

Nishijima, Yoshinori ; 西嶋, 義憲
出版情報: Intercultural communication studies : ICS.  27  pp.115-132,  2018.  Institute for Cross-Cultural Research
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061316
概要: 金沢大学人間社会研究域経済学経営学系<br />Persons or objects on signs seem to have a culturally preferred direction of facing (Kumakura, 1 990). Is such a difference in direction also true of pictures on traffic signs between Japan and Germany? People in Japan and Germany drive on the left and the right side of the road, respectively. In this respect, a question arises: Does the difference between left-hand and right-hand traffic in these two countries influence the way the pictures on traffic signs face? The aim of this study is threefold: 1) to collect functionally equivalent traffic signs in Japan and Germany; 2) to compare the pictures on the signs between these countries with respect to their facing directions; and 3) to try to clarify whether and to what extent differences in facing directions are found on the traffic signs. The results are expected to contribute to the study of the relationship between writing directions and facing directions of pictures. 続きを見る


Nishimoto, Yoichi ; 西本, 陽一
出版情報: 金沢大学人間科学系研究紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Human Sciences Kanazawa University.  10  pp.1-24,  2018-03-31.  金沢大学人間社会研究域人間科学系
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050445
概要: This paper examines the characteristics of non-violent soft control in Japanese society through the case study of a neig hborhood association (NHA) in rural Japan. Although today many foreign tourists to Japan are impressed by the orderliness of the towns and the high level of discipline of the people, Japanese society is so standardized that not a few Japanese have the somewhat uneasy feeling of being controlled by unseen power. This paper examines the characteristics and changes of Japanese NHAs by using the theory of ‘friendly authoritarianism’ (Sugimoto 2014) that views Japanese NHAs as a form of regimentation through which dominant ideologies and norms become shared and naturalized by people of the grassroots. The aims of the paper are descriptive and theoretical. Based on fieldwork on a rural Japanese NHA, the paper offers detailed description of a NHA in rural Japan and attempts to answer the questions: (1) What are the characteristics of soft social control on individuals in Japan?; (2) To what extent does the theory of friendly authoritarianism apply to the case of a NHA in rural Japan?; and (3) What changes has a rural NHA undergone and what do these changes imply for the theory of friendly authoritarianism?<br />本稿は石川県能登地方の一町内会を事例に,日本社会における直接的な強制を伴わないソフトな社会統制の性質について検討する.Sugimoto(2014)は,日本の町内会は‘friendlyauthoritarianism’と呼びうる統治機構の一例であり,実際には同調圧力や相互監視を伴いながらも,理論的には住民が自主的に参加する行事や楽しみ会を通して,支配的なイデオロギーや規範が草の根レベルにまで,住民がはっきりと意識しない中で,浸透し共有されるしくみだと主張する.本稿は,能登の一町内会の事例を取りあげ,日本社会における社会統制の性質、‘friendly authoritarianism’理論の妥当性および近年の社会変化が社会統制機構としての町内会に及ぼした変化について検討する. 続きを見る


Sato, Kyoko ; Iwatsubo, Yoshikane ; Watanabe, Mikio ; Serizawa, Shunsuke ; Naruhashi, Naohiro ; 佐藤, 杏子 ; 岩坪, 美兼 ; 渡邊, 幹男 ; 芹沢, 俊介 ; 鳴橋, 直弘
出版情報: 植物地理・分類研究 = The journal of phytogeography and taxonomy.  55  pp.1-7,  2007-10-31.  植物地理・分類学会 = The Society for the Study of Phytogeography and Taxonomy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00053328
概要: Chromosome numbers of Taraxacum officinale were examined in a total of 386 plants collected from 10 localities in the pl ains of Toyama Prefecture, central Honshu in Japan. They showed two chromosome counts of 2n=24 (triploid)and 32(tetraploid).Of 386 plants examined, 231(59.8%)were triploids and 155(40.2%)were tetraploids. The two chromosome forms of T. officinale were distributed throughout all of the 10 localities studied, which indicates that the two forms of T. officinale are ubiquitously distributed in the plains of Toyama Prefecture.<br />富山県内10 ヵ所より採集したセイヨウタンポポ(Taraxacum officinale Weber)386 個体の染色体数を明らかにした。観察を行った386 個体中231個体(59.8%)は2n=24 の三倍体であり,155 個体(40.2%)は2n=32 の四倍体であった。10 ヵ所すべての採集地で2 つの細胞型が観察されたことから,富山県には遍在的に2 つの細胞型が混生していることが明らかとなった。 続きを見る


Iwatsubo, Yoshikane ; 岩坪, 美兼
出版情報: 植物地理・分類研究 = The journal of phytogeography and taxonomy.  61  pp.75-89,  2014-03-01.  植物地理・分類学会 = The Society for the Study of Phytogeography and Taxonomy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00053557
概要: Following a thorough review of chromosome studies on the number, karyotype, and mitotic and meiotic chromosomal behavior s of Rumex acetosa, data collected on R. acetosa specimens in Toyama Prefecture, central Japan, are reported in this paper. A total of 1,640 individual R. acetosa specimens were collected from 17 localities in Toyama Prefecture. Nearly all individuals were diploid, with either 2n = 14 = 12+2X (1,296 individuals, 79.02%) or 2n = 15 = 12+X+ Y1Y2 (321 individuals, 19.57%). Seventeen individuals, constituting 1.04% of all plants examined, were triploid (nine individuals with 2n = 21 = 18+3X and eight individuals with 2n = 22 = 18+2X+Y1Y2). Four individuals were tetraploid (two individuals with 2n = 28 = 24+4X and two individuals with 2n = 29 = 24+3X+Y1Y2), and two individuals were aneuploid, with chromosome constitutions of 2n = 15 = 13+ 2X and 2n = 16 = 13+2X+Y2. Among the nine diploid karyotype forms classified by Ono (1935), AB was the most frequently (29.4%), followed by AD (20.1%), AA (15.7%), BB (11.3%), AC (9.6%), BD (8.6%), CD (2.5%), DD (1.8%), and CC (1.0%). No supernumerary segments (SS) were found on the A1 chromosomes of the individuals identified in the study. The frequency of SS5 chromosome occurrence in each locality of normal diploid plant A5 chromosomes was between 7.6% and 44.0%, with a mean frequency of 24.5%. These results indicate that SS5 chromosomes are prevalent, and that about one fourth of A5 chromosomes in Toyama Prefecture contain SS5 chromosomes. The frequency of SS6 chromosome occurrence in each locality of normal diploid plant A6 chromosomes was between 23.7% and 64.4%, with a mean frequency of 47.7%. These results indicate that SS6 chromosomes are also prevalent, and that nearly half of R. acetosa A6 chromosomes in Toyama Prefecture are composed of SS6 chromosomes.<br />スイバは,性染色体が分化した雌雄異株植物(雌株は2n = 12+2X, 雄株は2n =12+ X +Y1Y2)である。Y 染色体の動原体の位置と付随体のサイズは変異することが知られている。第1,5,6常染色体には,短腕に過剰分節(supernumerary segment)が存在するタイプと存在しないタイプの2型が存在するため,スイバの核型は多様である。最初に,これまでの染色体研究について概説することで,スイバにおいて明らかにされた核型変異について紹介を行った。次に,富山県産スイバの核型変異を明らかにすることを目的として,県内の17 カ所より採集した1,640個体について染色体の観察を行い,その結果を報告した。1,640個体のうち,二倍体雌個体(2n= 12+2X)は1296個体(79.07%),二倍体雄個体(2n= 12+ X+Y1Y2)は321個体(19.57%)であった。三倍体は17個体(1.2%)含まれており,2n = 18+XXXが9個体,2n = 18+XXYYが8 個体であった。四倍体は2n = 24+XXXXと2n = 24+XXXYYがそれぞれ2個体ずつの4個体,それに2n = 15 = 13+2X(1個体) と2n = 16 =13+2X+Y2(1個体)の2個体の異数体が含まれていた。48個体(全観察個体の3%)にはB染色体が存在した。日本産スイバには過剰分節の有無により,第1常染色体(A1),第5常染色体 (A5), 第6常染色体(A6) に, それぞれに2型が知られている。観察を行った17カ所の二倍体個体における過剰分節をもった染色体の割合は,SS5(過剰分節をもつA5)が7.6% ~ 44.0%,平均24.5%であった。SS6(過剰分節をもつ A6)では23.7% ~64.4%,平均47.7%であった。過剰分節をもつ第1常染色体(SS1)は観察されなかった。イギリスにおいてSS6は1月の1日の平均気温が4.4 ℃以下の地域のスイバには存在しないことが報告されている。スイバを対象とした細胞地理学的研究において,SS1,SS5,SS6 染色体の国内での分布域を明らかにすることが望まれる。 続きを見る


Sato, Hiroyuki ; 佐藤, 広行
出版情報: 植物地理・分類研究 = The journal of phytogeography and taxonomy.  65  pp.23-24,  2017-07-31.  植物地理・分類学会 — The Society for the Study of Phytogeography and Taxonomy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00054482
概要: 北海道石狩市のマクンベツ湿原において,ミズバシ ョウの肉穂花序にある花被片が仏炎包のように変化している個体群を発見した。この個体群は雌しべ,雄しべや花被片が退化しており,仏炎苞のようになっていた。


Himi, Hidenari ; Iwatsubo, Yoshikane ; Naruhashi, Naohiro ; 氷見, 栄成 ; 岩坪, 美兼 ; 鳴橋, 直弘
出版情報: 植物地理・分類研究 = The journal of phytogeography and taxonomy.  47  pp.121-130,  1999-12-30.  植物地理・分類学会 The Society for the Study of Phytogeography and Taxonomy / 日本植物分類学会 The Japanese Society for Plant Systematics (JSPS)
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00055263
概要: [論文]


Funamoto, Tsuneo ; Harana, Tomoko ; Nakamura, Takuzo ; 船本, 常男 ; 図師, 正敏 ; 原名, 智子 ; 中村, 卓造
出版情報: 植物地理・分類研究 = The journal of phytogeography and taxonomy.  48  pp.11-18,  2000-08-31.  植物地理・分類学会 The Society for the Study of Phytogeography and Taxonomy / 日本植物分類学会 The Japanese Society for Plant Systematics (JSPS)
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00055277
概要: [論文]


Ito, Michiho ; Honda, Gisho ; 伊藤, 美千穂 ; 本多, 義昭
出版情報: 植物地理・分類研究 = The journal of phytogeography and taxonomy.  44  pp.43-52,  1996-12-30.  植物地理・分類学会 The Society for the Study of Phytogeography and Taxonomy / 日本植物分類学会 The Japanese Society for Plant Systematics (JSPS)
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00055577
概要: [論文] Articles


藤本, 義昭 ; Fujimoto, Yoshiaki
出版情報: 植物地理・分類研究 = The journal of phytogeography and taxonomy.  37  pp.75-83,  1989-12-25.  植物地理・分類研究会 The Society for the Study of Phytogeography and Taxonomy / 日本植物分類学会 The Japanese Society for Plant Systematics (JSPS)
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00055957


Hoang, Anh Tuan ; ホアン, アン トゥアン
出版情報: 人間社会環境研究 = Human and socio-environmental studies.  pp.65-79,  2020-03-31.  金沢大学大学院人間社会環境研究科 — Graduate School of Human and Socio-Enviromental Studies Kanazawa University
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00058198
概要: In recent years, Vietnam's rapid economic growth has been accompanied, as in many other parts of the developing world, by increasing geographical labor mobility; the number of Vietnamese who have moved to Japan for work has also increased rapidly. However, while much attention is given to the needs and well-being of Vietnamese migrants, including raising their awareness of migration prior to their departure and during their time abroad. Less attention, however, is given to their reintegration upon their return to Vietnam. This study examines the experiences of Vietnamese migrant workers returning from Japan to rural areas, focusing on those who have faced difficulties in their reintegration process. The study's findings indicate that Vietnamese migrant workers face challenges in the return and reintegration stage, the most important point being that experienced migrants have had difficulty reintegrating locally; the financial situation of several returnees worsened as a result of their labor migration, and some fell into debt upon their return and struggled to find work. Access to information about the domestic employment market, and resources for the support ofreturnees, have been limited and ineffective. Returning migrants found that upon their return, their capacities were not sufficiently recognized; few opportunities existed to develop their careers, and local businesses were often unattractive employers. The intention to re-migrate is a common feature among returned migrants, as they are often unsatisfied with their return and express a desire to re-emigrate in the future. 続きを見る