

Nishijima, Yoshinori ; 西嶋, 義憲
出版情報: Intercultural communication studies : ICS.  27  pp.115-132,  2018.  Institute for Cross-Cultural Research
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061316
概要: 金沢大学人間社会研究域経済学経営学系<br />Persons or objects on signs seem to have a culturally preferred direction of facing (Kumakura, 1 990). Is such a difference in direction also true of pictures on traffic signs between Japan and Germany? People in Japan and Germany drive on the left and the right side of the road, respectively. In this respect, a question arises: Does the difference between left-hand and right-hand traffic in these two countries influence the way the pictures on traffic signs face? The aim of this study is threefold: 1) to collect functionally equivalent traffic signs in Japan and Germany; 2) to compare the pictures on the signs between these countries with respect to their facing directions; and 3) to try to clarify whether and to what extent differences in facing directions are found on the traffic signs. The results are expected to contribute to the study of the relationship between writing directions and facing directions of pictures. 続きを見る


Nishijima, Yoshinori ; 西嶋, 義憲
出版情報: Intercultural communication studies : ICS.  28  pp.152-169,  2019.  Institute for Cross-Cultural Research
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061317
概要: 金沢大学人間社会研究域経済学経営学系<br />This study focuses on functionally equivalent, but semantically different sign expressions in Ja panese and German, such as o-nori-no-sai-wa tesuri-ni o-tsukamarikudasai [Literally, “when steping on, please grip handrail”], kiiroi-sen-no uchigawani o-tachi-kudasai [please stand inside yellow line], oriru sai-wa o-oashimoto-ni gochūi-kudasai [“when getting off, please pay attention to under foot”], and o-ko-sama tsure-no kata-wa o-ko-sama-no te-o totte o-nori-kudasai [“person with child is asked to ride on taking child’s hand”] in Japanese versus its German counterpart Benutzung auf eigene Gefahr [“using at your own risk”], which are posted near escalators. This example tells us that the Japanese sign consists of four concrete sentences whereas the German one presents a simple and abstract sentence. Such correspondents cannot be adequately explained from only construal and politeness perspectives. In this study, such corresponding expressions in Japanese and German will be contrasted to find out what information is relevant to each society. The results will reveal what communicative behaviors are expected in corresponding situations between Japan and Germany, which can contribute to efficient intercultural communication. 続きを見る


Nishijima, Yoshinori ; 西嶋, 義憲
出版情報: Intercultural communication studies : ICS.  25  pp.156-167,  2016.  Institute for Cross-Cultural Research
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061318
概要: 金沢大学人間社会研究域経済学経営学系<br />By comparing some functionally equivalent routine formulas in Japaneseand German in correspondin g situations, it is hypothesized that different strategies arereflected in formulation patterns of routine formulas in both languages. For example,different expressions are used by parents in Japanese and German if their childbumps into a post. The two expressions are often used in corresponding situations inboth Japan and Germany and can therefore be regarded as functionally equivalent,although the used strategies differ, i.e., the Japanese expression is based on sharing thedangerous situation between the parent and the child, whereas the German one focuseson providing an appropriate direction to the child. Comparing such functionallyequivalent routine formulas suggests that they reflect different strategies, includingpoliteness, in corresponding situations. This study tested this hypothesis by comparingfunctionally equivalent routine formulas uttered in corresponding apologetic situationsin the socialization process of controlling children’s social behavior in Japan andGermany. The results confirm the hypothesis and suggest that the difference in strategy influences the communicative behaviors of Japanese and German speakers. Concerning politeness, the results reveal the aspects considered polite in corresponding routineformulas of the two languages. Furthermore, the communicative normality of each language is also reflected in its respective routine formulas and focus of attention in interactions. This information may be applied toward more efficient foreign language teaching. 続きを見る


Nishijima, Yoshinori ; 西嶋, 義憲
出版情報: Intercultural communication studies : ICS.  23  pp.110-123,  2014.  Institute for Cross-Cultural Research
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061319
概要: 金沢大学人間社会研究域経済学経営学系<br />The aim of this paper is twofold: (1) to compare functionally equivalent English, German, and Ja panese sign expressions in public spaces with respect to politeness and (2) to reveal whether and how politeness is formulated in sign expressions in each language in relation to explicitness. A total of 208 Japanese and 198 German sign expressions were collected through fieldwork. Among them, 35 functionally equivalent correspondence pairs between the two languages were confirmed, and they were compared, along with their English equivalents, with respect to politeness. The results showed that English signs tend to use explicit expressions, whereas Japanese signs frequently contain honorific items, and German signs use infinitive phrases to avoid mentioning personal relationships. Based on these findings, it is pointed out that each language has its preferred styles of politeness, even for sign expressions, which are expected to give relevant information or instructions to passengers in a clear, direct manner. 続きを見る


Nishijima, Yoshinori ; 西嶋, 義憲
出版情報: Intercultural communication studies : ICS.  22  pp.110-123,  2013.  Institute for Cross-Cultural Research
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061320
概要: 金沢大学人間社会研究域経済学経営学系<br />Interest in the linguistic study of perspectives from which linguistic expressions are formulate d has been revived in the past 20 years, due to the recent development of cognitive linguistics. Among the many contributions to the study of such perspectives, Ikegami (2000) clearly showed that Japanese differs from English, through a comparison of a Japanese literary text with its English translation. However, there has been little discussion on the methods employed for comparison in the studies on this topic. The purpose of the present paper is threefold: (1) to describe what methodological problems are recognized in previous contrastive studies on the perspectives, especially in the field of cognitive linguistics; (2) in order to avoid methodological problems, to propose an alternative method for a more objective comparison of the perspectives between two languages; and (3) to demonstrate the validity of the proposed method for contrasting formulation patterns in terms of their perspective by some of the data obtained. 続きを見る


Nishijima, Yoshinori ; 西嶋, 義憲
出版情報: Intercultural communication studies : ICS.  19  pp.55-63,  2010.  Institute for Cross-Cultural Research
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061321
概要: 金沢大学人間社会研究域経済学経営学系<br />The present paper discusses the different perspectives from which Japanese and German speakers f ormulate utterances. It was hypothesized that these different perspectives are reflected not only in evaluating concepts of communicative behavior, but also in routine formulas for controlling communicative behavior in Japanese and German. This hypothesis was examined by comparing two pairs of functionally equivalent routine formulas in Japanese and German. Furthermore, a questionnaire was administered to compare other Japanese and German routine formulas possibly used in corresponding situations. The results confirmed that in Japanese, linguistic formulation patterns relate to the empathy felt by the speaker toward an interlocutor, arising from the perspective of their situation, whereas in German, these tend to depend on an opposition between the participants involved, characterized by a perspective external to their situation. Because the data employed in the present study are limited, the hypothesis should be verified using extensive data. The results of this study helps clarify the possible misunderstandings between Japanese and German speakers, owing to the different linguistic formulation patterns employed, and could promote more efficient foreign language teaching. 続きを見る


Nishijima, Yoshinori ; 西嶋, 義憲
出版情報: 19 ICL (19th International Congress of Linguists) Papers.  19  pp.9p.-,  2013-07.  19th International Congress of Linguists (19 ICL)
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061322
概要: 金沢大学人間社会研究域経済学経営学系<br />Research on the perspectives from which linguistic expressions are formulated has increased in t he past 20 years due to the development of cognitive linguistics. For example, Ikegami (2000) showed that Japanese and English speakers employ different perspectives by comparing the opening sentence of a Japanese literary text with its English translation. Similarly, Narita (2009) compared sentences from literary texts with their translations in Japanese and German. However, these studies analyzing literary text translations contain little discussion on the validity of the translation-based comparison method, particularly in terms of comparability and objectivity. This paper has three purposes: (1) to claim that the original and translation-based methods are not always appropriate for perspective studies; (2) to propose, as an alternative method, comparing functionally equivalent formulas used on public signs, i.e., Watch your step, Keep out, and Out of Service; and (3) to show how Japanese differs from German in the perspectives from which corresponding expressions in the two languages are formulated. Expressions were collected from signs on buses, trains, and railway stations in Japan and Germany. Examples include Haire-masen/Kein Eingang (‘No entrance’), Senro-ni orite-wa ike-masen/Ausstieg verboten (‘Do not go down to the railway track’), and ishitsubutsu-gakari/Fundbüro (‘Lost and found’). Functionally equivalent expressions were selected for the analysis. For example, a formula telling bus passengers that the bus will stop at the next station is Tsugi tomari-masu (next.TOP stop.HON) in Japanese and Wagen hält (vehicle.NOM stop.PRES) in German. These corresponding expressions can be compared syntactically and semantically. The former has no surface-level subject; it conveys that “I” and “we” or the bus will stop at the next station. The scene is described from the perspective inside the situation, i.e., from within the bus. The latter has a third-person subject, Wagen, signifying that the bus is observed from the perspective outside the situation. These different perspectives and their occurrence distributions are shown through the comparison of corresponding sign expressions. The analysis reveals that Japanese tends to formulate expressions from a perspective inside the scene where the event occurs, whereas German expresses sentences from the perspective outside the scene.<br />19th International Congress of Linguists(19 ICL), 21-27 July 2013 Geneva 続きを見る


西嶋, 義憲 ; Nishijima, Yoshinori
出版情報: 社会言語科学 = The Japanese journal of language in society.  21  pp.175-190,  2018.  社会言語科学会 = The Japanese Association of Sociolinguistic Sciences
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061323
概要: 金沢大学人間社会研究域経済学経営学系<br />異なる言語間の対応する言語表現を比較する場合,どのようにすればより客観的で妥当な比較が可能になるのかを考察する.従来,言語間の比較の際,とくに認知言語学分野では翻訳を利用する研究が多く見られた .しかしながら,翻訳を用いた比較は比較可能性という観点から問題がないわけではない.その問題点を確認し,それとは異なる新たな比較方法を提案し,それによる成果を紹介する.<br />The aim of this study is to consider the possibility of a more objective comparison of equivalent expressions of two languages. In comparing linguistic expressions of two languages, especially in cognitive linguistics, translations have been often used. However, comparisons using translations can be problematic. In this study, problems of translation-based comparison are discussed and a new method for a more objective linguistic comparison of two languages is proposed. Some results of the studies based on this method are also described as case studies. 続きを見る


山本, 吉次
出版情報: 高校教育研究.  pp.1-15,  2020-03.  金沢大学附属高等学校
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061326
概要: 本校は2014年度に文部科学省SGH校に指定され,2019年度は引き続きWWL(ワ ールド・ワイド ・ ラーニング)コンソ ー シアム構築支援事業拠点校に指定された。本稿では, SGH5年間の取組と成果・課題, WWL拠点校としての構想. これらを推進するために構築してきたカリキュラム・マネジメントについて述べる。これらは本校の学校目標「地球サイズの教育」を達成するための実践であると同時に, 2022年度実施 の新学習指導要領を先取りするものであり, 何よりもSoceity5.0に向けての人間力育成という現代的課題に応えるものである。 続きを見る


岡, かなえ
出版情報: 高校教育研究.  pp.17-22,  2020-03.  金沢大学附属高等学校
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061327
概要: 本校は,文部科学省2 0 1 4年度「スーパーグローバルハイスクール(S GH)」事業で研究開発校に指定され,「北陸からイノベーションで世界を変えるグローバル・リーダーの育成」という構想での5年間の研究開発を行い,グローバル人材の育成に向け て地域課題研究,異文化研究,グローバル提案,グローバル・キャリアパスという一貰した課題研究カリキュラムを実践することにより,生徒の資質·能力向上に努め,一定の成果を挙げるに至った。そして今年度(2 0 1 9年度)より,新たに文部科学省WWL (ワールド・ワイド・ラーニング)コンソーシアム構築支援事業における拠点校に指定され,「持続可能な世界を実現し, Society5.0を牽引するグローバル・リーダーの育成」という構想で研究開発を行っている。この構想においては, 金沢大学が核となり,北陸圏域における高校生へ高度な学びを展開するものとなっている。今回は,この構想のプログラムにある地域課題研究の内容が国語科の授業とどのようにつながることが可能であるか,実践した内容を示すと共に,また,地域課題研究の目的の一つでもある「地方創生」の内容を国語科の授業の中でどのように行うことが可能であるかについて,地域経済分析システムRESASを用いた授業を提案する。 続きを見る


室谷, 洋樹
出版情報: 高校教育研究.  pp.23-31,  2020-03.  金沢大学附属高等学校
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061328
概要: 平成30年告示学習指導要領では地理歴史科の科目が再編され, 新たに「地理総合」が加えられた。地理総合では, 主題的に学習内容を探究しつつ, その過程で地屈やGISを活用し, 地理的な観点やグローパルとローカルな視点から持続可能な社会を構想す ることが求められる。本稿では. 地理総合における指導計画としてのカリキュラムの在り方を模索し, その内容を踏まえたうえで地理総合が抱える課題を教育社会学的な見地から指摘し, 今後の地理教育の在り方に対して示唆を与えることを目的とする。 続きを見る


川谷内, 哲二 ; 真木, 啓生
出版情報: 高校教育研究.  pp.33-48,  2020-03.  金沢大学附属高等学校
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061329
概要: A-lympiadは現実世界のオープン・エンドな問題解決に協働で取り組み,レポートを作成するコンテストである。その予選問題を教材として授業を行った。問題文が英文であるため,数学科教員と英語科教貝が協同で取り組み,問題の解決からグループ発表ま で7時問をかけて実践した。生徒の活動の様子を観察し,作成したレポートとスライドをもとに行われたグループ発表を評価した。アンケート調査の結果から,現実社会の問題解決であるため,解き慣れていないこともあって手こずっていたが,興味を持って取り組むことができたこと,グループ間の相互作用が期待できることがわかった。 続きを見る


北山, 智沙子 ; 渡會, 兼也
出版情報: 高校教育研究.  pp.49-55,  2020-03.  金沢大学附属高等学校
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061330
概要: 我々はビー玉スターリングエンジンのビー玉の個数とエンジンの動作時間の関係を調べた。ビー玉の個数を変え, エンジンが作動している間のピストンとビー玉の位相変化と温度変化を測定し,シュミット理論を用いて解析した。その結果,ビー玉が5個のときは, 4個や6個の時と比べて図示仕事が安定して維持できていることがわかった。この結果は.長時間継続するビー至スターリングエンジン設計に役立つかもしれない。 続きを見る


真木, 啓生 ; 山本, 潤平
出版情報: 高校教育研究.  pp.57-83,  2020-03.  金沢大学附属高等学校
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061331
概要: 本校70回生の担任団を務めた英語科の真木と体育科の山本は,教科教育を通して自律した学習者を育成するために, それぞれ「反転授業」と「ボトムアップ」という手法を導入して授業実践を行った。本稿では,反転授業とポトムアップそれぞれの概要を実践者ど うしの対談形式でまとめる。その中で,同じ70回生の担任という立場から, 自分たちの指導をふりかえり, 今後の展望についてまとめる。 続きを見る


川崎, 繁次
出版情報: 高校教育研究.  pp.85-108,  2020-03.  金沢大学附属高等学校
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061332
概要: 本校では生活実態調査を平成15年度から3 年間続けて実施し.その後平成22年度からは3 年間に1 回の実施を行っており本年度が実施の年にあたる。質問項目は前回と同じ項目を選び実施した。


宮崎, 嵩啓
出版情報: 高校教育研究.  pp.109-118,  2020-03.  金沢大学附属高等学校
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061333
概要: 本稿の課題は, 金沢大学附属高校の1 年生(73 回生)が今年度「総合的な探究の時間」に取り組んだ「地域活性化プロジェクト」を取り上げ, 地域に軸足を置いた学校教育の可能性について考えることである。本稿では特に, 本校が立地する平和町を舞台 に, 地域の課題解決に取り組んだ「平和町プロジェクト」に焦点をあて, プロジェクトがどのような理念で誕生し, どんな実践を積み重ねてきたか, 明らかにする。 続きを見る


稲角, 光恵 ; INAZUMI, Mitsue
出版情報: 金沢法学 = Kanazawa law review.  63  pp.13-39,  2021-03-31.  金沢大学人間社会研究域法学系 — KANAZAWA DAIGAKU NINGENSHAKAIKENKYUIKI HOGAKUKEI — The Faculty of Law, Institute of Human and Social Sciences, University of Kanazawa
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061463


稲葉, 実香 ; INABA, Mika
出版情報: 金沢法学 = Kanazawa law review.  63  pp.41-63,  2021-03-31.  金沢大学人間社会研究域法学系 — KANAZAWA DAIGAKU NINGENSHAKAIKENKYUIKI HOGAKUKEI — The Faculty of Law, Institute of Human and Social Sciences, University of Kanazawa
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061464


大貝, 葵 ; OGAI, Aoi
出版情報: 金沢法学 = Kanazawa law review.  63  pp.65-93,  2021-03-31.  金沢大学人間社会研究域法学系 — KANAZAWA DAIGAKU NINGENSHAKAIKENKYUIKI HOGAKUKEI — The Faculty of Law, Institute of Human and Social Sciences, University of Kanazawa
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061465


大友, 信秀 ; OTOMO, Nobuhide
出版情報: 金沢法学 = Kanazawa law review.  63  pp.95-102,  2021-03-31.  金沢大学人間社会研究域法学系 — KANAZAWA DAIGAKU NINGENSHAKAIKENKYUIKI HOGAKUKEI — The Faculty of Law, Institute of Human and Social Sciences, University of Kanazawa
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061466


大友, 信秀 ; OTOMO, Nobuhide
出版情報: 金沢法学 = Kanazawa law review.  63  pp.103-120,  2021-03-31.  金沢大学人間社会研究域法学系 — KANAZAWA DAIGAKU NINGENSHAKAIKENKYUIKI HOGAKUKEI — The Faculty of Law, Institute of Human and Social Sciences, University of Kanazawa
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061467


木村, 高宏 ; KIMURA, Takahiro
出版情報: 金沢法学 = Kanazawa law review.  63  pp.121-144,  2021-03-31.  金沢大学人間社会研究域法学系 — KANAZAWA DAIGAKU NINGENSHAKAIKENKYUIKI HOGAKUKEI — The Faculty of Law, Institute of Human and Social Sciences, University of Kanazawa
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061468


尾島, 茂樹 ; OJIMA, Shigeki
出版情報: 金沢法学 = Kanazawa law review.  63  pp.145-157,  2021-03-31.  金沢大学人間社会研究域法学系 — KANAZAWA DAIGAKU NINGENSHAKAIKENKYUIKI HOGAKUKEI — The Faculty of Law, Institute of Human and Social Sciences, University of Kanazawa
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061469


福本, 知行 ; 金沢, 法友会 ; FUKUMOTO, Tomoyuki ; Kanazawa, Houyukai
出版情報: 金沢法学 = Kanazawa law review.  63  pp.159-187,  2021-03-31.  金沢大学人間社会研究域法学系 — KANAZAWA DAIGAKU NINGENSHAKAIKENKYUIKI HOGAKUKEI — The Faculty of Law, Institute of Human and Social Sciences, University of Kanazawa
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061470


村上, 裕 ; MURAKAMI, Hiroshi
出版情報: 金沢法学 = Kanazawa law review.  63  pp.189-200,  2021-03-31.  金沢大学人間社会研究域法学系 — KANAZAWA DAIGAKU NINGENSHAKAIKENKYUIKI HOGAKUKEI — The Faculty of Law, Institute of Human and Social Sciences, University of Kanazawa
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061471


宇都宮, 純一 ; UTSUNOMIYA, Junichi
出版情報: 金沢法学 = Kanazawa law review.  63  pp.1-19,  2021-03-31.  金沢大学人間社会研究域法学系 — KANAZAWA DAIGAKU NINGENSHAKAIKENKYUIKI HOGAKUKEI — The Faculty of Law, Institute of Human and Social Sciences, University of Kanazawa
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061472


柴田, 正良 ; Shibata, Masayoshi
出版情報: 日本ロボット学会誌.  39  pp.12-17,  2021-01. 
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061474


柴田, 正良 ; Shibata, Masayoshi
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061475


CHEN, Siya ; 陳, 斯雅
出版情報: 人間社会環境研究 = Human and socio-environmental studies.  pp.1-17,  2021-03-31.  金沢大学大学院人間社会環境研究科 — Graduate School of Human and Socio-Enviromental Studies Kanazawa University
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061477
概要: This thesis examines the circumstances of lead-glazed pottery unearthed from the Capitals of Tang Luoyang. On the one ha nd, I attempt to deepen the understanding of lead-glazed pottery (both single- and multi-color) unearthed from residential sites of the Middle and Later Tang, which emerged when the practice of placing glazed figures in tombs began to decline after the Flourishing Tang. On the other hand, I develop a model that has been used to classify production systems by incorporating several lines of evidence. First, by analyzing the shape, decoration, and technique, I summarized the individual character and overall circumstance of the lead-glazed ware regarding each of the aforementioned aspects. I suggest that the wares unearthed from Tang Luoyang are dated primarily from the Middle to the Later Tang, while only a small part is dated to the Flourishing Tang. In the Middle Tang, the dominant types are what have been represented as complicated decorations produced by the Huangye kiln. Moreover, in the Later Tang, the typical wares were the single-glazed and less-decorated types, belonging to Phase IV of the Huangye kiln. Second, in accordance with the context in which they were unearthed, the circumstances of usage in the Capitals of Tang Luoyang are also investigated. This indicates that the lead-glazed pottery had a significant function as storage vessels and eating utensils at these sites. Additionally, the wares unearthed from various sites differ greatly from one another in terms of shape, decoration, and production kilns used. Finally, from the viewpoint of their shape, decoration, and unearthed context, I discuss the usage idea in this new stage and conclude that lead-glazed pottery became divorced from its original design concept and was increasingly merged into the daily life of the aristocracy in the Later Tang. 続きを見る


Adellia, Paramithasari Barnas ; アデリア, パラミタサリ バルナス
出版情報: 人間社会環境研究 = Human and socio-environmental studies.  pp.19-32,  2021-03-31.  金沢大学大学院人間社会環境研究科 — Graduate School of Human and Socio-Enviromental Studies Kanazawa University
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061478
概要: Hindu Balinese’s religion is a unique form of Hinduism, characterized by many rituals. Their daily and ceremonial ritual s correspond to each specific offering arranged neatly and decorated in various shapes; one of which is penjor. Penjor is a necessity in each Galungan day, and for many Balinese, making penjor is an essential ceremonial activity through which they practice and embody who they are and what they believe. As people’s attitude changes over the years, due to the development that has influenced people’s mobility, the form of making penjor has also changed. What was a twice-yearly activity has evolved into a source of income for Balinese women. Nowadays, the Balinese tend to buy penjors rather than weave them themselves. This situation has resulted in the emergence of new virtues in the trading of penjor, which leads to a new form of market that brings the new system and strategies for women who utilize these opportunities. The emergence of a new market and the shift surrounding penjor production activity offers a comprehensive approach to shed light on the intricate workings of the current penjor-making industry and unpack its evolving cultural, economic, and psychological significance, particularly for Balinese women. 続きを見る


高橋, 律子 ; TAKAHASHI, Ritsuko
出版情報: 人間社会環境研究 = Human and socio-environmental studies.  pp.33-47,  2021-03-31.  金沢大学大学院人間社会環境研究科 — Graduate School of Human and Socio-Enviromental Studies Kanazawa University
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061479
概要: This cultural sociological study analyzes the meaning of "sewing" as a technique of expression in contemporary art from a gendered perspective. Sewing has been regarded as a technique mainly used by women. This study explored the relationship between gender bias and femininity, rather than looking at sewing. There are three types of techniques: three-dimensional soft sculpture, two-dimensional embroidery, and collage, which is a patchwork-like technique of sewing cloth to cloth. As a result of its incorporation into the context of sculpture, soft sculpture was often created by male artists, while embroidery tended to be a female habitus and was often created by female artists or with gender considerations in mind. The analysis of cloth as a "collage" is an issue for future work in terms of its relevance to clothing and the affinity of the collage technique with women, which is not limited to cloth. In addition, as the concept represented by sewing, this study highlighted four important themes as art that confronts contemporary society: gender, community/communication, time and memory, and life and death. By examining contemporary art with the sewing along the vertical axis, I was able to see the sawing as a technique that women were able to acquire as a predominantly women's work or hobby as well as from the perspective of the socially vulnerable. Sewing is highly flexible and has both two- and three-dimensional qualities. It is a primitive technique that is close to our daily life, and the technique itself contains various messages. It seems to me that the failure to look at sewing as a handicraft objectively has been a matter of criticism, not for the creator. While accepting the fact that it was a woman's handicraft and hobby, I feel the need to explore more of its potential as an art technique. 続きを見る


Mukaida, Naofumi ; Nakamoto, Yasunari ; 向田, 直史 ; 中本, 安成
出版情報: World Journal of Gastroenterology.  24  pp.1839-1858,  2018-05-07.  W J G Press / Baishideng Publishing Group Co
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061539
概要: 金沢大学がん進展制御研究所<br />Tumor immunity proceeds through multiple processes, which consist of antigen presentation by antigen presenting cells (APCs) to educate effector cells and destruction by the effector cytotoxic cells. However, tumor immunity is frequently repressed at tumor sites. Malignantly transformed cells rarely survive the attack by the immune system, but cells that do survive change their phenotypes to reduce their immunogenicity. The resultant cells evade the attack by the immune system and form clinically discernible tumors. Tumor microenvironments simultaneously contain a wide variety of immune suppressive molecules and cells to dampen tumor immunity. Moreover, the liver microenvironment exhibits immune tolerance to reduce aberrant immune responses to massively-exposed antigens via the portal vein, and immune dysfunction is frequently associated with liver cirrhosis, which is widespread in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients. Immune therapy aims to reduce tumor burden, but it is also expected to prevent non-cancerous liver lesions from progressing to HCC, because HCC develops or recurs from noncancerous liver lesions with chronic inflammatory states and/or cirrhosis and these lesions cannot be cured and/or eradicated by local and/or systemic therapies. Nevertheless, cancer immune therapy should augment specific tumor immunity by using two distinct measures: enhancing the effector cell functions such as antigen presentation capacity of APCs and tumor cell killing capacity of cytotoxic cells, and reactivating the immune system in immune-suppressive tumor microenvironments. Here, we will summarize the current status and discuss the future perspective on immune therapy for HCC. © The Author(s) 2018.<br />Supported by (in part) Research Programs on the Innovative Development and Application for New Drugs for Hepatitis B (No. 17fk0310116h0001) from the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) and Extramural Collaborative Research Grant of Cancer Research Institute, Kanazawa University. 続きを見る


佐無田, 光
出版情報: 地域政策研究年報.  2019  pp.1-15,  2019-03.  金沢大学人間社会研究域附属地域政策研究センター — CURES
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061541


武田, 公子
出版情報: 地域政策研究年報.  2019  pp.17-24,  2020-03.  金沢大学人間社会研究域附属地域政策研究センター — CURES
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061542


森山, 治 ; 神崎, 淳子
出版情報: 地域政策研究年報.  2019  pp.25-29,  2020-03.  金沢大学人間社会研究域附属地域政策研究センター — CURES
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061543


髙橋, 涼子
出版情報: 地域政策研究年報.  2019  pp.30-37,  2020-03.  金沢大学人間社会研究域附属地域政策研究センター — CURES
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061544


神崎, 淳子
出版情報: 地域政策研究年報.  2019  pp.38-43,  2020-03.  金沢大学人間社会研究域附属地域政策研究センター — CURES
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061545


森山, 治
出版情報: 地域政策研究年報.  2019  pp.44-45,  2020-03.  金沢大学人間社会研究域附属地域政策研究センター — CURES
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061546


佐無田, 光
出版情報: 地域政策研究年報.  2019  pp.47-50,  2020-03.  金沢大学人間社会研究域附属地域政策研究センター — CURES
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061547


寒河江, 雅彦
出版情報: 地域政策研究年報.  2019  pp.51-53,  2020-03.  金沢大学人間社会研究域附属地域政策研究センター — CURES
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061548


武田, 公子
出版情報: 地域政策研究年報.  2019  pp.54-59,  2020-03.  金沢大学人間社会研究域附属地域政策研究センター — CURES
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061549


西村, 茂
出版情報: 地域政策研究年報.  2019  pp.60-65,  2020-03.  金沢大学人間社会研究域附属地域政策研究センター — CURES
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061550


眞鍋, 知子
出版情報: 地域政策研究年報.  2019  pp.66-75,  2020-03.  金沢大学人間社会研究域附属地域政策研究センター — CURES
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061551


市原, あかね
出版情報: 地域政策研究年報.  2019  pp.77-81,  2020-03.  金沢大学人間社会研究域附属地域政策研究センター — CURES
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061552


菊池, 直樹
出版情報: 地域政策研究年報.  2019  pp.82-84,  2020-03.  金沢大学人間社会研究域附属地域政策研究センター — CURES
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061553


佐無田, 光
出版情報: 地域政策研究年報.  2019  pp.85-89,  2020-03.  金沢大学人間社会研究域附属地域政策研究センター — CURES
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061554


丸谷, 耕太 ; 福井, 汐里
出版情報: 地域政策研究年報.  2019  pp.90-102,  2020-03.  金沢大学人間社会研究域附属地域政策研究センター — CURES
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061555


碇山, 洋
出版情報: 地域政策研究年報.  2019  pp.103-104,  2020-03.  金沢大学人間社会研究域附属地域政策研究センター — CURES
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061556


森, 裕之 ; 諸富, 徹
出版情報: 地域政策研究年報.  2019  pp.105-113,  2020-03.  金沢大学人間社会研究域附属地域政策研究センター — CURES
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061557


塩谷, 雅弘
出版情報: 地域政策研究年報.  2019  pp.114-117,  2020-03.  金沢大学人間社会研究域附属地域政策研究センター — CURES
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061558