

田中, 源吾 ; Suzuki, Yutaro ; Tanaka, Gengo
出版情報: 化石 = Fossils.  77  pp.1-2,  2005.  日本古生物学会 Palaeontological Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061611
概要: 金沢大学国際基幹教育院GS教育系


白石, 秀一 ; 高橋, 直人 ; 霜島, 康浩 ; 朝田, 隆二 ; 渡辺, 弘明 ; 田崎, 和江 ; Shiraishi, Shuichi ; Takahashi, Naoto ; Shimojima, Yasuhiro ; Asada, Ryuji ; Watanabe, Hiroaki ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: 粘土科学 = Journal of the Clay Science Society of Japan.  44  pp.176-190,  2005-07-25.  日本粘土学会 The Clay Science Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061658
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />Bluish green Zn-S-and yellowish brown Fe-microbial mats were found on outer surfaces of well rise r pipes on Kakuma campus of Kanazawa University, Ishikawa Prefecture. The microscopic observation and XRF chemical analysis revealed that the formative conditions of microbial mats differ in depth due to stationary and pumping groundwater levels. Bluish green microbial mats formed in 61.6-75.6 m depth were characterized by high content of Zn and S. The microbial mats mainly consist of spherical fifine particles of several Am in size. A small amount of coccoid-and bacilli-form bacteria were found in the aggregation. While, yellowish brown microbial mats formed in 30.8-61.6 m depth and were characterized by high content of Fe, Ca, P, Si and Zn. The microbial mats mainly consist of spiral materials that were metabolized from an iron oxidizing bacterium, Gallionella ferruginea. Harp-like materials metabolized from another iron oxidizing bacteria, Toxothirixspp. were also found below 56 m in depth. A large amount of coccoid-, bacilli-and filamentous-form bacteria were found in the assemblage of the metabolic materials and the number of filamentous-form bacteria increased with depth.TEM observations and FE-TEM-EDX elemental maps revealed that some spherical particles on the cell surface of bacteria in the bluish green microbial mats are rich in Zn and S stick, suggesting that Zn exist as sulfide. The other adhesion materials consisted of Fe, Si, 0, and Zn were also formed around cell wall. The bacteria inthe bluish green microbial mats might be tolerant to heavy metal Zn. 続きを見る


北山, 幸枝 ; 中谷, 壽男 ; 真田, 弘美 ; 田中, 愛 ; 青木, 和恵 ; 佐藤, 文 ; 玉井, 奈緒 ; Kitayama, Yukie ; Nakatani, Toshio ; Sanada, Hiromi ; Tanaka, Ai ; Aoki, Kazue ; Sato, Aya ; Tamai, Nao
出版情報: 日本褥瘡学会誌 = Japanese journal of pressure ulcer.  7  pp.818-826,  2005-10.  日本褥瘡学会 Japanese Society of pressure ulcer
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00063280
概要: 金沢大学医薬保健研究域保健学系<br />[背景]褥瘡治癒には局所環境の整えが重要であり, 創洗浄だけでなく創周囲皮膚の清潔ケアも提唱されている. 目的:創周囲皮膚に対しどのような清潔ケアが治癒過程を促進するか, マウスを用いて検討した. [方法]マウスに全層創傷を作製し創周囲を弱酸性の液体石鹸(以下「皮膚洗浄剤」)で洗浄, 生理食塩水(以下「生食」)洗浄, ポビドンヨード消毒, ケアなしの4群に分けてケア後, 毎日創周囲に黄色ブドウ球菌を塗付し, 創傷被覆材で覆った. 肉眼的所見, 治癒期間, 細菌叢, 創周囲角質水分量を測定し, 組織所見の変化と合わせて4群を比較した. [結果]表皮化の速度, 肉眼的変化, 治癒時の創周囲角質水分量, 平均治癒期間, 組織学的皮膚構造変化の点で, 皮膚洗浄剤群が最も治癒促進していた. ついでポビドンヨード群, 生食群, ケアなし群の順であった. [結語]皮膚洗浄剤による創周囲皮膚の清潔が, 創傷治癒を促進させる最も有効な局所ケア方法であることが示唆された.<br />For wound healing, managing the wound and its environs is crucial. It is unclear, however, whether cleansing the skin surrounding wounds promotes wound healing. Thus, the aim of this study is to examine wound healing under four different care regimens of full- thickness skin wounds on mice:1. cleansing the skin surrounding wounds with detergent, 2. saline, 3. povidone-iodine, or 4. no care. Four full-thickness skin wounds were made on backs of mice. The above-described care regimens were performed, then Staphylococcus aureus was applied to the skin surrounding the wounds, and the wounds and the surrounding skin were covered with hydrocolloid dressings. These interventions were performed every day. The period of wound healing was 8 + 0.8 days in the detergent group, 8.8 + 1.5 days in the saline group, 9 + 0.8 days in the povidone-iodine group, and 10.3 + 0.96 days in the no care group. There was a significant difference between the detergent and the no care groups. In histological findings, reepithelization of the detergent group was achieved 7 days after wounding, and fibrous granulation tissue of the no care group on day 14 was the slowest to develop. These findings indicate that to cleanse the skin surrounding wounds with detergent is the most effective care in promoting wound healing, and detergent care can be effective for the care of pressure ulcers contaminated with bacteria.<br />日本褥瘡学会の許可を得て登録_2021.9.22 続きを見る


黄, 芳 ; 中谷, 壽男 ; 真田, 弘美 ; 紺家, 千津子 ; 鈴木, 定 ; 佐藤, 文 ; 間脇, 彩奈 ; Huang, Fang ; Nakatani, Toshio ; Sanada, Hiromi ; Konya, Chizuko ; Suzuki, Sadamu ; Sato, Aya ; Mawaki, Ayana
出版情報: 日本褥瘡学会誌 = Japanese journal of pressure ulcer.  7  pp.798-803,  2005-10.  日本褥瘡学会 Japanese Society of pressure ulcer
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00063282
概要: 金沢大学医薬保健研究域保健学系<br />ポケットを有する褥瘡が治癒しがたいことを被蓋部の組織像から検討した. 外科治療の目的で切除されたポケットを有する褥瘡のポケット被蓋部13組織を, 肉眼的, 組織学的方法で研究した. 肉眼的所見:皮膚 はポケット開口部で白く浸軟し, 表皮が開口部より内表面の一部を覆い停止していた. 断面では, 線維化した白い結合組織がみられた. 組織学的所見:表皮は基部から開口部に向かって厚さを増し, 表皮索または突起と真皮乳頭は互いに咬み合い, 伸展が停止した表皮は棍棒状または舌状形態を呈していた. 表皮下では, 正常な膠原線維束はみられず, 線維性瘢痕を呈し, 炎症細胞が少数みられた. 内表面は炎症細胞を含むさまざまな厚さのフィブリン様膜に覆われていた. 3組織の開口部にのみ炎症性肉芽組織が観察された. これらの結果は, ポケット被蓋部内表面を覆うフィブリン様膜と瘢痕組織が表皮の再生と肉芽組織の増殖を阻害し, 被蓋部と創底部の接着を妨げている可能性を示唆している.<br />This study macroscopically and microscopically examined the wound roof from thirteen pressure ulcers that were surgically excised. Based on these findings, we discussed the cause of intractability of pressure ulcers with undermining. The skin covering the wound roof was white and macerated at the wound orifice area. The epidermis covered part of the inner surface of the wound roof. White fibrosis was observed under the epidermis at the cutting plane of the roof. The epidermis became increasingly thicker from the base area of the roof to the wound orifice area, and interdigitated with the dermis. The edge of the extending epidermis showed a club-like or tongue-like shape. Under the epidermis, there was no normal collagen bundle, but there was collagenous scar tissue. Moreover, a few inflammatory cells and blood vessels were present in the scar. The inner surface of the wound roof was lined with various thicknesses of fibrinoid tissue including inflammatory cells. Inflammatory granulation tissue was observed in the wound orifice area in only 3 of 13 tissue specimens, indicaing that fibrinoid tissue over the inner surface of the roof and scar of the roof could impede the development of granulation tissue and extension of the epidermis.<br />日本褥瘡学会の許可を得て登録_2021.9.22 続きを見る


楊, 暁旗 ; 松平, 光男 ; 新宅, 救徳 ; Yang, Xiaoqi ; Matsudaira, Mitsuo ; Shintaku, Sukenori
出版情報: 繊維機械学会誌 = Journal of the Textile Machinery Society of Japan.  58  pp.T62-T67,  2005.  日本繊維機械学会 = Textile Machinery Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00049955
概要: 金沢大学人間社会研究域学校教育系<br />Relationship between measured values of characteristic parameters of disposable diapers and subjec tive evaluation data was investigated precisely. As subjective evaluation of water diffusion in disposable diapers is dynamic process related to the diffusion of water, evaluation conditions and the time are very important. Amount of pouring water should be less than the critical saturated region of diapers to obtain reliable subjective results. The sense of "sarasara(dry)" and "touch" agreed well in the case of wet diapers, and it might be very important to keep the surface to be dried to get comfortable disposable diapers. Correlation coefficients between each objective value and subjective data were calculated and it was shown that the sense of "sarasara" was evaluated by a new parameter of Vh, that is, the peak value of remained water curve divided by the convergence time of the water. Further, "sarasara" was regressed with Fw, that is, the diffusion rate in horizontal direction and Fh, that is, the diffusion rate in vertical direction. 続きを見る


楊, 暁旗 ; 楊, 敏壮 ; 松平, 光男 ; Yang, Xiaoqi ; Yang, Minzhuang ; Matsudaira, Mitsuo
出版情報: 繊維機械学会誌 = Journal of the Textile Machinery Society of Japan.  58  pp.T1-T6,  2005.  日本繊維機械学会 = Textile Machinery Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00049976
概要: 金沢大学人間社会研究域学校教育系<br />Kinematics study of liquid diffusion was carried out for disposable diapers using colored salt wat er. A three-layers model was proposed for disposable diapers, which consists of diffusion, absorption and waterproof layers. It was clarified that liquid diffusion was proceeded horizontally in the diffusion layer at first, and then vertically into the absorbed layer. The equation of diffusion rate of liquid in the horizontal direction was derived on the basis of the disk model of capillary tubes, which were arranged in radial direction. Diffusion rate of liquid in the vertical direction could be calculated from the velocity curves of diffused liquid. The significance of four characteristic parameters, diffusion rate of liquid in the horizontal direction Fw, diffusion rate of liquid in the vertical direction Fh, the maximum area ratio Sm and the remaining area ratio Sr, proposed in our earlier papers were proved to be valuable. 続きを見る


藤井, 辰徳 ; 浅川, 直紀 ; 平尾, 政利 ; 勘定, 善弘 ; Fujii, Tatsunori ; Asakawa, Naoki ; Hirao, Masatoshi ; Kanjo, Yoshihiro
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 = 2005 JSPE Autumn Meeting.  2005 Autumn  pp.723-724,  2005.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050000
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />The study deals with an automation of the welding by generating the control command for the welding robot automatically. Generally, a movement of a robot is decided depending on the tool path – a series of position and posture of the tool attached to the mechanical interface – of the robot. We tried to generate the tool path focused on a collision avoidance of the welding tool on the bases of CAD data of the workpiece. In the study, to cope with a characteristic of the welding, which is required to be continuous in tool velocity and posture, the tool path is generated by use of a potential field in a configuration space. As a result, the system is found effective to generate smooth and collision–free tool path本研究では溶接用ロボットの動作プログラムを自動生成することによって溶接作業を自動化することを目的とする.ロボットの動作は,先端の工具の位置と姿勢によって決定される.そこで本報では工作物のCADデータを利用し,溶接工具の干渉を考慮した工具経路の生成を試みた.溶接作業では,工具の速度や工具姿勢の急激な変化を嫌うという特徴があるが,ポテンシャル場を用いることで対応した.<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


古本, 達明 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 嵐, 智哉 ; 杉原, 成良 ; 和賀, 正明 ; 今野, 明 ; Furumoto, Tatsuaki ; Ueda, Takashi ; Arashi, Tomoya ; Sugihara, Nariyoshi ; Waga, Masaaki ; Konno, Akira
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 = 2005 JSPE Autumn Meeting.  2005 Autumn  pp.401-402,  2005.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050006
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />In dental treatment with Nd:YAG laser, the laser beam which ordinarily comes out from the optical fi ber is effective to eliminate the enamel and the dentin. A diffused and circumferential laser beam, which is produced by using a processed optical fiber at the tip, is effective for the treatment of soft tissue. In the present study, processing characteristics at the tip of the optical fiber is investigated, when TiO2 powder with average grain size of 1mm is used. An experimental instrument is developed to measure the power and the energy distribution of the straight beam radiated from the processed optical fiber. Furthermore, on the cavity made in the enamel by the straight beam, the volume and maximum depth are measured by a 3D surface profiling system and the surface is observed by SEM.本研究は,Nd:YAGレーザによる歯科治療の高度化を目的として行っている。歯科医療では,酸化チタン粉末を用いてファイバ先端を加工し,ファイバコアにレーザを吸収させて熱に変換することで,直進光を減衰させて臨床に用いている。そこで,加工したファイバからの直進光や先端部の温度を計測して,ファイバ加工条件と加工特性の関係を調べた。また,加工ファイバで抜去歯エナメル質へレーザ照射して窩洞形成特性を調べた。<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


古本, 達明 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 尾倉, 秀一 ; Furumoto, Tatsuaki ; Ueda, Takashi ; Ogurai, Hidekazu
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 = 2005 JSPE Spring Meeting.  2005 Spring  pp.535-536,  2005.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050010
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />In the production of a mounted wheel, a super abrasive stone before sintered is drilled mechanically for inserting a grinding head axis. In this study, a pulsed Nd:YAG laser is used to make a small hole for an axis, and CBN and diamond stones sintered are used as work material. The cutting characteristics of the super abrasive stone are studied for the improvement of the productivity. The super abrasive stone of 5mm in thickness can be cut precisely and there is no chipping at the edge. The heat-affected zone produced by laser irradiation is effective for bonding the axis into the wheel. 超砥粒軸付き砥石への軸の取り付け穴加工は,焼結後に穴加工することが困難であるため,焼結前に下穴加工を行い,焼結後に仕上げ加工するのが一般的である.しかしながら,この加工法では下穴が焼成収縮の影響を受けるため,品質毎の調整が必要となるなど課題が多い.そこで,本研究では軸付き砥石の生産性向上のため,レーザによる超砥粒砥石への穴加工を提案し,ドリル加工との比較を行ったのでその結果を報告する.<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


高山, 裕規 ; 神谷, 好承 ; 関, 啓明 ; 疋津, 正利 ; Takayama, Yuki ; Kamiya, Yoshitsugu ; Seki, Hiroaki ; Hikizu, Masatoshi
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 = 2005 JSPE Autumn Meeting.  2005 Autumn  pp.161-162,  2005.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050015
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />We consider position and posture control of work grasped by three–fingered robot hand whose finger h as two degree of freedom. As the first step in this study, this paper proposes the method of planning finger′s operation which is independent of a work shape. When the robot hand grasps a work, its three fingertips form a triangular plane. By using this plane, in the proposal method, the finger′s operation which controls the work is extrapolated from the finger′s operation which controls the plane. We derive a relationship between the motion of the fingers and the triangular plane and investigate effectiveness of the proposed method in simulations. 本研究では2自由度3本指ハンドによる物体の位置·姿勢制御を対象とする。操作対象物体を把持したとき、ハンドは3つの指先が存在する特定の平面を形成する。この平面に着目すると、ハンドによる物体の操作を平面の操作として扱うことができると考えられる。そこで本研究ではこれを利用して、物体操作時に形状などの複雑な情報を必要としない指先動作計画法を提案し、シミュレータによる検証を行った。<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る