

[edited by] Luther C. Kloth, Joseph M. McCulloch
出版情報: Philadelphia : F.A. Davis, c2002
シリーズ名: Contemporary perspectives in rehabilitation ; v. 3
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Cathy Thomas Hess
出版情報: Springhouse, Pa. : Springhouse, c1995
シリーズ名: Nurse's clinical guide
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[edited by] I. Kelman Cohen, Robert F. Diegelmann, William J. Lindblad
出版情報: Philadelphia ; Tokyo : W.B. Saunders Co., c1992
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Tsuda, Kyoko ; Nakatashi, Toshio ; Sugama, Junko ; Okuwa, Mayumi ; Sanada, Hiromi
出版情報: International Wound Journal.  7  pp.135-146,  2010-05-20.  Wiley-Blackwell
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/24255
概要: 金沢大学医薬保健研究域保健学系<br />We prepared full thickness skin defects in rats fed on a protein-free diet as a hypoproteinaemia mo del, then switched the animals to a diet containing a normal protein level 1, 6 or 12 days after wounding (inflammatory, granulation and rearrangement phases of the wound healing process) to examine whether improvement in the low-protein state promotes subsequent wound healing. The interval until wound healing in rats fed on a normal protein diet was significantly shorter, whereas that in rats continuously fed on a protein-free diet was significantly longer than those of other groups. Early correction tended to accelerate wound healing. Although wound contraction in groups receiving a protein-corrected or protein-free diet remained similar until 15 days after wounding, thereafter the duration of the rearrangement phase was significantly longer in the protein-free group than in the other groups. The collagen level per unit of granulation tissue area during wound healing was significantly lower in the protein-free group than in the other groups. These findings indicate that protein correction at any time after wounding accelerates wound healing, although early correction is more effective, and reduces the duration of the rearrangement phase more than those of the inflammatory and granulation phases because of the deposit of collagen. 続きを見る


Nasruddin ; Nakajima, Yukari ; Mukai, Kanae ; Rahayu, Heni Setyowati Esti ; Nur, Muhammad ; Ishijima, Tatsuo ; Enomoto, Hiroshi ; Uesugi, Yoshihiko ; Sugama, Junko ; Nakatani, Toshio
出版情報: Clinical Plasma Medicine.  2  pp.28-35,  2014-07-01.  Elsevier
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/36941
概要: We investigated cold plasma effects on acute wounds of mice. The mice were classified into experimental and control grou ps. In the former, wounds were treated using cold plasma once daily for 1 min, and then covered with hydrocolloid dressing; wounds in the control were left to heal under hydrocolloid dressing. Daily evaluation was conducted for 15 days. General and specific staining was applied to evaluate re-epithelialization, neutrophil, macrophage, myofibroblast and transforming growth factor beta. It was found that cold plasma accelerated wound healing by 1 day. Plasma may promote the late phase of inflammation, accelerate re-epithelialization and increase wound contraction. © 2014 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved. 続きを見る


池田, 和夫 ; Ikeda, Kazuo
出版情報: 平成19(2007)年度 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C) 研究成果報告書概要 = 2007 Fiscal Year Final Research Report Summary.  2006 – 2007  pp.1p.-,  2010-06-08. 
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061783
概要: 金沢大学附属病院<br />光源として、高輝度発光ダイオード(LED)照射装置(中心波長627nm;CCSInc,京都)を作成した。「方法」正常マウスの線維芽細胞株NIH3T3(理化学研究所茨城)を用いて、LED照射による細胞増殖への影響に ついて検討した。また、ラット背部に左右両側に直径20mmの全層皮膚欠損創を作成した。創を作成した翌日より14日目まで、連日4J/cm_2(160s)のLED照射を行った。対象面と光源には5cmの距離を置いた。創作成後7,14日目に創縁をトレースし、スキャンした画像から残存する創傷面積(RWA%)を評価した。ラットの背側に坐骨神経を切断しシリコンチューブで架橋した、末梢神経再生モデルを作成し、LED照射の影響をみた。「結果」8J/cm_2照射群では、吸光度による細胞増殖量はコントロール群1.775±0.037、LED群1.972±0.041であり、有意に細胞増殖量が高かった。7日目におけるRWA%は、コントロール群40.87±3.21、LED群28.34±2.36、となっており、有意にRWA%が低値だった14日目におけるRWA%は、コントロール群7.69±1.96、LED群2.89土0.43となっており、LED群では有意に創傷面積が縮小していた。シリコンチューブ内の抗酸化力は、術後1日目、3日目は維持されたが、7日目には低下していた。しかし、LEDを照射することにより、術後7日目においても抗酸化力は維持されていた。したがって、神経再生の最先端部分において、再生萌芽の伸びに有利に作用することが明らかとなった。「考察」以上の結果から、LEDは創傷治癒を促進し、末梢神経の再生を促進する作用があることが確認された。今後は、臨床応用に向けた実験を行っていく予定である。<br />BackgroundI would like to propose a new phototherapy using polarized light from Light Emitting Diode (LED). The purpose of this study is to clarify the effect of polarized LED irradiation on wound healing. MethodsFive groups were classified as control (C), unpolarized (U), linearly polarized (L), right circularly polarized (RC), and left circularly polarized (LC) LED irradiation. In vitro study, fibroblast cell cultures were irradiated, and cellular proliferation was evaluated with a WST-8 assay. In vivo study, full-thickness skin defect of 20mm diameter was created on the dorsal side of rats. The ratio of the residual wound area was measured and expression of type 1 and type 3 procollagen mRNA in granulation tissue was determined by real-time RT-PCR method.Results The cellular proliferation rates of group RC and L were significantly higher than other groups. The ratio of the residual wound area of group RC and L were significantly reduced than group C and U. Expression of type1procollagen mRNA in group RC was significantly increased about 1.5-fold in comparison to the group C. There were no significant differences for about type 3 procollagen.ConclusionsThe right circularly polarized light and linearly polarized light promoted the process of wound healing by increasing the proliferation of fibroblasts, and the right circularly polarized light increased the expression of type 1 procollagen mRNA. The effectiveness of right circularly polarized light suggests that some optical active material which has a circular dichroic spectrum takes part in a biochemical reaction.<br />研究課題/領域番号:18591624, 研究期間(年度):2006 – 2007<br />出典:「発光ダイオード光の生体活性効果の検討」研究成果報告書 課題番号18591624(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所))(https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/report/KAKENHI-PROJECT-18591624/185916242007kenkyu_seika_hokoku_gaiyo/)を加工して作成 続きを見る