

edited by Nelson H.H. Graburn, John Ertl, R. Kenji Tierney
出版情報: New York : Berghahn Books, 2008
シリーズ名: Asian anthropologies ; v. 6
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Internal boundaries and models of multiculturalism in contemporary Japan Nelson Graburn and John Ertl
The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake and town-making towards multiculturalism Yasuko Takezawa
Globalization and the new meanings of the foreign executive in Japan Tomoko Hamada
(Re)Constructing boundaries : international marriage migrants in Yamagata as agents of multiculturalism Chris Burgess
Internationalization and localization : institutional and personal engagements with Japan's kokusaika movement John Ertl
Transnational migration of women : changing boundaries of contemporary Japan Shinji Yamashita
Crossing ethnic boundaries : Japanese Brazilian return migrants and the ethnic challenge of Japan's newest immigrant minority Takeyuki "Gaku" Tsuda
Datsu zainichi-ron : an emerging discourse on belonging among ethnic Koreans in Japan Jefferey T. Hester
Transnational community activities of visa-overstayers in Japan : governance and transnationalism from below Keiko Yamanaka
"Newcomers" in public education : Chinese and Vietnamese children in a buraku community Yuko Okubo
A critical review of academic perspectives of blackness in Japan Mitzi Carter and Aina Hunter
Traversing religious and legal boundaries in postwar Nagasaki : an interfaith ritual for the spirits of the dead John Nelson
Outside the sumo ring? : foreigners and a rethinking of the national sport R. Kenji Tierney
Multiculturalism, museums, and tourism in Japan Nelson Graburn
Internal boundaries and models of multiculturalism in contemporary Japan Nelson Graburn and John Ertl
The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake and town-making towards multiculturalism Yasuko Takezawa
Globalization and the new meanings of the foreign executive in Japan Tomoko Hamada


edited by Soo im Lee, Stephen Murphy-Shigematsu & Harumi Befu
出版情報: New York : iUniverse, c2006
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edited by Michael Weiner
出版情報: London : Routledge, 2009
シリーズ名: The Sheffield Centre for Japanese Studies/Routledge series ; 38
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目次情報: 続きを見る
'Self' and 'other' in imperial Japan Michael Weiner
The Ainu : indigenous people of Japan Richard M. Siddle
'Mixed-blood' Japanese : a reconsideration of race and purity in Japan Robert A. Fish
Burakumin in contemporary Japan Ian J. Neary
The other other : the black presence in the Japanese experience John G. Russell
Creating a transnational community : Chinese newcomers in Japan Gracia Liu-Farrer
Multiethnic Japan and Nihonjin : looking through two exhibitions in 2004 Osaka Eika Tai
Zainichi Koreans in history and memory Michael Weiner and David Chapman
Okinawa, ambivalence, identity, and Japan Matthew Allen
Japanese-Brazilian ethnic return migration and the making of Japan's newest immigrant minority Takeyuki (Gaku) Tsuda
'Self' and 'other' in imperial Japan Michael Weiner
The Ainu : indigenous people of Japan Richard M. Siddle
'Mixed-blood' Japanese : a reconsideration of race and purity in Japan Robert A. Fish