

田崎, 和江 ; 中西, 孝 ; 鈴木, 祐恵 ; 佐藤, 和也 ; 森井, 一誠 ; 鈴木, 健之 ; Tazaki, Kazue ; Nakanishi, Takashi ; Suzuki, Sachie ; Satoh, Kazuya ; Morii, Issei ; Suzuki, Kenji
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  61  pp.343-361,  2007-09-25.  地学団体研究会 The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061673
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />2007年3月25日9時41分にマグニチュウド6.9の激震が石川県能登半島を襲い,舗装道路に大きなダメージを与え,交通網が寸断された.本研究調査団はGMサーベーメータを使用し,車によるカーボーン 法と徒歩によるハンドボーン法の併用により,能登半島地震災害地の空間β線と舗装道路の亀裂,陥没,隆起,地滑り地帯におけるβ線を測定した.測定日は2007年4月4日から19日の間の4回であり,約240kmの距離を2-4台のGMサーベーメータで,毎回同じルートを往復して測定した.また,地震の被害がなかった金沢市内においても4月12日に測定を行い,災害地と比較した.2007年4月4日8:20に輪島市大沢において2300cpmを記録し,同日の13:20には古和秀水にて1500cpmを記録した.これはともにM3.8,深さ10km,震源地37.2N,136.7E,およびM3.3,比較的浅い震源37.2N,136.5Eの余震に合致した,舗装道路の亀裂,陥没,隆起,液状化の箇所は100-200cpmと高い値を示し,かつ,その場の大気はそれ以下であった.一方,地震被害のなかった金沢市内は40-80cpmと低い値を示した.空間β線計数率分布地図は地震の被害が大きい地域で高く,時間が経過するに従い低下することが明らかになった.<br />The magnitude-6.9 Noto Hanto Earthquake struck at 9 : 41 a.m. 25th March 2007, off the north coast of Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan. The quake started under the ocean about 30km southwest of Wajima, shaking up Ishikawa, Toyama and Niigata prefectures and killing one person and damaging hundreds of houses. The quake crippled public transportation, traffic network, including highway at Noto Peninsula, because of landslide, subsidence, chasm and cracks. Radon has measured in air and ground fissures using portable natural gamma ray system while the Noto Hanto Earthquake struck the Noto Peninsula, in April 4, 8, 10, 12, and 19th 2007. The car-borne and hand-borne measurement system was assembled for easily and rapidly detecting full features of the fissures buried in the ground, and the applicability of the system was detected in the field, such as geological feature, fault fissure zone, distribution/accumulation of new/old chasm and cracks in the surface layer, and direct earthquake itself. The amount of radon reflects the scale of fissures and an abnormal increase in earthquake and new chasm or cracks. The quite high gammaray of 2300cpm was detected in April 4th 8 : 20 at Ozawa, Monzen, Wazima City, near the fault fissure zone, and 1500cpm was detected in April 4th 13 : 20 at Kowashudo, Monzen, Wajima City. Both high radon counts were due to the earthquake of M 3.8, depth 10km, hypocenter was Noto region 37.2N, 136.7E, and the other earthquake of M 3.3 was relatively shallow depth, hypocenter at Noto offshore 37.2N, 136.5E, respectively. The abnormal increase (100-200cpm) detected at large deep subsidence and new crack on the paved road. For comparison, normal air radon without earthquake counted as low as 40-80cpm. Observation of radon at earthquake region such as Monzen-cho related to radon anomaly to compare with other normal region in Kanazawa City has been studied. 続きを見る


田崎, 和江 ; 野村, 正純 ; 森井, 一誠 ; 佐藤, 和也 ; 馬場, 奈緒子 ; 中西, 孝 ; 横山, 明彦 ; Chaerun, Siti Khodijah ; Tazaki, Kazue ; Nomura, Masazumi ; Morii, Issei ; Satoh, Kazuya ; Baba, Naoko ; Nakanishi, Takashi ; Yokoyama, Akihiko
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  62  pp.325-330,  2008-09-25.  地学団体研究会 The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061687
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />The magnitude-6.8 Chuetsu-Oki Earthquake struck at 10:13 a.m. 16th July 2007, off the northwester n coast of Japan in Niigata Prefecture, Japan. The hypocenter was Chuetsu-Oki region 37.33N, 138.36E (17km in depth). The quake started under the ocean about 9km North of Kashiwazaki Kariwa nuclear plant, killing 11 peoples, and flattening several hundreds of buildings. In this study, Radon has measured in air and ground fissures using portable natural gamma ray system on July 16-17, and 20-21th, 2007. The quite high gamma ray of 300-340 cpm was detected on July 21th at Ohminato, Kariwa village which is the nearest of the fault fissure zone. The abnormal increase (200-300cpm) was detected at large deep subsidence and new crack on the paved road. For comparison, normal air radon without earthquake was counted as low as 60-80cpm. The car-borne and hand-borne measurement system was assembled for easily and rapidly detecting full features of the fissures buried in the ground. 続きを見る


佐藤, 和也 ; 田崎, 和江 ; 奥野, 正幸 ; 久保, 博 ; Satoh, Kazuya ; Tazaki, Kazue ; Okuno, Masayuki ; Kubota, Hiroshi
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  64  pp.63-75,  2010-03-25.  地学団体研究会 The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061690
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />長野県の松代温泉は,大量のほう素(B)を含む温泉としてよく知られている.その排水溝には茶褐色および黒色のバイオマットが形成されている.特に河川水と温泉排水が交わる部分には黒色のバイオマットが形成 されている.いずれのバイオマット中にも多量のBが濃集しており,これによって,排水中のB濃度は,排出直後よりも4割程度減少する.これは,バイオマット中に生息するシアノバクテリアがカルサイトを作る時に,二酸化炭素のかわりに炭酸塩イオンを取り込むからである.その際に細胞周辺に局所的に高アルカリ環境を作り出し,温泉中のHBO2を電離させ,よりBを他の物質に結合しやすい状態にするためである.シアノバクテリアはカルサイトを作り出すことによって,Bを濃集させ,温泉水中のBを軽減する働きがある.<br />Matsushiro Hot springs in Nagano Prefecture, Japan is known as one of the hot springs in which the concentration of boron (B) is quite high. The hot spring water drainage ditch was covered with dark brown microbial mats. Before the drainage meets the river, the microbial mats deposit is more than 2m in depth. The microbial mats deposit has two layers. In the upper parts, dark brown microbial mats covered the surface. Underneath are black microbial mats which make up a portion of the two layer structure. At the junction of the drainage and river water, only black microbial mats occurred. The aim of this study was to reduce the boron concentration of the drainage water with microbial mats at Matsushiro Hot Springs. ASS analysis showed that microbial mats collected from five different points contain 854mg B/kg, 8628mg Fe/kg, 120mg As/kg, and 912mg Mg/kg on average. ED-XRF analysis showed that all microbial mats contained more than 50wt% of Ca. XRD analysis and FT-IR spectra of the microbial mats indicated the presence of calcite. Observations by optical and electron microscopy showed that cyanobacteria inhabited dark brown microbial mats, whereas cyanobacteria and diatoms inhabited in black mierobial mats. Cyanobacteria use an enzyme named carbonate anhydrase (CA). HCO3- dissolved in the hot spring water was broken down into CO2 and OH- by CA. That OH- made temporary alkaline conditions around the cyanobacteria. Such alkaline conditions facilitate the break down of HBO2 into H+ and BO2-. BO2- can form many chemical compounds. The concentration of boron described in this study might have profound implications for bioremediation of boron contaminated sites. 続きを見る


田崎, 和江 ; 馬場, 奈緒子 ; 佐藤, 和也 ; 奥野, 正幸 ; 福士, 圭介 ; Tazaki, Kazue ; Baba, Naoko ; Satoh, Kazuya ; Okuno, Masayuki ; Fukushi, Keisuke
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  61  pp.281-292,  2007-07-25.  地学団体研究会 The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061692
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />2007年3月25日9時41分にマグニチュード6.9の地震が石川県能登半島を襲った.その折,水道が断水し,住民は周囲の井戸水,湧き水,山水を生活水として使用した.その水は地震直後から白色,灰色, 茶色に濁り,2-3日から2週間続いた.本研究は被害地の住民からの聞き取り調査,現地における水質検査,採水試料を実験室に持ち帰り,蛍光X線分析,イオンクロマト分析,走査型電子顕微鏡観察を行った.地震前は中性であった井戸水が地震後にpH5.4-5.9と酸性になり,かつ, SO4が非常に高くなり飲料不可となった.一方,中性であった温泉水がpH8とアルカリ性に変化し, NaCl含有量が高くなり,海水の浸入を示唆した.また,飲料水の6項目についての検査を行政に依頼したところ, 2箇所の水から基準以上の一般細菌と大腸菌が見つかり飲料不可となった.なお,この検査項目にはpHが含まれていないので,今後,災害時にはいち早く生活水についてpHや集落形成単位(CFU)を含めた水質検査が必要である.さらに,避難所における生活水はノロウィルスなどによる病気と直結しているため,行政による迅速な措置と指導が必要である.<br />The magnitude-6.9 Noto Hanto Earthquake struck at 9:41 a.m. 25th March 2007, off the north coast of Ishikawa Prefecture. The quake started under the ocean about 30 km southwest of Wajima, shaking up Ishikawa, Toyama and Niigata prefectures and cutting electricity and drinking water system to some 160,000 households, killing one person and damaging hundreds of houses. The quake also crippled public transportation, including Noto airport, and cut water to about 9,500 households. All residents, especially those who are near the hardest-hit area, are advised to use drinking water collected from spring, well and mountain natural water with extra caution, because the water got become muddy in white, gray, and brown color after the quake. Some of water changed to acidic pH 5.4-5.9 from neutral pH is not drinkable due to SO4. The legal standard of pH for drinking water is pH 5.8-8.6. The water contained 5-10 times of SO4 higher than standard concentration of SO4, but looking transparent after one week. The field measurements of water pH suggest that high SO4 contents are due to acidic drinking water, agreed with XRF, ion-chromatography, and SEM-EDX analyses. After 3 weeks, water pH 5.9 backed to the normal pH 6.5, but NO3, Ca and Mg contents were still higher than before the quake. We have ordered the government to work, toward securing the citizen's safety and take all possible measures of drinking water to rescue them. The health center office must take care of spring water, well, and mountain natural water to check pH as soon as possible associated with CPU (Colony Forming Unit) check. 続きを見る