

Nishijima, Yoshinori ; 西嶋, 義憲
出版情報: Intercultural communication studies : ICS.  28  pp.152-169,  2019.  Institute for Cross-Cultural Research
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061317
概要: 金沢大学人間社会研究域経済学経営学系<br />This study focuses on functionally equivalent, but semantically different sign expressions in Ja panese and German, such as o-nori-no-sai-wa tesuri-ni o-tsukamarikudasai [Literally, “when steping on, please grip handrail”], kiiroi-sen-no uchigawani o-tachi-kudasai [please stand inside yellow line], oriru sai-wa o-oashimoto-ni gochūi-kudasai [“when getting off, please pay attention to under foot”], and o-ko-sama tsure-no kata-wa o-ko-sama-no te-o totte o-nori-kudasai [“person with child is asked to ride on taking child’s hand”] in Japanese versus its German counterpart Benutzung auf eigene Gefahr [“using at your own risk”], which are posted near escalators. This example tells us that the Japanese sign consists of four concrete sentences whereas the German one presents a simple and abstract sentence. Such correspondents cannot be adequately explained from only construal and politeness perspectives. In this study, such corresponding expressions in Japanese and German will be contrasted to find out what information is relevant to each society. The results will reveal what communicative behaviors are expected in corresponding situations between Japan and Germany, which can contribute to efficient intercultural communication. 続きを見る


佐無田, 光
出版情報: 地域政策研究年報.  2019  pp.1-15,  2019-03.  金沢大学人間社会研究域附属地域政策研究センター — CURES
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061541


古山, 和憲 ; 松本, 勲 ; 吉田, 周平 ; 懸川, 誠一 ; 竹村, 博文 ; Koyama, Kazunori ; Matsumoto, Isao ; Yoshida, Shunhei ; Kakegawa, Seichi ; Takemura, Hirofumi
出版情報: 日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌 = The journal of the Japanese association for chest surgery.  33  pp.-52-57,  2019-01-15.  日本呼吸器外科学会 Japanese Association for Chest Surgery
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061744
概要: 金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系<br />症例は49歳,男性.髄膜炎様症状のため当院神経内科へ紹介となった.胸部CTで左肺上葉肺門部に大きさ2.1 cmの不整形結節を認め,気管支鏡検査を行ったが確定診断に至らなかった.肺癌も否定できない画像所 見のため外科的肺生検目的に当科紹介となった.手術は左肺上葉切除術を施行し,病理学的診断で肺クリプトコッカス症と診断された.術前の髄液検査ではクリプトコッカス抗原,培養検査ともに陰性であったが,術前の保存血液検体からクリプトコッカス抗原が検出されたため,髄膜炎様症状もクリプトコッカス症に伴うものと考え,抗真菌薬による治療を行った.症状は速やかに改善し,術後2年の現在,再発なく経過している.肺クリプトコッカス症は画像所見だけでは鑑別が難しく,診断に難渋する場合が多いが,切除生検が診断に有用であると考えられた.<br />A 49-year-old man was admitted to the Department of Neurological and Internal Medicine of our hospital with mild fever and headache, suggestive of meningitis. Computed tomography (CT) showed an approximately 2.1-cm- diameter nodule in the hilum of the left lung. He underwent bronchoscopy, but no diagnosis was made. Because the CT image led to a suspicion of lung cancer, he was referred to our department for diagnosis by therapeutic resection. Left upper lobectomy was performed. Histopathological examination of the resected specimen resulted in a diagnosis of pulmonary cryptococcosis. His cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was negative for cryptococcal antigen and Cryptococcus neoformans was not grown on mycological culture of the CSF. However, a preserved preoperative blood sample was positive for cryptococcal antigen. Thus, cryptococcal meningitis was diagnosed and he was treated with antifungal therapy, which resulted in marked improvement of his fever and headache. There was no recurrence during the following 2 years. It is difficult to diagnose pulmonary cryptococcosis because the imaging findings vary markedly. We present a patient with pulmonary cryptococcosis diagnosed by resection of the affected lobe of the lung. 続きを見る


Tamura, Daisuke ; Maeda, Daichi ; Sato, Toshiharu ; Sugawara, Tae ; Shirasawa, Hiromitsu ; Shimizu, Dai ; Sato, Naoki ; Goto, Akiteru ; Terada, Yukihiro ; 前田, 大地
出版情報: Genes Chromosomes and Cancer.  59  pp.209-213,  2019-07-30.  Wiley
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00062689
概要: 金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系<br />An extragonadal yolk sac tumor (YST) is a rare malignant germ cell tumor that usually occurs in chil dhood. The pathogenesis of extragonadal YST remains largely unknown, especially with regards to its cell of origin. Herein, we report a case of extragonadal YST arising in the uterine round ligament. A 31-year-old Japanese woman, para 2, underwent partial resection of a left-sided, 5-cm, solid inguinal mass. Intraoperative findings showed enlargement of the uterine round ligament in the inguinal canal. Pathological evaluation diagnosed the mass as YST with a mature teratoma (MT) component. The preoperative α-fetoprotein level was markedly elevated, at 24 790 ng/mL. Postoperative magnetic resonance imaging revealed a right ovarian MT and a 3-cm mass remaining in the left lower abdominal wall. The patient underwent total abdominal hysterectomy, bilateral adnexectomy, and left inguinal mass resection. We sampled three frozen tissues (YST, right ovarian MT, and left normal ovary) and performed a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array. Pathological evaluation revealed remnant extragonadal YST in the left inguinal region. The SNP array demonstrated a completely homozygous YST genotype. Copy number variations were gains of 1p, 1q, 2p, 3p, 7p, 8p, 10q, 14q, 18p, 20q, Xp, and Xq and losses of 12q, 20p, and Xq. The right ovarian MT and left normal ovary were partially homozygous and heterozygous, respectively. The evidence suggests that this neoplasm is presumed to be a postmeiotic germ cell origin. © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 続きを見る


Inagaki, Chiaki ; Maeda, Daichi ; Kimura, Akie ; Otsuru, Toru ; Iwagami, Yoshifumi ; Nishida, Naohiro ; Sakai, Daisuke ; Shitotsuki, Ryo ; Yachida, Shinichi ; Doki, Yuichiro ; Satoh, Taroh ; 前田, 大地
出版情報: World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology.  11  pp.761-767,  2019-09-15.  Baishideng Publishing Group Co
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00062707
概要: 金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系<br />BACKGROUND Bile duct cancer constitutes gallbladder cancer (GBC), intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (I CA), and extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ECA). These three entities show morphological and immunohistochemical resemblance so that it is difficult to differentiate between primary ICA and liver metastasis of GBC, which sometimes becomes a point of discussion in clinical practice. Although these cancers demonstrate significant differences in their mutational landscape, several reports demonstrated shared genomic alteration in paired primary and metastatic site aids in distinguishing metastatic recurrence from second primary cancers. CASE SUMMARY We present a 73-year-old female patient who underwent curative resection for GBC harboring epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (ERBB2) activating mutation on next-generation sequencing (NGS)-based genomic testing. One year later, a hepatic lesion was observed on follow-up imaging and she underwent surgical resection for a pathological diagnosis. The histological findings of the hepatic lesion were similar to those of the primary lesion. Additionally, using NGS panel testing, the hepatic lesion was found to have ERBB2 activating mutation, which is the identical mutation detected in the sequencing result of the primary site. ERBB2 activating mutation occurs more frequently in GBC than ICA and ECA. Therefore, in the present case, we think this molecular finding potentiated the diagnosis of the liver mass toward a metastatic recurrence. Additionally, this patient underwent HER2-targeted treatment with lapatinib in combination with capecitabin and obtained clinical benefit. CONCLUSION This case illustrated NGS panel usefulness in distinguishing GBC recurrence from second primary cancer and HER2-targeted agent efficacy on ERBB2 mutated GBC. © The Author(s) 2019. 続きを見る


津田, 武明 ; 須藤, 通孝 ; 水野, 春奈 ; 伊藤, 真樹 ; Tsuda, Takeaki ; Suto, Michitaka ; Mizuno, Haruna ; Itoh, Maki
出版情報: 日本レオロジー学会誌 = Journal of the Society of Rheology, Japan.  47  pp.177-181,  2019.  日本レオロジー学会 Japanese Society of Rheology
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00062711
概要: 金沢大学先端科学・社会共創推進機構<br />Original experimental and computational models for PSAs for flexible displays have been studied t o clarify the property target for the PSA development. Possible defects in the devices, crack formation, delamination, and residual strain were addressed by a new theory, "Multiple-Neutral-Plane Phenomena", with an originally developed software using Vector Finite Element Method. Peel adhesion values were found to be correlated with tan δ from DMA multiplied by tensile modulus from stress-strain curves, which offered a prediction equation for peel strength. The study has enabled a PSA material producer to develop PSAs for the application. © 2019 Society of Rheology. 続きを見る


Iba, Tomohiro ; Naito, Hisamichi ; Shimizu, Shota ; Rahmawati, Fitriana Nur ; Wakabayashi, Taku ; Takakura, Nobuyuki ; 内藤, 尚道 ; 高倉, 伸幸
出版情報: Inflammation and Regeneration.  39  pp.9-,  2019-05-08.  BioMed Central Ltd.
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00062981
概要: Background: During sprouting angiogenesis, stalk cells, localized behind tip cells, generate endothelial cells (ECs) for the elongation of new vessels. We hypothesized that stalk cells may have endothelial progenitor cell properties because of their highly proliferative ability. We conducted Hoechst dye DNA staining in ECs of preexisting blood vessels from hind limb muscle and found that endothelial-side population (E-SP) cells, which efflux Hoechst rapidly with abundant ABC transporters, show highly producing ability of ECs. We previously showed the existence of E-SP cells in hind limb muscle, retina, and liver, but not in other tissues such as adipose tissue, skin, and placenta. Methods: We investigated the existence of E-SP cells and analyzed their proliferative ability among CD31+CD45- ECs from adipose tissue, skin, and placenta of adult mice. We also analyzed the neovascular formation of E-SP cells from adipose tissue in vivo. Results: We detected E-SP cells in all tissues examined. However, by in vitro colony formation analysis on OP9 cells, we found that E-SP cells from adipose tissue and skin, but not from placenta, have highly proliferative ability. Moreover, E-SP cells from adipose tissue could contribute to the neovascular formation in hind limb ischemia model. Conclusion: The adipose tissue and skin are available sources to obtain endothelial stem cells for conducting therapeutic angiogenesis in regenerative medicine. © 2019 The Author(s). 続きを見る


Kidoya, Hiroyasu ; Muramatsu, Fumitaka ; Shimamura, Teppei ; Jia, Weizhen ; Satoh, Takashi ; Hayashida, Yumiko ; Naito, Hisamichi ; Kunisaki, Yuya ; Arai, Fumio ; Seki, Masahide ; Suzuki, Yutaka ; Osawa , Tsuyoshi ; Akira , Shizuo ; Takakura, Nobuyuki ; 内藤, 尚道 ; 高倉, 伸幸
出版情報: Nature Communications.  10  pp.1072-,  2019-03-06.  Nature Research / Nature Publishing Group
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00062985
概要: 金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系<br />The balance between self-renewal and differentiation of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSP Cs) maintains hematopoietic homeostasis, failure of which can lead to hematopoietic disorder. HSPC fate is controlled by signals from the bone marrow niche resulting in alteration of the stem cell transcription network. Regnase-1, a member of the CCCH zinc finger protein family possessing RNAse activity, mediates post-transcriptional regulatory activity through degradation of target mRNAs. The precise function of Regnase-1 has been explored in inflammation-related cytokine expression but its function in hematopoiesis has not been elucidated. Here, we show that Regnase-1 regulates self-renewal of HSPCs through modulating the stability of Gata2 and Tal1 mRNA. In addition, we found that dysfunction of Regnase-1 leads to the rapid onset of abnormal hematopoiesis. Thus, our data reveal that Regnase-1-mediated post-transcriptional regulation is required for HSPC maintenance and suggest that it represents a leukemia tumor suppressor. © 2019, The Author(s). 続きを見る


戸田, 偉 ; 丹内, 周子 ; 山本, 潤平 ; 大谷, 実 ; 伊藤, 伸也
出版情報: 高校教育研究.  pp.87-94,  2019-03.  金沢大学附属高等学校
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00056187
概要: 国際比較調査を例に良く語られることだが.数学学習の意義や必要性の実感を生徒に提供することは急務であると考える。そのため,実社会と関わる探究に基づく授業実践が必要と考えた。そこで EUにおける数理教育プロジェクトmascil(mathemat ics and science for life)の枠組みを借り. 職場の世界の要素を学校の教室に持ち込む授業を目指した。実践した教材のうち.学習者がトレー ナー の立場で考える「心拍数とコンディション(2017年度)」薬剤師の立場でふさわしい服薬プランを提案する「薬の血中濃度(2018年度)」について報告する。 続きを見る


金沢大学, 大学院医薬保健総合研究科医学専攻脳老化・神経病態学(神経内科学)
出版情報: 金沢大学神経内科年報.  pp.43-91,  2019-03-20.  金沢大学大学院 医薬保健総合研究科 医学専攻 脳老化・神経病態学(神経内科学)
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00056441
概要: [5]業績<br />[6]研究助成<br />[7]学位・専門医等<br />[8]褒賞