; Kato, Makoto ; Ohta, Michihito ; Mototani, Fumio ; Nakano, Mariko ; Kinoshita, Eiichiro
出版情報: 植物地理・分類研究 = The journal of phytogeography and toxonomy.  54  pp.71-73,  2006-10-31.  植物地理・分類学会 — The Society for the Study of Phytogeography and Taxonomy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050049


大原, 隆明 ; 高木, 末吉 ; 安嶋, 隆 ; 源内, 伸秀 ; Oohara, Takaaki ; Takagi, Suekichi ; Ajima, Takashi ; Gen-nai, Nobuhide
出版情報: 植物地理・分類研究 = The journal of phytogeography and toxonomy.  54  pp.74-77,  2006-10-31.  植物地理・分類学会 — The Society for the Study of Phytogeography and Taxonomy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050050


村中, 孝司 ; Muranaka, Takashi
出版情報: 植物地理・分類研究 = The journal of phytogeography and toxonomy.  54  pp.78-80,  2006-10-31.  植物地理・分類学会 — The Society for the Study of Phytogeography and Taxonomy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050051


滝沢, 真之 ; 神谷, 好承 ; 関, 啓明 ; 疋津, 正利 ; 松岡, 寛晃 ; Takisawa, Saneyuki ; Kamiya, Yoshitsugu ; Seki, Hiroaki ; Hikizu, Masatoshi ; Matsuoka, Hiroaki
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 = 2006 JSPE Autumn Meeting.  2006 Autumn  pp.481-482,  2006.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050192
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />高層ビル用エレベータの場合,昇降距離が長くなり,エレベータロープには伸びに伴う縦振動が生じる.こうした縦振動はエレベータの乗り心地を悪くする.そこで本研究では,エレベータの簡易な力学モデルを作成し,乗 りかごの縦振動について調べ,縦振動を抑制する手法について検討する.具体的には,エレベータの巻き上げ機を制御するサーボモータの制御と動吸振器の併用によりエレベータの縦振動を抑制できることを示した.<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


滝沢, 真之 ; 神谷, 好承 ; 関, 啓明 ; 疋津, 正利 ; 松岡, 寛晃 ; Takisawa, Saneyuki ; Kamiya, Yoshitsugu ; Seki, Hiroaki ; Hikizu, Masatoshi ; Matsuoka, Hiroaki
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 = 2006 JSPE Autumn Meeting.  2006 Autumn  pp.483-484,  2006.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050193
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />高層ビル用エレベータの場合,エレベータロープの伸びを無視することができない.この伸びはロープ長および乗る人数によって変化する.またエレベータの乗りかごの位置を,すべての階において連続的に計測することが 難しい構造となっている.これらの点が通常の位置決め制御とは異なる点である.こうした条件を持つエレベータに対して,位置制御ベースのエレベータの制御方法を提案し,目標階への正確な位置決めの手法を検討する.<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


逢沢, 峰昭 ; Mineaki, Aizawa
出版情報: 植物地理・分類研究 = The journal of phytogeography and toxonomy.  54  pp.103-104,  2006-10-31.  植物地理・分類学会 — The Society for the Study of Phytogeography and Taxonomy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050273
概要: 2006年度植物地理・分類学会奨励賞受賞記念講演(要旨)


須山, 知香 ; Suyama, Chika
出版情報: 植物地理・分類研究 = The journal of phytogeography and toxonomy.  54  pp.105-126,  2006-10-31.  植物地理・分類学会 — The Society for the Study of Phytogeography and Taxonomy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050274
概要: 2006年度植物地理・分類学会奨励賞受賞記念論文


沖津, 進 ; Okitsu, Susumu
出版情報: 植物地理・分類研究 = The journal of phytogeography and toxonomy.  54  pp.135-141,  2006-10-31.  植物地理・分類学会 — The Society for the Study of Phytogeography and Taxonomy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050276
概要: Structure and regeneration dynamics of the Quercus mongolica-Betula davurica forest in the southern most Primorie, the Russian Far East were documented, and vegetation geographical significance of Betula davurica was discussed. Four stands with different developmental stages, from young small-sized stand to fairly mature stand, were surveyed. Quercus mongolica maintained the most dominance throughout four stands with continu-ous regeneration. Betula davurica maintained next most dominance throughout four stands, although the regen-eration of this species was rather discontinuous. It was concluded that B . davurica was one of the major climax species of the continental type of the deciduous broadleaved forest, contrasting with the generally accepted view that Betula trees are usually shade-intolerant pioneer species appearing in an earlier stage of forest succession and disappearing in the climax stage. Finally vegetation geographical importance of B . davurica was stressed in discussing the geographical comparison and the reconstruction of vegetation history of the deciduous broadleaved forests of Japan. 続きを見る


金子, 岳夫 ; 水田, 展洋 ; Kaneko, Takeo ; Mizuta, Nobuhiro
出版情報: 植物地理・分類研究 = The journal of phytogeography and toxonomy.  54  pp.143-148,  2006-10-31.  植物地理・分類学会 — The Society for the Study of Phytogeography and Taxonomy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050277
概要: Distribution of subalpine conifers was investigated in the Sumatagawa area, the southern part of the Southern Japan Alps . Abies veitchii was dominant in upper part of subalpine area, and Tsuga diversifolia was dominant in lower part, while Abies mariesii waslessdominant than those species. Abies mariesii was found on Mts. Irodake, Tekaridake , Kagamoriyama , Hyakumatazawanoatama, Shinanomata, Peak 2,320 m, Onezawayama, Daimugensan, Sho-mugensan, and Maekuroboshidake. Among them, Mt. Maekuroboshidake(1,943 m, 35°11’N, 138°4’E)was located southernmost, 12 km southwest from Mt. Daimugensan(35°15’N, 138°9’E)that had been known as the southernmost locality of A . mariesii . Around the summit of Mt. Maekuroboshidake, A. mariesii occurred only in A. veichii-dominant forest more than 1,920 m in altitude. We found six trees more than 2 m in height, many living saplings, and some dead suppressed saplings of A. mariesii.To discuss the persistence of the southernmost population of the species, we need investigation on the structure and dynamics of the population. 続きを見る


田村, 淳 ; Tamura, Atsushi
出版情報: 植物地理・分類研究 = The journal of phytogeography and toxonomy.  54  pp.149-150,  2006-10-31.  植物地理・分類学会 — The Society for the Study of Phytogeography and Taxonomy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050278


志内, 利明 ; 李, 景秀 ; 沈, 雲光 ; 馬, 宏 ; 管, 開雲 ; Shiuchi, Toshiaki ; Li, Jingxiu ; Shen, Yunguang ; Ma, Hong ; Guan, Kaiyun
出版情報: 植物地理・分類研究 = The journal of phytogeography and toxonomy.  54  pp.151-153,  2006-10-31.  植物地理・分類学会 — The Society for the Study of Phytogeography and Taxonomy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050279


勝山, 輝男 ; Katsuyama, Teruo
出版情報: 植物地理・分類研究 = The journal of phytogeography and toxonomy.  54  pp.154-156,  2006-10-31.  植物地理・分類学会 — The Society for the Study of Phytogeography and Taxonomy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050280


柴山, 智志 ; 関, 啓明 ; 神谷, 好承 ; 疋津, 正利 ; Shibayama, Satoshi ; Seki, Hiroaki ; Kamiya, Yoshitsugu ; Hikizu, Masatoshi
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 = 2006 JSPE Autumn Meeting.  2006 Autumn  pp.499-500,  2006.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050320
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />In many researches about obstacle avoidance, a vehicle′s shape is approximated by a circle and it ca n be treated as an omnidirectionaly movable point by expanding obstacles by radius of the circle. However, they have not dealt with the problem that a vehicle passes through a narrow space considering its shape. Therefore, we propose a new simple method for local obstacle avoidance. The vehicle′s shape is expressed by a polygon in a plane. We calculate a pair of a velocity and an angular velocity when each edge of a vehicle hits an obstacle. After this calculation is executed for all edges and all obstacles, we select a pair of a collision free velocity and angular velocity by which a vehicle is approaching the goal. 移動体の障害物回避軌道生成に関する研究は多くなされている.しかしその多くは,移動体を円形形状に近似し,その半径分障害物を拡張することにより全方向移動可能な質点としている.そのために,円形でない移動体(電動車いす等)が屋内などの狭い環境下で動く場合に通路が潰れるなどの理由からその方法は適用しにくい.そこで,移動体の形状を多角形で近似することにより局所的な障害物回避方法を提案し,その有用性を確認した.<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


小嶋, 一路 ; 神谷, 好承 ; 関, 啓明 ; 疋津, 正利 ; Kojima, Kazumichi ; Kamiya, Yoshitsugu ; Seki, Hiroaki ; Hikizu, Masatoshi
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 = 2006 JSPE Spring Meeting.  2006 Spring  pp.833-834,  2006.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050324
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />近年、ロボットの活躍の場が大きく広がっている。特に人間にとって、危険な場所での作業が期待されている。ロボットシステムにおいては、人間が直接作業をするのに比べて高い判断力はないものの、細かい作業や大きな 力を出すことができる。 本研究では、ロボットの利点と人間の判断力を合わせるための、遠隔技術の開発を目的とする。これを成し遂げるには、いかに操作者の感覚に適したロボットの運動を得るかが課題となる。<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


小野, 篤彦 ; 関, 啓明 ; 神谷, 好承 ; 疋津, 正利 ; Ono, Atsuhiko ; Seki, Hiroaki ; Kamiya, Yoshitsugu ; Hikizu, Masatoshi
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 = 2006 JSPE Spring Meeting.  2006 Spring  pp.825-826,  2006.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050325
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />There are few assembly robots with force control in factories, because force control tends to be uns table and its motion is slow. The flexible joint that can change its compliance mechanically by rotating leaf spring is developed to solve this problem. This mechanism is simple to change compliance quickly with good stability. This robot can do both positioning control and force control. We also develop the SCARA robot equipped with this flexible joints for assembly task.従来から力制御のできるロボットアームが研究されているが,位置制御ロボットと比べ,工場内での生産現場への導入事例は非常に限られている.その原因としては,力制御は不安定になりやすくアームの動作が非常に遅くなることが挙げられる.解決策としては,機械的に剛性を変化できる機構が有効である.そこで,本研究では組立作業用のロボットアームとして板バネを関節に組み込んで剛性を変えられるスカラ型アームの開発を行う.<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


森本, 雅憲 ; 鈴木, 将吾 ; 細川, 晃 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 田中, 隆太郎 ; Morimoto, Masanori ; Suzuki, Shogo ; Hosokawa, Akira ; Ueda, Takashi ; Tanaka, Ryutaro
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 = 2006 JSPE Autumn Meeting.  2006 Autumn  pp.625-626,  2006.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050333
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />In general, grinding heat causes various types of thermal damage to the workpiece, such as burning, cracks, and phase transformation. In this study, the grinding operation is regarded as a heat treatment process called grind-hardening. This new heat treatment method enables the phase transformation from austenite to martensite in the surface layer of steels. The cylindricalgrinding tests at several infeed rates are carried out. The hardened layer of approximately 0.16 mm is attained in plunge grinding of chrome-molybdenum steel SCM435. 研削時に発生する熱を積極的に利用して,加工と同時に熱処理する鋼材の同時硬化研削法(研削焼入れ)を試みている.本報では,CrMo鋼の円筒研削焼入れを行い,その可能性を実証している.工作物の研削面に変色した酸化膜がみられたとき,表面近傍に焼入れ処理がなさ,この酸化膜をスパークアウトによって除去することで焼入れされた仕上げ面が生成できる.乾式研削において,40micron/sをこえる砥石切込速度で,工作物表面近傍に700HV以上のマルテンサイト組織の硬化層が得られた.砥石切込速度に比例して,研削抵抗,硬化層深さの増加がみられる.本研究では最大深さ160micronを得ることができた.<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


水野, 仁嗣 ; 神谷, 好承 ; 関, 啓明 ; 疋津, 正利 ; Mizuno, Hitoshi ; Kamiya, Yoshitsugu ; Seki, Hiroaki ; Hikizu, Masatoshi
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 = 2006 JSPE Spring Meeting.  2006 Spring  pp.829-830,  2006.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050334
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />人間は5本の指を用い,多様な物体を把握し操ることができる.しかし,ロボットハンドにおいてこれを実現することは非常に困難であり,これまでに多くの研究が行われてきたがハンドの把握制御の手法は一般には確立さ れていない.そこで本研究は,2自由度3指ハンドを対象として対象物の安定把握を行うための前提となる,各指が対象物に与える力の関係を導出する.またシステムの安定性の指標となるロバスト性の評価法を提案する.<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


前川, 満良 ; 城戸, 美沙尾 ; 関, 啓明 ; 神谷, 好承 ; 橋爪, 慎哉 ; 一二三, 吉勝 ; Maekawa, Mitsuyoshi ; Kido, Misao ; Seki, Hiroaki ; Kamiya, Yoshitsugu ; Hashidume, Shinya ; Hifumi, Yoshikatsu
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 = 2006 JSPE Spring Meeting.  2006 Spring  pp.655-656,  2006.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050347
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />Because the visually handicapped persons desire to know color, we developed color discrimination sys tem. It converts the color into the sound based on the mapping between color and sound, and it is able to recognize the color in the sound. In this study, we were proposed with the Hue Timbre Method (HTM) in mapping method. HTM is mapping between hue and timbre. The experiment to select some timbre was carried out, because using timbre is important to recognize the color in this method. In the experiment of color recognition, examined timbre arrangement was the best of others. It was shown that HTM with examined timbre arrangement was effective.視覚障害者が色を知るための装置において,効率良く対象物全体の色を知らせる方法について研究を進めた.前報では色を音に変換する方法として無限音階方式と三重奏方式を提案したが,両方式の検証実験で得られた長所·短所から,新たに色相楽器音方式を提案した.色相楽器音方式に使用する楽器音を被験者による聞き分け実験により決定し,評価実験を行った結果,音だけで色を認識する正答率が大幅に向上した.<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


名古, 道功 ; 緒方, 桂子 ; 大和田, 敢太 ; Nako, Michitaka ; Ogata, Keiko ; Owada, Kanta
出版情報: 法律時報.  78  pp.192-203,  2006-12.  日本評論社
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00051037
概要: 金沢大学人間社会研究域法学系<br />出版者照会後に全文公開


富田, 重之 ; 渡辺, 剛 ; Tomita, Shigeyuki ; Watanabe, Go
出版情報: 胸部外科 = 日本心臓血管外科学会雑誌 = The Japanese journal of thoracic surgery.  59  pp.619-624,  2006-07.  日本心臓血管外科学会 = The Japanese Society for Cardiovascular Surgery / 南江堂
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00051078
概要: 金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系<br />Since 1999, we have performed total endoscopic off-pump coronary artery bypass (OPCAB). Innovation o f endoscopic optic techniques and development of endoscopic forceps were necessary to perform this procedure. The operative methods of the endoscopic OPCAB; a 12 mm port for 3-D endoscope is firstly inserted through the 5th intercostal space (ICS) in the mid axillary line, and then the left internal thoracic artery (LITA) is taken down in semi-skeletonized fashion using other 2 instrumental 5 mm ports (the 3rd, 6th anterior axillary ICS). To anastomose LITA to the left anterior descending artery (LAD), other 2 10 mm and 12 mm ports are inserted through the 4th ICS in parallel. A conventional end-to-side anastomosis is manually performed with 8-0 prolene. The average LITA harvesting time and anastomotic time have been shortened significantly thanks to the endoscopic innovation. However, there are some limits to manual manipulations in the endoscopic OPCAB. Robotic surgery might have more advantages to the flexibility of forceps tips. The introduction of robotic surgery system is indispensable to safe and certain endoscopic OPCAB. 続きを見る


成橋, 和正 ; 松下, 良 ; 清水, 栄 ; 山田, 清文 ; 宮本, 謙一 ; 木村, 和子 ; Naruhashi, Kazumasa ; Matsushita, Ryo ; Shimizu, Sakae ; Yamada, Kiyofumi ; Miyamoto, Ken-ichi ; Kimura, Kazuko
出版情報: 医療薬学 = Japanese Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences.  32  pp.931-939,  2006.  日本医療薬学会 = Japanese Society of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00053620
概要: 医薬保健研究域薬学系<br />We conducted a prospective investigation using the visual analog scale (VAS) method to evaluate the phar macy experience and lectures of the Division of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa University. The students were instructed to evaluate their understanding and attainment of the pharmacy experience and lectures. The preceptors then evaluated the students in their charge based on their understanding and attainment of the pharmacy experience. Comparisons before and after the pharmacy experience and for each student-preceptor pair were performed with the aim of solving problems encountered, if any, for improvement. For most of the cases, scores of, self-evaluation by the students for after the pharmacy experience were higher than those for before, indicating that the pharmacy practice had been effective. The student-preceptor comparison showed that the students gave themselves higher scores for understanding and the preceptors gave their students higher scores for skills. This shows that the students felt that they had gained much knowledge of pharmacy but thought that they needed further training to improve their practical skills. In the self-evaluations after the course of lectures but prior to the pharmacy practice, the overall degree of understanding was 60%, however, this decreased after the pharmacy experience. Thus, the students were not able to retain the knowledge gained during the lectures until the end of the pharmacy experience, suggesting a need to review the content of the lectures and to rearrange schedules. 続きを見る


並木, 幹夫 ; 奥山, 明彦 ; Namiki, Mikio ; Okuyama, Akihiko
出版情報: 日本産科婦人科学会雜誌 = Acta obstetrica et gynaecologica japonica.  42  pp.N-23-N-26,  2006-09.  日本産科婦人科学会 = Japan society of obstetrics and gynecology
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00053661
概要: 金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系<br />出版者照会後に全文公開


並木, 幹夫 ; Namiki, Mikio
出版情報: 日本産科婦人科学会雜誌 = Acta obstetrica et gynaecologica japonica.  58  pp.N-143-N-146,  2006-02.  日本産科婦人科学会 = Japan society of obstetrics and gynecology
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00053662
概要: 金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系<br />出版者照会後に全文公開


宇津, 徳浩 ; 川上, 光彦 ; Utsu, Norihiro ; Kawakami, Mitsuhiko
出版情報: 都市計画論文集 = Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan.  41  pp.487-492,  2006-10-25.  日本都市計画学会 = The City Planning Institute of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00053696
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域環境デザイン学系<br />Traditional buildings are still utilized for houses and store although they have been destroyed s teadily especially in last decades, It is urgent need to preserve and utilize them for such as houses or stores. This paper try to clarify evaluation structure of citizens' consciousness toward preservation and utilization of historical buildings based on a case study in Kanazawa City. A questionnaire survey was carried out to collect citizens' evaluation by random sampling. As results of study, Citizens who have experience to reside the historical buildings tend to feel more importance for preservation and utilization. Using CVM the estimated value for preservation and utilization is \1,000/p or 1,561/p.Evaluation structure of citizens' consciousness is also estimated using factor analysis and covariance structure analysis.<br />歴史的市街地において戦前に建築された木造の住宅(以下歴史的建築)は現在も住居や商店として利用されている。しかしながら近年、その老朽化や継承の問題から歴史的建築が急速に減少の一途をたどっており、その継承活用の必要性がさけばれている。本研究では、金沢市を対象とし歴史的建築に対する歴史的建築に対する市民評価と評価に関わる意識構造を明確化し、歴史的建築の保存活用のための新たな知見を得ることを目的とした。また本研究では無作為抽出による調査票調査を実施した。その結果、歴史的建築に居住経験のある市民は継承活用の意識が比較的高い傾向にあり、またCVMによる評価の結果、歴史的建築の継承活用を進めることは市民一人あたり1,000円(中間値)1,561円(平均値)の価値が存在していることがわかった。さらに、その評価に関わる様々な意識構造を定性的な評価や共分散構造分析を行うことで明確化できた。 続きを見る


松谷, 圭祐 ; 小林, 史彦 ; 川上, 光彦 ; Matsutani, Keisuke ; Kobayashi, Fumihiko ; Kawakami, Mitsuhiko
出版情報: 都市計画論文集 = Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan.  41  pp.403-408,  2006-10-25.  日本都市計画学会 = The City Planning Institute of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00053697
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域環境デザイン学系<br />The purpose of this study is to clarify the characteristics of households and establishments that use historical wooden houses in the historic center of Kanazawa City, the trend concerning the inheritance of such houses, and the effects of restoration subsidy systems by Kanazawa City. It was found that the households are severely aging, houses are mostly inherited by family members, and that the majority remained uncertain whether or not the house will be inherited. Among the three restoration subsidy systems, the one including improvement of bathrooms and kitchens were most often used by those who didn't inherit the house from family members. It was also found that those who used the subsidy system were more aware of their houses' value.<br />本研究は非戦災都市である金沢市の中心部に広範に残存する歴史的木造家屋に着目し、建物調査とそれらを利用する世帯・事業所への質問紙調査などにより、歴史的木造家屋利用世帯・事業所の特性と歴史的木造家屋継承の動向を明らかにするとともに、歴史的木造家屋を対象とする金沢市による改修補助事業の効果について考察することを目的としている。歴史的木造家屋を利用する世帯は小規模で高齢者のみ世帯が多く、事業所は一部に複数店舗展開する比較的規模の大きいものもあるが、家族経営的な小規模事業所が多い。これまでの継承は、家族内で行われたものが大部分であり、新規利用開始例が経年的に減少しており、継承は停滞傾向にある。今後の継承については、約3割の世帯・事業所は継承の見通しがないことが明らかとなった。補助事業の利用・未利用で比較すると、利用した世帯・事業所の方が、建物のよいところを見出しながら使っている傾向がある。また、補助事業の種類別では、居住性向上を対象に含む補助事業は家族外での継承を促し、景観要素としての再生に重点を置く補助事業は伝統的外観要素の修復に改修補助事業に効果があることが明らかになった。 続きを見る


陳, 萍 ; 沈, 振江 ; 川上, 光彦 ; Chen, Ping ; Shen, Zhenjiang ; Kawakami, Mitsuhiko
出版情報: 都市計画論文集 = Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan.  41  pp.271-276,  2006-10-25.  日本都市計画学会 = The City Planning Institute of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00053698
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域環境デザイン学系<br />The commercial environment of many local cities in Japan is experiencing decline in its centre ar ea and local governments have developed all kinds of city center generation policies to constrain this trend and revitalize the central city commercial environment. However, it is difficult to evaluate the potential impact of current policies on city future due to the uncertainty and complexity inherent in urban system. This study tries to explore the use of MAS for impact analysis of development regulations concerning large-scale commercial facilities. Therefore, a Shopsim-MAS model was developed in which shopping behaviors of households are simulated and shopping spatial patterns emerged from the interactions between shops and households are used to visualize and examine the impact of different development regulations regarding large scale shopping center on inner city commercial environment.<br />日本においては、大規模商業施設の郊外立地などにより中心市街地の商業機能などが衰退しているため、多くの都市において様々な都心再生政策が実施されてきている。しかし、都市システムに内在する不確実性と複雑性のため、大規模商業開発や都心再生政策の影響を評価することが難しい。本研究は、マルチエージェントシステム(MAS)を用いて、商業施設の立地に対する規制誘導政策を評価することを試みた。具体的には、商業施設の立地と世帯の購買行動を反映することができるシミュレーション・モデルとして、Shopsim-MASモデルを開発した。このモデルを用いて、商業施設の立地に対する規制誘導施策に対応して、都市圏における世帯の買い物行動をシミュレーションすることにより、商店と世帯の相互作用から発生した買物行動について予測することができ、政策の影響を示し、評価すことができる。 続きを見る


轟, 亮 ; Todoroki, Makoto
出版情報: ソシオロジ = Soshioroji.  51  pp.127-134,  2006-10-31.  京都大学文学部社会学研究室内ソシオロジ編集委員会 / 社会学研究会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00053946


稲津, 明広 ; 小泉, 順二 ; Inazu, Akihiro ; Koizumi, Junji
出版情報: 肥満と糖尿病 = Obesity & diabetes.  5  pp.472-473,  2006.  丹水社
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00059558


山田, 外史 ; Yamada, Sotoshi
出版情報: 電気製鋼 = Electric furnace steel.  77  pp.215-223,  2006.  電気製鋼研究会 / 大同特殊鋼株式会社
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00049200
概要: Eddy-current testing (ECT) technique is a well-known methodology of nondestructive evaluation technique that is usually applied to inspect the material flaws without changing or altering testing materials. Generally, ECT technique is used as crack detection in piping systems of nuclear power plants and as an imperfect welding spot detection on aircrafts. The advantage of ECT technique is to highly sense material conductivity which depends on many variables such as material thickness, crack, aging and etc.. The planar exiting coil and the advanced magnetic sensor instead of the conventional inductive ECT probe enable us to invent the probe structure and its applications. The proposed ECT probe consists of a planar meander coil as exciter and spin-valve type giant magnetoresistive (SV-GMR) sensor. The utilization of SV-GMR as a magnetic sensor of ECT probe provides the feasibility of high-spatial resolution, high-sensitivity to low magnetic fields, and high operating frequency range. Due to the SV-GMR advantages, the inspection of micro defect and the detection of micro conductors can be performed by the proposed ECT probe. We call this system“μ-ECT ”. The advanced SV-GMR sensor improves the on-site ECT system in the previous metal inspection industry and also invents a new application in a different industrial field. We proposed the ECT system to the inspection system to electronic products, the PCB inspection system and the recognition of solder bead for ball-grid array package. Defects on high-density PCB are examined by ECT technique. The inspection evaluates not only imperfections of the PCB conductor but also PCB conductor dimensions and alignment. We discuss the ECT system and the experimental results. 続きを見る


中西, 義信 ; Nakanishi, Yoshinobu
出版情報: 薬学雑誌 YAKUGAKU ZASSHI = Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan.  126  pp.1205-,  2006-12-01.  日本薬学会 = The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00049535
概要: 金沢大学医薬保健研究域薬学系


三盃, 隆一
出版情報: 言語文化論叢.  10  pp.1-36,  2006-03-31. 
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/4742
概要: 金沢大学外国語教育研究センター


杉村, 安幾子
出版情報: 言語文化論叢.  10  pp.37-58,  2006-03-31. 
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/4743
概要: 金沢大学外国語教育研究センター


澤田, 茂保
出版情報: 言語文化論叢.  10  pp.59-91,  2006-03-31. 
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/4744
概要: 金沢大学外国語教育研究センター


大藪, 加奈
出版情報: 言語文化論叢.  10  pp.93-108,  2006-03-31. 
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/4745
概要: 金沢大学外国語教育研究センター


數見, 由紀子
出版情報: 言語文化論叢.  10  pp.109-131,  2006-03-31. 
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/4746
概要: 金沢大学外国語教育研究センター