

ZHAO, Licui ; YASUNAGA, Daichi ; IRIE, Koji ; KOJIMA, Haruyuki ; 趙, 立翠 ; 安永, 大地 ; 入江, 浩司 ; 小島, 治幸
出版情報: 人間社会環境研究 = Human and socio-environmental studies.  pp.13-25,  2017-09-29.  金沢大学大学院人間社会環境研究科 — Graduate School of Human and Socio-Enviromental Studies Kanazawa University
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00049490
概要: In the present study, we examined the primacy of syntactic over semantic processing in the Japanese language, in which g rammatical morphology is as prominent as in most of Indo-European languages, but it also possesses symbolic language, similar to Chinese. Three kinds of collocation were created as stimuli: congruous collocations, collocations with semantic violation, and collocations with syntactic violation. Participants were asked to read the stimuli silently and then they judged whether they had seen them or not. Near-infrared spectroscopy was used to measure the regional changes in hemoglobin concentration in the brain of the participants. After analyzing the interplay of cortical activation between syntactic and semantic processing, we found that, during the reading task, when congruous stimuli were presented, activation was observed around the inferior frontal gyms and the middle temporal gyms, while when semantically violated stimuli were presented, activation was observed around the inferior frontal gyms. However, no brain area activation was observed for a syntactic violation condition. These activation patterns suggest that in Japanese, semantic processing is also dependent on the intactness of syntactic information, just as in Indo-European languages. The present study indicates that languages with prominent grammatical morphology exhibit primacy of syntax over semantics, and that near-infrared spectroscopy provides an efficient method of evaluating the primacy of syntactic and semantic processes.<br />本研究は, H本語処理において意味処理よりも統語処理が優先されることを検証した。 日本語はほとんどのインドヨ ーロッパ語族の言語と同じように文法的形態が明確であるとともに, 非インドヨ ーロッパ言語の典型である中国語と同じように表意文字を持っている。 本研究では, 刺激 として,正しいコロケーション, 意味逸脱コロケー ション, 統語逸脱コロケー ションの3種類を用いた。 参加者の課題は, 刺激を黙読し, 後に再認することであった。 課題遂行中の参加者の脳内酸化ヘモグロビン(Oxy-Hb)濃度の変化を近赤外分光法(NIRS) を用いて測定した。 統語処理と意味処理を司る脳内部位の活性化状況の相互関係を分析した結果, 正しいコロケ ー ションが呈示された時には, 左下前頭回と左中側頭回が活性化した。 意味逸脱コロケ ー ションが呈示された時には, 左下前頭回が活性化した。 統語逸脱コロケー ションが呈示された時には, どの脳内部位も活性化しなかった。 これらの結果によって, ほとんどのインドヨ ーロッパ語族の言語と同じように, 日本語においても統語処理が行われてから意味処理がはじめて行われることが示唆された。本研究は文法的形態が明確な言語は統語処理の優位性を持っている可能性を示した。さらに, NIRSが言語処理の脳内機構を検討する有力な道具として使えることを示唆した。 続きを見る


太田, 亨 ; 佐藤, 尚子 ; 藤田, 清士
出版情報: 金沢大学留学生センター紀要 = Research Bulletin,International Student Center Kanazawa University.  19  pp.1-10,  2016-03-01.  金沢大学留学生センター = International Srudent Center Kanazawa University
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/45320
概要: This article is a continuation of our previous works published under the names Ota, Sato and Fujita in 2014 and 2015. We have further improved our collaborative class, which combines physics and the Japanese language. This class is within the framework of the pre­tertiary Japan-Korea joint educational exchange program. We also assessed the result of the questionnaire carried out immediately after the course finished, and compared the 2014 and 2015 surveys. The survey result shows that 76% of our Korean students positively assessed the improved class. We assume that percentage to be still at a high level, although it did indicate a drop of four points when compared to the 2015 data. In this survey, we also could observe that intermediate-level Japanese proficiency students tended to view the improved collaborative class as having performed effectively whereas some of elementary and advanced-level Japanese proficiency students replied negatively with comments such as : "I want to learn ordinary vocabulary instead". In order for students to be able to sufficiently comprehend the content related to physics and to be able to reply orally to questions, we concluded that students would need to be able to read kanji more precisely. To achieve this goal, we will need to arrange the various levels of difficulty for kanji and then match the class materials and forms according to the appropriate kanji proficiency level. We would like to collocate the vocabulary in a balanced order : from ordinary to advanced level. 続きを見る


太田, 亨 ; 佐藤, 尚子 ; 藤田, 清士
出版情報: 金沢大学留学生センター紀要 = Research Bulletin,International Student Center Kanazawa University.  18  pp.1-10,  2015-03-01.  金沢大学留学生センター = International Srudent Center Kanazawa University
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/45235
概要: This article is a continuation of previous research, which we published in 2014. In our most recent research, we made improvements to a collaborative class that combined both physics and the Japanese language. The classes for both subjects were held separately. Immediately after the classes, we assessed the results via a class questionnaire and then compared it to a similar survey that we had conducted in 2013. After examining the results of the questionnaire, we observed that the students positively viewed the newly improved collaborative class. While the number of students who viewed the class negatively has decreased in comparison to the 2013 survey, we did receive comments such as "technical terms are difficult for me" (obtained from a student with low level proficiency in Japanese) , "I don't think it is necessary to introduce technical terms when I am learning kanji" (obtained from a student with high level proficiency in Japanese), and so forth. For that reason, we concluded that the improved class has performed effectively for the most part in relation to intermediate level proficiency students. As a result of these findings, we have decided to rearrange the levels of difficulty for kanji and to adjust the contents and class materials according to the proficiency levels of the students. In addition, we hope to include materials for learning kanji that relate to mathematical terms. These terms will be indicated in the syllabus, which is currently under development. 続きを見る


太田, 亨 ; 佐藤, 尚子 ; 藤田, 清士
出版情報: 金沢大学留学生センター紀要 = Research Bulletin,International Student Center Kanazawa University.  17  pp.23-32,  2014-03-01.  金沢大学留学生センター = International Srudent Center Kanazawa University
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/39018


藤田, 清士 ; 太田, 亨 ; 中橋, 真穂
出版情報: 金沢大学留学生センター紀要 = Research Bulletin,International Student Center Kanazawa University.  17  pp.33-42,  2014-03-01.  金沢大学留学生センター = International Srudent Center Kanazawa University
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/39019


徐, 秀瑩
出版情報: 人間社会環境研究 = Human and socio-environmental studies.  pp.189-203,  2013-09-27.  金沢大学大学院人間社会環境研究科= Graduate School of Human and Socio-Enviromental Studies Kanazawa University
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/35768


尹, 秀美
出版情報: 論文集 : 金沢大学経済学部社会言語学演習.  5  pp.1-20,  2010-03-23.  金沢大学経済学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/23465


尹, 秀美
出版情報: 論文集 : 金沢大学経済学部社会言語学演習.  5  pp.21-37,  2010-03-23.  金沢大学経済学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/23466


尹, 秀美
出版情報: 金沢大学経済学部社会言語学演習.  3  pp.37-62,  2007-01-01.  金沢大学経済学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/17083


西嶋, 義憲
出版情報: 金沢大学経済学部社会言語学演習.  3  pp.63-78,  2007-01-01.  金沢大学経済学部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/17085