

Tazaki, Kazue ; Ishida, Hideki ; 田崎, 和江 ; 石田, 秀樹
出版情報: The Journal of the Geological Society of Japan = 地質学雑誌.  102  pp.866-878,  1996-10-15.  日本地質学会 The Geological Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061643
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系


田崎, 和江 ; 田崎, 史江 ; 奥野, 正幸 ; 竹原, 照明 ; 石垣, 靖人 ; 中川, 秀昭 ; Tazaki, Kazue ; Tazaki, Fumie ; Okuno, Masayuki ; Takehara, Teruki ; Ishigaki, Yasuhito ; Nakagawa, Hideki
出版情報: 地質学雑誌 = The Journal of the Geological Society of Japan.  122  pp.45-60,  2016-02-15.  日本地質学会 The Geological Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061644
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />イタリア・トスカーナ州南部のマレンマという地域には,イオウ臭が強くpH7,水温37°Cの棚田状のサトゥルニア天然温泉がある.本研究では,サトゥルニア天然温泉で産出される,豆石,褐色石灰岩および緑 色バイオマットについて,化学組成,鉱物組成,微生物的特徴を調べた.全岩試料のXRD分析により,豆石は方解石,自然硫黄,石英から構成されており,褐色石灰岩は雲母,自然硫黄,菱沸石,7 Å粘土鉱物から構成されていることを明らかにした.また,全岩試料のXRF分析により,褐色石灰岩にはO,Si,Al,K,Ca,Fe,Naが多く,豆石にはC,O,Ca,Sr,Sが多いことを明らかにした.更に,豆石の断面をSEM-EDSで観察・分析・元素濃度分布図を行ったところ,全岩試料のXRDおよびXRF分析では検出されなかった微生物とSrを含むフランボイダル黄鉄鉱や燐灰石が発見された.<br />A well-known terrace-forming hot spring is located at Saturnia in the Maremma area of southern Toscana, Italy. The waters are circumneutral (pH around 7), mesophilic (around 37°C), and give off a strong sulfurous odor. Pisoliths, brown limestone, and green microbial mats are found in the area. Hot spring structures and compositions are determined based on mineralogical and chemical data obtained with a powder X-ray diffractometer (XRD) and an X-ray fluorescence analyzer (XRF). Microbial parameters are determined on sub-millimeter scales using a scanning electron microscope, equipped with an energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer (SEM-EDS).XRD results indicate that the pisoliths are composed of calcite, native sulfur, and quartz, whereas the brown limestone contains mica, native sulfur, chabazite, and 7 Å clay minerals. XRF analysis indicates that the pisoliths contain mainly C, O, Ca, S, Si, and Sr, whereas the brown limestone contains high concentrations of O, S, Al, K, Ca, Fe, and Na. Because the pisoliths are Ca-rich, concentrations of heavy metals (Sr, Sn, and Pb) at the aqueous interface can be explained by combining XRF chemistry, XRD mineralogy, and SEM-EDS observations of green microbial mats. SEM-EDS elemental maps of the pisolith indicate the presence of apatite and framboidal pyrite crystals. 続きを見る


田崎, 和江 ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: 地質学雑誌 = The Journal of the Geological Society of Japan.  77  pp.407-414,  1971-07-15.  日本地質学会 The Geological Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061645
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系


田崎, 和江 ; 縄谷, 奈緒子 ; 国峯, 由貴江 ; 森川, 俊和 ; 名倉, 利樹 ; 脇元, 理恵 ; 朝田, 隆二 ; 渡辺, 弘明 ; 永井, 香織 ; 池田, 頼正 ; 佐藤, 一博 ; 瀬川, 宏美 ; 宮田, 浩志郎 ; Tazaki, Kazue ; Nawatani, Naoko ; Kunimine, Yukie ; Morikawa, Toshikazu ; Wakimoto, Rie ; Asada, Ryuji ; Watanabe, Hiroaki ; Nagai, Kaori ; Ikeda, Yorimasa ; Sato, Kazuhiro ; Segawa, Hiromi ; Miyata, Koshirou
出版情報: 地質学雑誌 = The Journal of the Geological Society of Japan.  108  pp.435-452,  2002-07-15.  日本地質学会 The Geological Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061646
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />1991年12月,排砂ゲートを設けた出し平ダム(富山県黒部川水系1985年設立)から,初の直接排砂が行われ,その際,多量のヘドロが排出された.その後も1999年までに計8回の排砂が行われた.本研 究において,出し平ダム湖および富山湾堆積物の特性について分析を行った.その結果,特に芦野沖にヘドロが堆積していること,そして,富山湾堆積物は他の湾堆積物と比べカオリン鉱物,スメクタイトが多く,出し平ダム湖堆積物と類似した粘土鉱物組成を持つことが明らかとなった.実験より,ニジマスのエラにスメクタイトが吸着することで,エラの変形や脱水を引き起こすことが明らかとなり,また,富山湾で採取されたヒラメのエラ表面が,微細粒子で覆われているのが観察された.以上の結果と1991年から1999年の出し平ダム排砂量とヒラメの漁獲量の変遷には密接な関係が認められ,ダム湖や富山湾底質の経時変化を観察することの重要性が示された.<br />In 1985, a dam with a discharge gate was built at Dashidaira at Kurobe River, Toyama Prefecture for the first time in Japan. The dam sediments were first flushed out in December, 1991. The sediments with bad smell, such as sludge, spread all over the downstream of Kurobe River. After the first discharge of the dam sediments, benthic fishes decreased year by year in Toyama Bay. In this study, the sediments in Dashidaira Dam Reservoir and Toyama Bay were collected in 1997, 2000 and 2001. The Toyama Bay sediments which were considered to have been affected by discharged dam sediments were collected on July 20, 2000, November 19, 2000, and March 3, 2001. The sediments in the dam reservoir and the bay were studied chemically, physically and mineralogically for comparative study. The quantity of clay minerals, mainly smectite, increase toward the discharge gate at Dashidaira Dam. The distribution of clay minerals approximately corresponded to distribution of the N, C, and S concentration in Toyama Bay. XRD data show similar clay mineral components and patterns between dam sediments and suspended particles from the seabed at the offing of Kurobe River mouth. The sediments in Dashidaira Dam Reservoir and Toyama Bay contain relatively high content of kaolin minerals associated with chlorite, vermiculite, smectite, and mica clay minerals compared with sediments of the other bays. Rainbow trouts in water with smectite suspension result clearly indicated the damage to the fish. In the highest concentration of smectite (lOg/l), all 7 rainbow trouts died in five hours. The fish's gills were deformed and dehydrated, suggesting influence of smectite particles adhered to the surface of the gills. Furthermore, SEM observation and EDX analysis of the flat fish's gill in Toyama Bay clearly showed the presence of particle-like thin films with organic materials sticking on the surface. The volume of discharged sediments from Dashidaira Dam Reservoir is clearly related to the decrease of annual haul of benthic fishes in Toyama Bay within the past nine years (1991-1999). 続きを見る


田崎, 和江 ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: 粘土科学 = Journal of the Clay Science Society of Japan.  31  pp.82-90,  1991-08-30.  日本粘土学会 The Clay Science Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061650
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />Our atmosphere, oceans, sediments and soils, all reflect major or minor influences of the biosphe re. In the sediments, erosion of the topsoil, complex mixture of clay minerals and carbon compounds, is one of crisis in the world economy. Clay mineralogist concerned with the sediments and mineral deposits must understand weathering processes plus microorganisms in detail. Bacteria must be important in all transport processes of elements between sediments and water systems. In the atmosphere, fine particles, such as clays, loess and fly ash produced by combusion of fossil fuels are biologically and chemically recycling in our planet. The consequences of a massive increase in the use of coal or other fossil carbon sources give the global atomospheric increase of CO2N2O, acid gases, etc.Modern electron microscopic techniques and the new array of computer surface techniques, ESCA, Auger, SIMS, etc. have made it possible to see Å level structures, and chemistry of the fine particles. Examples of such fine mineralogical particles in the surface environment are described in this paper. 続きを見る


田崎, 和江 ; 森, 忠洋 ; 野中, 資博 ; 野田, 修司 ; Tazaki, Kazue ; Mori, Tadahiro ; Nonaka, Tsuguhiro ; Noda, Shuji
出版情報: 粘土科学 = Journal of the Clay Science Society of Japan.  30  pp.91-100,  1990-08-10.  日本粘土学会 The Clay Science Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061651
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />Concrete sewer pipe was heavily corroded by sulfate which was produced by sulfur oxidizing bacter ia in the Ohmuta region of Japan. The corroded materials were studied mineralogically to gain a better understanding of the corrosion mechanism. The formation of jarosite KFe3 (SO4) 2 (OH) 6, as a result of reaction between sulfate and hydration products of portland cement, were found in the most corroded part of concrete sewer pipe. The sulfate-generated corrosion is grouped into several zones on the base of differences in the mineral formation of secondary products:Zone A & B; Jarosite formation zone, Zone C; Fe-rich zone,Zone D; gypsum formation zone, Zone E; Fe-rich zone,Zone F; Cracking zone, Zone G; Fresh concrete zone.Zones A-E in the corroded parts include expansion, loss strength and stiffness and disintegration, whereas Zones E and F show cracking and brown rim stained with iron oxides. In Zone G, ettringite crystals are formed under conditions of high pH. Since hydrated cements containing considerable amount of large ettringite crystals show high strength but no expansion.In order to evaluate the relative effects of corrosion of concrete, the rates of K-feldspar dissolution have been analized by EDAX-step scanning. The dissolution process of K-feldspar was observed that Al and K contents were rapidly decreased near rim, within 2μm region, whereas Fe content was increased.The results of these analyses indicate that the effect of K component from K-feldspar dissolution is important factor to form jarosite at pH of 3.5-4.0. The dissolution mechanism of K-feldspar and the addition of Fe component are changed significantly due to the corrosion of concretes. 続きを見る


田崎, 和江 ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: 粘土科学 = Journal of the Clay Science Society of Japan.  20  pp.83-90,  1980-09-25.  日本粘土学会 The Clay Science Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061652
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />By using a transmission electron microscope (TEM) equipped with an energy dispersive electron-mic roprobe analyzer, genetical relationships between micro-morphology and chemical composition of kaolin minerals were investigated.The TEM observation revealed that the kaolinite specimens, which show a 7Å basal reflection in X-ray diffraction diagram, are commonly mixtures of particles with various morphology such as film, hexagonal plate and long tube (Table 1). The chemical compositions of these kinds of particles are different from one another as shown in Fig. 1 and 2. Triangular plot of SiO2, Al2O3 and ΣFeO of the Kibushi clay (No.7 in Fig.2) shows limited chemistry of each morphology with slight overlap that SiO2 content of the film of indefinite primitive form is less than that of hexagonal plate, whereas, ΣFeO is lower in the latter. However, the chemistry of the Austria kaolin (No.5 in Fig.2) shows the reverse trend in SiO2 content. This reverse trend might suggest the difference in the source material. 続きを見る


堀坂, 明生 ; 田崎, 和江 ; 野田, 修司 ; Horisaka, Akio ; Tazaki, Kazue ; Noda, Shuji
出版情報: 粘土科学 = Journal of the Clay Science Society of Japan.  33  pp.36-43,  1993-05-25.  日本粘土学会 The Clay Science Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061653
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />Biomineralization of pyrite has been found inside of diatom cell in sludge (Hedoro) of Lake Nakau mi. Direct observations by using SEM equipped with BSI, and EDX revealed formation processes of microbial pyrite. In sludge (0-2.5cm depth) numerous diatoms (Coscinodiscus nitidus) form several framboidal pyrite (5μm diameter) inside cell. The framboidal pyrite are coated by thin film compose of Fe and S that is the almost same composition as pyrite. The BSI image shows slightly weak dense on the surface of film suggesting presence of organics. Chemical composition of normal diatom cell is alomst pure Si. On the other hand, the diatom forming pyrite shows elementary differences between girdle and valve. Chemistory of the girdle shows Fe and S elements indicating substitution of Si. Quantity of Fe and S increases outside to inside of girdle. The formation process of framboidal pyrite inside cell is as follows: The first step is formation of spherical FeS mineral (pyrrhotite), next step is a mixture of pyrite and pyrrhotite by adding S and dehydration. Then the mixture makes a rough framboid. Hexahedron and pentagonal dodecahedron are the characteristic crystal habits of framboidal pyrite in diatom. Some framboidal pyrite coated by thin film of clays with organics. Dozens of framboid aggregate form a ball 50μm in diameter. Formation of framboidal pyrite in diatom should be initially controlled by organics of biofilm. 続きを見る


田崎, 和江 ; 荒谷, 美智 ; 矢野 , 倉実 ; 海保, 邦夫 ; 野田, 修司 ; Tazaki, Kazue ; Aratani, Michi ; Yanokura, Minoru ; Kaiho, Kunio ; Noda, Shuji
出版情報: 粘土科学 = Journal of the Clay Science Society of Japan.  32  pp.86-96,  1992-11-25.  日本粘土学会 The Clay Science Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061654
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />Spherical heating-shocked mica clays are found in Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-T) boundary sediments in the eastern district of Hokkaido, northernmost Japan. The K-T boundary sediments contain relatively high Ir concentrations suggesting an asteroid struck the Earth and caused mass extinctions at the end of the Cretaceous. Foraminifera are totally absent in the grayish black clay. Mineralogical investigations of the claystone have been carried out by the use of X-ray powder diffraction, high resolution electron microscope, energy dispersive spectrometer and heavy-iron Rutherford scattering. Singularity of clay minerals of a continuous stratigraphic section spanning the K-T boundary reveals that the spherical interstratified clay in < 2μm fraction are largely decomposed. The spherical clay shows characteristic stacking disorder of 14Å, 10Å, 7Å phase, which is suggested to be heating eventsin the K-T boundary. 続きを見る


田崎, 和江 ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: 粘土科学 = Journal of the Clay Science Society of Japan.  15  pp.3-8,  1975-06-25.  日本粘土学会 The Clay Science Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061655
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />Imogolite was studied by the scanning electron microscope. Imogolite which examined was separated from Kurayoshi pumice beds. The samples were dried successively in the sealed vessel at critical point of CO2. This drying method exceeds in preservation of natural surface of imogolite than that of air-drying.The form of imogolite was observed as fibres-like threads. The threads were curled and entangled forming nets which were piled up one above the other. The diameter of these threads ranged from 0.03 to 0.06 μm. 続きを見る


田崎, 和江 ; 田崎, 耕市 ; 小松, 正幸 ; Tazaki, Kazue ; Tazaki, Koichi ; Komatsu, Masayuki
出版情報: 粘土科学 = Journal of the Clay Science Society of Japan.  18  pp.51-62,  1978-06-25.  日本粘土学会 The Clay Science Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061656
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />Various volcanoclastic and sedimentary rocks were dredged from southern part of the Mariana Trenc h by 17th cruise of R/V D. Mendeleev. Clay mineralogical investigation of seventeen samples made clear the presence of abundant montmorillonite and a trace of chlorite. Phillipsite is the most abundant zeolite. Clinoptilolite and chabazite are also recognized.Occurrences of montmorillonite and phillipsite from deep sea sediments of the Pacific Ocean have been well established. 続きを見る


田崎, 和江 ; 野中, 資博 ; 森, 忠洋 ; 野田, 修司 ; Tazaki, Kazue ; Nonaka, Tsuguhiro ; Mori, Tadahiro ; Noda, Shuji
出版情報: 粘土科学 = Journal of the Clay Science Society of Japan.  30  pp.178-183,  1990-10-20.  日本粘土学会 The Clay Science Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061657
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />Mortar bars are exposed to H2S gas (25-300ppm) for 10 months at 12-30C°. Sulfate-generated deteri orations in the mortar bars include expansion, cracking and disintegration. The heavily corroded mortar bar produced gypsum, calcite and secondary ettringite with a trace amount of barite. The secondary ettringite shows the same chemistry as the primary ettringite, but the morphology is quite different from the primary one. Ettringite crystals with sharp point, 10-20μm long, are primary formed during the hydration of mortar bar, whereas small lath-shaped crystals, about 3μm long as observed by SEM are high concentration of hydroxyl ions. Gypsum, calcite and the secondary ettringite are formed step by step under acidic condition. The iron oxides layer is presented significantly between corroded and un-corroded zones which is the same process of deterioration on portland cement concrete. 続きを見る


白石, 秀一 ; 高橋, 直人 ; 霜島, 康浩 ; 朝田, 隆二 ; 渡辺, 弘明 ; 田崎, 和江 ; Shiraishi, Shuichi ; Takahashi, Naoto ; Shimojima, Yasuhiro ; Asada, Ryuji ; Watanabe, Hiroaki ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: 粘土科学 = Journal of the Clay Science Society of Japan.  44  pp.176-190,  2005-07-25.  日本粘土学会 The Clay Science Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061658
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />Bluish green Zn-S-and yellowish brown Fe-microbial mats were found on outer surfaces of well rise r pipes on Kakuma campus of Kanazawa University, Ishikawa Prefecture. The microscopic observation and XRF chemical analysis revealed that the formative conditions of microbial mats differ in depth due to stationary and pumping groundwater levels. Bluish green microbial mats formed in 61.6-75.6 m depth were characterized by high content of Zn and S. The microbial mats mainly consist of spherical fifine particles of several Am in size. A small amount of coccoid-and bacilli-form bacteria were found in the aggregation. While, yellowish brown microbial mats formed in 30.8-61.6 m depth and were characterized by high content of Fe, Ca, P, Si and Zn. The microbial mats mainly consist of spiral materials that were metabolized from an iron oxidizing bacterium, Gallionella ferruginea. Harp-like materials metabolized from another iron oxidizing bacteria, Toxothirixspp. were also found below 56 m in depth. A large amount of coccoid-, bacilli-and filamentous-form bacteria were found in the assemblage of the metabolic materials and the number of filamentous-form bacteria increased with depth.TEM observations and FE-TEM-EDX elemental maps revealed that some spherical particles on the cell surface of bacteria in the bluish green microbial mats are rich in Zn and S stick, suggesting that Zn exist as sulfide. The other adhesion materials consisted of Fe, Si, 0, and Zn were also formed around cell wall. The bacteria inthe bluish green microbial mats might be tolerant to heavy metal Zn. 続きを見る


Tazaki, Kazue ; Zhou, Guoping ; Makaino, Koji ; 田崎, 和江 ; 周, 国平 ; 馬飼野, 光治
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  50  pp.100-110,  1996-03-25.  地学団体研究会 The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061659
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />デイーゼルエンジン車の排気ガスを一日2回直接受けたスイセンを採取し, XRF, SEM-EDX, TEMで観察および分析を行った.排気ガスに汚染されたスイセンの葉は黒色に変色し,気孔の内部及び周 辺には,Sを含む多量の微粒子が被覆し, Al, Si, Cl, Ca, K, Feの増加も認められた.これらの結果は,ディーゼルエンジンの排気ガスが植物の光合成などの生理作用に,短期間で大きく影響を及ぼすことを明らかにした.<br />Polluted narcissuses by exhaust emissions derived from a diesel engine twice a day were investigated by XRF, SEM-EDX and TEM analyses. Polluted narcissus was characterized by no flower, deformed leave and the change of color from green to yellow and black. S was increased about 6 times. About 33% of S-coated carbonaceous soots was retained through breath holes by narcissus, causing the normal breath and photosynthesis of narcissus damaged. This could be a major factor of narcissus growing abnormally during a short period (2 months). 続きを見る


田崎, 和江 ; Fyfe, W. S. ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  39  pp.443-445,  1995-11-25.  地学団体研究会 The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061660
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />Alkali-feldspar in an alkaline rock shows evidence for the formation of iron rich primitive clay precursors in the earliest weathering stage. High-resolution TEM with EDAX, electron diffraction patterns and lattice images clearly show the decomposion of Alkali-feldspar and growth of primitive sheet structure mineral. The primitive clay precursors consist of Si and Fe with small amount of K and Al. These precursors with 14-20 A spacing show diffuse rings electron diffraction pattern due to low crystallinity and random orientation. The diameter of precursors is 150-200 A. 続きを見る


高須, 晃 ; 田崎, 和江 ; Takasu, Akira ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  48  pp.xvi-xix,  1994-07-25. 
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061661
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系


田崎, 和江 ; 金沢大学理学部地球学科田崎ゼミ生調査団 ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  58  pp.357-359,  2004-11-25.  地学団体研究会 The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061662
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系


田崎, 和江 ; 鈴木, 祐恵 ; 藤沢, 瑛子 ; Tazaki, Kazue ; Suzuki, Sachie ; Fujisawa, Eiko
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  63  pp.29-40,  2009-01-25.  地学団体研究会 The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061663
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />2007年12月7日7時ごろに韓国泰安半島沖10kmで香港籍タンカーの衝突事故が発生した.3つのタンクから重油と原油が12,547kl流出し海岸一帯が汚染された.万里浦海岸(Mallipo Be ach)には厚さ30cmの重油が漂着し汚染が最も深刻であった.韓国中からボランティアが集まり,干潮時に毎日6時間の浄化作業を行った.ボランテイアは政府機関のみならず会社,研究所,地域のクラブ,女性組織なども参加した.また,12月30,31日,1月3日には,カナダ,ドイツ,アメリカ,韓国から約50名の科学者や専門家が浄化計画会議をもった.被害はおよそ300億円といわれている.本研究では事故発生から1ヶ月後の2008年1月5-6日に韓国泰安半島の万里浦海岸と蟻項海岸(Euhang Beach)の汚染調査を行った.現地でのボランテイア活動の様子,大気中の芳香族炭化水素の測定,海水の水質測定,重油の化学成分,微生物による油分解実験結果について報告し,1997年1月に日本で起きたナホトカ号重油流出事故の場合と比較検討した.ナホトカ号のC重油流出量の1.7-2.0倍という韓国史上最大の事故にもかかわらず,1ヶ月弱できれいになった砂海岸の浄化作業は驚異的である.早急な浄化作業の要因を考察し,今後の課題と提言を行った.<br />The oil spill accident occurred when a Hong Kong-registered supertanker (Hebei Spirit) was rammed by a South Korean-owned barge that came unmoored from its tugboat in rough seas about 10km off Mallipo Beach at Taean Peninsula, South Korea. The 3 kinds of oil spill accidents started at 7:00 on December 7th 2007, when a tanker collided with a barge, and blackened once-scenic beach along South Korea's western coast, about 150km, southwest of Seoul. A total of 12,547kl of both heavy oil and crude oil gushed into the ocean, more than twice as much as in South Korea's previous worst spill, in 1995. Local residents worked with about 8,800 peoples of volunteers, civil servants, police officers and military personnel, were engaged in the effort to clear away oil on the region's shores. The seafood, oyster farms and tourism industries in the Taean region have been devastated. Oil blanketed the sand of Mallipo Beach and the rocks of Euhang Beach at Taean Peninsula, South Korea, were studied on January 5-6th 2008, just after one month of the accident. Residents wore overalls, used shovels, buckets, adsorption mats, tatters, oil fences, hand-made adsorption roller, heated water at 50-70℃ washing bath, and high-pressured nozzle to clean up the oil muck. The purification of oil on the sand beach was made so quickly within one month in sandy Mallipo Beach, whereas abundant oil drops between rocks with oil slick on the seawater surface on the rocky beach in Euhang Beach still remain. The oilcontaminated hazard map by Marine Environmental Risk Assessment Research Division, Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute, Korea, reported on December 18-19th 2007. In this study, on-site surveys for checking and observing the oiling condition have started on January 5-6th 2008 one month after the spill at Mallipo Beach and Euhang Beach. The values of pH and EC in two places indicated that the bioremediation process of oil took place under neutral conditions. The analytical data of volatile aromatic hydrocarbon concentrations for 0.5l/min at two beaches indicated that the concentration of toluene is quite higher in the atmosphere than that of C typed heavy oil from the Nakhodka tanker in January 1997 in Japan. In particular, toluene concentrations were unbelievably 100-1000 times higher than those in the Nakhodka tanker accident in Japan. They succeed to cleanup beach within one month by volunteer works of manpower, and keep the clean beautiful seashore. Furthermore, we must find new defensive measure systems which are safe, low cost, easy, and sustainable by using local natural materials without manmade chemical substances. It is right time to act locally in Asian countries and think globally about environmental seawater. 続きを見る


田崎, 和江 ; 中西, 孝 ; 横山, 明彦 ; Tazaki, Kazue ; Nakanishi, Takashi ; Yokoyama, Akihiko
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  62  pp.367-368,  2008-09-25.  地学団体研究会 The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061664
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系


田崎, 和江 ; 竹原, 照明 ; 橋田, 由美子 ; 橋田, 省三 ; 中村, 圭一 ; 横山, 明彦 ; 青木, 小波 ; 田崎, 史江 ; Tazaki, Kazue ; Takehara, Teruaki ; Hashida, Yumiko ; Hashida, Shozo ; Nakamura, Keiichi ; Yokoyama, Akihiko ; Aoki, Conami ; Tazaki, Fumie
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  71  pp.97-113,  2017-07-25.  地学団体研究会 The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061665
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />黒柿はカキノキ科の一つであり,幹・枝・根の断面に黒色の部分があり,心材や辺材には縞が美しい孔雀の羽根のような模様(孔雀杢 くじゃくもく)がある.孔雀杢は何百年と樹齢を重ね,かつ,様々な条件を満た した柿の木だけが黒と白の美しい模様を持つようになった希少な銘木である.材質が竪硬で粘りもあり,細かい細工をする指物に適しており和家具,茶道具などが金沢伝統工芸品となっている.しかし,江戸時代に加賀藩が黒柿の栽培を行っていたとされるものの,その科学的な記録はない.なぜ柿の木の幹に黒い色の美しい模様ができるのかを究明するために,石川県金沢市内に生育している黒柿を採取して,IP,XRD,ICP-MS,XRF,SEM-EDS,放射能測定器を用いて物理化学的,鉱物学的,微生物学的特徴を調べた.本研究試料の「黒柿」のXRD 分析では,セルロースの他に低温型α- クリストバライト,生体アパタイト(燐灰石),ハロイサイトなどの粘土鉱物が含まれていた.黒柿の黒色化した幹に形成する孔雀杢は“珪化木”ということができる.本研究結果から,①黒柿が“珪化木”になるには,まず,根の中心の白色部に認められた微生物がCa >>> P,S >> Mg > Si,Fe,Cl,K,Mn を取り込み,生体アパタイトを形成する.②成長するにしたがって,放射能核種やB,Br を伴って, さらにCa,P,S >> K,Mg,Si,Sr > Cl,Mn,Fe などの元素を取り込みながら黒色化する.③そして,年月を経るにしたがって, 幹の辺材部に黒色の縞模様(孔雀杢)を作りながら低温型α- クリストバライト(珪化木)を形成することが明らかになった.<br />Kurogaki (Black persimmon; Diospyros kaki) grows very slowly and has extremely hard wood known for its striking black coloration, referred to as the “peacock pattern”. It was formerly planted in Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan. Kurogaki is currently very rare, found in only one of every 1,000 to 10,000 trees. Therefore, scientific data on Kurogaki are currently very limited but these trees are highly valuable for manufacturing furniture, tea ceremony goods, boxes, and other miscellaneous articles.Here we report the characterization of Kurogaki at Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan, based on radioactivity, purple mineral light, and H2 O2 reactions in the field. To date, no report has described the results of electron microscopy observations and chemical analyses, which could elucidate simple identification of species. Here we studied the microstructure, mineralogy, chemical composition, and radioactivity associated with microorganisms in Kurogaki wood using analytical data based on X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), imaging plate (IP), scanning electron microscopy equipped with energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), and semiconductor detectors. We investigated the distribution, location, identification, structure, and differentiation of the black “peacock pattern” parts and ordinarily colored wooden parts and roots.We evaluated the mineralogy, chemistry, and micromorphology of Kurogaki using a combination of micro techniques. Using XRD, the black “peacock pattern” parts were found to mainly comprise cellulose associated with spherical and beaded microorganisms, mineralized living apatite, α-cristobalite, and halloysite. Particular elements associated with microorganisms were identified using SEM-EDS, which revealed the elemental content maps of the central white spot in cross sections of the “peacock pattern”, indicating high concentrations of Ca, P and S. The chemical compositions of the black and white parts were determined based on mineralogical and chemical data obtained using XRF analyzer and ICP-MS.Furthermore, we used imaging plate methods to obtain radioactive images of the cross sections of the “peacock pattern”. The objective was to illustrate the association of minerals with various microorganisms that are capable of absorbing both radionuclides and stable isotopes from soil and water. A radio dosage analysis of the higher black parts was performed by imaging plate pictures. We investigated the quantitative radiation dosages of the “peacock pattern” using Ge and Si semiconductor detectors, which revealed 137Cs concentrations.The black “peacock pattern” parts were richer in almost all elements such as K, Ca, Mg, S, Al, Fe, P, Na, Mn, B and Ba, than the white cellulose parts, indicating a role of microorganisms in mediating the transfer of metal solutes from the hydrosphere and soils. Using SEM-EDS micromorphology, the chemical composition of the black “peacock pattern” parts was found to be associated with α-cristobalite and living apatite having wooden clapper-like microcrystals. The distribution of elements indicated the influences of soils in their surrounding environment. Our results provide the evidence of the ability of microorganisms to immobilize radionuclides in the soils. The microorganisms grow in the black “peacock pattern” parts of Kurogaki.In conclusion, α-cristobalite and living apatite crystals physically and biologically grow in the sap with cellulose under neutral conditions (pH7) in association with microorganisms using carbon dioxide supplied by bacteria. Therefore, the crystals produced the “peacock pattern” in Kurogaki were formed at late times during the year. 続きを見る


田崎, 和江 ; 島根大学理学部地質学教室環境自主ゼミナール ; 野田, 修司 ; Tazaki, Kazue ; Noda, Shuji
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  46  pp.39-56,  1992-01-25.  地学団体研究会 The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061666
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />Local atmosphere reflects major or minor influences of the world environment. Fine particles of f ly ash produced by combustion of fossil fuels are directly cycling in our planet by west wind. The consequences of a massive increase in the combustion of oil give the global atmospheric increase of CO2, N2O, acid gases etc. Since January, 1991 during the Gulf War, the acidity of rain and NO2 contents in the atmosphere are directly increased three hundred times as other clean countries by fossil fuel burning. The fly ash from oil combustion now makes a massive contribution to global aerosols. Snow dusts which are collected in February 20-25, 1991, at Shimane University may be related to emission of sulphur and nitrogen species of oil-derived fly ash from Kuwait by west wind 5000m high. SEM and TEM observations revealed the presence of very fine particles or thin films of sulphur species in the snow with an abundance of fine fly ash. 続きを見る


高橋, 直人 ; 田崎, 和江 ; Takahashi, Naoto ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  61  pp.293-300,  2007-07-25.  地学団体研究会 The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061667
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />金沢大学角間2号井戸(深度150m,取水区間深度62〜73m,同78.5〜95m,同106〜138m)では,これまで地下水位・地下水温・電気伝導度の自動観測を行っており, 2007年3月25日に 発生した能登半島地震前後における10分間隔の詳細な経時変動データを取得することができた.地下水位は,揚水ポンプの停止時に深度31m,稼動時には深度39m程度の値を示した.電気伝導度は,ポンプの停止時に18.2mS/m,稼動時には18.7mS/mの値を示した.季節変動として,夏〜秋にわずかに高く,冬〜春にかけて低くなる現象が見られている.地下水位および電気伝導度については,地震の前後で異常な水位変動は見られなかった.地下水温は,地震時直近のポンプの停止時に12.3℃,稼動時に12.6℃の値を示した.通常地下水温は夏に低く,冬に高い傾向が見られているが,能登半島地震の前約2週間の間,地下水温が約0.5℃高い傾向が継続する現象が見られた.この傾向はポンプの稼動・停止や,気温,通年の季節変動傾向などとは異なるパターンの変動であった.今後は,より震央に近い地域における地下水位・水温・水質の観測記録との照合や,余震にともなう変化の観察などの再検証が必要であるものと考える.<br />The effect on groundwater in Kakuma-No.2-well at Kanazawa University by the Noto Hanto Earthquake struck at 9:41 a.m. 25th March 2007, reported in this study. The groundwater level indicated 39m in depth during operation, whereas the level indicated 31m in depth without operation. The electric conductivity (EC) of the groundwater during operation showed 18.7mS/m, whereas the EC showed 18.2mS/m without operation, using automatic measurement system. The EC tend to be higher in summer-autumn than that of winter-spring, which had not changed the value before and after the earthquake. On the other hand, the groundwater temperature showed 12.6℃ during operation whereas the temperature showed 12.3℃ without operation. The temperature clearly increased 0.5℃ for 2 weeks before the earthquake, and decreased the temperature after the earthquake. The results suggest that the earthquake gave the effect on the groundwater temperature as well. We need comparison with the record collected from the nearest area of epicenter in our future work. 続きを見る


今井, 茂雄 ; 北川, 陽 ; 田崎, 和江 ; Imai, Shigeo ; Kitagawa, Yo ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  56  pp.153-163,  2002-05-25.  地学団体研究会 The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061668
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />日本の九州の南に位置する沖永良部島は,石灰岩からなるため地下水による沈殿物の形成が速い.島内では,こうしたCa濃度の高い地下水を飲料水として使っているため,水洗用便器や水道管が沈殿物で閉塞する問 題を引き起こす.本研究では,知名町の水洗便器と赤嶺地区の上水ポンプ場の配管の2ヵ所で沈殿物を採取した.2つの沈殿物には,繊維状のシアノバクテリアが認められた.また,これらの沈殿物はカルサイトが主成分であり,水道水中から濃集したCu, Zn, Mn, Fe, Pbなどの重金属を含有していた.EPMA分析によって,PとNの濃集部位と重金属の濃集層とが一致していることが観察された.これら沈殿物の分析から,炭酸塩形成に適した生物化学的条件となっていたと解釈できる.われわれの生活環境の中で,設備に付着するこうした沈殿物は,汚れとして問題視される.しかしながら,こうした環境で微生物が水道水中の重金属を濃集することが示唆された.<br />Precipitates grow rapidly from underground water in limestone terrain of Okinoerabu Island located southern Kyusyu, Japan. In this island, Ca-rich underground water are used as drinking water which cause and effect choking toilet bowl and water pipes by the precipitates. In this study the precipitates were collected from toilet bowl at China-cho and from the water pipe of pump well at Akamine. Filamentous cyanobacteria are observed on the surface of the precipitates in both cases. These precipitates consist mainly of calcite with heavy metals, such as Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe and Pb which are concentrated from water. The accumulation of P and N are also detected at heavy metal layers by using EPMA. The precipitates can explain that biochemical conditions are favorable for carbonate formation. In human daily life the precipitates adhered to equipments are displeased as a dirt. However in this environments, the results suggest that microorganism can accumulate heavy metals from drinking water. 続きを見る


脇元, 理恵 ; 田崎, 和江 ; Wakimoto, Rie ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  60  pp.275-286,  2006-07-25.  地学団体研究会 The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061669
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />新潟県月岡温泉は,原油と共に噴出したpH7.3,Eh-184mV,49.2℃の化石海水型の温泉で,その源泉井戸には黒色の原油と緑色バイオマットが存在する.このバイオマット中には糸状細菌および球菌 が存在し,銅藍(covellite; CuS)の鉱物化が認められた.銅藍の構成元素であるCuは原油に由来している.SEM観察により,油滴表面での糸状細菌のコロニー形成および溶菌作用によるバイオフィルムの形成が認められ,さらに,その表面に銅藍の結晶化が認められた.微生物の培養実験により,バイオマット中には石油分解菌である糸状細菌と硫酸還元菌である球菌が同定された.さらに,有機結合およびリン脂質分析により,バイオマット中のリン脂質,特に,界面活性作用を持つレシチンおよびリン酸エステルの存在が明らかになった.また,糸状細菌は二重膜および細胞外多糖類(EPS)を持ち,リン脂質はこの部分に含まれると考えられる.糸状細菌はバイオマット表面に付着した油滴を栄養源とし,球菌が生成した硫酸塩を電子授与体として代謝を行い,溶菌後,バイオフィルムを形成する.油滴中のCuは温泉水中に溶出し,中性で還元的な環境下において銅藍の結晶を形成する.すなわち,本研究において,石油分解菌の細胞膜およびEPSの有機界面活性作用と硫酸還元菌による水質の還元化が,油滴表面での銅藍の形成に重要な役割を果たしていることが明らかになった.この結果は,土壌および地下水圏の石油汚染地域における石油の分解・除去メカニズムの解明の糸口となると考えられる.<br />The inner wall of the Tsukioka hot spring well was covered with green microbial mats which contained black crude oil. The hot spring is located in Tsukioka, Niigata, Japan. The hot spring water (pH 7.3, Eh -184 mV and 49.2℃) that was produced from a 280m in depth originated from fossil seawater. The aim of this study was to investigate of covellite biomineralization in the green microbial mats with crude oil from the Tsukioka hot spring water. Observations by optical and electron microscopy, phospholipid analysis and bacterial cultivation showed that the biomineralization of covellite (CuS) was found on the surface of crude oil droplets. ED-XRF analysis showed that the crude oil contained SO3 (67.6wt%), CaO (24.8wt%) and Cu2O (2.6wt%). Observations by optical and epifluorescence microscopy as well as scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed that two morphological types of bacteria (i.e., filamentous and coccus typed bacteria) were found on crude oil droplets. Transmission electron microscopic (TEM) observations further revealed that the cell wall of the filamentous bacteria had a double membrane and was surrounded by Extracellular Polymeric Substance (EPS), which might provide the favorable nucleation sites for CuS. X-ray diffraction and electron diffraction analyses of the microbial mats showed that the materials precipitated on the surface of the oil droplets were highly crystallized covellite (CuS). FT-IR spectra of the microbial mats that contained covellite showed the appearance of C-N-H, P=O, P-O-C and N-H bands, indicating the presence of phospholipids (lecithin and phosphoric ester) in the microbial mats. Cultivation experiments, furthermore, demonstrated that the cultivated bacteria were identified as sulfate reducing bacteria (for coccus typed bacteria) and oil decomposing bacteria (for filamentous bacteria). A schematic formation model is here suggested to better understand the interaction between bacterial cells and oil droplets under anaerobic conditions in the Tsukioka hot spring water. The biomineralization of covellite described in this study might have profound implications for bioremediation of oilcontaminated site. 続きを見る


三津野, 真澄 ; 渡辺, 弘明 ; 田崎, 和江 ; 長沼, 毅 ; Mitsuno, Masumi ; Watanabe, Hiroaki ; Tazaki, Kazue ; Naganuma, Takeshi
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  54  pp.184-190,  2000-05-25.  地学団体研究会 The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061670
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系


児玉, 一八 ; 田崎, 和江 ; Kodama, Kazuya ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  63  pp.107-112,  2009-03-25. 
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061672
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />In the past 55 years no floods have occurred in Asanogawa River which has no dam. Early on the mo rning of July 28th, 2008, localized torrential rain in the area around Asanogawa River in Kanazawa City, Japan, brought inundations, flooding homes, causing landslides, and leaving serious damage. In the upper stream, two houses were destroyed completely by flooding and landslides. The muddy flood water flowed into fields and rice paddies, fruit trees were washed down, and the rice was killed. In several areas where the river narrowed, or at bends, flood waters overflowed the dike. Because of delays in closing the floodgate, the river overflowed at opening in the dike called "Kirikaki". 続きを見る


田崎, 和江 ; 中西, 孝 ; 鈴木, 祐恵 ; 佐藤, 和也 ; 森井, 一誠 ; 鈴木, 健之 ; Tazaki, Kazue ; Nakanishi, Takashi ; Suzuki, Sachie ; Satoh, Kazuya ; Morii, Issei ; Suzuki, Kenji
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  61  pp.343-361,  2007-09-25.  地学団体研究会 The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061673
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />2007年3月25日9時41分にマグニチュウド6.9の激震が石川県能登半島を襲い,舗装道路に大きなダメージを与え,交通網が寸断された.本研究調査団はGMサーベーメータを使用し,車によるカーボーン 法と徒歩によるハンドボーン法の併用により,能登半島地震災害地の空間β線と舗装道路の亀裂,陥没,隆起,地滑り地帯におけるβ線を測定した.測定日は2007年4月4日から19日の間の4回であり,約240kmの距離を2-4台のGMサーベーメータで,毎回同じルートを往復して測定した.また,地震の被害がなかった金沢市内においても4月12日に測定を行い,災害地と比較した.2007年4月4日8:20に輪島市大沢において2300cpmを記録し,同日の13:20には古和秀水にて1500cpmを記録した.これはともにM3.8,深さ10km,震源地37.2N,136.7E,およびM3.3,比較的浅い震源37.2N,136.5Eの余震に合致した,舗装道路の亀裂,陥没,隆起,液状化の箇所は100-200cpmと高い値を示し,かつ,その場の大気はそれ以下であった.一方,地震被害のなかった金沢市内は40-80cpmと低い値を示した.空間β線計数率分布地図は地震の被害が大きい地域で高く,時間が経過するに従い低下することが明らかになった.<br />The magnitude-6.9 Noto Hanto Earthquake struck at 9 : 41 a.m. 25th March 2007, off the north coast of Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan. The quake started under the ocean about 30km southwest of Wajima, shaking up Ishikawa, Toyama and Niigata prefectures and killing one person and damaging hundreds of houses. The quake crippled public transportation, traffic network, including highway at Noto Peninsula, because of landslide, subsidence, chasm and cracks. Radon has measured in air and ground fissures using portable natural gamma ray system while the Noto Hanto Earthquake struck the Noto Peninsula, in April 4, 8, 10, 12, and 19th 2007. The car-borne and hand-borne measurement system was assembled for easily and rapidly detecting full features of the fissures buried in the ground, and the applicability of the system was detected in the field, such as geological feature, fault fissure zone, distribution/accumulation of new/old chasm and cracks in the surface layer, and direct earthquake itself. The amount of radon reflects the scale of fissures and an abnormal increase in earthquake and new chasm or cracks. The quite high gammaray of 2300cpm was detected in April 4th 8 : 20 at Ozawa, Monzen, Wazima City, near the fault fissure zone, and 1500cpm was detected in April 4th 13 : 20 at Kowashudo, Monzen, Wajima City. Both high radon counts were due to the earthquake of M 3.8, depth 10km, hypocenter was Noto region 37.2N, 136.7E, and the other earthquake of M 3.3 was relatively shallow depth, hypocenter at Noto offshore 37.2N, 136.5E, respectively. The abnormal increase (100-200cpm) detected at large deep subsidence and new crack on the paved road. For comparison, normal air radon without earthquake counted as low as 40-80cpm. Observation of radon at earthquake region such as Monzen-cho related to radon anomaly to compare with other normal region in Kanazawa City has been studied. 続きを見る


小林, 昭二 ; 田崎, 和江 ; Kobayashi, Shoji ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  60  pp.49-62,  2006-01-25.  地学団体研究会 The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061674
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />系統的にDusisiren jordaniとHydrodamalis gigasの間にあるヤマガタダイカイギュウD. dewana,アイヅタカサトカイギュウD. takasatensis,タキカ ワカイギュウH. spissa等をふくむヒドロダマリス亜科の下顎(咀嚼),頭の背屈・側屈,脊柱運動機能の変化について,骨格の観察と現生の海牛(ジュゴンとマナティー)の筋学的な知見をもとに考察を試み,次の結果を得た.1)後期中新世のD. takasatensisとD. dewanaでは歯が小さくなった後,翼状突起腹側部が広がり,下顎骨の吻部咀嚼面が狭い長方形となることから下顎骨を動かし吻部で餌をはさむ力が増したと考えられる.歯を欠如した鮮新世のH. spissaではそれがさらに強くなったと推測される.また側頭稜の発達から鮮新世のH. cuestae, H. spissaでは側頭筋の力が現世のH. gigas以上に強いと考えられる.2)鱗状骨外側部,上後頭骨・外後頭骨背外側縁の形状比較から,後期中新世のD. jordaniのように板状筋が発達する傾向はD. takasatensis, D. dewanaにも認められる.しかし,H. gigasのように板状筋より頭半棘筋の発達が目立つのはすでにH. spissaから認められる.3) D. dewanaとD. takasatensisはほぼ同じ大きさの頭蓋をもつが,鱗状骨外側部,上後頭骨・外後頭骨背外側縁の形状の差異から,D. takasatensisが頭の背屈・側屈がより強く,頭の可動範囲も広いと考えられる.4)ヒドロダマリス亜科は中位胸椎の棘突起が低いことから,最長筋などの軸上筋の発達が弱く,脊柱を背屈させる力もジュゴンの場合より弱い,特にH. spissaで顕著であると考えられる.ヒドロダマリス亜科は水流エネルギーのあまり強くない環境に穏やかな脊柱の動きで生息していたと推測できる.<br />Evolutional change in function of the jaw, mobility of the neck and the vertebral column in Hydrodamalinae is examined on the basis of the fossil skeleton, the myological and osteological knowledge of living sirenians. In Dusisiren dewana, Dusisiren takasatensis and Hydrodamalis spissa, the holding function of their rostra probably had been developed like Hydrodamalis gigas, because they had a mandibular masticating surface which is narrow and rectangular in outline, ventrally broadened pterygoid process that attached the pterygoid muscles. In D. dewana and D. takasatensis, the splenius muscles may have been developed like Dusisiren jordani, but in H. spissa, the semispinalis capitis muscle may have been more developed than the splenius muscle like H. gigas. D. takasatensis has some other features, longer sigmoid ridge of squamosal, larger occipital condyle and occipitosphenoidal eminence, and thicker lateral flange of exoccipital than those of D. dewana. Therefore, there is a possibility that in D. takasatensis the neck force for raising and depressing the head had been strengthened by the developed splenius, semispinalis capitis and longus capitis muscles. The low spinous process of the middle part of the thoracic vertebrae in Hydrodamalinae indicates that the epaxial muscles (longissimus dorsi and transversospinalis muscles) are less developed, and therefore that the mobilities of the vertebral column are gentle. They might have been swimming in the calm environment. 続きを見る


脇元, 理恵 ; 田崎, 和江 ; 縄谷, 奈緒子 ; 池田, 頼正 ; 今井, 茂雄 ; 佐藤, 一博 ; 奥野, 正幸 ; Wakimoto, Rie ; Tazaki, Kazue ; Nawatani, Naoko ; Ikeda, Yorimasa ; Imai, Shigeo ; Sato, Kazuhiro ; Okuno, Masayuki
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  58  pp.199-214,  2004-07-25.  地学団体研究会 The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061675
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />大島紬は使用する泥田の状態により,染色の仕上りが異なると言われている.本研究では,現在使用中の泥田,現在は使われていない旧泥田,来期使用のために一年間休閑中の泥田の泥について鉱物学的,微生物学的 特徴を検討した.3つの泥田のEh,DOは,ともに休閑中の田で最も還元状態を示した.泥の中には石英,長石類の他に鉄酸化物や鉄に富むクロライト,バーミキュライト,雲母類粘土鉱物,カオリン鉱物などの粘土鉱物が確認された.一年休閑させている泥田の泥と現在使用中の泥田の泥の総Fe量はともに多く,鉄酸化物や粘土鉱物中に含まれている.一方,有機成分は,現在使用中の泥田で最も高く,この結果は光学顕微鏡観察および偏性嫌気性細菌培養により,多種多様の微生物が観察された事と一致する.また,偏性嫌気性細菌培養結果は,特に鉄還元細菌と考えられる球菌,桿菌が多いことを示した.泥により黒く染色された絹糸部分からは,Fe,S,Ca,Al,Si,P,K,Mnが検出され,これらの元素は,泥およびテーチ木起源と考えられる.よって,大島紬を独特の深い黒色に染色する泥田の条件として,泥田の水質が還元状態である事,染色に重要な鉄は二価鉄である事,泥中には鉄還元細菌をはじめとする多種多様の微生物が存在し,鉄を二価に変えている事があげられる.<br />"Dorozome" is one of the traditional dying methods with muddy clays in Amami-Ohshima Island, Kagoshima, Japan. The brilliant black color of dyed "Ohshima Tsumugi" derives from muddy clays in Dorota (small ponds with muddy clays). In this paper, muddy clays for dying were mineralogically, chemically and microbiologically characterized. The muddy clays consist of Fe-rich chlorite, vermiculite, mica clay minerals, kaolin minerals as well as a large amount of iron hydroxides associated with high P2O5, N, C and S contents in the muddy field. Principally, iron is a key element which constitutes not only crystalline/amorphous hydroxides iron minerals, but also clay minerals. After one year of using the muddy clays, the Eh and DO are significantly reduced in fallow field. Various microorganisms were observed in the muddy clays, such as coccus and bacillus typed bacteria and fungi. Anaerobic bacteria may contribute for reducing condition in the muddy field. The black parts of "Ohshima Tsumugi" contain high concentrations of S, Ca and Fe, whereas white parts without dye contain a small amount of such elements. The heavy metals are originated from both muddy clays and Rhaphiolepis umbellata. The results suggest that specific condition of iron hydroxides is an important factor for brilliant black dye under reducing condition. 続きを見る


佐藤, 大介 ; 田崎, 和江 ; Sato, Daisuke ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  54  pp.328-336,  2000-09-25.  地学団体研究会 The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061676
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />尾小屋鉱山の坑口(第六立坑)からは,現在も高濃度の重金属を含む酸性の廃水(pH3.5)が流出し続けており,消石灰の投入による中和凝集沈殿処理が行われている.処理後の廃水が流入する沈殿池から採取し たコアサンプル(44層)の鉱物組成をX線粉末回折(XRD)によって,また含有元素の割合をエネルギー分散型蛍光X線分析(ED-XRF),NCSコーダーによって分析した.コアサンプルの上部には茶褐色の層が多く,下層になるにつれて色は薄れていく.茶褐色は含有するFeの量により,それらは低結晶性の水酸化鉄鉱物の存在を示唆し,Cu,ZnおよびPbが吸着していると考えられる.また,Sの含有量は深層になるに従って多くなる.カルサイトはコアの上層部に多く,下層部にはエトリンガイトが形成されているが,Cdの含有量はカルサイトやエトリンガイトと同じようなプロファイルを示す.その他,堆積物中には,ジプサム,石英,ブルーサイトが認められた.Caは上層部ではカルサイトとして,また,下層部ではエトリンガイトとして堆積している.本研究により,消石灰の投入によって中和処理された鉱山廃水中の重金属イオンは,水酸化鉄,カルサイト,エトリンガイトに伴って堆積,蓄積されていることが明らかになった.<br />Depositional formula of heavy metals after disposal of the mine drainage from the Ogoya Mine in Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan, was mineralogically investigated. Strong acidic wastewater (pH3.5) from pithead of the mine contains high concentration of heavy metals. In this mine, neutralizing coagulation treatment is going on by slaked lime (calcium hydroxides: Ca (OH)_2). Core samples were collected at disposal pond to which the treated wastewater flows. The core samples were divided into 44 layers based on the color variation. The mineralogical and chemical compositions of each layer were analyzed by an X-ray powder diffractometer (XRD), an energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence analyzer (ED-XRF) and a NCS elemental analyzer. The upper parts are rich in brown colored layers, whereas discolored are the deeper parts. The color variation is relevant to Fe concentration. Brown colored core sections are composed of abundant hydrous ferric oxides with heavy metals, such as Cu, Zn, and Cd. On the other hand, S concentration gradually increases with depth. XRD data indicated that calcite decreases with increasing depth, and ettringite is produced at the deeper parts. Cd concentration shows similar vertical profile to those of calcite and ettringite. The results revealed that hydrous ferric oxides, calcite and ettringite are formed on deposition, whereby incorporating the heavy metals. 続きを見る


小岩崎, 浩一 ; 本坊, 好正 ; 田崎, 和江 ; 森, 忠洋 ; Koiwasaki, Koichi ; Honbou, Yoshimasa ; Tazaki, Kazue ; Mori, Tadahiro
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  47  pp.493-505,  1993-11-25.  地学団体研究会 The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061677
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />Jarosite KFe3(SO4)2(OH)6 and ammoniojarosite NH4Fe3(SO4)2(OH)6 were experimentaly formed in 9 K-m edium with Thiobacillus ferrooxidans at 33℃ under acidic condition. The product shows characteristic peaks of jarosite at 3.08, 1.99 and 1.83 A , and those of ammoniojarosite at 3.09, 5.12, 1.98 and 1.83 A in use X-ray powder diffraction and electron diffraction pattern. TEM and SEM observations revealed the crystal growth processes of these minerals as follows ; Bacillus bacterial cells take the form of cross-finger. Both iron and sulfur components precipitated on cell wall. The iron component takes the form of burs, whereas the sulfur component forms rosary-shaped materials. The sizes of iron materials range from 0.5 to 2.0 μm in diameter while those of sulfur materials range from 0.05 to 0.1μm in diameter. Next, potassium and hydroxyl in 9 K-medium reacted on both iron and sulfur components on the cell wall. Cubic or platy jarosite, 0.1 to 5.0μm in diameter, is formed within 3 days. Jarosite of final products changed to reform rosary or parallel crystalline materials. Potassium in jarosite is substituted for ammonia to form ammoniojarosite within 5 days. Jarosite was produced by bacterial mineralization in 9 K-medium within 3 days, and those of ammoniojarosite within 5 days. Without Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, jarosite and ammoniojarosite were produced after 5 or 9 days respectively. The results suggest that Thiobacillus ferrooxidans contributes formation of jarosite and ammoniojarosite as catalyst. 続きを見る


田崎, 和江 ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  48  pp.395-412,  1994-07-25.  地学団体研究会 The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061678
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />地球上に広く分布する微細な炭素粒子は,環境の変化に最も敏感に対応する物質の一つである.その炭素の起源,微細形態,結晶成長の過程,化学結合,分布などを明かにし,炭素物質を評価するうえで,電子線を用 いた手法が有効である.ここには,様々な炭素物質について,その目的に応じた有効な分析方法の実例を示した.走査型(SEM)および透過型電子顕微鏡(TEM)による観察は,炭素物質の微細形態,結晶成長過程,結晶度を知るのに適している.バクテリアなどを含む有機物が濃集した非晶質の炭素は,続成作用により,高結晶度のグラファイトヘと変化する.初期の炭素物質は,球粒,管,フレーク,薄膜,シート,リボン状などさまざまな形態をとり,最も成長した結晶であるグラファイトは,六角板状のバウムクーヘン状構造をとる.炭素の分布を知るには,エレクトロンマイクロプローブ(EPMA)やオージェ(Auger)による元素濃度分布図が有効である.オージェは,導電性物質の蒸着を必要としないので,岩石中のカーボンの存在を薄片の状態で検出することが可能である.高い導電性を持つことで知られているワイオミング産のSybille Monzosyeniteに,オージェ分析を適用し,鉱物境界に高濃度の炭素が存在することが,高導電性の要因の一つであることを明かにした.また,オージェは導電性物質の蒸着なしで,オングストロームのオーダの最表面分析が可能である.フーリエ赤外線分析(FT-IR)は,炭素の化学結合や水分子との結合状態を知ることができる.グラファイトは,その結晶度の違いによりOHやC-C結合の吸収の程度が異なる例として,片麻岩中の低結晶度の炭素から水分が抜け,次に酸素が抜けてグラファイトヘと変化するプロセスを示した.また,電子線走査化学分析器(ESCA)による炭素(1S)の高分解能分析は,様々な炭素結合の種類とその量比を知るのに有効である.この方法により,深海底堆積物中の海緑石に含まれる炭素が,COO,C-O,C-Cそしてグラファイトといった異なる炭素結合により構成されていることを明かにした.この結果は,海緑石が有機物起源であり,その後,無機化すること,有機炭素と無機炭素の境界は明瞭ではないことなどを示している.さらに,重イオン加速器(RILAC)は,炭素が表面吸着しているか,または結晶構造に組み込まれているかの判断に有効である.例えば都市ガスのすすの分析は,金属やSiO_2といった標準試料と比べ,炭素が結晶性の構造を待つことを示した.同時に,この方法は,酸素と水素の存在状態の差異も明瞭に表わすことができる.重イオン加速器は,大気からもたらされた汚染物質の炭素と物質本来の結晶構造中の炭素原子との区別に有効である.<br />Very fine carbon particulates formed by both inorganic and biological processes in the Earth have the most sensitive response to global change. Various electron microtechniques are usufu1 to reveal the micromorphology, texture, growing processes, crystalinity, chemical bond and the distribution of carbon materials. In this article useful methods for evaluation of carbon in various carbon materials are introduced. Amorphous organic carbon naturally and artificially transforms into high crystalline graphite. SEM and TEM observations reveal that precursor carbon materials are composed of spherules, tubular, fiakes, thin films ,fla tsheets, and ribbon texture. Bacteri aand nannobacteria may play a prorninent catalyzing role in the precipitatio onf carbon materia]s. Hexagonal onion-like texture is the most stable form ofcarbon durin ggraphitizatio n,EPMA and Auger can be used for carbon elernentary rnapping. Auger-spectrometer depth profiling and carbon content rnap applied to Sybille Monzosyenite having high electrical conductivity revealed a high concentration of carbon on grain boundaries of the minerals. Chemical bonding of carbon and hydrogen can be analyzed by FT-IR method. FT-IR spectra showing different intensity of OH and C-C absorbed bands are related with the degree of crystalinity of graphite in rocks. The result suggests that graphite occurred by dehydration and reduction of organic materials, ESCA is usufu1 method to know various carbon binding. High resolution of C_ls spectra of micro ESCA can discriminate various carbon chemical binding, such as COO, C-O, C-C, and graphite. ESCA spectra of glauconite in deep sea sediments showed various ratios of COO, C-O, C-C and graphite, suggesting organic origin of glauconite. The result also suggests that there are no clear boundary between organic and inorganic carbon. RILAC method can be used for evaluation of atmospheric contamination of carbon from structural carbon. RILAC spectra of soot showed characteristic recoiled carbon, oxygen and hydrogen ions with standards of purity for metalic plate and Si0_2. 続きを見る


田崎, 和江 ; 高橋, 正則 ; 鈴木, 祐恵 ; 井本, 香如 ; Tazaki, Kazue ; Takahashi, Masanori ; Suzuki, Sachie ; Imoto, Konyo
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  65  pp.175-177,  2011-07-25.  地学団体研究会 The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061679
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系


田崎, 和江 ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  32  pp.58-62,  1978-03-25.  地学団体研究会 The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061680
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />The surface of fresh plagioclase usually shows smooth plane and has a weaving texture which sugge sts cryptic unmixing at vertical section (plate I-1). At the incipient stage of weathering, various features caused by chemical erosion appear on the plagioclase such as etch pits (plate II-5), conical hollows and square holes (plate I-4). Amorphous thin layer of which thickness is less than 0.5μm occurs successively or simultaneously on the surface (plate I-3). Occurrence of the thin layer suggests transitional state from frame work sillicate to clay minerals. The knobby substance, aggregate of fine and rounded spherules which is morphologically identified as spheroidal allophane occurs subsequently in the thin layer (plate II-7, 8). In the next stage of weathering, the following changes are observed; 1) Formation of imogolite (plate III-9) and gibbsite (plate III-10). 2) Formation of halloysite (plate III-11, 12). Imogolite occurs first as tiny bumps from the edges of the amorphous thin layer. Coexistence of gibbsite and imogolite is common in the same grain of weathered plagioclase. Gibbsite crystal shows short prismatic or tabular form (plate III-10 right upper). Observation of glassy matrix in the volcanic ash indicates that weathering should advance more easily in glassy material than in coexisting plagioclase (plate IV). 続きを見る


田代, 陽子 ; 田崎, 和江 ; Tashiro, Yoko ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  53  pp.29-37,  1999-01-25.  地学団体研究会 The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061681
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />角間川や金沢大学調整池ではLeptothrix sp., Gallionella sp.やToxothrix sp.といった鉄酸化細菌や,桿菌,球菌によって形成されている黄褐色のバイオマットがみ られる.本研究では現地での付着実験を行い,バイオマット形成の初期段階に着目し,主に透過型電子顕微鏡(TEM)を用いて観察,分析を行った.その結果,Toxothrix sp.の粘着物質(polysaccharides)が,水酸化鉄の微粒子を積極的に細胞壁に付着させる役割を担っていることが明らかになった.polysaccharidesのようなToxothrix sp.の粘着物質は,Fe^<2+>をFe^<3+>に換えてエネルギーを得る鉄酸化細菌のバイオミネラリゼーションによって生成された水酸化鉄が拡散するのを防ぎ,200nmのコロイド状微粒子として取り囲んだ状態で凝集させる.凝集した水酸化鉄のコロイド粒子はpolysaccharidesの薄膜から押し出された後もそれ自体で集合体を形成する.polysaccharidesは,水酸化鉄を固定し,その大きさを支配しながら鉄物質を固体にして堆積する役割を担っていることが示唆される.このような水酸化鉄の凝集形態は,バイオマットの厚みを増す要因である.<br />Brownish yellow microbial mats growing along the Kakuma River and at the controlling pond in the Kakuma Campus of Kanazawa University are of predominantly iron oxidizing bacteria, such as Leptothrix sp., Gallionella sp. and Toxothrix sp. Those microbial mats use ferrous ions as their energy source through the oxidation into ferric ions. Transmission electron microscopy of the primitive microbial mat, have revealed mucoid substances of Toxothrix sp. like polysaccharides are effective for adhesion of iron hydroxides produced through biomineralization of Toxothrix sp. Iron hydroxides coated with mucoid substances are coagulated into colloidal particles 200nm in size. Such condensed colloidal iron hydroxides grow into the aggregates and subsequently may be expelled outward from the thin membrane of polysaccharides. It is suggested that polysaccharides of Toxothrix sp. prevent dispersion of iron hydroxides and promote coagulation of iron materials. Such a condensation process of iron hydroxides is considered to be a factor for increasing the thickness of microbial mats. 続きを見る


大野, 源広 ; 田崎, 和江 ; Ohno, Motohiro ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  54  pp.298-309,  2000-09-25.  地学団体研究会 The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061682
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />高温環境である平湯温泉,おばこ原の湯には3種のバイオマット(白色,茶色,緑色)が存在する.これらのバイオマットは水温,pH,Eh,DO,光および温泉水の流れの変化に伴い,上流部から下流部に向かっ て色調が白色→茶色→緑色へと変化する.白色バイオマットは主として大鎌型細菌から構成され,硫黄を濃集するのに対し,茶色バイオマットは多量の桿菌および少量の糸状菌で構成され,水酸化鉄を濃集する.また,緑色バイオマットは糸状菌から構成され,カルシウムを濃集し,方解石を形成する.すなわち,バイオマットの色は生息する微生物種と形成された生体鉱物を反映している.その中でも高温環境下に存在する大鎌型細菌は夾膜の表面に雁行状に硫黄の結晶を成長させる特徴がある.<br />Colorful biomats were found at Obakoharanoyu in Hirayu Hot Springs, Gifu, Japan. At the upper stream white biomats were commonly found, whereas brown and green biomats occur at the down stream, according to change of environmental conditions, such as temperature, pH, Eh, DO, S2-, photosynthesis and water flow velocities. The pH, WT, Eh, and DO diagrams of the hot spring water from upper to down stream have responded to the occurrence of biomats. White biomats occur in low pH (6.1), reducing (Eh:-270mV), micro-aerobic (DO: 0.3mg/l) and high temperature (70℃) conditions. On the other hand, brown biomats occur in wide ranges of pH (6.5-7.8), Eh (-125〜90mV), DO (2.0〜5.0mg/l) and WT (42-60℃) respectively. In contrast, the occurrence of green biomats are high pH (8.4), oxidizing (Eh: 100mV), aerobic (DO: 7.5mg/l) and middle temperature (30℃). Sulfur ions are detected in water on the white biomats (1-2ppm), while not detected from both brown and green biomats. The white biomats comprising sausage shaped bacteria contain abundant sulfur. The green biomats consist of filamentous bacteria with abundant calcite. The results have revealed that the color of biomats reflects the environmental conditions. TEM and SEM observations indicate that sulfur particles adhere to capsule on the cell wall of sausage shaped bacteria in white biomats. The sulfur particles might be grown to a-sulfur crystals of 10μm insize. The results have revealed that sulfur-biomineralization of sausage shaped bacteria in white biomats is a very important factor for sulfur removal in hot springs. 続きを見る


田崎, 和江 ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  61  pp.239-242,  2007-07-25.  地学団体研究会 The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061683
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系


田崎, 和江 ; 中野, 幹夫 ; 竹原, 照明 ; 石垣, 靖人 ; 中川, 秀明 ; Tazaki, Kazue ; Nakano, Mikio ; Takehara, Teruaki ; Ishigaki, Yasuhito ; Nakagawa, Hideaki
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  69  pp.99-108,  2015-03-25.  地学団体研究会 The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061684
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />2011年3月11日に発生した福島第一原発事故により放射能汚染した福島県南相馬市原町区馬場の農業用水にプラスチック製品を7ヶ月間浸して置いたところ,全9試料のうち3試料において放射線量の上昇が認 められた.そのカーペット,PE防鳥網,荷造り用ひもの3種類について詳細な分析・観察を行った.特に,カーペットの繊維の放射線量が高く,ゲルマニウム半導体検出器による分析では,セシウム134とセシウム137が検出された.また,蛍光X線分析により,Rb,Sr,Nb,Pbも認められた.分析電子顕微鏡観察によれば,この繊維の表面には粘土の微粒子といっしょにケイソウが繁茂しており,Rb,Sr,Pbが濃集していた.放射能汚染した農業用水に浸したプラスチック繊維の表面にはケイソウが多数生息し,粘土の微粒子とともに放射性物質を吸着することが明らかになった.<br />After the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) accident on 11 March, 2011, the high radioactive dosage was found in polluted water for agriculture use at Baba, Haramachi, Minami-Soma, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. Field experiment for decontamination of water had been studied by using commercial plastic materials. The agricultural water comes from Tetsuzan dam is full of radioactive-contaminated water. Experimental analysis showed that the plastic materials can take up radioactive elements for several months soaked in the polluted agricultural water. The quantitative analyses using X-ray fluorescence analysis, Ge semiconductor and scanning electron microscopy equipped with energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (SEM-EDS), revealed the detection of the radionuclides on the plastic materials with diatom and clays. The results suggest the adsorption of radionuclides on the surface of plastic materials due to FDNPP accident. The plastic materials associated with clays and diatoms could be stronger carriers of radionuclides in the polluted water. Adherence of diatoms to the plastic fiber in the water for 7 months suggested that some plastic materials were taking up heavy metals (Zn, Ba, Pb, Sb) with radioactive elements (Cs etc.). Mechanisms by which radioactive pollutants and microorganisms are adsorbed onto and desorbed from clays at aqueous interface can be understood by combining chemical analysis with electron microscopy observation. 続きを見る


田崎, 和江 ; 高須, 晃 ; Tazaki, Kazue ; Takasu, Akira
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  48  pp.275-278,  1994-07-25.  地学団体研究会 The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061685
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系


田崎, 和江 ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  21  pp.21-24,  1967-01-30.  地学団体研究会 The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061686
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />Nitrogen both in the recent and fossil shells were analysed by micro-Kjeldahl method, the latter being from the Johmon shell-mounds (2000-9000 years B.P.) in the Kanto district, Japan. It is difficult to separate the organic metrials from calcium carbonate without any loss especially in the fossil shells, so the nitrogen analysis of the shell should be carried out with much calcium carbonate, not to remove it. The writer is successful in quantitative nitrogen analysis of the organic materials with much calcium carbonate (Fig. 1). Both the fossil and recent samples analysed are Anadara broughtoni, A. subcrenata, Ostrea gigas, Corbicula iaponica, C. leana, Meretrix lusoria, Mya japonica and Neverita didyma, which are shown in Table 1 with places of occurrence, absolute ages, and weight percents of nitrogen in the shell. In so far as the fossil shells of the Johmon shellmounds are concerned, it is concluded that nitrogen content of the shell indicates rapid diminishing in 2000 years and slow decreasing since then (Fig. 2). 続きを見る


田崎, 和江 ; 野村, 正純 ; 森井, 一誠 ; 佐藤, 和也 ; 馬場, 奈緒子 ; 中西, 孝 ; 横山, 明彦 ; Chaerun, Siti Khodijah ; Tazaki, Kazue ; Nomura, Masazumi ; Morii, Issei ; Satoh, Kazuya ; Baba, Naoko ; Nakanishi, Takashi ; Yokoyama, Akihiko
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  62  pp.325-330,  2008-09-25.  地学団体研究会 The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061687
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />The magnitude-6.8 Chuetsu-Oki Earthquake struck at 10:13 a.m. 16th July 2007, off the northwester n coast of Japan in Niigata Prefecture, Japan. The hypocenter was Chuetsu-Oki region 37.33N, 138.36E (17km in depth). The quake started under the ocean about 9km North of Kashiwazaki Kariwa nuclear plant, killing 11 peoples, and flattening several hundreds of buildings. In this study, Radon has measured in air and ground fissures using portable natural gamma ray system on July 16-17, and 20-21th, 2007. The quite high gamma ray of 300-340 cpm was detected on July 21th at Ohminato, Kariwa village which is the nearest of the fault fissure zone. The abnormal increase (200-300cpm) was detected at large deep subsidence and new crack on the paved road. For comparison, normal air radon without earthquake was counted as low as 60-80cpm. The car-borne and hand-borne measurement system was assembled for easily and rapidly detecting full features of the fissures buried in the ground. 続きを見る


岸上, 佳史 ; 桜山, 和美 ; 田崎, 和江 ; 上島, 雅人 ; 渡辺, 弘明 ; Kishigami, Yoshifumi ; Sakurayama, Kazumi ; Tazaki, Kazue ; Ueshima, Masato ; Watanabe, Hiroaki
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  53  pp.19-28,  1999-01-25.  地学団体研究会 The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061688
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />尾小屋鉱山は緑色凝灰岩中にできた裂罅充填型浅熱水性の銅鉱床である.1971年に閉山するまで,当鉱山では黄鉄鉱,黄銅鉱,方鉛鉱,閃亜鉛鉱を産出していた.重金属は捨てられた鉱石から溶出し,河川へと流 出している.石川県の尾小屋鉱山地域では,Fe,Cu,Zn,Cdがズリ捨て場から梯川へ流入している.本鉱山では,様々な色のバイオマットが第六立坑周辺に形成している.緑色のバイオマットに覆われている大量の茶色のバイオマットが坑口から続く谷川の河床に重金属を堆積している.これらのバイオマットは光学顕微鏡および走査型電子顕微鏡(SEM)を用いて観察を行った.また,バイオマットの鉱物および元素組成はX線粉末回折分析装置(XRD),蛍光X線分析装置(XRF)およびエネルギー分散分析装置(EDX)で分析を行った.坑水に含まれている主な重金属は,Fe(26.85mg/l),Cu(3.97mg/l),Zn(23.94mg/l),Cd(0.09mg/l)である.Fe,Zn,Cuやその他の金属が溶存している坑水中から,ピンク色バイオマットは銅を選択的に濃集し,また深緑色のバイオマットはFeを濃集している.ピンク色バイオマット中には自然銅,赤銅鉱,石英が存在していた.また,茶色のバイオマットはFeを選択的に濃集し,針鉄鉱やマグヘマイトといった鉱物を形成していた.バクテリアや藻類などの微生物はFeやCuといった重金属を細胞に吸着および濃集し生体鉱物を作ることが明らかになったので報告する.<br />Ogoya Mine in Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan, is one of the fissure-filling vein type copper deposits in the Green Tuff region. The mine contains pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena and sphalerite. Heavy metal ions dissolveed from abandoned metal-mine are common in waste water pool and stream. In the metal mining area, Fe, Cu, Zn and Cd are releasing from dumping area to the Kakehashi River. The drainage water contains Fe (26.85mg/l), Cu (3.97mg/l), Zn (23.94mg/l) and Cd (0.09mg/l). In this mine, various colored microbial mats (biomats) are grown around the No.6 pit drainage system. Abundant brown biomats covered with green biomats have fixed heavy metals on the drainage channel down the pithead. These biomats are observed by both optical and scanning electron microscopes (SEM). Minerals in the biomat and their chemical compositions were analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and energy dispersive X-ray analyzer (EDX). The reddish biomats fix Cu selectively from drainage water, whereas the dark green biomats fix Fe. Microorganisms, such as bacteria and algae, capture most of heavy metals as Fe- and Cu-minerals in/on the cell. It is clarified that copper and cuprite are formed in reddish biomats, and that goethite and maghemite are formed in the brown biomats. 続きを見る


井上, 多津男 ; 長尾, 敬介 ; 田崎, 和江 ; 川谷, 芳弘 ; Inoue, Tatuo ; Nagao, Keisuke ; Tazaki, Kazue ; Kawatani, Yoshihiro
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  53  pp.75-80,  1999-01-25.  地学団体研究会 The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061689
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系


佐藤, 和也 ; 田崎, 和江 ; 奥野, 正幸 ; 久保, 博 ; Satoh, Kazuya ; Tazaki, Kazue ; Okuno, Masayuki ; Kubota, Hiroshi
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  64  pp.63-75,  2010-03-25.  地学団体研究会 The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061690
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />長野県の松代温泉は,大量のほう素(B)を含む温泉としてよく知られている.その排水溝には茶褐色および黒色のバイオマットが形成されている.特に河川水と温泉排水が交わる部分には黒色のバイオマットが形成 されている.いずれのバイオマット中にも多量のBが濃集しており,これによって,排水中のB濃度は,排出直後よりも4割程度減少する.これは,バイオマット中に生息するシアノバクテリアがカルサイトを作る時に,二酸化炭素のかわりに炭酸塩イオンを取り込むからである.その際に細胞周辺に局所的に高アルカリ環境を作り出し,温泉中のHBO2を電離させ,よりBを他の物質に結合しやすい状態にするためである.シアノバクテリアはカルサイトを作り出すことによって,Bを濃集させ,温泉水中のBを軽減する働きがある.<br />Matsushiro Hot springs in Nagano Prefecture, Japan is known as one of the hot springs in which the concentration of boron (B) is quite high. The hot spring water drainage ditch was covered with dark brown microbial mats. Before the drainage meets the river, the microbial mats deposit is more than 2m in depth. The microbial mats deposit has two layers. In the upper parts, dark brown microbial mats covered the surface. Underneath are black microbial mats which make up a portion of the two layer structure. At the junction of the drainage and river water, only black microbial mats occurred. The aim of this study was to reduce the boron concentration of the drainage water with microbial mats at Matsushiro Hot Springs. ASS analysis showed that microbial mats collected from five different points contain 854mg B/kg, 8628mg Fe/kg, 120mg As/kg, and 912mg Mg/kg on average. ED-XRF analysis showed that all microbial mats contained more than 50wt% of Ca. XRD analysis and FT-IR spectra of the microbial mats indicated the presence of calcite. Observations by optical and electron microscopy showed that cyanobacteria inhabited dark brown microbial mats, whereas cyanobacteria and diatoms inhabited in black mierobial mats. Cyanobacteria use an enzyme named carbonate anhydrase (CA). HCO3- dissolved in the hot spring water was broken down into CO2 and OH- by CA. That OH- made temporary alkaline conditions around the cyanobacteria. Such alkaline conditions facilitate the break down of HBO2 into H+ and BO2-. BO2- can form many chemical compounds. The concentration of boron described in this study might have profound implications for bioremediation of boron contaminated sites. 続きを見る


田崎, 和江 ; 野村, 正純 ; 馬場, 奈緒子 ; Tazaki, Kazue ; Nomura, Masazumi ; Baba, Naoko
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  61  pp.389-400,  2007-09-25.  地学団体研究会 The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061691
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />2007年3月25日9時41分にマグニチュード6.9の地震が石川県能登半島を襲った.その地震のため1〜2週間電気や水道が止まった.住民は近所の井戸,湧き水,山水を注意深く使用した.なぜならば,地 震後のそれらの水は,泥などで色が変化し,pHも硫酸イオンのために中性から酸性に変化し飲料不可になった井戸水があったからである.一方,地震から2ヶ月後の6月初旬,石川県七尾市中島町において、亀裂や陥没等々の地下構造の変化のため,海水が水田に浸透し稲が枯れる塩害が発生した.塩害が発生した水田を始め,周辺の用水路,貯水池の水を現地で測定したところ,pH8を示し電気伝導度(EC)も高い値を示した.また,塩害を起こした水田の土壌と稲を蛍光X線分析により定量分析をおこなったところ高濃度の塩素のほか典型的な塩害現象を示すNa,S,Feが高濃度に検出された.<br />The Noto Hanto Earthquake with a magnitude of 6.9 struck off the North coast of Ishikawa Prefecture that occurred at 9 : 41 a.m. on the 25th March 2007. It was an undersea earthquake with an epicentre of about 30km Southwest of Wajima, shaking up the Hokuriku district and cutting electricity and drinking water system for 1-2 weeks. All residents, especially those who are near the hardest hit areas, were advised to use drinking water collected from springs, wells and mountain natural waters with extra caution, because the water had become muddy after the quake. Some of waters were shifted from neutral to acidic pH (pH 5) that was not drinkable due to SO4_2- On the other hand, the rice fields were also damaged by sea salt after 2 months of the earthquake, because of several factors to consider, such as cracks, faults, and subsidence near reservoir water for rice field irrigation at Nakajima-machi, Nanao City, Ishikawa Prefecture at the beginning of June 2007. The field measurements of the pH of the water (pH 8) and high electrical conductivity (EC) suggest that seawater flowed into the rice fields, which agreed with X-ray Fluorescence quantitative analysis, showing high chlorine content. The soil and rice at damaged fields indicated high Na, S, Cl, and Fe contents, showing typical phenomenon of sea-salt damage. Farmers have asked the government for compensation and prevention of the damaged rice fields even after 2-3 months of the earthquake. 続きを見る


田崎, 和江 ; 馬場, 奈緒子 ; 佐藤, 和也 ; 奥野, 正幸 ; 福士, 圭介 ; Tazaki, Kazue ; Baba, Naoko ; Satoh, Kazuya ; Okuno, Masayuki ; Fukushi, Keisuke
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  61  pp.281-292,  2007-07-25.  地学団体研究会 The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061692
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />2007年3月25日9時41分にマグニチュード6.9の地震が石川県能登半島を襲った.その折,水道が断水し,住民は周囲の井戸水,湧き水,山水を生活水として使用した.その水は地震直後から白色,灰色, 茶色に濁り,2-3日から2週間続いた.本研究は被害地の住民からの聞き取り調査,現地における水質検査,採水試料を実験室に持ち帰り,蛍光X線分析,イオンクロマト分析,走査型電子顕微鏡観察を行った.地震前は中性であった井戸水が地震後にpH5.4-5.9と酸性になり,かつ, SO4が非常に高くなり飲料不可となった.一方,中性であった温泉水がpH8とアルカリ性に変化し, NaCl含有量が高くなり,海水の浸入を示唆した.また,飲料水の6項目についての検査を行政に依頼したところ, 2箇所の水から基準以上の一般細菌と大腸菌が見つかり飲料不可となった.なお,この検査項目にはpHが含まれていないので,今後,災害時にはいち早く生活水についてpHや集落形成単位(CFU)を含めた水質検査が必要である.さらに,避難所における生活水はノロウィルスなどによる病気と直結しているため,行政による迅速な措置と指導が必要である.<br />The magnitude-6.9 Noto Hanto Earthquake struck at 9:41 a.m. 25th March 2007, off the north coast of Ishikawa Prefecture. The quake started under the ocean about 30 km southwest of Wajima, shaking up Ishikawa, Toyama and Niigata prefectures and cutting electricity and drinking water system to some 160,000 households, killing one person and damaging hundreds of houses. The quake also crippled public transportation, including Noto airport, and cut water to about 9,500 households. All residents, especially those who are near the hardest-hit area, are advised to use drinking water collected from spring, well and mountain natural water with extra caution, because the water got become muddy in white, gray, and brown color after the quake. Some of water changed to acidic pH 5.4-5.9 from neutral pH is not drinkable due to SO4. The legal standard of pH for drinking water is pH 5.8-8.6. The water contained 5-10 times of SO4 higher than standard concentration of SO4, but looking transparent after one week. The field measurements of water pH suggest that high SO4 contents are due to acidic drinking water, agreed with XRF, ion-chromatography, and SEM-EDX analyses. After 3 weeks, water pH 5.9 backed to the normal pH 6.5, but NO3, Ca and Mg contents were still higher than before the quake. We have ordered the government to work, toward securing the citizen's safety and take all possible measures of drinking water to rescue them. The health center office must take care of spring water, well, and mountain natural water to check pH as soon as possible associated with CPU (Colony Forming Unit) check. 続きを見る


田崎, 和江 ; 山内 , 順公 ; 犬飼, 将成 ; 中山, 和正 ; 犬塚, 俊裕 ; 森井, 一誠 ; 片桐, 有由未 ; 糸野, 妙子 ; Tazaki, Kazue ; Yamauchi, Yoritaka ; Inukai, Masanari ; Nakayama, Kazumasa ; Inuzuka, Toshihiro ; Morii, Issei ; Katagiri, Ayumi ; Itono, Taeko
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  58  pp.389-405,  2004-11-25.  地学団体研究会 The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061693
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />雨水が樹冠を通過することにより水質がどのように変化するのかを明らかにするため,スギ,コナラ,モウソウチタの林外雨,林内雨および樹幹流の水質測定と溶存イオンをED-XRFにより分析した.雨水の採取 や測定は2004年2-3月金沢大学角間キャンパスで行った.また,雨水が森林の樹木を伝わり土壌に行く物質循環を明らかにするため,スギ,コナラ,モウソウチクの樹皮の浸出実験と土壌の透過実験を行った.その結果,スギ,コナラの樹皮の浸出液のpHは酸性化し,モウソウチクは弱酸性化した.このpHの変化は溶出したK,Caなどのイオンによって生じる.樹皮の浸出実験の前と後をSEM-EDXで観察したところ,浸出後の表面は平滑になっていた.また,3種の樹木の樹幹流を土壌に透過させるとpHは4-6の一定の値に収束した.これは土壌中に存在する粘土鉱物のイオン交換能を示唆している.さらに,土壌は植生によって溶脱するイオンの種類と量が異なる.以上の結果は,雨水が樹幹を伝わることにより大きく水質および化学成分を変化させることを明らかにした.この結果は森林環境保全を行う上で重要である.<br />Field and laboratory studies were conducted to investigate the successive changes in the chemical and physical characteristics of rainwater through stemflow as well as soil in three different forest ecosystems. That is, Sugi (Cryptomeria japonica), Konara (Quercus serrata), and Mousoutiku (Phyllostachys heterocycla) forests which are located in the Kakuma campus of Kanazawa University, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan. Rainwater outside those forests was also sampled as control precipitation. For field investigation, the rainwater samples as throughfall and stemflow were collected from February 25 to March 18, 2004. For laboratory investigation, the batch leaching experiment using control rainwater was performed over a period of one week, and the continuous filtration experiment using downflow soil bed system with the stemflow of those trees was undertaken as well. XRD analyses of bulk soil and < 2 μ m fraction of soil samples collected from those forests showed similar mineral compositions composed of quartz, feldspars, cristobalite, gibbsite, chlorite, vermiculite, and kaolin minerals. The leaching experimental data showed similar mineral decreases in the rainwater pH of Sugi forest (pH〜4), while little change in the rainwater pH of Konara forest was observed. Conversely, the rainwater pH of Mousoutiku forest tended to increase. These pH changes may be the result of dissolution of K and Ca contained in the bark of those trees in agreement with the experimental data of chemical composition of rainwater analyzed by ED-XRF. Scanning electron microscopic observations of tree bark showed that the surfaces of bark after leaching became smoother than those before leaching, and their EDX spectra showed that there were decreases in the K and Ca contents after leaching. The continuous filtration experiment demonstrated that there were significant changes in the pH, EC, and Eh of the effluent rainwater after filtering through a soil filter bed with several kinds of minerals, indicating that minerals serve as a natural buffer. These results indicate that the type of plants and mineralogical composition of soils in forest ecosystems have effects on the successive changes in the chemical and physical characteristics of rainwater. 続きを見る


田崎, 和江 ; 長谷川, 香織 ; 松本, 和也 ; Tazaki, Kazue ; Hasegawa, Kaori ; Matsumoto, Kazuya
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  56  pp.87-104,  2002-03-25.  地学団体研究会 The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061694
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />かつての鉱山活動は重金属を外界に排出し,今日でも水質や土壌汚染の原因となっている.岐阜県神岡町にある大規模なZn-Pb鉱山の一つである神岡鉱山は,神通川の重金属汚染源となってきた.Cd,Pb,Z nそしてFeなどの重金属が高原川-神通川水系に未処理のまま廃棄され,下流域の住民の健康に影響を与えた.重金属の中でも特にCdは,イタイイタイ病の病原物質と見なされた.Cd汚染問題は未だに解決されていない.消石灰を投入し,中和凝集処理された廃滓の沈殿池が神岡鉱山にいくつか存在する.廃滓や廃棄場から排出された汚染水は,神通川の上流の高原川に流れ込んでいる.本研究では,重金属を含む堆積物の特性を明らかにするため,高原川-神通川水系にある五つのダムの堆積物を採取した.ダム堆積物の鉱物的・化学的組成を明らかにするため,それぞれの試料についてXRD,ED-XRFによる分析を行った.その結果,神岡鉱山の上流域に位置する浅井田ダムの堆積物はCd,粘土鉱物そして有機物が少なく,神岡鉱山の下流域に位置する新猪谷ダム,神通川第一,第二,第三ダムにおいては,汚泥,スメクタイトそしてZn,Cdのような重金属が多く含まれていることが明らかになった.また,本研究では,水中の重金属の浄化能力を見積もるための実験を行った.その結果,バクテリアを使ったバイオレメディエーションは重金属の固定に効果的であることを示した.室内実験系においてバイオフロック中の糸状菌は,一週間で細胞壁の表面にPb,Zn,Cdを選択的に濃集した.バイオレメディエーションの能力を持つバクテリアは,鉱山地域における下流のダム堆積物中でも重金属を固定する重要な役割を演じている.<br />Contamination of water and soils is one of grave problems at mining area. Kamioka Mine, one of the largest Zn-Pb mine in Gifu prefecture in Japan, has been the source of heavy metal pollution in Jinzu River. Cd, Pb, Zn, and Fe have been released from an abandoned dump into the Takahara-Jinzu River system, and serious health problem occurred in the down stream areas. Heavy metals, Cd, in particular, is regarded to be the pathogenic substance causing Itai-Itai Disease. The Cd pollution problems have not yet been solved. Some tailing ponds with neutralizing coagulation treatment (slaked lime) are present in the Kamioka Mine. Heavy metal-contaminated wasted water from tailing and dumping areas were discharged into the Takahara River (the upper stream of the Jinzu River). In this study, five dam sediments along the Takahara-Jinzu River were collected, in order to clarify characteristics of sediments with heavy metals. Each sample was analyzed by using an X-ray powder diffractometer (XRD) and an energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence analyzer (ED-XRF) in order to clarify the mineralogical and chemical compositions of the dam sediments. As a result, the sediment from Asaida dam on the upper course of the Kamioka Mine has little Cd, clay minerals and organic matter, whereas Shininotani dam, Jinzu 1st dam, Jinzu 2nd dam, Jinzu 3rd dam in the down stream of the Kamioka Mine have much sludge, smectite and heavy metals, such as Zn and Cd. Smectite and organic matter have been concentrated with heavy metals in the down stream dam sediments of Jinzu River. In this study, arrange of experimental observation has carried out in order to estimate the ability of heavy metals for the purification of water. The results suggest that bioremediation methods using bacteria is effective as a fixing heavy metals. Filamentous bacteria in biofloc selectively accumulated Pb, Zn, and Cd on the surface of cell wall in laboratory experimental system after one week aging. The bacteria have an ability as a bioremediation, play a key role in the fixation of heavy metals in the down stream dam sediments at mining area. 続きを見る


田崎, 和江 ; 倉繁, 和也 ; Tazaki, Kazue ; Kurashige, Kazuya
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  54  pp.287-297,  2000-09-25.  地学団体研究会 The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061695
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />北陸地方では泥漬け,つまり野菜を泥でつける食文化が伝承されている.本研究では,泥漬けで用いられる泥"赤ベト"の特性および漬け込むだナスの表皮が染色するメカニズムを明らかにした.数日間,赤ベトに漬 けたナスの表皮は鮮やかなコバルトブルーになる.一般に,赤褐色の泥の化学的特性は豊富な鉄によると認識されてきた.赤ベトには,粘土鉱物の他に,石英や長石などのケイ酸塩鉱物,鉄ミョウバン,そして水酸化鉄が含まれていた.これらの鉱物の含有量は各地域の泥により変化した.蒸留水,塩酸水溶液および溶液の水質(pH, Eh,EC,そしてDO)の変化を9日間測定したところ,酸性条件下で加水分解により鉄イオンが溶出することが示された.以上の結果から,加水分解によりナスの表皮がコバルトブルーに変色する現象は,ナスの主要な色素であるanthocyanやhyacinに関係していることが示唆される.<br />Abstract"Mud-Pickles" soaking vegetables has been handed down in Hokuriku District from generation to generation. The characteristics of the mud for soaking, and the mechanisms of dyeing eggplants in "Aka-beto" were revealed in this study. The eggplant kept in "Aka-beto" for few days exhibits brilliant cobalt blue. Chemical characteristics of the reddish brown-colored mud were commonly acknowledged as abundant Fe. "Aka-beto" contains silicate minerals such as quartz, feldspars, jarosite, and hydrated iron oxides, in addition to clay minerals. The content of these minerals was varied, depending on the local mud. Values of pH, Eh, EC and DO of the mud which added to distilled water, HCl and NaCl, were measured for 9 days respectively. The results indicated that ion leaching of Fe, occurred in acidic condition, due to hydrolysis. Accordingly, it is suggested that such a hydrolysis change of the color of eggplants into cobalt blue, in association with anthocyan and hyacin, major pigments of eggplant. 続きを見る


Tazaki, Kazue ; 田崎, 和江
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  47  pp.251-270,  1993-05-25.  地学団体研究会 The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan (AGCJ)
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061696
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />Because of increasing population, human activity has become a dominant process modifying the eart h environment. Understanding the new environmental stresses includes study of interface processes on macro- and micro-scales. Application of electron microscopy to the study of sulfides and sulfate complexes in atmospheric dust, in acidic river sediment, in sewage sludge and in water solution, provide unique information on the interaction between bacteria and human activities in close-to-environmental conditions. Microorganisms exhibit great powers of trace metal accumulation and immolization. They may be frequently encountered in extreme metal contaminated environment both natural and man-made. The sulfides leading to the formation of sulfide minerals were observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) equipped with energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX). For example: 1 Atmospheric sulfide minerals in air dust, 2 Sulfides precipitation with bacteria in polluted mining river sediment, 3 Sulfide mineralization in sludge, 4 Experimental sulfide mineralization in 9 K medium. Atmosphere oxidation rate of SO2 is largely balanced by exchange across the hydrosphere-biosphere-land surface interfaces. Fluctuating volcanic emissions or Chinese loess may have profound influence. SEM-EDX observation indicated that the air dust and acid rain-water contained gypsum, barite and sulfur films which may be due to contributions from volcanic eruption. TEM observation showed bacteria with S-rich thin films in dust of rain-water suggesting interaction between polluted S-rich precipitation and bacterial activity in atmospheric environment. The study of acidic river sediment indicates the enormous influence of the biosphere in maintaining river chemistry of sulfate complexes and sulfides. The electron microscopic techniques enable us to examine the reactive surface at the micron scale, the surface where reaction occurs, that control so many of the basic biogeochemical processes. Micro-scopic study showed that all biomass contains a significant quantity of metallic constituents, and mineralization in living and dead biodebris may contribute to sulfides transport from the hydrosphere into sediment. The bacterial cell walls are remarkable in their ability to fix metals and provide sites for nucleation and growth of Mn, Fe, Cu and Zn minerals. The sulfate complexes and sulfides in sludge in Lake Nakaumi were investigated, including study on the formation of minerals and uptake of metals by bacteria or plant. SEM-EDX observation showed that pyrite, pyrrhotite and gypsum were formed on the top of surface sludge. The aggregate of framboidal pyrite gradually grew in diatom shell which composed of S and Fe, suggesting the processes of sulfide mineral formations related with organisms. The sewage sludge is a valuable source of N, P, and heavy metallic elements (e. g. , Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn) and organic matter. Such metals are of environmental concern due to their potential effects on plant uptake and growth. Jarosite used in the laboratory study was produced from a mixture of 9 K medium and Thiobacillus ferroxidans for a period of several days. SEM-EDX observation with XRD showed that jarosite was formed after 3 days and ammoniojarosite was formed after 7 days from the experimental solution. If T. ferroxidans is present, jarosite can be formed at room temperature by aerating solutions of FeSO4, and K2SO4 at pH 2 within few days. Elemental sulfur interacted with the metal-loaded bacterial cells, affected both the eventual earth science and crystal habit of the metal sulfides, and formed a variety of crystalline metal sulfides. Observation of sulfate complexe changes is unique opportunity to better manage all our earth environment. 続きを見る


Watanabe, Chihiro ; Monzen, Ryoichi ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: Journal of Materials Science.  2007  pp.1-7,  2007-01-01.  Springer Verlag (Germany)
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/7457
概要: 金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科機能創成システム<br />The effects of addition of Zr and Ag on the mechanical properties of a Cu-0.5 wt%Cr alloy ha ve been investigated. The addition of 0.15 wt%Zr enhances the strength and resistance to stress relaxation of the Cu-Cr alloy. The increase in strength is caused by both the decrease in inter-precipitate spacing of Cr precipitates and the precipitation of Cu5Zr phase. The stress relaxation resistance is improved by the preferentially forming Cu5Zr precipitates on dislocations, in addition to Cr precipitates on dislocations. The addition of 0.1 wt%Ag to the Cu-Cr and Cu-Cr-Zr alloys improves the strength, stress relaxation resistance and bend formability of these alloys. The increase in strength and stress relaxation resistance is ascribed to the decrease in inter-precipitate spacing of Cr precipitates and the suppression of recovery during aging, and to the Ag-atom-drag effect on dislocation motion. The better bend formability of the Ag-added alloys is explained in terms of the larger post-uniform elongation of the alloys. © 2007 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. 続きを見る


Watanabe, Chihiro ; Monzen, Ryoichi ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: Journal of Materials Science.  43  pp.813-819,  2008-02-01.  Springer Verlag (Germany)
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/9563
概要: 金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科機能創成システム<br />The effects of addition of Zr and Ag on the mechanical properties of a Cu-0.5 wt%Cr alloy ha ve been investigated. The addition of 0.15 wt%Zr enhances the strength and resistance to stress relaxation of the Cu-Cr alloy. The increase in strength is caused by both the decrease in inter-precipitate spacing of Cr precipitates and the precipitation of Cu5Zr phase. The stress relaxation resistance is improved by the preferentially forming Cu5Zr precipitates on dislocations, in addition to Cr precipitates on dislocations. The addition of 0.1 wt%Ag to the Cu-Cr and Cu-Cr-Zr alloys improves the strength, stress relaxation resistance and bend formability of these alloys. The increase in strength and stress relaxation resistance is ascribed to the decrease in inter-precipitate spacing of Cr precipitates and the suppression of recovery during aging, and to the Ag-atom-drag effect on dislocation motion. The better bend formability of the Ag-added alloys is explained in terms of the larger post-uniform elongation of the alloys. © 2007 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. 続きを見る


Watanabe, Chihiro ; Nishijima, Fumiya ; Monzen, Ryoichi ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: Materials Science Forum.  561-565  pp.2321-2324,  2007-01-01.  Trans Tech Publications
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/9561
概要: 金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科機能創成システム<br />The effects of P and Cr addition and two-step aging on the microstructure and mechanical pro perties of a Cu-4wt%Ni-0.95wt%Si alloy have been examined. The addition of 0.02wt%P improves both strength and elongation because it suppresses discontinuous precipitation reaction. The Cr addition to the Cu-Ni-Si-P alloy decreases greatly the grain size, resulting in an increase in elongation. Two-step aging, pre-aging at 300 or 350°C and subsequent second-step aging at 450°C, causes an increase in strength without reducing elongation. The increase in strength is attributable to the decrease in inter-precipitate spacing by the two-step aging. The two-step aged Cu-4wt%Ni-0.95wt%Si-0.02wt%P-0.02wt%Cr alloy attains a tensile strength of 830MPa, an elongation of 13% and an electrical conductivity of 35%IACS. 続きを見る


田崎, 和江 ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: 地質学雑誌 = The Journal of the Geological Society of Japan.  79  pp.79-88,  1973-02-01.  日本地質学会 The Geological Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/2582
概要: 金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科


Tazaki, Kazue ; Asada, Ryuji
出版情報: Geomicrobiology Journal.  24  pp.477-489,  2007-09-01.  Taylor & Francis
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/7369
概要: 金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科環境動態<br />Mercury is a toxic substance that is widely distributed throughout the hydrosphere, biosphere, a nd lithosphere. Mine waste environments and mine waters support a wide diversity of microbial life. The microbial ecology of environments where mine waters are polluted with heavy metals is poorly understood. Here, we describe the features of bacteria in mercury-contaminated gold panning ponds in a small-scale gold mine (Geita) near Lake Victoria, Tanzania using energy filtering transmission electron microscopy (EF-TEM) and scanning transmission electron microscopy equipped with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (STEM-EDX). Most bacteria in the panning pond showed thick exopolysaccharides (EPSs), and many clay minerals attached onto the surface of EPSs. The clay minerals and EPSs might act as protective layers for the bacteria against toxic materials. The clay minerals were composed of smectite, halloysite, and kaolinite associated with calcite and goethite. Scanning electron microscopy equipped with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy indicated that the bulk soil samples contained abundant Si, Al, K, Ca, and Fe with heavy metals such as Au, Ti, and Ag. The results indicate that Hg pollution from panning ponds is caused by not only volatilization of Hg from Au-Hg amalgams, but Hg is also released into the air as dust mixed with dry fine clays, suggesting high long-term environmental risks. Mercury-resistant bacteria associated with clay minerals may have a significant effect on the weathering processes of the ore during long-term bioremediation. The clay mineral complexes on the surface of bacterial cell walls are a stimulator for Hg-resistant bacterial growth in mud ponds contaminated with the Au-Hg materials. 全文公開200809 続きを見る


大島, 智子 ; 田崎, 和江 ; 高須, 晃 ; Ohshima, Tomoko ; Tazaki, Kazue ; Takasu, Akira
出版情報: 地質學雜誌 = The Journal of the Geological Society of Japan.  99  pp.91-104,  1993-02-01.  日本地質学会 The Geological Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/2578
概要: 金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科


Nonaka, Tsuguhiro ; Ismail, Nasir ; Tazaki, Kazue ; Mori, Tadahiro
出版情報: 土木学会論文集 = Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshu.  1993  pp.125-131,  1993-01-01.  土木学会 = Japan Society of Civil Engineers
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/48691
概要: Determination of microbial corrosion is very important to anticipate the remaining service life of the concrete structur es in order to avoid the recurrence of structures collapse or failures. The behaviors of Fe-ions and formation of Fe-rich layer were studied. Fe-ions started to migrate to carbonated zone during carbonation process. When surface pH decreased by microbial corrosion process, Fe-ions accumulated and concentrated locally forming Fe-layer at areas between corroded and sound zones. Results show that Fe-layer depth is more than the depth of corrosion. Calculation of Fe-layer formation rates as a mean to determine the corrosion rate with certain factor of safety is proposed. コンクリートの微生物腐食を表す指標として, 腐食部分の先端に見られるFe層の存在理由とその意義を室内実験と現場調査により明示する. ICPでのFeイオンの分析から, 炭酸化と微生物腐食によるpHの低下によって, 腐食先端にFeイオンが集積することがわかった. この挙動は現場調査結果からも確かめられた. さらに腐食深さとFe層の位置には比例関係が見られた. 微生物腐食速度の決定にFe層の追跡が有効と考えられる. 続きを見る


Tazaki, Kazue ; Morikawa, Toshikazu ; Watanabe, Hiroaki ; Asada, Ryuji ; Okuno, Masayuki
出版情報: Clay Science.  12  pp.245-254,  2006-01-01.  日本粘土学会 = The Clay Science Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/48696
概要: 出版者照会後に全文公開<br />Microbial formation, Bio-imogolite, Fibrous network structure, Bacterial cell wall, Cohesion, Electron microscope


Brandon, Keely ; Tazaki, Kazue ; Okuno, Masayuki
出版情報: Clay Science.  14  pp.65-79,  2009-01-01.  日本粘土学会 = The Clay Science Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/48697
概要: 出版者照会後に全文公開<br />A unique ecosystem composed of liverworts, diatoms, bacteria and argillaceous sediments is able to thri ve in spite of acidic, sulfur and heavy metal contaminated water below the abandoned Ogoya Copper Mine in Ishikawa, Japan. Sample analyses by optical microscope, ED-XRF, XRD, SEM, TEM and FE-TEM revealed that Fe and Cu were taken up by benthic organisms and sediments. Metal uptake and precipitation, including adsorption by clay minerals, improves the water quality for surrounding organisms. Liverworts shelter diatoms and bacteria, also trapping sediments and precipitates that would otherwise be washed away. Meanwhile bacteria are involved in metal accumulation and converting toxic aqueous metals to minerals. Liverworts displayed Cu and occasionally Fe and Zn content. Clay sediments were enriched in Fe and sometimes S, with traces of Ti, Mn, Cu, Zn, and occasionally As, Br, Sr and Zr. Based on XRD analyses, chlorite, mica minerals, feldspar, quartz and chloritoid were predominant in the <2μm fraction of the river sediments, along with traces of the sulfate minerals melanterite, chalcanthite and despujolsite. Mine drainage has compromised the health of surrounding communities and damaged river ecosystems. Clarification and optimization of natural metal uptake processes and the fate of mine-related elements could hold keys to sustainable remediation methods for use in the Ogoya mine area. 続きを見る


Nagase, Takako ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: Clay Science.  12  pp.1-6,  2006-01-01.  日本粘土学会 = The Clay Science Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/48701
概要: 出版者照会後に全文公開<br />Low-silica zeolite samples and smectite were hydrothermally synthesized from Si-Al hydrous oxides. The synthesized zeolite phases changed to structures having lower Si/Al ratio with increases in the amount of NaOH in the slurry, and time of hydrothermal treatment. When tetraethyl ammonium hydroxide (TEAOH) was added instead of NaOH, ammonium smectite was produced without zeolite. SEM and TEM images suggested that crystallization occurred at the solid-liquid interface. Upon addition of NaOH (Na/Si<0.2) to the smectite, zeolite nucleation was observed on the surface of the clay film. The zeolite phase changes depended on the dissolution of the solid phase and the resultant change in composition of the liquid phase. The observed phase relationships agreed with the calculated formation free energies and solubilities. Thus, low-silica zeolite formation under hydrothermal conditions was strongly affected by the composition and concentration of the solution. The phase relationships based on solubility curves, can be used to control the synthesis of metastable aluminous silicates and can be applied to the design of some industrial materials such as zeolite membranes and molecular sieves using hydrophilic low-silica zeolites and smectites. 続きを見る


POLGARI, MARTA ; Tazaki, Kazue ; Watanabe, Hiroaki ; VIGH, TAMAS ; Gucsik, Arnold
出版情報: Clay Science.  12  pp.233-239,  2006-01-01.  日本粘土学会 = The Clay Science Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/48698
概要: 出版者照会後に全文公開<br />The black shale-hosted ÚRKÚT Mn-mineralization is among the 10 largest deposits in the World. In this s tudy optical and electron microscopy demonstrated the biological formation of Mn-Fe minerals in Mn-carbonate ores. The ED-XRF elemental content maps and SEM-EDX observation of the ores showed distribution of Mn, Fe, and Si banded layer structure whereas the Mg, Al, and K are randomly distributed, as well as to explain the role of microorganisms associated with Ca and P. In both samples abundant microorganisms were found in the dark brown and white layers. Optical micrographs of thin sections clearly showed various shapes of cellular materials, such as spherule, oval, and filamentous morphologies. SEM-EDX observation revealed Fe-rich and P-Ca components around microorganisms showing spherule, tubular, and filamentous cells. The present investigation strongly suggests that the Mn-Fe and Si minerals were associated with microorganisms as a biological organic product. The identity of the bacteria responsible for Mn mineral formation is unknown, but is tentatively assigned to Mn and Fe bacteria on the basis of morphology. The genesis of rocks and minerals have played a pivotal role in Toarcian age, and they may even have acted as life genetic system. 続きを見る


Mitsuno, Masumi ; Tazaki, Kazue ; Fyfe, W. S. ; Powell, Michael A. ; Hart, Brian ; Daishng, Sun ; Li, Sheng-Rong
出版情報: Clay Science.  11  pp.503-515,  2001-01-01.  日本粘土学会 = The Clay Science Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/48699
概要: 出版者照会後に全文公開<br />Natural cultivation experiments using coal ash, reservoir sediments and Yellow River sediments were car ried out to determine the applicability of using these wastes to remediate desertificated soil in Inner Mongolia, China. In the experiments, the microorganisms multiplied more when coal ash was applied to the desertificated soil. Under optical microscope, abundant bacteria were observed in porous surfaces and inside of coal ash particles thereby indicating that the addition of coal ash to desertificated soil hastens the breeding of bacteria, improves soil quality and could be used in afforestation practices. The effects of ash on soil can be explained in two ways: first, in terms of its chemical characteristics (the coal ash contains C, N, P and K); and second, in terms of its micromorphology (it is porous). In natural cultivation experiments, the mixing of reservoir sediments and/orYellow River sediments with the coal ash helped multiply bacteria. These experiments suggest that coal ash and reservoir sediments can be utilized to help solve some of the most serious environmental issues facing China today. 続きを見る


Chaerun, S. Khodijah ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: Clay Science.  12  pp.187-196,  2003-01-01.  日本粘土学会 = The Clay Science Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/48700
概要: 出版者照会後に全文公開<br />The effect of kaolinite on the growth of hydrocarbon-utilizing indigenous microorganisms in high concen tration of heavy oil (i.e., approximately 150 g/l) was studied. Microorganisms were able to grow well in such an extremely high concentration in the presence of yeast extract as co-substrate in direct contact with kaolinite. The presence of kaolinite was not toxic but stimulant for the microbial growth associated with the formation of biofilms at pH values of 5-6 after 36 days of incubation. Bacterial growth predominated when the pH of solutions was neutral-alkaline condition, while fungal growth was predominant as the pH of solutions decreased to be as low as 5 or lower. TEM observation of the kaolinite-oil-microorganism complexes showed that the microbial cells tended to be primarily bound on the edges of kaolinite, and XRD analysis confirmed that their complexes were the adsorption of the cells and heavy oil to the external surfaces of kaolinite. The results may contribute to what environmental factors having a great influence on the bioremediation process is therefore fundamental to many areas contaminated with oil spills, primarily marine and coastal environments. To our knowledge, there are no previous reports on the use of the clay minerals (i.e., kaolinite) in the bioremediation of the Nakhodka oil spill in combination with biofilm formation. 続きを見る


Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: Clays and Clay Minerals.  53  pp.224-233,  2005-06-01.  The Clay Minerals Society
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/33123
概要: Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) has been used to demonstrate the biological formation of a hollow spherical hallo ysite-like mineral in freshwater systems. The interaction between clays and microbes was investigated in microbial films from laboratory cultures derived from natural sediments. Optical and electron microscopic observations of cultured microbes revealed that thin clay films covered areas of the bacterial cell wall. X-ray diffraction of the thin films after 2 y of ageing showed a 7.13 Å d spacing, consistent with a 7 Å halloysite-like phase [Al 2Si 2O 5 (OH) 4·H 2O]. Fourier transform infrared analysis of the thin film exhibited the characteristic adsorption bands for O-H (3651 cm -1), C-H and C-N (2925, 1454 and 1420 cm -1, respectively), suggesting that the phase was closely associated with adhesive organics. Observation by TEM of the thin films revealed that spherical, hollow, halloysite-like material formed on both coccus- and bacillus-type bacterial cells. Electron diffraction analysis of this material showed 2.9, 2.5, 2.2 and 1.5 Å d spacings. The present investigation strongly suggests that the thin film wall of the spherical halloysite-like material was associated with bacteria as a bio-organic product. This material, referred to hereafter as bio-halloysite, is further evidence for the microbially-mediated formation of clay minerals. The identity of the bacteria responsible for bio-halloysite formation is unknown, but is tentatively assigned to sulfate-reducing bacteria on the basis of morphology and the presence of reducing conditions in the microcosm at the end of the experiments. Copyright © 2005, The Clay Minerals Society. 続きを見る


Tazaki, Kazue ; Wakimoto, Rie ; Minami, Yukiya ; Yamamoto, Masayoshi ; Miyata, Koshirou ; Sato, Kazuhiro ; Saji, Ichiro ; Chaerun, S. Khodijah ; Zhou, Guoping ; Morishita, Tomoaki ; Asada, Ryuji ; Segawa, Hiromi ; Imanishi, Hiroki ; Kato, Rie ; Otani, Yusuke ; Watanabe, Tomoko
出版情報: Atmospheric Environment.  38  pp.2091-2109,  2004-05-01.  Elsevier
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/33122
概要: Rainwater collected during the period of February-April, 2003 in Kanazawa University and Hakui, Ishikawa Prefecture, Jap an, was investigated by ion chromatography of the dissolved ions, and Scanning electron microscopy equipped with energy dispersive analyzer (SEM-EDX), electron microprobe analyzer (EPMA), transmission electron microscopy, and X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) analyses of the filtered samples. The pH, Eh, EC, dissolved oxygen (DO) and depleted U (DU) of the rainwater were also measured. The results show a rare case with low pH value of rain and high value of electrical conductivity (EC) in the rainwater during certain period. The NO 3 -, SO 4 2- and NH 4 + concentrations on 26th March, show quite high values after oil field fires on 21st March 2003. The powdery dust and carbon-bearing nm sized particles contained in the rainwater have characteristics different from that of the Asian dust (Kosa). Since 21 March, 2003 the Iraq plunged into the war, the 9 oil field fires were reported on 25 March, 2003 in Rumaylah oil field near the borderline of Kuwait. The first precipitation was caught in Kanazawa on 24 March, 2003. The pH value of the rainwater indicated a strong acid rain (pH 3.6) with black powdery dusts. The acid rain on 27th March to 2nd April (pH 3.4-4.3; 5-17mm) associated with WNW wind (2.7-4.1m/s) has continued to the first 10 days of April in Kanazawa, during the 9 oil fields were burning in Iraq. The EC in rainwater collected from 24 March to 15 April, 2003, shows high concentrations of ions, suggesting high contents of water soluble-carbon particles and soot. In the meantime, it was the highest season of sandstorms at bare dried land in Iraq from the end of March to the beginning of April. Westerly wind blew around 5500m high, and the sandstorm with 2000m wide was transported by strong wind to Zagros 3000m high mountains. The hot wind hit the Zagros Mountains and easily to join and rise to Westerly wind high by a rising air current. The 234U/ 238U activity (around 0.2) in typical depleted uranium (DU) is quite low compared with that (around 1.0) in natural uranium. The contamination of DU from the Iraq conflict may be, if any, negligibly small on undetectable level. On the other hand, the powdery dusts and carbon-bearing particles of rainwater have been produced by combustion of oil field in Iraq and they are directly cycling in our planet by Westerly wind. Black carbon particles are a product of incomplete combustion, and are the principal light-absorbing atmospheric aerosol. The result reminds us of the scientific values of short-term atmospheric environment records during Iraq's War. This has consequences for primary production of powdery dusts coming from Iraq to the atmosphere over half the globe away. © 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 続きを見る


高橋, 直人 ; 田崎, 和江 ; Takahashi, Naoto ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: 粘土科学 = Journal of the Clay Science Society of Japan (in Japanese).  47  pp.168-177,  2008-11-17.  日本粘土学会 = The Clay Science Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/38874
概要: The colorful microbial mats formed and caused stoppage in all drainage pipes at several landslide areas in Niigata Prefecture. The water catchments worked well for a short period such as within three years after the construction. In this study, samples from the damaged areas showing reddish brown microbial mats with iron bacteria, and green microbial mats with diatoms were observed by optical and electron microscopy, XRF and XRD analyses. The green microbial mats were more remarkable in areas mainly containing smectite clays versus sandstone areas rich in ferrihydrite. The green microbial mats formed in areas where the concentration of dissolved oxygen (DO) was more than 8mg/L, and the oxidation-reduction potential (Eh) was more than +300mV. On the other hand, the reddish-brown microbial mats formed in areas where the DO was less than 6.2mg/L, and Eh was less than +300mV. The reddish-brown microbial mats consisted of ferrihydrite formed by iron oxidizing bacteria at the outlets of the drainage pipes. In landslide areas, we pointed out the necessity of maintenance based on groundwater, microorganisms and geological features which contribute to the spread of clays. We propose two methods to prevent the formation of biomats in landslide fields, such as connected pipes and different materials used for drainage pipes. 続きを見る


田崎, 和江 ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: 粘土科学 = Journal of the Clay Science Society of Japan (in Japanese).  48  pp.27-42,  2009-04-10.  日本粘土学会 = The Clay Science Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/38875
概要: Acid precipitation is caused mainly by the oxidation of atmospheric SO_2, NO_2 and C0_2. Aerosol particles containing these oxides, fly ash and mineral dust are cycling on a global scale. NO_2 concentration, rainwater and air dust in the atmosphere have been investigated by electron microscopy. Rainwater sampled (May 29^<th> 2008) from the solitary island of Hekura-jima (Wajima, Ishikawa Prefecture), located in the Sea of Japan, was strongly acidic (pH 4.8) and high in electrical conductivity (EC). This is despite the fact that Hekura-jima has no industry or cars and as such, is believed to be less polluted than other areas in the same prefecture. NO_2 concentrations measured at Hekura-jima (May 28-29^<th> 2008) and at the uninhabited island of Ohshima, in the city of Wajima, Ishikawa Prefecture, (July 22-23rd 2008) indicated quite low values. The acid rain, sulfur materials and mineral dust were found deposited on the surfaces of black pine trees located to the northwestern side of Hekura-jima, suggesting that these atmospheric pollutants originate from surrounding countries rather than from local sources. Scanning electron micrographs of aerosol dust sampled from Hekura-jima on May 27-29^<th>, 2008, showed evidence of atmospheric pollutants of fly ash, sulfuric mineral dust of gypsum and pollen from pine trees. On this basis, it can be assumed that air pollution occurred frequently not only in industrial areas but also in certain solitary and uninhabited islands of Japan. White and green microbial mats were observed on tuff rock located at the uninhabited Ohshima Island suggesting that acidic rainwater that had seeped into the rock was subsequently exuded from cracks within the rocks. X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis of the green microbial mats collected from Ohshima Island showed mainly amorphous Al-Si materials. Optical and transmission electron micrographs of the green microbial mats showed various living microorganisms of diatoms and filamentous cyanobacteria within the granular particles. The living microbes clearly demonstrated a blue fluorescence under UV irradiation. Spherical materials were found inside the filamentous cyanobacterial cells, and chlorophyll was found inside the cocci cells of the microbes. On the other hand, opaque spherical materials of fly ash coexisted with microbes within the diatom cells. An energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis of the fly ash indicated that the main components were Al and Si. In addition, it was found that the granular materials were also composed of Al and Si. The abundant diatoms and filamentous microbes associated with the submicrometer Al-Si chemical compositions of the particles suggested an environmental co-ecosystem comprised of green microbial mats and Al-Si bio-clay mineralization. Environmental interactions between the aerosol particles, rainwater, tuff rock, and microorganisms at the uninhabited Ohshima Island showed a particular natural circulatory system. The diatoms, cyanobacteria and silicate bacteria were found to trap and feed on the mineral dust of Al-Si particles and fly ash collected from the ecosystem of the green microbial mats. The amorphous granular particles of mineral dust and fly ash have a correlation with microorganisms in which they act as carriers of atmospheric pollutants. These particles also play an important role in the environmental purification ability. 続きを見る


伊牟田, 盱 ; 田崎, 和江 ; Imuta, Miharu ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: 粘土科学 = Journal of the Clay Science Society of Japan (in Japanese).  47  pp.82-92,  2008-08-12.  日本粘土学会 = The Clay Science Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/38873
概要: Red brownish microbial mats grow on the surface of drainage pond at Iriki Kaolin deposit, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan, a re predominantly iron oxidizing bacteria. The Fe-bacteria quickly occur on the surface of acidic water pH 3.4 within few days. The biofilms are composed of amorphous iron hydroxides and ferrihydrite are found both in natural system and cultured solution after 90 days under pH 6→2.5 condition. Optical and SEM-EDX microscopy showed the formation processes of Fe-rich biofilms with green unicellular bacteria occurred in the system of deionized water and kaolinite blocks. In the system, Fe and S-rich biofilms around kaolinite blocks can be seen, suggesting kaolin minerals encourage to form the biofilms as accelerator in the acidic drainage pond. The biofilms use ferrous ions as their energy source through the oxidation into ferric ions. 続きを見る


田崎, 和江 ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: 粘土科学 = Journal of the Clay Science Society of Japan (in Japanese).  47  pp.240-254,  2008-12-28.  日本粘土学会 = The Clay Science Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/38878
概要: The weathering process has generally been considered from only a chemical/physical point of view, however recent observa tions of bacteria in weathered rocks have, led to questions about the importance of microbial activity. In order to examine this, an outdoor natural experiment has been performed in which an andesite rocky hill was immersed in running ground water at outside temperature for one year. The ground water is harvested from a depth of 150m for the establishment of the systems. The system was constructed in Kakuma Campus, Kanazawa University on April 2007, having the foot baths heated at 37℃ with disinfectant and the rocky hill with running natural ground water without any chemical and heating treatments. After 3 months of incubation in the footbath, biomineralization of carbonate minerals (calcite and aragonite) by Cyanobacteria was found. On the other hand, after one year, clay minerals (Smectite) and zeolite (Heulandite and Clinoptilolite) were found in only the rocky hill under natural conditions. Various kinds of microorganisms, such as Cyanobacteria, diatoms and bacteria accelerated weathering reactions of andesite (Tomuro-ishi) for building materials eroded on the surface, and to produce secondary minerals of bio-clays and zeolites. The microorganisms carry an important role to change water quality within such a short period. Large crystals of zeolite and fine thin films of smectite attached to the microorganisms with cohesion organics to form green microbial mats on the surface of the andesite rocky hill, showing accumulation of elements such as Al and Si which could have been derived by dissolution of the rocks associated with running water. These data collectively demonstrate the microbial formation of smectite and zeolite of bio-clays, where the reaction rates may be substantially enhanced by the presence of microorganisms. Bacteria and diatom activity may hence have a great influence on the clay mineral developments commonly observed in naturally weathered rocks. The mechanism of bio-clays formation has important implications for water-rock interactions both in natural environments and in polluted areas. The footbath facilities will be made available for use not only in research, but also for the advancement of education while contributing to the local community. 続きを見る


Tazaki, Kazue ; Shimojima, Yasuhiro ; Takehara, Teruaki ; Nakano, Mikio
出版情報: Minerals.  5  pp.849-862,  2015-12-01.  MDPI AG
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/44230
概要: Coastal areas in Minami-soma City, Fukushima, Japan, were seriously damaged by radioactive contamination from the Fukush ima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) accident that caused multiple pollution by tsunami and radionuclide exposure, after the Great East Japan Earthquake, on 11 March 2011. Some areas will remain no-go zones because radiation levels remain high. In Minami-soma, only 26 percent of decontamination work had been finished by the end of July in 2015. Here, we report the characterization of microbial mats and salt found on flooded paddy fields at Karasuzaki, Minami-soma City, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan which have been heavily contaminated by radionuclides, especially by Cs (134Cs, 137Cs), 40K, Sr (89Sr, 90Sr), and91 or 95Zr even though it is more than 30 km north of the FDNPP. We document the mineralogy, the chemistry, and the micro-morphology, using a combination of micro techniques. The microbial mats were found to consist of diatoms with mineralized halite and gypsum by using X-ray diffraction (XRD). Particular elements concentrated in microbial mats were detected using scanning electron microscopy equipped with energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF). The objective of this contribution is to illustrate the ability of various diatoms associated with minerals and microorganisms which are capable of absorbing both radionuclides and stable isotopes from polluted paddy soils in extreme conditions. Ge semiconductor analysis of the microbial mats detected 134Cs, 137Cs, and 40K without 131I in 2012 and in 2013. Quantitative analysis associated with the elemental content maps by SEM-EDS indicated the possibility of absorption of radionuclide and stable isotope elements from polluted paddy soils in Fukushima Prefecture. In addition, radionuclides were detected in solar salts made of contaminated sea water collected from the Karasuzaki ocean bath, Minami-soma, Fukushima in 2015, showing high Zr content associated with 137Cs and 40K without 131I. The results obtained here provide evidence of the ability of microorganisms to grow in this salty contaminated environment and to immobilize radionuclides. It is possible that the capability of radioactive immobilization can be used to counteract the disastrous effects of radionuclide-polluted paddy soils. © 2015 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. 続きを見る


Tazaki, Kazue ; Fukuyama, Atsuko ; Tazaki, Fumie ; Takehara, Teruaki ; Nakamura, Keiichi ; Okuno, Masayuki ; Hashida, Yumiko ; Hashida, Shozo
出版情報: Minerals.  7  pp.123-,  2017-07-19.  MDPI
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/48400
概要: Interactions between minerals and microorganisms play a crucial role in living wood tissues. However, living wood tissue s have never been studied in the field. Fortunately, we found several kurogaki (black persimmon; Diospyros kaki) trees at Tawara in Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan. Here, we report the characterization of kurogaki based on scanning electron microscopy equipped with energy-dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), associated with inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) analyses, X-ray fluorescence analyses (XRF) and X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) analyses. This study aims to illustrate the ability of various microorganisms associated with biominerals within wood tissues of kurogaki, as shown by SEM-EDS elemental content maps and TEM images. Kurogaki grows very slowly and has extremely hard wood, known for its striking black and beige coloration, referred to as a “peacock pattern”. However, the scientific data for kurogaki are very limited. The black “peacock pattern” of the wood mainly comprises cellulose and high levels of crystal cristobalite. As per the XRD results, the black taproot contains mineralized 7 Å clays (kaolinite), cellulose, apatite and cristobalite associated with many microorganisms. The chemical compositions of the black and beige portions of the black persimmon tree were obtained by ICP-MS analyses. Particular elements such as abundant Ca, Mg, K, P, Mn, Ba, S, Cl, Fe, Na, and Al were concentrated in the black region, associated with Pb and Sr elements. SEM-EDS semi-qualitative analyses of kurogaki indicated an abundance of P and Ca in microorganisms in the black region, associated with Pb, Sr, S, Mn, and Mg elements. On the other hand, XRF and XRD mineralogical data showed that fresh andesite, weathered andesite, and the soils around the roots of kurogaki correlate with biomineralization of the black region in kurogaki roots, showing clay minerals (kaolinite) and cristobalite formation. In conclusion, we describe how the biominerals in the black region in the cellulose within wood tissues grow chemically and biologically in the sap under the conditions associated with the beige portions of the taproot. This can explain why the crystals produce the “peacock pattern” in the kurogaki formed during the year. We conclude that kurogaki microbiota are from bacteria in the andesitic weathered soil environment, which produce silicification. In other words, the patterned portions of kurogaki consist of silicified wood. 続きを見る


Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: The science reports of the Kanazawa University = 金沢大学理科報告.  53  pp.1-23,  2009-01-01.  Institute of Science and Engineering, Kanazawa University = 金沢大学
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/17092


Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: The science reports of the Kanazawa University = 金沢大学理科報告.  53  pp.25-37,  2009-01-01.  Institute of Science and Engineering, Kanazawa University = 金沢大学
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/17093


Tazaki, Kazue ; Hattori, Tatsuya
出版情報: The science reports of the Kanazawa University = 金沢大学理科報告.  53  pp.39-54,  2009-01-01.  Institute of Science and Engineering, Kanazawa University = 金沢大学
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/17094


Tazaki, Kazue ; Asada, Ryuji ; Watanabe, Hiroaki ; Shiraki, Koichi ; Iwai, Takamasa ; Wakimoto, Rie ; Songo, Majura A.M. ; Muhongo, Sospeter M.
出版情報: The science reports of the Kanazawa University = 金沢大学理科報告.  52  pp.1-26,  2008-01-01.  Faculty of Science, Kanazawa University = 金沢大学
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/17379


Tazaki, Kazue ; Watanabe, Hiroaki
出版情報: Science reports of the Kanazawa University = 金沢大学理科報告.  49  pp.1-24,  2005-01-01. 
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/3766
概要: Department of Earth Sciences, Kanazawa University<br />Bioaccumulation of radioactive sulfide minerals by bacteria in st rong acidic hot spring water was found at Tamagawa Hot Springs, Akita prefecture in Japan. The hot spring water produces Hokutolite of radioactive minerals containing high radium and radon. The ƒタ-ray measurements of sediments and biofilms indicate 1850-2420 and 5700 cpm, respectively, which are 50-100 times higher than that of the water and the air (50-90 cpm). The characteristics of hot spring water show pH (1.2), Eh (140 mV), EC (29mS/cm), DO (0.8 mg/l), and water temperature (99.5 Ž), indicating extremely strong acidic and reducing conditions. The hot spring water contains mainly HCl associated with high concentrations of Ca^<2+>, Al^<3+>, Fe^<2+>, HSO_4 and SO_4^<2->. SEM-EDX and TEM demonstrate some insight into how microorganisms affect the chemistry and microbiological characteristics of the strong acidic surroundings with high S, As, Ba, and Ca contents in biofilms. Especially SEM-EDX, ED-XRF, and STEM-EDX elemental content maps illustrate the distribution of sulfur-bearing compounds of barite (BaSO_4), gypsum (CaSO_4 E2H_2O), elemental sulfur (S) and orpiment (As_2S_3) in the reddish orange biofilms. The presence of a hydrogen sulfide-rich (H_2S) thermal spring and gypsum deposits suggest the volatilization of H_2S from the spring water, oxidation of the H_2S gas to sulfuric acid, and reaction of the sulfuric acid. TEM micrographs of bacteria in the biofilms reveal in detail the intimate connections between biological and mineralogical processes that the cells are entirely accumulated with spherical grains, 100 `200 nm in diameter. The relationship among sulfide minerals, such as barite, gypsum, sulfur, orpiment, and Hokutolite, associated with bacteria implies that heavy metals have been transported from strong acidic hot spring water to sediments through bacterial metabolism. It is possible that the capability of radioactive sulfide biofims for heavy metal immobilization can be used to counteract the disastrous effects of radio nuclide polluted water and radio pharmaceutical medical treatment. 続きを見る


Chaerun, S. Khodijah ; Tazaki, Kazue ; Asada, Ryuji ; Kogure, Kazuhiro
出版情報: Science reports of the Kanazawa University =金沢大学理科報告.  49  pp.25-46,  2005-01-01. 
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/3763
概要: Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa University<br />Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Science, Kanazawa University<br />Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo<br />This paper describes the isolation of alkane-degrading bacteria from the Nakhodka oil spill-polluted seashores in the Sea of Japan. Seven representative strains were identified using 16S rDNA sequence analysis as Bacillus spp., Pseudomonas sp., and Paracoccus spp. All bacterial strains showed their ability to grow well on aliphatic hydrocarbons, but not on aromatic hydrocarbons. In addition, elemental levels in heavy oil showed wide ranges in all the heavy oil samples consisting of Si, S, Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, and Pb. Compounds of Si, S, and Cr were observed at high levels, while those of Ti, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, and Pb were observed at low levels. Of all heavy metals, Co appeared to be toxic for all bacterial growth at concentrations of >1 ppm, while the presence of Ti, Cr, and Cu at 0.01 to 10 ppm were found not to inhibit growth of all bacterial strains. It is suspected that the presence of heavy metals may have a significant effect on the composition of the bacterial community, (i.e., alkane-degrading bacterial isolates), as well as on the biodegradative processes of the Nakhodka oil spill during the 5-year bioremediation. 続きを見る


Saji, Ichiro ; Nishikawa, Osamu ; Belkova, Natalia ; Okrugin, Viktor ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: Science reports of the Kanazawa University =金沢大学理科報告.  48  pp.73-106,  2004-01-01. 
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/3761
概要: Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa University<br />Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Science, Kanazawa University<br />Institute of Volcanology of Far Eastern Division of Russian Academy of Sciences<br />Chemical and biological characteristics of hot spring water, travertines and microbial mats collected from seven hydrothermal systems of the Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia are described. Water quality of the Vilyuchinskie hot springs was almost the same as those of Tazaki et al. (2003). Elemental concentration of hot spring waters was mainly composed of Na, K, Ca, and Mg with high contents of Fe, As, and Sr. The structure and elemental composition of travertine and biomats were studied with optical microscopy, ED-XRF, XRD, and EPMA. High content of As (43.88 wt%) was found in the deposits and biomats of the Nalychevskie hot springs. Extremely high concentration of Cd of 9.56 wt% was detected in the deposits of the Paratunskie hot springs. Traces of mercury (0.57 wt%) were found in the soft parts of biomats from the Apapelskie-1 hot springs. Optical microscopic observation of thin section of Oksinskie, Apapelskie, and Vilyuchinskie biomats revealed laminated structures. Soft parts of biomats mainly consist of cyanobacteria Anabaena spp. and green algae. A calcareous travertine of the Vilyuchinskie hot springs recorded the evidences of a long-term transition of water chemistry and periodic changes of environmental conditions such as water flux from the well and rainfall. Intensive hydrothermal alteration was observed in the Dachnye hot springs. Optical microscopic observation of microbial mats revealed diversity of microorganisms both in free-living forms and in association with mineral particles. Metabolically active cells were detected in the microbial mats indicating the impact of bacteria to the geochemical processes in the surroundings environments. 続きを見る


Tazaki, Kazue ; Miyata, Koushiro ; Tanaka, Taichu Y. ; Chiba, Masaru ; Wakimoto, Rie ; Saji, Ichiro ; Sato, Kazuhiro
出版情報: Science reports of the Kanazawa University =金沢大学理科報告.  48  pp.107-133,  2004-01-01. 
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/3762
概要: Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Science, Kanazawa University<br />Graduate School of Natural Science and Techno logy, Kanazawa University<br />Meteorological Research Institute JST Cooperative System for Supporting Priority Research<br />Unusual strong acidic rain recorded during the Iraq War in Japan Sea side 8000km away from Iraq. In order to monitor the seasonal change of pH, the rainwater was collected during the period from March 24th to September 24th, 2003 at Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan. For comparison, the rainwater at Wakayama (the Pacific Ocean side) was collected, during the period from March 24th to April 30th, 2003. The pH, Eh, EC, and DO of the rainwater were measured in laboratory periodically. Filtered rain dusts were investigated by scanning electron microscope equipped with energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (SEM-EDX), electron probe micro analyzer (EPMA), transmission electron microscope (TEM), energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (ED-XRF), and X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) analyses. In this study, the fluctuation of pH values and electrical conductivity (EC) of rainwater during this half-year period were measured to find abnormal events, such as the Iraq War effects. Since March 21st, 2003, Iraq plunged into the war. The more than 30 oil field fires in Rumaylah, Basrah, Mosul, and other oil fields near the borderline of Kuwait and Iran were reported in March and in April, 2003 in Japan. The first precipitation during the Iraq War was caught on March 24th, 2003. In the period from March 24th to April 5th, the notable low pH value of 3.4-4.4 and high EC value of 20-360ƒハS/cm were detected in Kanazawa. The acidic rain associated with WNW wind (2.7-4.1m/s) has continued to the first 10 days of April in Kanazawa, during the 9 oil fields were burning in Rumaylah, Iraq. In the same time, the upper current of air maps confirmed that the 5520-5700m lines cross over and spread on both Iraq and Japanese Honshu Island. It is considered that westerly wind crossed over both Iraq and Japan. The high EC values from March 24th to April 5th, 2003, suggest that high concentrations of water-soluble carbon particles and soot contained in the rainwater. In addition, the black powdery dusts were detected from the strong acidic rainwater on April 1st. The powdery dusts and carbon-bearing particles contained in the rainwater have characteristics different from that of the Asian aerosol particles (Kosa). The results suggest that both powdery dusts and carbon-bearing particles of rainwater have been produced by combustion of oil field in Iraq. Simulation data support the directly cycling by westerly wind indicating the influence of the Iraq War. Possible evidences provided in this paper, such as strong acidic rain and high EC values with nm-sized carbon soot at lapan Sea side, was the influence of the Iraq War. It was suggested that local events affect the global atmospheric environments. Smoke from oil field fires around Baghdad and other wartime pollution could create long-term health hazards. 続きを見る


Tazaki, Kazue ; Okrugin, Victor M ; Okuno, Masayuki ; Belkova, Natalia ; Islam, ABM Rafiqul ; Chaerun, S. Khodijah ; Wakimoto, Rie ; Sato, Kazuhiro ; Moriichi, Shingo
出版情報: The science reports of the Kanazawa University=金沢大学理科報告.  47(01_02)  pp.1-48,  2003-01-01. 
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/3755
概要: Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Science, Kanazawa University<br />Institute of Volcanology Far Eastern Division of Russian Academy of Sciences<br />Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa University<br />This study described the investigation of microbial mats that are rich in iron, arsenic, and manganese in four hydrothermal systems of Kamchatka, Russia namely Vilyuchinskie, Mutnovskie, Nachikinskie, and Malkinskie. The hydrothermal systems (hot springs) are contributing to the metallic and non-metallic mineral resources of Russia such as oil, gas, coal, copper, nickel, cobalt, tin, mercury, lead, zinc, diamond, platinum, gold, and silver. We observed the biogeochemical activities of microorganisms originating from microbial mats. The structure and elemental composition of microbial mats in these hydrothermal systems were studied with optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy equipped with energy dispersive X-ray analyzer (EDX), whereas the water quality of these springs was measured by using pack tests. Additionally, portable Y-ray analyzer was employed to determine the kind and quantity of Y-ray in the atmospheric condition of sampling areas. Optical and scanning electron microscopic observations revealed that the microbial mats at these springs were mainly composed of a large number of microorganisms such as bacteria (coccus, bacillus, and filamentous), cyanobacteria, and algae in association with biominerals. Bacterial fluorometric enumeration of the thermal water informed that the total number of bacteria was relatively low, while the fraction of enzymatically active bacteria was high ranging from 27 % to 91 %. Besides that, ƒチ-ray observation showed that the predominantly ƒチ-ray range was between 320-380 keV dominating in green and black-colored microbial mats at Vilyuchinskie hot springs. Correspondingly, heavy metal and minerals deposits accumulated at all these springs indicating that microorganisms may contribute to binding and formation of the minerals. These activities and heavy mineral encrustation of cyanobacteria, bacteria, and algae may contribute to the growth of the heavy metal deposit (such as iron, manganese, and arsenic) at these springs. Obviously, Kamchatka hot springs provide a model for studying the potential role of prokaryotes and eukaryotes in the origin of heavy metal and minerals formation. 続きを見る


Belkova, Natalia ; Parfenova, Valentina ; Zakharova, Juliya ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: The science reports of the Kanazawa University = 金沢大学理科報告.  46  pp.39-47,  2001-01-01.  Faculty of Science, Kanazawa University = 金沢大学
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/17419


Nagai, Kaori ; Islam, ABM Rafiqul ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: The science reports of the Kanazawa University = 金沢大学理科報告.  46  pp.49-66,  2001-01-01.  Faculty of Science, Kanazawa University = 金沢大学
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/17420


Tazaki, Kazue ; Miyata, Koushiro ; Belkova, Natalia ; Asada, Ryuji
出版情報: The science reports of the Kanazawa University = 金沢大学理科報告.  46  pp.67-78,  2001-01-01.  Faculty of Science, Kanazawa University = 金沢大学
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/17421


Islam, ABM Rafiqul ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: The science reports of the Kanazawa University = 金沢大学理科報告.  45  pp.1-12,  2000-12-01.  Faculty of Science, Kanazawa University = 金沢大学
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/17422


Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: The science reports of the Kanazawa University=金沢大学理科報告.  42  pp.1-65,  1997-12-01.  the Faculty of Science Kanazawa University
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/34148


Miyata, Hajime ; Tazaki, Kazue ; Tawara, Kenji
出版情報: The science reports of the Kanazawa University = 金沢大学理科報告.  41  pp.1-24,  1996-07-01.  Faculty of Science, Kanazawa University = 金沢大学
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/17423


Tazaki, Kazue ; Aratani, Michi ; Noda, Shuji ; Currie, P.J. ; Fyfe, W.S.
出版情報: The science reports of the Kanazawa University = 金沢大学理科報告.  39  pp.17-37,  1994-07-01.  Faculty of Science, Kanazawa University = 金沢大学
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/17424


Tazaki, Kazue ; Zhou, Guoping ; Koiwasaki, Koichi
出版情報: The science reports of the Kanazawa University = 金沢大学理科報告.  39  pp.47-63,  1994-12-01.  Faculty of Science, Kanazawa University = 金沢大学
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/17425


Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: The science reports of the Kanazawa University = 金沢大学理科報告.  38  pp.59-77,  1993-12-01.  Faculty of Science, Kanazawa University = 金沢大学
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/17426


Zhou, Gouping ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: The science reports of the Kanazawa University = 金沢大学理科報告.  38  pp.79-94,  1993-12-01.  Faculty of Science, Kanazawa University = 金沢大学
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/17427


Pires, Luiz Carlos ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: The science reports of the Kanazawa University = 金沢大学理科報告.  38  pp.95-106,  1993-12-01.  Faculty of Science, Kanazawa University = 金沢大学
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/17428


脇元, 理恵 ; 田崎, 和江 ; Wakimoto, Rie ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: 金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科環境科学専攻紀要 = Memoirs of Division of Environmental Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa University.  1  pp.53-53,  2006-03-01.  金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科環境科学専攻幹事会 / 金沢大学
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/35304
概要: [研究概要]


小林, 昭二 ; 田崎, 和江 ; Kobayashi, Shoji ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: 金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科環境科学専攻紀要 = Memoirs of Division of Environmental Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa University.  1  pp.60-60,  2006-03-01.  金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科環境科学専攻幹事会 / 金沢大学
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/35311
概要: [研究概要]


長瀬, 多加子 ; 田崎, 和江 ; Nagase, Takako ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: 金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科環境科学専攻紀要 = Memoirs of Division of Environmental Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa University.  1  pp.61-61,  2006-03-01.  金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科環境科学専攻幹事会 / 金沢大学
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/35312
概要: [研究概要]


高橋, 直人 ; 田崎, 和江 ; Takahashi, Naoto ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: 金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科環境科学専攻紀要 = Memoirs of Division of Environmental Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa University.  1  pp.63-63,  2006-03-01.  金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科環境科学専攻幹事会 / 金沢大学
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/35314
概要: [研究概要]


田中, 美那 ; 田崎, 和江 ; Tanaka, Mina ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: 金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科環境科学専攻紀要 = Memoirs of Division of Environmental Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa University.  1  pp.72-72,  2006-03-01.  金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科環境科学専攻幹事会 / 金沢大学
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/35366
概要: [研究概要]


田崎, 和江 ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: 平成17(2005)年度科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B) 研究報告書 = 2005 Fiscal Year Final Research Report.  2002-2005  pp.19p.-,  2006-03-01.  金沢大学自然科学研究科
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/47780
概要: 平成14・15年度はロシア・カムチャツカの地熱地帯や温泉のバイオマットの野外調査を行い、いずれの水圏にも、多様な重金属イオンを細胞内外に積極的に取り込んでいる土着のバクテリアを発見した。平成16年度は台湾の北投温泉と日本の玉川温泉のバイオマ ットの野外調査を行った。両温泉はともに放射能をもつ北投石(Barite重晶石)を形成することで有名な温泉である。本調査により、北投石およびバイオマットのガンマー線スペクトルがRa-226(42.2Bq/g),Ra-228(1.35Bq/g)となり、ウラン系列のRa-226が圧倒的に多いことが明らかになった。平成17年度には、タンザニア北西部ビクトリア湖の南岸Geitaにおいて、ダル・エッサラーム大学のProf.Sospeter Muhongo教授グループと共同で調査を行った。10箇所の小規模金鉱床から、水、堆積物、土壌、バイオマット、周辺のダストを採取し鉱物の同定、化学組成、光学・電子顕微鏡による微生物の観察を行い,微生物の細胞周辺と粘土鉱物に濃集した水銀の分布図を得た。以上、重金属を高濃度に含んだ地熱地帯、温泉地、鉱山のバイオマットにおける現地調査と室内実験結果は、大気-水-土壌-微生物の相互作用による生態系と生体鉱物化作用を明らかにした。また、重金属鉱物の形成における微生物の重要な役割とそのメカニズムをnmオーダーで電子顕微鏡を駆使して明らかにし、重金属の汚染地における環境修復法に有効なデータを提供した。<br />In 2002 and 2003,field researches were carried out to investigate biomats in geothermal area and in hot springs in Kamchatka, Russia. We have observed bacteria in all cases which precipitate a significant amount of various heavy metals. In 2004,filed studies were achieved focusing biomats in Hokuto Hot Springs, Taiwan, and Tamagawa Hot Springs, Japan. The both hot springs are famous of precipitation of hokutolite, radioactive barite. In this study we observed γ-ray radioactivity of ^<226>Ra (42.2 Bq/g) and ^<228>Ra (1.35 Bq/g), and this indicate that ^<226>Ra of uranium series is predominant. In 2005,a collaborative research with the group of Prof.Muhongo, Dar Es Salaam University, Tanzania, was carried out targeting a mercury-pollution caused by the small-scale gold mining around Geita, on the south coast of Lake Victoria, Tanzania. Samples of water, sediments, soil, biomats and aerial dusts were collected around ten small-scale mining sites, and many observations were made such as mineral identification, analyses of chemical compositions, etc. Optical microscopy and electron microscopy elucidated mercury distribution concentrated around the cell of microorganisms and clay mineral particles. All these field researches and laboratory works on biomats found in geothermal area, hot springs and metal mines elucidated atmosphere-water-soil-microorganisms interactions and biomineralization. An important role of microorganisms and mechanisms in formation of heavy metal minerals were clarified in nanometer-scale using electron microscopes. These results are fundamental data valuable for application of bioremediation in heavy metal-polluted area.<br />研究課題/領域番号:14405001, 研究期間(年度):2002–2005<br />出典:「重金属(Au,Ag,Hg,Sr)を高濃度に含んだ温泉バイオマットの海外学術調査」研究成果報告書 課題番号14405001 (KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所))   本文データは著者版報告書より作成 続きを見る


田崎, 和江 ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: 平成14(2002)年度 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(A) 研究成果報告書 = 2002 Fiscal Year Final Research Report.  1999-2002  pp.7p.-,  2003-03-01.  金沢大学理学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/47781
概要: 1997年1月2日、約12,000kLのC重油を積んだロシア船籍タンカー<ナホトカ号>が隠岐島沖で分断して沈没した。船首部は北西の強風を受け漂流した後、1月7日、福井県三国沖で座礁し、深刻な海洋汚染を北陸沿岸にもたらした。北陸沿岸で海水,砂 を含む約30,000kLの重油が回収されたが、その後も流出が続き、1,300kmに渡って海岸が汚染された。 5年半たった現在も珠洲市シャク崎、長橋、輪島市大沢、アタケ海岸、千枚田海岸などで重油が目視できる。昨年から今年にかけて新たに漂着したと見られる油塊も認められた。2001年11月にはアタケ海岸において重油の入った砂袋10kgが回収されたが、粘着性の高い、黒茶色の油塊であった。海水に頻繁に洗われる環境では物理的洗浄による油の除去が行われると共に微生物によるバイオレメディエーションが進むが、砂海岸のように有機物の少ない環境では分解速度が遅いことが明らかとなった。 自然培養実験とバイオレメディエーションの可能性についても研究を行った。粘土、砂、水苔、酸性白土、鹿沼土などを入れた容器に、海水とナホトカ号のC重油を滴下した目視実験は、5年半を経過した現在、それぞれの環境条件により重油の分解に大きな差異が認められた。容器を野外と室内に設置した場合、野外の方が重油の分解が早く、油塊がほとんど認められないのに対し、室内の容器にはまだ油塊が存在する。また、砂のみの場合は分解が遅いが、水苔、酸性白土、鹿沼土など入れた場合は分解が早く、かつ、海水と河川水とでは、海水の方が油の分解が早いことが明らかとなった。分解速度は太陽光線、有機物量の存在量と供給量、水質に依存する。それぞれの容器中のオイルスリックには多くの重油分解細菌の増殖が認められた。野外において重油の容器は紫外線による分解の他、微生物によりさらに分解が加速されることが明らかになった。<br />The Nakhodka, a Russian tanker loaded with C-typed heavy oil of 19,000 kl was divided into sections and submerged off Oki Island, Shimane Prefecture on January 2,1997. The bow, after being drifting for 4 days, was wrecked off Anto, Mikuni town, Fukui Prefecture, threatened throughout the various shores of Ishikawa Prefecture geographically as well. Shore damage by oil washing was observed by aerial research of K. Tazaki, as of 8 Feb. 1997. An oil layer at the shore of Mikuni Town reached over 50 cm in thickness. We conducted field surveys in order to examine the conditions of heavy oil washing ashore on the Ishikawa coastline, in this accident, remarkable microbial remediation research had been advanced. In fact, hydrocarbon-degrading microbes were found in each polluted area of the near-shore environments. Hydrocarbon-utilizing bacteria isolated from coastal areas. Local degrader bacteria inhibited everywhere with many kinds of species. Each species carries a role ta resolve heavy oil under the local conditions. That is a key to understand the sustainable "bioremediation " for polluted local area. After 5 years of spilled accident, degrader bacteria were still alive to keep the activity.<br />研究課題/領域番号:11354006, 研究期間(年度):1999–2002<br />出典:「重油汚染環境における微生物の環境修復法の研究」研究成果報告書 課題番号11354006   本文データは著者版報告書より作成 続きを見る


田崎, 和江 ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: 平成11(1999)年度 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B) 研究成果報告書 = 1999 Fiscal Year Final Research Report.  1997-1999  pp.7p.-,  2000-03-01.  金沢大学理学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/47782
概要: 先カンブリア紀の縞状鉄鉱床やストロマトライトは微生物がつくった縞状堆積物である。それらの微生物がどのような種類なのか、どのように化石化や鉱物化したのか、その縞の周期やパターンが何によるものなのか,その形成メカニズムには多くの謎がある。過去の 記録を読みとるとともに、現世のバイオマットから先カンブリア紀の微生物までの生体鉱物化作用について研究した。先カンブリア紀のブラジル、カラジャス鉱山の縞状鉄鉱床にはFe,Mn,Siが含まれ,赤と黒の縞模様がmmオーダーで認められる。この薄片には数百ミクロンの円形の藻類が一面に存在し、黒い層よりも赤い層に藻類が顕著である。カナダのガンフリント縞状鉄鉱床には、黒い層に糸状菌が、赤い層には球菌が多数認められた。このように、化石化した微生物はコロニーを作り,層状のパターンを形成することが明らかになった。これらの微生物から古環境を解析し、微生物の生体鉱物化作用を解明するための手段の一つとして現世のバイオマットがある。本研究では自然界で生じた層状パターンの実例とともに、実験室で微生物によってつくられた層状パターンを比較検討した。また、薩摩イオウ島の赤湯温泉では、入り江の岩石や砂礫の表面に柔らかい赤褐色のバイオマットが層状に堆積している。このバウムクーヘン状のバイオマット中にも多量の球菌,桿菌が認められた。さらに,固化したバイオマットは、低結晶性の鉄とマンガン鉱物の繰り返しパターンを示し、微生物も大量に保存している。すなわち、現世のバイオマットがつくる縞状堆積物は先カンブリア紀の縞状鉄鉱床の形成機構を示唆している。<br />Microbial structure in the form of banded zebra patterns have been found as periodic Fe-Mn layers in living biomats from Satsuma-Iwo Jima, southern Kyushu, Japan. Electron microscopic observation shows that fibrous and bacillus type bacterial communities construct a zebra architecture, Fe-Mn layers through biomineralization on / in the cell. A living microbial fumarolic ferro-manganese precipitation growing in the seawater around an active volcanic island explains the mechanism of banded formation. Biological processes form the elemental zebra pattern, with periodic distribution of bacterial cells filled with Mn and Fe in each layer of the architecture. Fibrous bacteria are sometimes mineralized with goethite, ferrihydrite and buserite microcrystals, coated with granular mucoid substances. The biomineralization may then become incorporated into stratifer recent Banded Iron Formation.<br />研究課題/領域番号:09440174, 研究期間(年度):1997–1999<br />出典:「バクテリアによる生体鉱物の生成機構」研究成果報告書 課題番号09440174 (KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所))   本文データは著者版報告書より作成 続きを見る


田崎, 和江 ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: 平成7(1995)年度 科学研究費補助金 試験研究(B) 研究成果報告書 = 1995 Fiscal Year Final Research Report.  1993-1995  pp.14p.-,  1996-03-01.  金沢大学自然科学研究科
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/47783
概要: 生体鉱物化作用を利用することによって,岩石,土壌,鉱物の微生物による腐食,変質,二次生成物を評価することができる.また,そのメカニズムを解明することにより腐食の対策や汚染環境の浄化に役立てることができる.本研究では,風化,変質,微生物腐食, 汚染された岩石,鉱物,土壌,コンクリート中の化学成分やその分布,深度,状態を,本研究補助金で製作した低真空ウエット走査型電子顕微鏡を用いて明らかにした.その結果は下記のとおりである. 1.アイスランド,ニュージランド,別府における間欠泉,温泉,地熱地帯で採取した微生物腐食サンプル,バイオマットを電子顕微鏡で観察した結果,珪藻やシアノバクテイアの細胞内外にFe,Si,Ca,Al,As,Sなどの元素の濃集と各種の鉱物の生成が認められた. 2.現生の淡水性のバクテリアがマンガンや鉄を濃集し非晶質物質を生成することを水と堆積物を用いた培養実験で確かめた. 3.微生物関与によりマンガン物質の生成と比較するために,化学的生成のコントロール実験も行い,その生成物の形態や生成条件が異なることを明らかにした. 4.ウラン鉱床周辺の岩石,土壌,水,植物を採取し,ウランの濃度,分布,濃縮状態を明らかにした. この研究結果は,産業廃棄物処理場や放射生廃棄物の保管地帯の安全保護に役だつのみならず,新素材の開発や医療分野にも適用できる.<br />Metal sorption and biomineralization largely reflect the availability of dissolved metals in hydrosphere systems. The metal-loaded bacteria has profound implications for the transfer of metals from the hydrosphere to the sediments. Microorganisms will have playd an important role in metal deposition under various temperature conditions. The microorganisms concentrate aqueous dissolved metals onto cell walls and at intracellular sites, during the life cycle, and strongly bind metals during early diagenesis. A sequence is observed in which amorphous cations concentrated at cell walls are progressively transformed to microcrystalline aggregates of carbonate, silicate, Mn-Fe oxides, and clay minerals. The bioprecipitated oxides and oxyhydroxides act as scavengers for heavy metals such as Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, Sr, and U,in the aqueous toxic-metal dispersion environment. The biomineralization of bacterial cells has been followed in a laboratory simulation by electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Several kinds of bacteria were examined for the ability to remove heavy metals from solution. SEM-EDX,TEM,XRF and XRD results indicated that most of metals accumulated at the cell surface as crystalline precipitates after several days of aging.<br />研究課題/領域番号:05554012, 研究期間(年度):1993–1995<br />出典:「岩石の微生物腐食の評価装置」研究成果報告書 課題番号05554012(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所))   本文データは著者版報告書より作成 続きを見る