

Tanaka, Gengo ; Ikeya, Noriyuki ; 田中, 源吾
出版情報: Paleontological Research.  6  pp.265-284,  2002-09-30.  日本古生物学会 Palaeontological Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061607
概要: 金沢大学国際基幹教育院GS教育系<br />Eighty-five fossil and Recent species of the genus Loxoconcha (Crustacea : Ostracoda) from East As ia are systematically reexamined. On the basis of carapace morphology, the genus Loxoconcha from East Asia is divided into five species groups : L. pulchra, L. optima, L. japonica, L. uranouchiensis and L. japonica species groups. The migration and speciation patterns of four species of the L. japonica species group are as follows. In Late Miocene, L. lilljeborgii and L. tumulosa were distributed over the Paleo-Indian Ocean. In Early Pliocene time, these species migrated to the Western Pacific and L. japonica evolved from populations of L. tumulosa by peramorphic evolution. In the Middle Pleistocene, L. shanhaiensis evolved from populations of L. japonica in the Ryukyu Islands by paedomorphic evolution. 続きを見る


Tanaka, Gengo ; Seto, Koji ; Mukuda, Takao ; Nakano, Yusuke ; 田中, 源吾
出版情報: Paleontological Research.  6  pp.1-22,  2002-04-28.  日本古生物学会 Palaeontological Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061608
概要: 金沢大学国際基幹教育院GS教育系<br />Thirty-five ostracod species belonging to 18 genera are recognized from the Middle Miocene Fujina Formation (ca. 14-12 Ma), 3km southwest of Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture, Japan. Most of these species are part of the recent Japan Sea proper water fauna; they are also classified into 4 categories, circumpolar, cryophilic, endemic cool-temperate and temperate species. These ostracod assemblages indicate that the Fujina Formation was deposited under a cold-water environment. Ten new species, Ambtonia shimanensis, A. takayasui, Acanthocythereis fujinaensis, A. izumoensis, Cluthia tamayuensis, C. subjaponica, Kotoracythere tsukagoshii, Laperousecythere ikeyai, Palmoconcha irizukii, and Robertsonites yatsukanus are described. 続きを見る


田崎, 和江 ; 縄谷, 奈緒子 ; 国峯, 由貴江 ; 森川, 俊和 ; 名倉, 利樹 ; 脇元, 理恵 ; 朝田, 隆二 ; 渡辺, 弘明 ; 永井, 香織 ; 池田, 頼正 ; 佐藤, 一博 ; 瀬川, 宏美 ; 宮田, 浩志郎 ; Tazaki, Kazue ; Nawatani, Naoko ; Kunimine, Yukie ; Morikawa, Toshikazu ; Wakimoto, Rie ; Asada, Ryuji ; Watanabe, Hiroaki ; Nagai, Kaori ; Ikeda, Yorimasa ; Sato, Kazuhiro ; Segawa, Hiromi ; Miyata, Koshirou
出版情報: 地質学雑誌 = The Journal of the Geological Society of Japan.  108  pp.435-452,  2002-07-15.  日本地質学会 The Geological Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061646
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />1991年12月,排砂ゲートを設けた出し平ダム(富山県黒部川水系1985年設立)から,初の直接排砂が行われ,その際,多量のヘドロが排出された.その後も1999年までに計8回の排砂が行われた.本研 究において,出し平ダム湖および富山湾堆積物の特性について分析を行った.その結果,特に芦野沖にヘドロが堆積していること,そして,富山湾堆積物は他の湾堆積物と比べカオリン鉱物,スメクタイトが多く,出し平ダム湖堆積物と類似した粘土鉱物組成を持つことが明らかとなった.実験より,ニジマスのエラにスメクタイトが吸着することで,エラの変形や脱水を引き起こすことが明らかとなり,また,富山湾で採取されたヒラメのエラ表面が,微細粒子で覆われているのが観察された.以上の結果と1991年から1999年の出し平ダム排砂量とヒラメの漁獲量の変遷には密接な関係が認められ,ダム湖や富山湾底質の経時変化を観察することの重要性が示された.<br />In 1985, a dam with a discharge gate was built at Dashidaira at Kurobe River, Toyama Prefecture for the first time in Japan. The dam sediments were first flushed out in December, 1991. The sediments with bad smell, such as sludge, spread all over the downstream of Kurobe River. After the first discharge of the dam sediments, benthic fishes decreased year by year in Toyama Bay. In this study, the sediments in Dashidaira Dam Reservoir and Toyama Bay were collected in 1997, 2000 and 2001. The Toyama Bay sediments which were considered to have been affected by discharged dam sediments were collected on July 20, 2000, November 19, 2000, and March 3, 2001. The sediments in the dam reservoir and the bay were studied chemically, physically and mineralogically for comparative study. The quantity of clay minerals, mainly smectite, increase toward the discharge gate at Dashidaira Dam. The distribution of clay minerals approximately corresponded to distribution of the N, C, and S concentration in Toyama Bay. XRD data show similar clay mineral components and patterns between dam sediments and suspended particles from the seabed at the offing of Kurobe River mouth. The sediments in Dashidaira Dam Reservoir and Toyama Bay contain relatively high content of kaolin minerals associated with chlorite, vermiculite, smectite, and mica clay minerals compared with sediments of the other bays. Rainbow trouts in water with smectite suspension result clearly indicated the damage to the fish. In the highest concentration of smectite (lOg/l), all 7 rainbow trouts died in five hours. The fish's gills were deformed and dehydrated, suggesting influence of smectite particles adhered to the surface of the gills. Furthermore, SEM observation and EDX analysis of the flat fish's gill in Toyama Bay clearly showed the presence of particle-like thin films with organic materials sticking on the surface. The volume of discharged sediments from Dashidaira Dam Reservoir is clearly related to the decrease of annual haul of benthic fishes in Toyama Bay within the past nine years (1991-1999). 続きを見る


今井, 茂雄 ; 北川, 陽 ; 田崎, 和江 ; Imai, Shigeo ; Kitagawa, Yo ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  56  pp.153-163,  2002-05-25.  地学団体研究会 The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061668
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />日本の九州の南に位置する沖永良部島は,石灰岩からなるため地下水による沈殿物の形成が速い.島内では,こうしたCa濃度の高い地下水を飲料水として使っているため,水洗用便器や水道管が沈殿物で閉塞する問 題を引き起こす.本研究では,知名町の水洗便器と赤嶺地区の上水ポンプ場の配管の2ヵ所で沈殿物を採取した.2つの沈殿物には,繊維状のシアノバクテリアが認められた.また,これらの沈殿物はカルサイトが主成分であり,水道水中から濃集したCu, Zn, Mn, Fe, Pbなどの重金属を含有していた.EPMA分析によって,PとNの濃集部位と重金属の濃集層とが一致していることが観察された.これら沈殿物の分析から,炭酸塩形成に適した生物化学的条件となっていたと解釈できる.われわれの生活環境の中で,設備に付着するこうした沈殿物は,汚れとして問題視される.しかしながら,こうした環境で微生物が水道水中の重金属を濃集することが示唆された.<br />Precipitates grow rapidly from underground water in limestone terrain of Okinoerabu Island located southern Kyusyu, Japan. In this island, Ca-rich underground water are used as drinking water which cause and effect choking toilet bowl and water pipes by the precipitates. In this study the precipitates were collected from toilet bowl at China-cho and from the water pipe of pump well at Akamine. Filamentous cyanobacteria are observed on the surface of the precipitates in both cases. These precipitates consist mainly of calcite with heavy metals, such as Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe and Pb which are concentrated from water. The accumulation of P and N are also detected at heavy metal layers by using EPMA. The precipitates can explain that biochemical conditions are favorable for carbonate formation. In human daily life the precipitates adhered to equipments are displeased as a dirt. However in this environments, the results suggest that microorganism can accumulate heavy metals from drinking water. 続きを見る


田崎, 和江 ; 長谷川, 香織 ; 松本, 和也 ; Tazaki, Kazue ; Hasegawa, Kaori ; Matsumoto, Kazuya
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  56  pp.87-104,  2002-03-25.  地学団体研究会 The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061694
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />かつての鉱山活動は重金属を外界に排出し,今日でも水質や土壌汚染の原因となっている.岐阜県神岡町にある大規模なZn-Pb鉱山の一つである神岡鉱山は,神通川の重金属汚染源となってきた.Cd,Pb,Z nそしてFeなどの重金属が高原川-神通川水系に未処理のまま廃棄され,下流域の住民の健康に影響を与えた.重金属の中でも特にCdは,イタイイタイ病の病原物質と見なされた.Cd汚染問題は未だに解決されていない.消石灰を投入し,中和凝集処理された廃滓の沈殿池が神岡鉱山にいくつか存在する.廃滓や廃棄場から排出された汚染水は,神通川の上流の高原川に流れ込んでいる.本研究では,重金属を含む堆積物の特性を明らかにするため,高原川-神通川水系にある五つのダムの堆積物を採取した.ダム堆積物の鉱物的・化学的組成を明らかにするため,それぞれの試料についてXRD,ED-XRFによる分析を行った.その結果,神岡鉱山の上流域に位置する浅井田ダムの堆積物はCd,粘土鉱物そして有機物が少なく,神岡鉱山の下流域に位置する新猪谷ダム,神通川第一,第二,第三ダムにおいては,汚泥,スメクタイトそしてZn,Cdのような重金属が多く含まれていることが明らかになった.また,本研究では,水中の重金属の浄化能力を見積もるための実験を行った.その結果,バクテリアを使ったバイオレメディエーションは重金属の固定に効果的であることを示した.室内実験系においてバイオフロック中の糸状菌は,一週間で細胞壁の表面にPb,Zn,Cdを選択的に濃集した.バイオレメディエーションの能力を持つバクテリアは,鉱山地域における下流のダム堆積物中でも重金属を固定する重要な役割を演じている.<br />Contamination of water and soils is one of grave problems at mining area. Kamioka Mine, one of the largest Zn-Pb mine in Gifu prefecture in Japan, has been the source of heavy metal pollution in Jinzu River. Cd, Pb, Zn, and Fe have been released from an abandoned dump into the Takahara-Jinzu River system, and serious health problem occurred in the down stream areas. Heavy metals, Cd, in particular, is regarded to be the pathogenic substance causing Itai-Itai Disease. The Cd pollution problems have not yet been solved. Some tailing ponds with neutralizing coagulation treatment (slaked lime) are present in the Kamioka Mine. Heavy metal-contaminated wasted water from tailing and dumping areas were discharged into the Takahara River (the upper stream of the Jinzu River). In this study, five dam sediments along the Takahara-Jinzu River were collected, in order to clarify characteristics of sediments with heavy metals. Each sample was analyzed by using an X-ray powder diffractometer (XRD) and an energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence analyzer (ED-XRF) in order to clarify the mineralogical and chemical compositions of the dam sediments. As a result, the sediment from Asaida dam on the upper course of the Kamioka Mine has little Cd, clay minerals and organic matter, whereas Shininotani dam, Jinzu 1st dam, Jinzu 2nd dam, Jinzu 3rd dam in the down stream of the Kamioka Mine have much sludge, smectite and heavy metals, such as Zn and Cd. Smectite and organic matter have been concentrated with heavy metals in the down stream dam sediments of Jinzu River. In this study, arrange of experimental observation has carried out in order to estimate the ability of heavy metals for the purification of water. The results suggest that bioremediation methods using bacteria is effective as a fixing heavy metals. Filamentous bacteria in biofloc selectively accumulated Pb, Zn, and Cd on the surface of cell wall in laboratory experimental system after one week aging. The bacteria have an ability as a bioremediation, play a key role in the fixation of heavy metals in the down stream dam sediments at mining area. 続きを見る


津田, 武明 ; 長谷川, 富市 ; 鳴海, 敬倫 ; Tsuda, Takeaki ; Hasegawa, Tomiichi ; Narumi, Takatune
出版情報: 日本レオロジー学会誌 = Journal of the Society of Rheology, Japan.  30  pp.179-185,  2002.  日本レオロジー学会 Japanese Society of Rheology
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00062716
概要: 金沢大学先端科学・社会共創推進機構<br />One-dimensional flow model for non-Newtonian fluids in a dual cavity slot die is presented. The v iscosity of non-Newtonian fluids is treated as the Ellis model. The conservation equations of mass and momentum in a dual-cavity slot die are one-dimensionally simplified by assuming an appropriate mean flow over the cross section of the flow. The flow field in the slot is assumed to be fully developed. The equations of flow for the cavity and the slot are derived separately and then coupled. We use a finite difference method to solve these governing equations. Using this model, we find that the location and the cross-section area of a secondary cavity have large effects on the distribution of outlet flow. It is concluded that the dual cavity die can effectively reduce the flow non-uniformity. 続きを見る


津田, 武明 ; 長谷川, 富市 ; 鳴海, 敬倫 ; Tsuda, Takeaki ; Hasegawa, Tomiichi ; Narumi, Takatune
出版情報: 日本レオロジー学会誌 = Journal of the Society of Rheology, Japan.  30  pp.133-139,  2002.  日本レオロジー学会 Japanese Society of Rheology
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00062717
概要: 金沢大学先端科学・社会共創推進機構<br />One-dimensional flow model for non-Newtonian fluids in the inside of a slot die is presented. The viscosity of non-Newtonian liquids is given by the Ellis model. The conservation equations of mass and momentum in the slot die are treated one-dimensionally by assuming an appropriate mean flow over the cross section of the flow. The flow field in the slot is assumed to be fully developed. The equations of flows for the cavity and the slot are derived separately and then coupled. We use a finite difference method to solve these governing equations. It is concluded that a flow model using the Ellis model for liquid viscosity is useful to predict the distribution of flow rate from the die. 続きを見る


紺家, 千津子 ; 真田, 弘美 ; 須釜, 淳子 ; 大桑, 真由美 ; 中谷, 壽男 ; 永川, 宅和 ; Konya, Chizuko ; Sanada, Hiromi ; Sugama, Junko ; Okuwa, Mayumi ; Nakatani, Toshio ; Nagakata, Takukazu
出版情報: 日本褥瘡学会誌 = Japanese journal of pressure ulcer.  4  pp.60-69,  2002-04.  日本褥瘡学会 Japanese Society of pressure ulcer
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00063288
概要: 金沢大学医薬保健研究域保健学系<br />本研究の目的は, ポケット形成のある褥瘡を形態的に分類し, 治癒過程を明らかにすることである. さらに, その治癒過程の分類と看護ケア要因および身体要因との関係を導き出すことにある. 65歳以上の高 齢者69名が保有するStage III・IVの褥瘡を調査した. 褥瘡は79部位あり, そのうち45部位(57.0%)にポケット形成を認めた. 褥瘡の治癒過程を帰納的方法により分類すると, 深達度ごとにポケットと表皮化方法によって10に分類できた. 特徴的な形態の変化には, 表皮化ではなく収縮のみによる創閉鎖があった. 収縮は通常の表皮化する創より, 治癒期間が延長していた. さらに, ポケット内に壊死組織はないが創の収縮により逆にポケットが拡大するものがあった. 看護ケア要因と身体要因と関係があったのは, ポケット形成と収縮のみによる創閉鎖であった. ポケット形成は, 骨突出, 尿失禁, 拘縮, 臀部のたるみが関係していた. 収縮のみによる創閉鎖は, 骨突出, 尿失禁, ずれ, 拘縮が関係していた.<br />The purpose of this study was to categorize pressure ulcers with various forms of undermining and to examine the healing process of each category. Another attempt to determine whether nursing care and/or physical factors influence the formation of pressure ulcers was also considered. This study was performed with the consent of 69 elderly (65 years old or older) patients with stage III or IV pressure ulcers, who had a total of 79 pressure ulcers. Of the 79 pressure ulcers, 45 (57%) were undermining. Based on the pressure ulcer healing process for stage III or IV pressure ulcers with undermining and epithelialization, 10 healing patterns were inductively categorized. A significant observation was the fact that in undermining with no necrotic tissue, the undermining spread inversely to wound contraction, a phenomenon we categorized as "Us" (Undermining-spread-partial wound margin). Epithelialized wounds closed only by contraction were categorized as Ec (Epithelialization-contraction). Our results showed the wound healing period to be longer for general epithelialization than for "Ec" type wounds. Nursing care and/or physical factors that influenced the form and healing pattern of "Undermining" were externally bony prominence, urinary incontinence, contracture, and flabby skin in the buttock area. Similarly, the influencing factors of "Ec" were an externally bony prominence, urinary incontinence, shear, and contracture.<br />日本褥瘡学会の許可を得て登録_2021.09.22 続きを見る


椎名, 徹 ; 村本, 健一郎 ; Shina, Toru ; Muramoto, Ken-ichiro
出版情報: Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan = 画像電子学会誌.  31  pp.345-353,  2002.  画像電子学会 = The Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00052948
概要: 降雪雪片の衝突・併合成長には,個々の雪片の落下速度の相違や雪片が落下するときの揺らぎが関係しているので,成長のメカニズム解明には雪片の落下運動を解析することが重要である.本研究では,水平同一方向からシャッタースピードおよび撮影視野の設定が異 なる2台のCCDカメラを用いて,降雪雪片の形状と落下運動を同時に撮影し,連続的に画像処理するシステムを開発した.雪片の落下姿勢とその変動および形状の解析を行うために,落下中の雪片を狭い視野にて数フィールド連続して撮影した.また,同一の雪片を広い視野にて連続約20フィールド観測して,雪片の落下軌跡を追跡することにより落下運動を解析した.落下運動の特徴量として平均角度変動量を定義し,形状特徴量と落下姿勢および落下運動の変化との関係を求めた結果,落下姿勢を表す慣性主軸の長軸が落下の方向に対してほぼ直角となり,空気抵抗を大きく受ける方向に落下する傾向が実験的に確認された.<br />Falling snowflakes were photographed simultaneously by two CCD cameras having different shutter speeds. The high speed camera was used for determining the shape and the low speed one to measure the motion. The shape of a snowflake and its falling motion are analyzed using continuously photographed image frames. The falling motion of a snowflake is calculated by tracing its position in subsequent frames. Relationships between shape and motion parameters were analyzed. Data indicate that tilt angle and falling direction were perpendicular to each other. It is considered that snowflakes encounter more resistance from air toward the upper direction during their fall. 続きを見る


志村, 恵
出版情報: 独文研究室報.  pp.17-32,  2002-03.  金沢大学独文学研究会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050472