

細川, 晃 ; 三嶋, 啓太 ; 古本, 達明 ; 小谷野, 智広
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 = JSPE Conference.  2014A  pp.9-10,  2014-01-01.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/45545
概要: 本研究は少量の研削液で効果的に研削熱の発生を抑制する手法を構築することを目的とし,研削液の砥石作業面への供給の妨げとなっているエアベルト(砥石連れ回り空気流)を効果的に抑制する方法について検討している.すなわち,砥石作業面に接触させたブラシ を介してクーラントを供給する方法を提案し,本手法の有効性を研削抵抗や仕上げ面性状などから検証している. This study deals with the reduction of coolant in cylindrical plunge grinding. A brush-nozzle is placed in order to block ′air-belt′ which is boundary layer on the wheel surface, and it helps the coolant adhere to the wheel surface. This study confirms that the quantity of coolant can be reduced from 10 l/min to 0.4 l/min by using the brush-nozzle. In addition, the brush-nozzle is effective in reducing grinding force and generation of smooth ground surface. 続きを見る


細川, 晃 ; 安井, 平司 ; 樋口, 浩司 ; 佐藤, 郁
出版情報: 精密工学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society of Precision Engineering.  65  pp.883-887,  1990-06-05.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/43483
概要: This report deals with the grinding heat partition into workpiece for two kinds of fine ceramics-normally sintered silicon carbide (SSC) and normally sintered silicon nitride (SSN)-in wet grinding. Based on a simple model of heat transfer in wet grinding in such that some portions of the total grinding energy (=q) is conducted into workpiece as heat (=qw) and part of qw flows into grinding fluid by convection (=qf) through the ground surface in the wheel-work interference zone, the heat partition into workpiece Rw is calculated. The heat partition of SSC is not affected so much by both table speed and wheel depth of cut with water-based grinding fluid. In the case of SSN, on the other hand, Rw increases from approximately 5% to 35% as table speed increases from 0.2 to 15 m/min. At lower table speed below approximately 1 m/min, however, the heat partitions are little influenced by table speed, in which the fragmented finished surface like SSC is dominant. The abrasive-workpiece interaction of SSN is affected by the grinding zone temperature, so that the surface morphology varies with grinding conditions as well as grinding heat partitions under the conventional grinding conditions. 続きを見る