

大井, 学 ; Oi, Manabu
出版情報: 特殊教育学研究 = The Japanese journal of special education.  31  pp.11-19,  1993-06-30.  日本特殊教育学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/23856
概要: 金沢大学人間社会研究域学校教育系<br />重度精神遅滞児の非指示身ぶりによる要求伝達において、子供の伝達、大人の解釈の提供、子供の受容という最小限の交渉が不成立となる機構を2つの観点から検討した。1つはターンの交替過程のどこで不成立となる か、もう1つは両者の伝達行動の特徴の影響である。その結果、最小限の交渉が不成立となる事態は、ターンの交替過程のどこでそれが生じるかにより、3つのタイプに区別された。それぞれのタイプの出現頻度には子供による偏りがみられ、それには応答を期待するかどうか、応答を無視するかどうかについての、子供側の伝達行動の違いが関連していた。また、子供の伝達行動の違いは全般的な発達差と関連することが示唆された。また大人の応答に共通性があり、要求身ぶりに対する即時充足や注視などが重度精神遅滞児に対する応答に固有な問題であることが示唆された。また子供が答えられないのに、なぜ大人が言語で確認を求めるのかという疑問が残された。 A previous study by the present author indicated that minimum negotiation on a child's request would fail if the negotiation was between an adult and a prelinguistic child with severe mental retardation. "Minimum negotiation" means a chain of three turns consisting of the child's communicative attempt, the adult's offering an interpretation of it, and the child's expressing acceptance of what was offered. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the mechanism of this failure. Data from four adult-child dyadic interactions in which the child requested an object or action were analyzed in terms of the child's concern for the adult's responses and their communicative functions. The child's concern for the adult's responses was examined in terms of the direction of the child's gaze during the initial gesture and turn floor provision after that, and the topography of the child's mand behavior after the adult's response, including direct action, handling, repetition of an initial gesture such as hand pressing, and addition of the other gestures. The adult's responses were classified into immediate satisfaction of the child's demand, looking at the child, and verbal responses. Verbal responses were divided into obliging ones, such as a request for confirmation or clarification, and non-obliging ones that acknowledged the child's request or offered some interpretation of it. The results showed three typical patterns of failure: (1) an attempt at negotiation, where the child would not provide an opportunity to respond, so that the adult, accordingly, would satisfy the child's demand immediately after the child's gesture: (2) misfired negotiation, where the child would neglect the adult's response by choosing direct action or handling: and (3) deadlocked negotiation, where the adult would request the child to confirm or clarify the child's demand and the child could not help repeating the initial gesture or using additional gestures, being unable to confirm or clarify. Although two of the four children, who were in a relatively lower developmental status, fell under the first two patterns (one in each), the other two children, whose developmental status was relatively high, showed the third pattern. However, these three patterns could not describe all the cases. For example, the adult frequently satisfied the child's demand immediately, even when the child had provided a response opportunity. Another unanswered question was why the adult would request confirmation or clarification, when it was apparently easy for the adult to recognize the child's difficulty in fulfilling that request. Further investigation is needed to answer these questions. 続きを見る


大井, 学 ; Oi, Manabu
出版情報: 特殊教育学研究 = The Japanese journal of special education.  31  pp.1-10,  1994-01-31.  日本特殊教育学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/23854
概要: 金沢大学人間社会研究域学校教育系<br />重度精神遅滞児の非指示身ぶりによる要求伝達における大人との交渉に、大人からの身ぶり模倣が及ぼす効果を検討するため、子ども及び相手の大人4組を対象とする単一事例研究を行った。大人はベースライン期では 子供の要求身ぶりに通常のやり方で応答すること、模倣期では要求身ぶりを模倣することを求められた。3名の子供はベースライン期には大人の応答に対する受容をまったく表現せず、1名は伝達の3分の1で受容を表現した。模倣期には4名ともほとんどの伝達で受容を表現するようになり、子供の身ぶり、大人からの模倣、子供の受容の表現の3ターンからなる交渉が成立した。そこでは、大人による身ぶりの模倣が要求に対する肯定を意味することが子どもに理解されたと考えられた。交渉の成立と平行して身ぶりの際に大人を見ることが3名の子供で増加した。この視線は身ぶり模倣の有無を確かめるものと考えられた。 The effects of adult gestural monitoring on the communicative behavior of prelinguistic children with severe mental retardation were investigated. Gestural monitoring occurs when an adult imitates a child's gesture that request an object or action. Four adult-child dyads participated in this study, which used a single subject multiple baseline research design with a few weeks' baseline and several weeks' treatment. The children, all boys, ranged from 5 to 9 years in age; they were likely to make requests with non-indicative gestures, such as folding their arms or clapping. Their communicative behavior in the baseline period was compared with that in the treatment period. Three hypotheses were examined. First, it was assumed that the children would not accept what the adults offered verbally in response to the children's request. Second, it was expected that the adults' gestural monitoring would be accepted by the children, and, third, it was also expected that an increase in the children's gazing at the adult while they were gesturing would parallel the children's expression of their acceptance. The results supported the hypotheses with a few exceptions. The results in the baseline period were as follows Three of the children never expressed acceptance, but were likely to imitate the adults' gestures or ignore the adults' verbal responses. The fourth child expressed acceptance in a third of trials. Two of the children hardly looked at the adult while they were gesturing, whereas the other two looked at the adult during half of their gestures. In the treatment phase, the rates of expressing acceptances increased for all children, reaching 90%-100%. The rate of looking at the adult also increased for three of the children during treatment phase, reaching 90%-100%, whereas for the fourth child, it did not change from baseline to treatment. Thus, a pattern of adult-child communicative cooperation was established in all the dyads. This pattern consisted of the follwing three parts; the child's initial gesture, the adult's gestural monitoring, and the child's acceptance of that. This pattern greatly resembles what Golinkoff (1986) found in communications between 12-month-old infants without disabilities and their mothers. Further investigation is required to determine whether these results could be replicated in a larger number of dyads composed of a prelinguistic child with severe mental retardation and an adult. 続きを見る