

出版情報: [金沢] : [小林史彦], [2003]
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小林, 史彦 ; 川上, 光彦 ; 松谷, 圭祐 ; Kobayashi, Fumihiko ; Kawakami, Mitsuhiko ; Matsutani, Keisuke
出版情報: 都市計画論文集 = Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan.  42  pp.133-138,  2007-10-25.  日本都市計画学会 = The City Planning Institute of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00053694
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域環境デザイン学系<br />The aim of this study is to clarify the characteristics of historical wooden house stock in the c entral area of Kanazawa City, focusing on historical land use and subdivision career of lots and their spatial characteristics. The findings are as follows. More than half of the lots have experienced subdivision after Meiji Period. Focusing on the frontage, depth/frontage rario, area, the lots formed two groups; lots in former middle class warriors' district and common foot warriors' district, lots in former upper class warriors' residence and merchant class districts. Though the percentage of lots with setback increased not only in former warrior's district but also in merchant class districts, its' tendency was stronger in former warriors' districts regardless of the frontage or depth of the lot.<br />金沢市中心部に残存する歴史的木造家屋が立地する宅地の空間特性を、藩末期土地利用区分と明治以降の宅地分割・統合履歴に着目して明らかにした。研究の基礎資料としては、藩政末期の金沢城下町絵図と都市計画基礎調査データ及び住宅明細図を用いた。過半数の宅地が明治以降に分割された履歴をもち、間口、奥行き、細長比、面積には一定の集中傾向がみられた。間口、細長比、面積は、「平士屋敷等」と「足軽屋敷」、「上屋敷」と「町人地」に類似性があった。前者は間口及び面積が大きく細長比が小さい。後者は間口及び面積が小さく細長比が大きい。「平士屋敷等」と「足軽屋敷」では分割・統合の履歴内容により宅地の形状が多様な展開をみせるのに対し、「町人地」では履歴内容に関わらず間口が狭く、細長比が大きい形状への収束傾向が強い。宅地内家屋配置は、時代が下がるとともにいずれの藩末期土地利用区分でも宅地前面・側面のセットバック率が高くなるが、その度合いには藩末期土地利用区分との関連性がみられ、武士系の土地利用区分では間口や奥行きが小さくてもセットバックする傾向が、「町人地」では間口や奥行きが大きくてもセットバックしない傾向がみられた。 続きを見る


松谷, 圭祐 ; 小林, 史彦 ; 川上, 光彦 ; Matsutani, Keisuke ; Kobayashi, Fumihiko ; Kawakami, Mitsuhiko
出版情報: 都市計画論文集 = Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan.  41  pp.403-408,  2006-10-25.  日本都市計画学会 = The City Planning Institute of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00053697
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域環境デザイン学系<br />The purpose of this study is to clarify the characteristics of households and establishments that use historical wooden houses in the historic center of Kanazawa City, the trend concerning the inheritance of such houses, and the effects of restoration subsidy systems by Kanazawa City. It was found that the households are severely aging, houses are mostly inherited by family members, and that the majority remained uncertain whether or not the house will be inherited. Among the three restoration subsidy systems, the one including improvement of bathrooms and kitchens were most often used by those who didn't inherit the house from family members. It was also found that those who used the subsidy system were more aware of their houses' value.<br />本研究は非戦災都市である金沢市の中心部に広範に残存する歴史的木造家屋に着目し、建物調査とそれらを利用する世帯・事業所への質問紙調査などにより、歴史的木造家屋利用世帯・事業所の特性と歴史的木造家屋継承の動向を明らかにするとともに、歴史的木造家屋を対象とする金沢市による改修補助事業の効果について考察することを目的としている。歴史的木造家屋を利用する世帯は小規模で高齢者のみ世帯が多く、事業所は一部に複数店舗展開する比較的規模の大きいものもあるが、家族経営的な小規模事業所が多い。これまでの継承は、家族内で行われたものが大部分であり、新規利用開始例が経年的に減少しており、継承は停滞傾向にある。今後の継承については、約3割の世帯・事業所は継承の見通しがないことが明らかとなった。補助事業の利用・未利用で比較すると、利用した世帯・事業所の方が、建物のよいところを見出しながら使っている傾向がある。また、補助事業の種類別では、居住性向上を対象に含む補助事業は家族外での継承を促し、景観要素としての再生に重点を置く補助事業は伝統的外観要素の修復に改修補助事業に効果があることが明らかになった。 続きを見る


小林, 史彦 ; 川上, 光彦 ; Kobayashi, Fumihiko ; Kawakami, Mitsuhiko
出版情報: 都市計画論文集 = Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan.  35  pp.817-822,  2000-10-13.  日本都市計画学会 = The City Planning Institute of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00053701
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域環境デザイン学系<br />The control of new buildings plays an important role in maintaining the balance between improveme nt of the living environment and historical townscape conservation. It is often the case that building regulations by the Building Standard Law act as a negative factor in maintaining the balance. Firstly in this study, we made a general survey on how building regulations are being eased in Preservation Districts for Groups of Historic Buildings. Secondly, based on the general survey, we made a case study to clarify the appropriate building regulations to maintain the balance between improvement for the living environment and townscape conservation by using building models. 続きを見る


川上, 光彦 ; 松浦, あき子 ; 大谷, 瑞絵 ; 小林, 史彦 ; Kawakami, Mitsuhiko ; Matsuura, Akiko ; Ohtani, Mizue ; Kobayashi, Fumihiko
出版情報: 都市計画論文集 = Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan.  35  pp.211-216,  2000-10.  日本都市計画学会 = The City Planning Institute of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00053702
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域環境デザイン学系<br />This paper analyzes planning process of municipality master plans based on nationwide surveys car ried out to prefectures and municipalities using questionnaires, and references for planning guidance issued by prefecture governments. As result of study, following points are founded. There are some inconsistencies between prefecture intentions and municipalities' needs the planning committees are categorized five types referring its formation of members' representative bodies. The planning organization are also categorized eight types, which have supportive sub-committees or ad-hoc committees for public participation. 続きを見る


小林, 史彦 ; 川上, 光彦 ; 横井, 武志 ; Kobayashi, Fumihiko ; Kawakami, Mitsuhiko ; Yokoi, Takeshi
出版情報: 都市計画論文集 = Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan.  34  pp.385-390,  1999-10.  日本都市計画学会 = The City Planning Institute of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00053710
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域環境デザイン学系<br />This paper tries to clarify relationship between housing standard and building from regulations f or townscape control. Based on a survey of an designated area for the historical townscape conservation by the byelaw of Kanazawa City, types of building form are evaluated according to control level. Mathematical model describing total floor area of each type of building from are developed. Using these models relationship between residential standard and types of building form are studied under the building form regulations. 続きを見る


Higashi, Tomomi ; Ohkura, Noriyuki ; Fujimura, Masaki ; Nakai, Satoshi ; Honda, Yasushi ; Saijoh, Kiyofumi ; Hayakawa, Kazuichi ; Kobayashi, Fumihisa ; Michigami, Yoshimasa ; Olando, Anyenda Enoch ; Hitomi, Yoshiaki ; Nakamura, Hiroyuki ; 東, 朋美 ; 大倉, 徳幸 ; 藤村, 政樹 ; 西條, 淸史 ; 早川, 和一 ; 小林, 史彦 ; 道上, 義正 ; 人見, 嘉哲 ; 中村, 裕之
出版情報: Atmospheric Environment.  97  pp.544-551,  2014-11-01.  Elsevier Ltd
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00049597
概要: 金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系<br />Asian dust, known as kosa in Japanese, is a major public health concern. In this panel study, we eva luated the effects of exposure to kosa on daily cough occurrence. The study subjects were 86 patients being treated for asthma, cough variant asthma, or atopic cough in Kanazawa University Hospital from January 2011 to June 2011. Daily mean concentrations of kosa and spherical particles were obtained from light detection and ranging (LIDAR) measurements, and were categorized from Grade 1 (0 μg/m3) to 5 (over 100 μg/m3). The association between kosa and cough was analyzed by logistic regression with a generalized estimating equation. Kosa effects on cough were seen for all Grades with potential time lag effect. Particularly at Lag 0 (the day of exposure), a dose-response relationship was observed: the odds ratios for Grades 2, 3, 4, and 5 above the referent (Grade 1) were 1.111 (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.995-1.239), 1.171 (95% CI: 1.006-1.363), 1.357 (95% CI: 1.029-1.788), and 1.414 (95% CI: 0.983-2.036), respectively. Among the patients without asthma, the association was higher: the odds ratios for Grades 2, 3, 4 and 5 were 1.223 (95% CI: 0.999-1.497), 1.309 (95% CI: 0.987-1.737), 1.738 (95% CI: 1.029-2.935) and 2.403 (95% CI: 1.158-4.985), respectively. These associations remained after adjusting for the concentration of spherical particles or particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of less than 2.5 μm (PM2.5). Our findings demonstrate that kosa is an environmental factor which induces cough in a dose-response relationship. © 2014 Elsevier B.V.<br />Embargo Period 12 months 続きを見る


小林, 史彦 ; Kobayashi, Fumihiko
出版情報: 博士学位論文要旨 論文内容の要旨および論文審査結果の要旨/金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科.  平成15年12月  pp.454-456,  2003-12-01.  金沢大学
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/16592
概要: 取得学位:博士(工学),学位授与番号:博乙第264号,学位授与年月日:平成15年3月25日,学位授与年:2003


前川, 洋輝 ; 小林, 史彦 ; 川上, 光彦
出版情報: 都市計画論文集 = Papers on city planning.  46  pp.193-198,  2011-10-25.  日本都市計画学会 = City Planning Institute of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/35290
概要: In recent years, community based historic conservation has come to work. It came to be thought that it is necessary to c onserve various cultural heritages in the local area. The charm in the local area improves by conservation of cultural heritages from the aspect of community development. To inherit various cultural heritages in the local area, various actors in addition to the administration should play a role. In this study, the process of community based historic conservation that works by various actors in Daishoji is clarified. In addition, the achievement factor of community based historic conservation in Daishoji is clarified from the viewpoint of the relationship between actors, cultural heritage diversity and measures. 近年、地域の多様な文化遺産を活かしたまちづくりが取り組まれるようになってきた。これまでの文化財保護行政では、価値の高い指定文化財などの個別保存が中心であったが、優品でないものの保護も積極的になされるべきだと考えられるようになってきた。地域の多様な文化遺産を、地域の歴史ストーリーを語る資産群として総体でとらえ、まちづくりの視点でそれらを継承することにより、地域の魅力や活力の向上が期待できるためである。このような、地域の多様な文化遺産を地域の歴史のコンテクストから読み解き継承していくまちづくりを、本研究では歴史まちづくりと定義する。歴史まちづくりの要件として、1.多様な文化遺産を対象とする、2.多様なまちづくりの施策に取り組む、3.多様な主体が参画するの3つを挙げ、これらに着目し、歴史まちづくりが進展するプロセスを時系列で明らかにする。そして取り組み主体と対象文化遺産の属性の関係と、取り組み主体とまちづくり施策内容の関係に着目することで、歴史まちづくりの進展要因を検証することを目的とする。 続きを見る


川上, 光彦 ; 松浦, あき子 ; 大谷, 瑞絵 ; 埒, 正浩 ; 木谷, 弘司 ; 小林, 史彦
出版情報: 日本建築学会技術報告集 : journal of architecture and building science.  115  pp.201-206,  2000-12-20.  日本建築学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/12088
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域環境デザイン学系<br />This paper studies characteristics of planning materials issued prefecture governments and its in fluences on actual planning based on surveys carried out to planning section of prefectures and municipalities. Twenty-seven prefectures among of forty-six have issued planning materials. Although some municipalities like to have planning materials for their reference, there would be some materials causing demerits of formality and deteriorating municipalities' effort for planning an original master plan. As for superiority recognition as a prefecture government on municipality, planning materials are categorized into three types, which are "a type recognized superiority", "a type recognized prefecture participation and little superiority" and "a type respecting autonomy of each municipality". 続きを見る