

高倉, 吉正
出版情報: 金沢大学十全医学会雑誌.  102  pp.828-835,  1993-12-20.  金沢大学十全医学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/8489


塚田, 久恵 ; 三浦, 克之 ; 城戸, 照彦 ; 佐伯, 和子 ; 川島, ひろ子 ; 伊川, あけみ ; 西, 正美 ; 森河, 裕子 ; 西条, 旨子 ; 中西, 由美子 ; 由田, 克士 ; 中川, 秀昭
出版情報: 日本公衆衛生雑誌 = Japanese journal of public health.  50  pp.1125-1134,  2003-12-15.  日本公衆衛生学会 = Japanese society of public health
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/34885
概要: Objective Evidence regarding the relationship between childhood obesity and adult obesity in Japan is limited. This stud y was conducted to determine the relationship between childhood mass index (BMI) at 3 months, 12 months, 3 years and 20 years in a general population. Methods Data obtained from men and women aged 20 years (born between 1968–1974), who had received medical examinations in Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan, were linked to data of medical examinations of the same individuals as infants (3 months, 12 months, and 3 years). The relationship between childhood BMI (or Kaup index) and adult BMI was analyzed for a total of 2,314 participants (1,080 men and 1,234 women), whose data could be followed for 20 years. Results BMI at 20 years displayed signiˆcant positive correlations with BMI at 3 months, 12 months, and 3 years; this correlation was strongest with respect to BMI at 3 years (r=0.33, p<0.001 in men; r=0.42, p<0.001 in women). In terms of percentages of obese participants (BMI 25 kg/ m2 or over) at 20 years in accordance with BMI categories at each age, the rates were 4.6% in men and 1.0% in women with a BMI less than 15 kg/m2 at 3 years, but 29.1% and 29.5%, respectively, with a BMI of 18 kg/m2 or over (6.3 and 29.5 times higher, respectively). Percentages of obese participants at 20 years were highest in those exhibiting an above average BMI at 3 years, regardless of the BMI at 3 months. Conclusions Body mass in young adults is strongly related to body mass in childhood, especially with that at 3 years. About 30 percent of obese children at 3 years remain obese into adulthood. These results are of interest with respect to assessment of future risk of adulthood obesity at medical examinations for infants in Japan. [目的] 乳幼児期の肥満が成人後の肥満にどの程度結びつくかについての日本人でのデータは乏し い。本研究は乳幼児期(3 か月,12か月,3 歳)の肥満度と成人時(20歳)の肥満度との関 連を明らかにし,乳幼児健康診査(以下,健診)時の肥満指導のための基礎資料を得ること を目的とする。 [方法] 石川県某保健所管内において1968–1974年に出生した20歳男女を対象として行われた成年 健康調査を受診した男女のデータと,同管内における3 か月,12か月,3 歳の乳幼児健診 データとのレコード・リンケージを行い,全ての健診を受診して20年間追跡できた2,314人 (男1,080人,女1,234人)を対象とし,乳幼児期と成人時の肥満度の関連について分析した。 [成績] 各月齢・年齢のカウプ指数(またはbody mass index (BMI))相互間の相関を見たところ, 20歳時のBMI と3 か月時・12か月時・3 歳時のカウプ指数との間ではいずれも有意な正相 関が認められ,中で最も強い相関を示したのは3 歳時カウプ指数とであった(男r=0.33, P <0.001,女r=0.42, P<0.001)。乳幼児期の肥満度カテゴリー別に20歳時の肥満者(BMI 25 kg/m2 以上)の割合をみると,3 歳時カウプ指数15未満の者では男で4.6%,女で1.0%で あったが,3 歳時カウプ指数18以上の者では男で29.1%,女で29.5%にのぼり,カウプ指数 15未満の者に比べ男で6.3倍,女で29.5倍の率となった。3 か月時および3 歳時におけるカウ プ指数が平均未満か以上かのカテゴリー別に20歳時に肥満になっていた割合を検討したとこ ろ,3 か月時のカウプ指数が平均以上か未満かを問わず,3 歳時のカウプ指数が平均以上で あったもので割合が高かった。 [結論] 乳幼児期の肥満度は20歳時の肥満度と強い関連があったが,3 歳時との関連が最も強かっ た。3 歳時に肥満であった児は成人時にも肥満である率が約30%と評価され,本データは3 歳児健診における将来の肥満のアセスメントに利用できると考えられる。 続きを見る


Sakurai, Masaru ; Nakamura, Koshi ; Miura, Katsuyuki ; Yoshita, Katsushi ; Takamura, Toshinari ; Nagasawa, Shin-ya ; Morikawa, Yuko ; Ishizaki, Masao ; Kido, Teruhiko ; Naruse, Yuchi ; Nakashima, Motoko ; Nogawa, Kazuhiro ; Suwazono, Yasushi ; Nakagawa, Hideaki
出版情報: Internal Medicine.  53  pp.669-674,  2014-01-01.  日本内科学会 = The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/40168
概要: Objective This cross-sectional study investigated the associations between the serum thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) concentration and indices of obesity in middle-aged Japanese men and women. Methods The participants were 2,037 employees (1,044 men and 993 women; age, 36-55 yr) of a metal products factory in Japan. Clinical examinations were conducted in 2009. We obtained a medical history and anthropometric measurements (body weight, body mass index [BMI] and waist circumference) and measured the serum TSH concentrations. The anthropometric indices were compared across serum TSH quartiles. The associations were evaluated separately according to the smoking status in men. Results The mean body weight (kg), BMI (kg/m2) and waist circumference (cm) were 69.2, 23.7 and 83.2 in men and 55.3, 22.3 and 74.3 in women, respectively. Men with a higher TSH concentration had higher body weight and BMI values (p for trend=0.016 and 0.019, respectively), and these significant associations were observed even after adjusting for age, smoking status and other potential confounders. The TSH level was not associated with waist circumference. We found a significant interaction between the TSH level and the smoking status on body weight (p for interaction=0.013) and a significant association between the TSH level and body weight in nonsmokers, but not in current smokers. No significant associations were observed between the TSH level and the anthropometric indices in women. Conclusion Significant positive associations between the serum TSH concentration, body weight and BMI were detected in men only, and an interaction with the smoking status was observed for this association. 続きを見る


Sakurai, Masaru ; Nakamura, Koshi ; Miura, Katsuyuki ; Yoshita, Katsushi ; Takamura, Toshinari ; Nagasawa, Shin-ya ; Morikawa, Yuko ; Ishizaki, Masao ; Kido, Teruhiko ; Naruse, Yuchi ; Nakashima, Motoko ; Nogawa, Kazuhiro ; Suwazono, Yasushi ; Nakagawa, Hideaki
出版情報: Internal Medicine.  53  pp.669-674,  2014-01-01.  日本内科学会 = The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/41384
概要: Objective This cross-sectional study investigated the associations between the serum thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) concentration and indices of obesity in middle-aged Japanese men and women. Methods The participants were 2,037 employees (1,044 men and 993 women; age, 36-55 yr) of a metal products factory in Japan. Clinical examinations were conducted in 2009. We obtained a medical history and anthropometric measurements (body weight, body mass index [BMI] and waist circumference) and measured the serum TSH concentrations. The anthropometric indices were compared across serum TSH quartiles. The associations were evaluated separately according to the smoking status in men. Results The mean body weight (kg), BMI (kg/m2) and waist circumference (cm) were 69.2, 23.7 and 83.2 in men and 55.3, 22.3 and 74.3 in women, respectively. Men with a higher TSH concentration had higher body weight and BMI values (p for trend=0.016 and 0.019, respectively), and these significant associations were observed even after adjusting for age, smoking status and other potential confounders. The TSH level was not associated with waist circumference. We found a significant interaction between the TSH level and the smoking status on body weight (p for interaction=0.013) and a significant association between the TSH level and body weight in nonsmokers, but not in current smokers. No significant associations were observed between the TSH level and the anthropometric indices in women. Conclusion Significant positive associations between the serum TSH concentration, body weight and BMI were detected in men only, and an interaction with the smoking status was observed for this association. 続きを見る


山田, 正仁 ; Yamada, Masahito
出版情報: 平成16(2004)年度 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B) 研究成果報告書 = 2004 Fiscal Year Final Research Report.  2002-2004  pp.7p.-,  2005-03.  金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00051192
概要: 脳アミロイドアンギオパチー(CAA)の分子病態を解明し、それに基づき、臨床診断法の確立および予防・治療法を開発することを目的に以下の研究を行った。(1)CAA臨床例の解析CAAと脂質代謝に関与するパラオキソナーゼ、アミロイドβ蛋白(Aβ)分 解酵素であるネプリライシン、サイトカインTGF-β1の遺伝子多型との関連を検討したところ、CAAとネプリライシン遺伝子多型、CAAとTGF-β1遺伝子多型の間に関連を認めた。これはAβ分解酵素の多型がCAAに影響することを示唆する初めての報告である。これまで、アルツハイマー病(AD)およびアポリポ蛋白EE4がCAAのリスクであることが報告されてきたが、TGF-β1はnon-AD, non-E4例で、CAAと強く関連しており、TGF-β1遺伝子多型がnon-AD, non-E4患者におけるCAAのリスク診断に有用であることが示唆された。また、わが国におけるCAAの実態を解明する目的で、CAAに関する全国疫学調査を初めて実施し、CAAに関連する脳出血が過去5年間に755例存在することなどを明らかにした。(2)試験管内アミロイド線維形成・分解系による実験モデルの構築とそれを用いた予防・治療薬の探索試験管内Aβ線維形成系を用いた解析で、抗酸化剤NDGA、ニコチン、赤ワイン関連ポリフェノール、クルクミン、クルクミンのアナローグであるローズマリー酸、ビタミンA、タンニン酸がAβ線維形成抑制作用ばかりでなく既成のAβ線維の分解作用を有し、Aβ線維の細胞毒性を有意に軽減することを明らかにした。(3)CAA動物実験モデルを用いた予防・治療薬の開発上記のin vitroの系で見出された抗Aβ薬候補のin vivoにおける効果の検討する目的で、Aβ型CAAを呈するトランスジェニックマウスに対し、抗Aβ薬の予防的投与、治療的投与を実施した。現在、その結果を病理学的、生化学的に解析中である。<br />For the purpose of development of methods of clinical diagnosis and therapies for cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA), we performed the following studies :1)Clinicopathological, genetic, and epidemiological analysis of CAA :We found assodalion of genetic polymorphisms of neprilysin and TGF-β1 with CAA. We performed a nationwide study of CAA for the first time, and identified 755 patients with CAA-related hemorrhages in recent five years.2)Search for anti-amyloidogenic agents with an in vitro system for formation of β-amyloid (Aβ) fibrils (fAβ) :Using an in vitro system for formation of fAβ, we found that nordihydroguaiaretic acid, nicotine, red wine-related polyphenols, curcumin, vitamin A, and tannic acid inhibit formation of fAβ, destablize preformed fAβ, and decrease cytotoxicity of fAβ.3)Development of anti-CAA drugs using an animal model of CAA :We administered anti-amyloidogenic agents to a transgenic animal model of Aβ type CAA for prevention or treatment of CAA ; pathological and biochemical studies are currently ongoing.<br />研究課題/領域番号:14370203, 研究期間(年度):2002-2004<br />出典:「脳アミロイドアンギオパチーの分子病態および治療法開発に関する研究」研究成果報告書 課題番号14370203 (KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所))   本文データは著者版報告書より作成 続きを見る