

田中, 隆太郎 ; 細川, 晃 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 古本, 達明 ; 林, 勇伝 ; 草野, 岳彦 ; Tanaka, Ryutaro ; Hosokawa, Akira ; Ueda, Takashi ; Furumoto, Tatsuaki ; Lin, Yongchuan ; Kusano, Takahiko
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 = 2008 JSPE Spring Meeting.  2008 Spring  pp.235-236,  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00052912
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />炭素鋼の旋削加工における切りくず処理性の向上の目的で,S45Cに半導体レーザを用いて長手方向にライン状に熱処理を行い,超硬,サーメットおよびセラミック工具を用いて旋削を行い,その有効性について検討を行 った.その結果,切りくず処理性に改善が見られ,レーザ熱処理により切りくず処理性の改善が可能であることがわかった.また,仕上げ面粗さ,切削抵抗や切りくず厚さもわずかながら影響を受けることがわかった.<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


嶋村, 公二 ; 細川, 晃 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 政, 誠一 ; Shimamura, Koji ; Hosokawa, Akira ; Ueda, Takashi ; Masa, Seiichi
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 = 2009 JSPE Autumn Meeting.  2009 Autumn  pp.127-128,  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00052913
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />UBM(UnBalanced Magnetron)スパッタ法によってコーティングしたエンドミルを作製し、SUS304の高速切削に適用している. 従来の耐熱性を付与する考え方から, 潤滑性を付与して熱の 発生を抑えることに着目し開発している. 従来のコーティング工具に比べて, 良好な仕上げ面と長い工具寿命が得られている.<br />The UBM(UnBalanced Magnetron) sputtering method is applied to the coated end mills and some kinds of such tools are used in high-speed milling of SUS304. This coating film is designed to improve lubricating ability rather than heat resistance. Long tool life and good surface quality are obtained with these UBM-type coated tools than standard commercially available coated tools in high-speed side milling without coolant.<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


藤江, 典久 ; 三野, 大樹 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 細川, 晃 ; 山田, 啓司 ; Fujie, Norihisa ; Mino, Daiki ; Ueda, Takashi ; Hosokawa, Akira ; Yamada, Keiji
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 = 2006 JSPE Autumn Meeting.  2006 Autumn  pp.595-596,  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00052916
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />Thermal stress cleaving is a prospective technique for separating a wafer or thin plate from brittle materials such as glasses and ceramics. In this paper, the cleaving mechanism of a glass and a sapphire irradiated with CO2 laser is investigated. A high frequency pulsed laser is used for the purpose of investigating the mechanism of crack propagation more precisely. The AE signal is measured to examine the characteristics of crack propagation. Thermal damage to the surface of the glass causes the deterioration of cleaving accuracy. Consequently, it is important to minimize the thermal damage by controlling the prosess parameters.<br />熱応力割断はガラスやセラミックといった脆性材料の加工方法として,近年注目されてきている.本研究では,CO2レーザを用いた液晶表示用ガラスおよびサファイアの割断メカニズムについて調査している.き裂の進展メカニズムをより精密に調べる為,高周波数パルス発振のレーザ加工機を用いている.またAE信号測定を行い,き裂進展の状況を観測している.その結果,AE信号によって,き裂の挙動を観察することができることを示している.ガラス表面の熱損傷によって,割断の精度が悪化する為,加工パラメータを制御し,熱損傷を抑えることが重要である.<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


藤江, 典久 ; 有川, 龍郎 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 細川, 晃 ; 古本, 達明 ; 田中, 隆太郎 ; Fujie, Norihisa ; Arikawa, Tatsuro ; Ueda, Takashi ; Hosokawa, Akira ; Furumoto, Tatsuaki ; Tanaka, Ryutaro
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 = 2008 JSPE Spring Meeting.  2008 Spring  pp.969-967,  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00052917
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />Laser cleaving is a prospective technique for separating a wafer or thin plate from brittle material s such as glasses and ceramics. However, there is a problem that laser irradiation often causes the thermal damage. Thermal damage to the surface of the glass causes the deterioration of cleaving accuracy. Consequently, it is important to minimize the thermal damage. In this paper, new cleaving technique is proposed, it uses CO2 laser and Er:YAG laser, and how inhibit the thermal damage is investigated.<br />近年,セラミックスや,ガラス等の脆性材料の切断法として,従来のダイヤモンドブレードダイシングに比べて切り代が小さく,清浄な加工が可能なレーザ熱応力割断が注目を集めている.しかしながら,レーザ照射に伴う温度上昇によって加工物に副き裂やはく離が生じるなどの熱的影響が問題となっている. そこで本研究では,CO2レーザを単独で照射した場合,CO2レーザとEr:YAGレーザの2つのレーザ同時に照射した場合について,ガラスを割断する方法を提案し,熱的影響抑制の効果について検討する.<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


堀居, 直幸 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 細川, 晃平 ; 山田, 啓司 ; 田中, 隆太郎 ; Horii, Naoyuki ; Ueda, Takashi ; Hosokawa, Akira ; Yamada, Keiji ; Tanaka, Ryutaro
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 = 2003 JSPE Autumn Meeting.  2003 Autumn  pp.327-327,  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00052937
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />口中の生活歯を対象としたレーザ治療法について検討するため,水に浸したヒトの歯質に,Er:YAGレーザを照射することにより窩洞を形成している.窩洞形状の測定,窩洞部組織の観察を行い,良好な窩洞の形成方法 について検討する.また水に浸していない歯質に形成した窩洞との比較から,水が窩洞に及ばす影響について検討する.<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


林, 勇伝 ; 田中, 隆太郎 ; 細川, 晃 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 古本, 達明 ; Lin, Yongchuan ; Tanaka, Ryutaro ; Hosokawa, Akira ; Ueda, Takashi ; Furumoto, Tatsuaki
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 = 2006 JSPE Autumn Meeting.  2006 Autumn  pp.431-432,  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00052943
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />This study deals with the machinability of steels in turning with additional current. Tested work ma terials were plane carbon steel JIS S45C and BN added steel which has good machinability in turning at high cutting speed. Turning tests were performed by carbide tool K10, P10, P20, P30, Cemet tool and TiCN coated carbide tool to clarify the influence of chemical compositions of tool materials on the cutting mechanism of BN added steel. The cutting force was investigated practically and these results were discussed.<br />著者らはこれまでに,超硬合金P30を用いた高速対応型快削鋼であるBN添加鋼の旋削加工において,切削中における工具-被削材間への外部通電が工具摩耗に影響を与えることを報告した.そこで本報では,工具材種の影響を調べるために,化学成分が異なる種々の工具を用いたBN添加鋼の旋削加工を行い,工具-被削材間に流れる電流の大きさおよび方向と切削抵抗の関係について調査し,標準鋼切削時と比較し検討を加えた.<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


脇村, 嘉宏 ; 倉谷, 泰治 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 古本, 達明 ; 細川, 晃 ; 田中, 隆太郎 ; Wakimura, Yoshihiro ; Kuratani, Yasuharu ; Ueda, Takashi ; Furumoto, Tatsuaki ; Hosokawa, Akira ; Tanaka, Ryutaro
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 = 2008 JSPE Spring Meeting.  2008 Spring  pp.1135-1136,  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00052944
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />新しい矯正加工法としてCO2レーザを用いた矯正加工法を考案した。この方法は、レーザ照射部に発生する熱応力を利用して材料を塑性変形させて矯正する加工法である。レーザの持つ高いエネルギ密度、微小スポット径 により高い精度で局所的な加工が行える。さらに入熱量も制御しやすいため自動化も容易である。<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


古本, 達明 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 細川, 晃 ; 田中, 隆太郎 ; 嵐, 友哉 ; 杉原, 成良 ; 和賀, 正明 ; 今野, 明 ; Furumoto, Tatsuaki ; Ueda, Takashi ; Hosokawa, Akira ; Tanaka, Ryutaro ; Arashi, Tomoya ; Sugihara, Nariyoshi ; Waga, Masaaki ; Konno, Akira
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 = 2006 JSPE Spring Meeting.  2006 Spring  pp.1271-1272,  2006.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050002
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />In dental treatment with Nd:YAG laser, the laser beam which ordinarily comes out from the optical fi ber is effective to eliminate the enamel and the dentin. A diffused and circumferential laser beam, which is produced by using a processed optical fiber at the tip, is effective for the treatment of soft tissue. In this report, the processing characteristics of the enamel and the dentin by the titanium–processed fiber (TP fiber) are investigated. On the cavity made in the enamel and the dentin, the volume and maximum depth are measured by a 3D surface profiling system and compared with that of the non–processed fiber. Furthermore, the cavity of the enamel made by Nd:YAG laser beam are observed by the high–speed video camera. 本研究は,Nd:YAGレーザを用いた高度歯科治療の実現を目的として行っている.これまで,ファイバ先端を酸化チタン粉末で加工してレーザ直進光を減衰させ,360度全方位にレーザ照射を行う手法を提案した.そして,加工条件の検討により先端のエネルギ分布が調整可能なことを示した.本報告では,先端加工ファイバを用いた歯質の窩洞形成特性を調べると共に,その歯質表面を高速度カメラで撮影した内容について考察する.<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


古本, 達明 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 加納, 康弘 ; 細川, 晃 ; 田中, 隆太郎 ; Furumoto, Tatsuaki ; Ueda, Takashi ; Kano, Yasuhiro ; Hosokawa, Akira ; Tanaka, Ryutaro
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 = 2009 JSPE Autumn Meeting.  2009 Autumn  pp.293-294,  2009.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050003
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />Recently, a multifunction machine, in which a ferrous based powder bed is selectively heated and fus ed by a laser beam irradiation and the edge of consolidated structure obtained is cut with end mill, has been developed to produce an injection molding die. This device has an advantage that the molding die does not have to divide into each block for locating the cooling channels. However, it has difficulty finishing the inner wall located as cooling channels in the injection mold. This paper deals with a polishing of inner wall with flowing slurry at high performance. In order to investigate the influence of various conditions on the polishing of the inner wall, the effects of grain size and polishing time on the polishing characteristics are evaluated experimentally. 近年,金属粉末の積層造形と造形物表面の仕上げ加工を複合化し,高精度に射出成形用金型を造形する加工機が開発され注目されている.本研究では,同装置で製作した金型の冷却水管について,その内面を遊離砥粒でクリーニングを行う新しい加工法を提案する.まずまじめに,その加工原理と各加工条件が内面性状に与える影響について調べた結果について報告する.<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


古本, 達明 ; 舟田, 義則 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 恩地, 好晶 ; Furumoto, Tatsuaki ; Ueda, Takashi
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 = 2003 JSPE Autumn Meeting.  2003 Autumn  pp.326-326,  2003.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050004
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />超砥粒を用いたスティック砥石の製造は,ダイヤモンドブレード等による機械切断で行われているのが現状であり,リードタイムの短縮と歩留まりの向上が課題となっている.本研究は,パルスYAGレーザ加工技術を適用 して課題解決を図ることを目標としており,今回は第2報として,ダイヤモンドおよびCBN砥石のレーザ加工特性と共に,レーザ切断する際に生じる加工熱が,砥石強度に及ぼす影響をまとめた結果を報告する.<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


古本, 達明 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 舟田, 義則 ; 恩地, 好晶 ; Furumoto, Tatsuaki ; Ueda, Takashi ; Funada, Y. ; Ogura, Hidekazu
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 = 2004 JSPE Autumn Meeting.  2004 Autumn  pp.349-350,  2004.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050005
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />本研究は、レーザ切断による超砥粒砥石の生産性向上を目的として行っている。これまで、3mm厚のビトリファイドボンド砥石が切断可能で、レーザ切断面の熱変質層が砥石としての性能を低下させるが、気孔を塞ぐため に強度を上げる働きがあることを示した。本報告では、さらにレーザ光吸収特性や熱伝導特性を調べ、超砥粒砥石のレーザ切断の適用性について検討すると共に、メタルボンド砥石のレーザ切断特性について報告する。<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


古本, 達明 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 嵐, 智哉 ; 杉原, 成良 ; 和賀, 正明 ; 今野, 明 ; Furumoto, Tatsuaki ; Ueda, Takashi ; Arashi, Tomoya ; Sugihara, Nariyoshi ; Waga, Masaaki ; Konno, Akira
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 = 2005 JSPE Autumn Meeting.  2005 Autumn  pp.401-402,  2005.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050006
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />In dental treatment with Nd:YAG laser, the laser beam which ordinarily comes out from the optical fi ber is effective to eliminate the enamel and the dentin. A diffused and circumferential laser beam, which is produced by using a processed optical fiber at the tip, is effective for the treatment of soft tissue. In the present study, processing characteristics at the tip of the optical fiber is investigated, when TiO2 powder with average grain size of 1mm is used. An experimental instrument is developed to measure the power and the energy distribution of the straight beam radiated from the processed optical fiber. Furthermore, on the cavity made in the enamel by the straight beam, the volume and maximum depth are measured by a 3D surface profiling system and the surface is observed by SEM.本研究は,Nd:YAGレーザによる歯科治療の高度化を目的として行っている。歯科医療では,酸化チタン粉末を用いてファイバ先端を加工し,ファイバコアにレーザを吸収させて熱に変換することで,直進光を減衰させて臨床に用いている。そこで,加工したファイバからの直進光や先端部の温度を計測して,ファイバ加工条件と加工特性の関係を調べた。また,加工ファイバで抜去歯エナメル質へレーザ照射して窩洞形成特性を調べた。<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


近藤, 明彦 ; 古本, 達明 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 細川, 晃 ; Koudou, Akihiko ; Furumoto, Tatsuaki ; Ueda, Takashi ; Hosokawa, Akira
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 = 2013 JSPE Spring Conference.  2013 Spring  pp.459-460,  2013.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050007
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />航空機の高温構造部材に用いられるセラミックマトリックス複合材料(CMC)は,難削材であるため機械加工が難しく,加工効率や工具寿命などの点で課題を有している.本研究では,レーザを用いてCMC表面を局所加 熱し,加熱部を切削することで被削性を向上させるレーザ援用切削について扱っている.形状およびコーティング材種の異なる4種類の工具を用いて,被削性や加工面粗さなどを評価した結果について述べる.<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


古本, 達明 ; 上田, 隆司 ; Abdullah, Yassin ; 細川, 晃 ; 田中, 隆太郎 ; 阿部, 諭 ; Furumoto, Tatsuaki ; Ueda, Takashi ; Yassin, Abdullah ; Hosokawa, Akira ; Tanaka, Ryutaro ; Abe, Satoshi
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 = 2007 JSPE Autumn Meeting.  2007 Autumn  pp.495-496,  2007.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050008
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />In order to manufacture the part of a small lot at lower cost and shorter lead-time, various techniq ues, such as a rapid tooling, reverse engineering and high speed milling, are proposed. Recently, milling-combined laser metal sintering system (MLMS), which is the devise of sintering the metal powder and milling the sintered metal with end mill at the one process, has been developed to produce the injection molding dies. In this report, the sintering characteristics of the metal powder used for rapid tooling with Yb:fiber laser are described. Relationship between the surface roughness of the plate and sintering conditions, such as a scanning speed and laser power, are investigated. Moreover, the adhesion force between the each plate and the sintered line are measured with dynamometer. 本研究は,ファイバーレーザを用いて金属粉末を高精度に三次元造形することを目的として行っている.異なる面性状を有する鋼材プレート上に,ファイバーレーザを用いてライン焼結を行い,レーザ焼結条件と各種プレート上における焼結特性との関係を調べると共に,燒結金属の切削特性を調べてプレートに対する密着強度を評価している.<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


古本, 達明 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 尾倉, 秀一 ; Furumoto, Tatsuaki ; Ueda, Takashi ; Ogurai, Hidekazu
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 = 2005 JSPE Spring Meeting.  2005 Spring  pp.535-536,  2005.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050010
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />In the production of a mounted wheel, a super abrasive stone before sintered is drilled mechanically for inserting a grinding head axis. In this study, a pulsed Nd:YAG laser is used to make a small hole for an axis, and CBN and diamond stones sintered are used as work material. The cutting characteristics of the super abrasive stone are studied for the improvement of the productivity. The super abrasive stone of 5mm in thickness can be cut precisely and there is no chipping at the edge. The heat-affected zone produced by laser irradiation is effective for bonding the axis into the wheel. 超砥粒軸付き砥石への軸の取り付け穴加工は,焼結後に穴加工することが困難であるため,焼結前に下穴加工を行い,焼結後に仕上げ加工するのが一般的である.しかしながら,この加工法では下穴が焼成収縮の影響を受けるため,品質毎の調整が必要となるなど課題が多い.そこで,本研究では軸付き砥石の生産性向上のため,レーザによる超砥粒砥石への穴加工を提案し,ドリル加工との比較を行ったのでその結果を報告する.<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


古本, 達明 ; Abdullah, Yassin ; 塚本, 卓 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 細川, 晃 ; 田中, 隆太郎 ; 阿部, 諭 ; Furumoto, Tatsuaki ; Yassin, Abdullah ; Tukamoto, Takashi ; Ueda, Takashi ; Hosokawa, Akira ; Tanaka, Ryutaro ; Abe, Satoshi
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 = 2007 JSPE Spring Meeting.  2007 Spring  pp.841-842,  2007.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050011
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />A simple measurement method of a thermal conductivity in fine metal powder for rapid prototyping is proposed. When the heating time to the metal powder t is short enough compared with the time until the metal powder reaches the maximum temperature T (t/T<0.1), and the measurement depth from a surface Z is longer than the diameter of the heat source a (Z/a>1.23), it is shown that the thermal conductivity of a metal powder can be calculated precisely by measuring the time that the temperature reaches the maximum value. As work materials, SCM powder and copper powder are used. As a result, the thermal conductivity of a metal powder and a sintered material are quite small compared with that of a metal, and the materials, the shapes and the diameter of a metal powder have little influence on the thermal conductivity. 金属粉末をレーザ焼結するとき,レーザ光の吸収特性や生じた熱の伝導特性を知ることが重要となる.本研究では,粉末表面に照射したレーザ光で生じた熱が,粉末内部の一定距離離れた位置まで伝導する時間を測定することで,簡易的に粉末の熱伝導率を導出する手法を提案している.また,同手法で金属粉末の材質,粒径,形状の違いによる熱伝導率の変化を調べると共に,レーザ焼結した材料の焼結条件と熱伝導特性について調べている.<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


細川, 晃 ; 佐藤, 孝志 ; 山田, 啓司 ; 上田, 隆司 ; Hosokawa, Akira ; Sato, Takashi ; Yamada, Keiji ; Ueda, Takashi
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 = 2003 JSPE Autumn Meeting.  2003 Autumn  pp.240-240,  2003.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050013
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />前報ではA系砥石を対象として,種々のドレス条件で作成した異なった砥石作業面を研削音で識別できることを示した.本報では,無気孔型超砥粒砥石への適用性について検討している.レジンボンドCBN砥石について, 砥粒突出し量を変化させて異なった状態を形成した場合,研削音によって識別可能であることがわかった.ただし,A系砥石と異なり,識別に用いる周波数帯域によって識別精度が大きく影響を受ける.このことより,砥石作業面の特徴を顕著に表す周波数領域を用いる必要性が確認された.<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


吉田, 剛 ; 細川, 晃 ; 古本, 達明 ; 田中, 隆太郎 ; 上田, 隆司 ; Yoshida, Takeshi ; Hosokawa, Akira ; Furumoto, Tatuaki ; Tanaka, Ryutaro ; Ueda, Takashi
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 = 2008 JSPE Spring Meeting.  2008 Spring  pp.311-312,  2008.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050014
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />Nd:YAGレーザによるメタルボンドダイヤモンド砥石のレーザドレッシング法を検討している.これまで,レーザと同時にエアを吹き付けることによって,ボンド剤が再凝固する前に除去できることを明らかにした.本 法では,さらなる効率化とより実用的な観点から,レーザとエアを同時に照射可能な一体型ヘッドを作製し,それによるドレッシング特性を検討している.<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


田中, 隆太郎 ; 細川, 晃 ; 山田, 啓司 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 林, 勇伝 ; Tanaka, Ryutaro ; Hosokawa, Akira ; Yamada, Keiji ; Ueda, Takashi ; Lin, Yongchuan
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 = 2005 JSPE Spring Meeting.  2005 Spring  pp.671-672,  2005.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050034
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />This study deals with the machinability of steels in turning with additional current. Tested work ma terials were plane carbon steel JIS S45C and BN added steel which has good machinability at high cutting speed. Turning tests were performed by carbide tool P30 in order to investigate the influence of electrical conditions of closed circuit system on the cutting mechanism of BN added steel. The tool life and cutting force was investigated practically and these results were discussed. 従来,鋼の被削性を改善するために快削性添加物や鋼中の介在物の組成や形態を制御するなど多くの快削鋼が研究·開発がされてきた.その中のひとつであるBN添加鋼は切削中にベラーグと呼ばれる保護膜を摩耗面上に形成し,高速域で標準鋼に比べ工具摩耗を大幅に抑制する.本研究ではこのBN添加鋼を最大20mAの微量通電下で超硬工具による旋削加工を行い電流量と摩耗量の関係を調べ,その摩耗抑制効果について検討を行った.<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


Hery, Mochtady ; 山田, 啓司 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 細川, 晃 ; 田中, 隆太郎 ; Yamada, Keiji ; Ueda, Takashi ; Hosokawa, Akira ; Tanaka, Ryutaro
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 = 2003 JSPE Autumn Meeting.  2003 Autumn  pp.303-303,  2003.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050035
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />レーザ誘起熱変形によってプラスチック球状レンズおよびレンズアレイを作製する方法については前報において報告した。本研究ではEr:YAGレーザビームを照射しながらプラスチック試料を移動させることで直線状お よびリング状のシリンドリカルレンズを作製し、レンズ形状と加工条件の関係について検討している。<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


桑畑, 俊也 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 古本, 達明 ; 田中, 隆太郎 ; 細川, 晃 ; 武田, 怜子 ; Kuwahata, Toshiya ; Ueda, Takashi ; Furumoto, Tatsuaki ; Tanaka, Ryutaro ; Hosokawa, Akira ; Takeda, Reiko
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 = 2008 JSPE Spring Meeting.  2008 Spring  pp.945-946,  2008.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050036
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />レーザ加工において困難である金属への種々形状微細除去加工を,本研究では種々形状のマイクロレンズを製作,利用することによって可能としている.アクリル樹脂にEr:YAGレーザを走査させることによりマイクロ レンズを製作し,このレンズを用いてNd:YAGレーザ第2高調波を試料表面に集光させて加工を行う.さらに,ヘリンボーンと呼ばれる微細構造をクロム鋼表面に加工した後,摩擦特性へ与える影響について検討する.<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


上田, 隆司 ; Ueda, Takashi
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 = 2007 JSPE Spring Meeting.  2007 Spring  pp.735-736,  2007.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050189
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />In laser processing, the temperature at the area irradiated with a laser beam is very important. Las er forming of metal sheet, laser cleaving of silicon wafer, dental treatment with laser beam and fabrication of micro lens are chosen as examples of laser processing. In thses processings, the temperature should be measured to performthe precision machining without thermal damage. In many cases, the temperature is measured by the infrared radiation of pyrometer with an optical fiber.高精度で微細なレーザ加工を行おうとするとき,加工材料に与える熱的ダメージを極力抑える必要がある.レーザフォーミング,シリコンウエハーのレーザ割断,レーザによる歯科治療,レーザによるマイクロレンズの製作などの加工例をとりあげ,レーザ照射部温度が加工特性に及ぼす影響について述べている.加工部の温度管理には,光ファイバー型赤外線温度計を基本にした計測システムを用いている.<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


細川, 晃 ; 南部, 彰 ; 田中, 隆太郎 ; 山田, 啓司 ; 上田, 隆司 ; Hosokawa, Akira ; Nambu, Akira ; Tanaka, Ryutaro ; Yamada, Keiji ; Ueda, Takashi
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 = 2004 JSPE Spring Meeting.  2004 Spring  pp.523-524,  2004.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050309
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />前報では光ファイバ型2色温度計を用いてエンドミル加工におけるオイルミスト供給時の工具逃げ面温度を測定し,ミスト粒径,ミスト流量,ミスト供給位置が工具逃げ面温度に及ぼす影響について検討した.本報では,そ の第3段階として,超硬工具およびコーティング工具における切削温度と工具損耗量を測定し,オイルミスト供給が工具損耗形態に及ぼす影響について詳細に検討している.<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


細川, 晃 ; 柚木, 力 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 山田, 啓司 ; 田中, 隆太郎 ; Hosokawa, Akira ; Yunoki, Tsutomu ; Ueda, Takashi ; Yamada, Keiji ; Tanaka, Ryutaro
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 = 2005 JSPE Spring Meeting.  2005 Spring  pp.869-870,  2005.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050310
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />This study deals with a laser dressing of a metal-bonded diamond wheel as part of a laser conditioni ng of superabrasive grinding wheels including truing, sharpening and cleaning. A bronze bond diamond stone SD120N75B is chosen as target to be dressed and pulsed Nd:YAG laser is irradiated in order to remove the bond material. The bond material is partially removed by laser irradiation, in which melting and vaporizing take place. In order to efficiently remove the bond material, it is necessary to spray air on the laser irradiating spot so as to blow away the molten binder before it solidifies again, although the molten metal cannot be perfectly taken away due to its relatively high viscosity. Clear damages of diamond particles such as micro-cracks or graphitization are not observed below the laser power is less than 152 W.Nd:YAGレーザを用いたメタルボンドダイヤモンド砥石(SD120N75NB)のレーザドレッシング法について検討している.ホイールにレーザを照射するとブロンズボンドは溶融除去されるが,多くは再凝固するため,効率的にボンド剤を除去するためには圧縮空気によって溶融部を吹き飛ばす必要がある.レーザの照射エネルギーを152W以下に制限することによって,ダイヤモンド砥粒に熱的ダメージをあまり与えることなく結合剤を除去することができる.<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


山田, 啓司 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 細川, 晃 ; 田中, 隆太郎 ; 堀居, 直幸 ; Yamada, Keiji ; Ueda, Takashi ; Hosokawa, Akira ; Tanaka, Ryutaro
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 = 2004 JSPE Autumn Meeting.  2004 Autumn  pp.727-728,  2004.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050315
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />レーザを用いた歯科治療における窩洞形成時の熱損傷を監視する装置を開発し,その有効性について検証している.装置は,光ファイバ,分光器およびイメージセンサーから成っており,レーザ照射時に発生するプルーム光 を観測している.硬組織に熱損傷が生じる際には,波長560nmの強い輝線スペクトルが観測され,損傷なく窩洞が形成される場合には,輝線スペクトルは観測されない.<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


松永, 隆秀 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 古本, 達明 ; 細川, 晃 ; 長友, 正平 ; Matsunaga, Takahide ; Ueda, Takashi ; Furumoto, Tatsuaki ; Hosokawa, Akira ; Nagatomo, Syohei
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 = 2013 JSPE Spring Conference.  2013 Spring  pp.589-590,  2013.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050330
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />レーザ割断は、レーザ照射によって発生する熱応力を利用して加工物を分断する加工法である。先行研究より、レーザ割断をサファイアに適用することは有効であることがわかっている。本研究では、表面に溝加工が施され たサファイアウエハを対象にして、様々なレーザ照射条件でサファイアウエハの割断を行った。また、レーザ照射に伴う表面温度上昇によって生じる割断面への影響について調べた。<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


森本, 雅憲 ; 鈴木, 将吾 ; 細川, 晃 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 田中, 隆太郎 ; Morimoto, Masanori ; Suzuki, Shogo ; Hosokawa, Akira ; Ueda, Takashi ; Tanaka, Ryutaro
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 = 2006 JSPE Autumn Meeting.  2006 Autumn  pp.625-626,  2006.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050333
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />In general, grinding heat causes various types of thermal damage to the workpiece, such as burning, cracks, and phase transformation. In this study, the grinding operation is regarded as a heat treatment process called grind-hardening. This new heat treatment method enables the phase transformation from austenite to martensite in the surface layer of steels. The cylindricalgrinding tests at several infeed rates are carried out. The hardened layer of approximately 0.16 mm is attained in plunge grinding of chrome-molybdenum steel SCM435. 研削時に発生する熱を積極的に利用して,加工と同時に熱処理する鋼材の同時硬化研削法(研削焼入れ)を試みている.本報では,CrMo鋼の円筒研削焼入れを行い,その可能性を実証している.工作物の研削面に変色した酸化膜がみられたとき,表面近傍に焼入れ処理がなさ,この酸化膜をスパークアウトによって除去することで焼入れされた仕上げ面が生成できる.乾式研削において,40micron/sをこえる砥石切込速度で,工作物表面近傍に700HV以上のマルテンサイト組織の硬化層が得られた.砥石切込速度に比例して,研削抵抗,硬化層深さの増加がみられる.本研究では最大深さ160micronを得ることができた.<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


青木, 慎太郎 ; 葛西, 惇士 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 細川, 晃 ; 古本, 達朗 ; 田中, 隆太郎 ; Aoki, Shintaro ; Kasai, Atsushi ; Ueda, Takashi ; Hosokawa, Akira ; Furumoto, Tatsuaki ; Tanaka, Ryutaro
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 = 2008 JSPE Autumn Meeting.  2008 Autumn  pp.969-970,  2007.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050339
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />歯質表面にレーザ照射した時、レーザ光は吸収され表面は加熱される。溶融した歯質は再凝固層を形成し、また一部は蒸散する。この時、衝撃力が発生することが知られている。そこで本研究では、この衝撃力をひずみゲー ジとホプキンソン棒を組み合わせた衝撃試験装置により測定し、レーザ照射によって生じる物理現象が、歯科治療における殺菌効果に与える影響やそのメカニズムについて考察し解明することを目的としている。<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


千徳, 英介 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 山田, 啓司 ; 細川, 晃 ; Sentoku, Eisuke ; Ueda, Takashi ; Yamada, Keiji ; Hosokawa, Akira
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 = 2003 JSPE Autumn Meeting.  2003 Autumn  pp.311-311,  2003.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050341
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />本研究では,板材のレーザフォーミング加工における加工パラメータと変形量の関係の解明を目指し,加工部表面,裏面温度を2組の光ファイバ型2色温度計を用いて測定している.これまで加工部温度,表裏温度差,照射 領域の変形量への影響について報告した. 本報では,板厚の影響について調べ,これまでの結果から加工パラメータと変形角度の関係を示す式を導いた.<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


千徳, 英介 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 山田, 啓司 ; 細川, 晃 ; 田中, 隆太郎 ; Sentoku, Eisuke ; Ueda, Takashi ; Yamada, Keiji ; Hosokawa, Akira ; Tanaka, Ryutaro
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 = 2005 JSPE Spring Meeting.  2005 Spring  pp.529-530,  2005.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050342
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />A thin stainless steel is bended by the irradiation of CO2 laser. Then both temperatures at irradiat ed and opposite surfaces are measured using two sets of the two-color pyrometer with an optical fiber. In this study, we investigate the effect of temperature difference between irradiated and opposite surfaces on deformation mechanism. The increase of diameter of laser beam and the decrease of thickness of material make the temperature difference smaller and change deformation mechanism from Temperature Gradient Mechanism (TGM) to Buckling Mechanism (BM).CO2レーザを用いてステンレス板材のフォーミング加工を行い,同時にレーザ照射部表面および裏面温度を2組の光ファイバ型2色温度計を用いて測定し, 表裏温度差と変形メカニズムの関係を調べた.実験結果から板厚が小さくなるほど,ビーム径が大きくなるほど表裏温度差は小さくなり,変形メカニズムが温度勾配メカニズム(TGM)からバックリングメカニズム(BM)へと変化することがわかった.<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


木村, 繁男 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 細川, 晃
出版情報: 工学・工業教育研究講演会講演論文集.  pp.351-352,  2001-07-18.  日本工学教育協会 = Japanese Society for Engineering Education
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/32555


山崎, 光悦 ; 近田, 康夫 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 米山, 猛
出版情報: 工学・工業教育研究講演会講演論文集.  pp.317-320,  2000-07-19.  日本工学教育協会 = Japanese Society for Engineering Education
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/32554


田中, 隆太郎 ; 井上, 豪 ; 中川, 智博 ; 細川, 晃 ; 古本, 達明 ; 上田, 隆司
出版情報: 日本機械学会論文集C編 / Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, C Hen / Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part C.  77  pp.3193-3198,  2011-01-01.  日本機械学会 = The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/31412
概要: The authors have reported that the micro wavy surface formed by machining combined with laser heat treatment have higher static coefficient of friction compared with the surface finished by polishing or cutting. Therefore, this study was carried out to clarify the surface formation mechanism in order to control micro wavy height and the influence of lubricant viscosity on static frictional force. In practical use, high viscosity lubricant is used in wet brake to prevent oil leakage. At cutting after laser heat treatment, when the higher thrust force was, the higher micro wavy height was obtained. Thus, decreasing cutting speed or increasing feed rate, the obtained micro wavy height became higher. The static coefficient of friction of surface finished by polishing was decreasing with lubricant viscosity. This tendency was also seen at micro wavy surface. However, the static coefficient of friction of micro wavy surface was constantly higher than polished surface regardless of lubricant viscosity. © 2011 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. 続きを見る


山崎, 修平 ; 田中, 隆太郎 ; 細川, 晃 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 古本, 達明
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集.  2011S  pp.179-180,  2011-01-01.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/45021
概要: タッピングは加工の最終工程に行われるため,タップが折損して製品に取り残されるなどの失敗は許されない.折損が発生する主な原因は工具摩耗である.したがって工具摩耗に大きな影響をおよぼす工具刃先温度の測定は重要である.しかし,タップ加工の温度測定 に関する研究はほとんど行われていないのが現状である.そこで本研究では2色温度計を用いた加工温度測定システムの確立を試みた. In this study, the method for measurement of the tool edge temperature in tapping was proposed. The tool edge temperature was measured using the two- color pyrometer with an optical fiber. In addition, the vibration caused by tool edge-work piece contact was sensed by an acceleration pickup. Experiments were performed using TiN coated HSS-spiral tap (M10×1.5). As a result, the temperature outputs from tool edges and chips were able to be distinguished. In tapping of S45C-BN at cutting speed 30 m/min, the maximum tool edge temperature is about 400 oC. The tool edge temperature was increasing with cutting aria. 続きを見る


上原, 祐也 ; 細川, 晃 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 田中, 隆太郎 ; 古本, 達明
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集.  2011S  pp.247-248,  2011-01-01.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/43498
概要: 難削材旋削加工における新しい技術として、ADRT(スピニングツール)が提案された.ADRTでは工具自身が回転するため,切れ刃の加熱(切削時)-冷却(空転時)サイクルが制御でき,工具寿命の増大が期待される.しかしながら,その加工特性は明らかに なっていない.そこで本研究では,非接触で微小領域の温度測定が可能な光ファイバ型2色温度計を用いて,スピニングツールの加熱-冷却特性を測定し,工具への熱負荷の面から本手法の有効性を検討している. Turning characteristics of austenitic stainless steel SUS304 with an actively driven rotary lathe tool is invented from the thermal aspects. The tool temperature during one revolution of this spinning tool is measured using a newly assembled two-color pyrometer. There is an optimum tool rotational speed at which the tool temperature is at a minimum with respect to the cutting conditions. 続きを見る


嶋村, 公二 ; 細川, 晃 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 政, 誠一
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集.  2011S  pp.225-226,  2011-01-01.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/43581
概要: UBMS (UnBalanced Magnetron Sputtering)法によってTiCNコーティングエンドミルを作製し,SUS304の高速切削に適用している.コーティング膜に耐熱性を付与する従来の考え方から,潤滑性を付与して熱の発生を 抑えることを主眼において開発している.光ファイバ型2色温度計を用いて測定した結果,一般的なAIP法によるコーティングエンドミルに比べて,加工中の工具温度が低減されている. The UBMS (UnBalanced Magnetron sputtering) method is applied to the coated end mills and some kinds of such tools are used in high-speed milling of SUS304. This coating film is designed to improve lubricating ability rather than heat resistance. Lower cutting temperature is measured with these UBMS-type TiCN-coated tools than the ordinary AIP-coated tools in high-speed side milling without coolant. 続きを見る


岡田, 将人 ; 細川, 晃 ; 浅川, 直紀 ; 藤田, 祐介 ; 上田, 隆司
出版情報: Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, C Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part C.  78  pp.3093-3013,  2012-01-01.  日本機械学会 = Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/32477
概要: The effect of minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) method in end milling of stainless steel and titanium alloy that are ty pical difficult-to-cut materials with coated carbide tool is investigated. The effect is mainly evaluated by tool flank temperature, cutting force and tool wear behavior. The tool flank temperature is measured using a two-color pyrometer with an optical fiber having small measurement area and high response speed under non-contact condition with tool. In MQL cutting of SUS304 and Ti-6A1-4V at cutting speed v=25m/min, the tool flank temperature decreases approximately 50°C and 100°C than the case of dry cutting respectively, and the effect of MQL on tool flank temperature is especially obtained in low-speed cutting. On the other hand, the tool flank temperature in MQL cutting of Ti-6A1-4V is higher than the case of dry cutting in cutting speed v=100m/min or more. In the high-speed cutting of Ti-6A1-4V, it is observed that the several chips adhere on the rake face of cutting edge. In addition, the output voltages from detector are obtained when the adhesion chips on the cutting edge pass through the measurement area of two-color pyrometer. In the case of the SUS304, the feed and thrust force are decreased by the supplying oil mist in high speed cutting. The generation of micro-crack at cutting edge is contained by applying MQL even high speed cutting of Ti-6A1-4V that is not obtained the effect of temperature decreasing. © 2012 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. 続きを見る


上田, 隆司
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集 = Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers.  110  pp.859-861,  2007-11-05.  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers = 日本機械学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/36719


上田, 隆司
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集 = Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers.  110  pp.843-,  2007-11-05.  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers = 日本機械学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/36720


澤崎, 亮介 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 山田, 啓司 ; 細川, 晃 ; 田中, 隆太郎
出版情報: 講演論文集.  2004  pp.233-234,  2004-03-01.  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers = 日本機械学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/37039


Al Huda, Mahfudz ; 山田, 啓司 ; 上田, 隆司
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集 C編 = Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series C.  65  pp.2094-2101,  1999-05-25.  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers = 日本機械学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/37003
概要: The temperature of interface between a cutting tool and a chip in dry and wet turning is measured using two color pyrome ter with a fused fiber coupler. A translucent Alumina sintered under HIP (Hot Isostatic Pressing) is used as the cutting tool, and 0.45% carbon steel (S45C) is used as a workpiece. The water soluble fluid (Sunlight TC-800) is used as the cutting fluid, and is introduced onto the rake surface of the tool with a nozzle (diameter: 5 mm). The infrared rays radiated and transmitted through the translucent tool are accepted by an optical fiber, and separated to two optical fibers at fused fiber coupler. Each fiber leads the infrared ray, respectively, to two infrared detectors of different spectral sensitivity. Temperature is obtained by calculating the ratio of the output voltage from these two detectorS. The result obtained are as follows: (1) The technique developed is suitable for measuring the interface temperature between a cutting tool and a chip. (2) The interface temperature is highly affected by the cutting speed, and the temperature increases very rapidly with the increase of cutting speed. (3) The interface temperature reduced 30°C in the wet cutting. Finally, the temperature distributions on the cutting tool and the work material are analyzed by using a finite element method (FEM). Good agreement is obtained between the analytical results and the experimental ones. 続きを見る


上田, 隆司 ; 大森, 滋人 ; 杉田, 忠彰
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集 C編 = Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series C.  56  pp.2270-2278,  1990-08-25.  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers = 日本機械学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/36971
概要: In the honing operation, the influence of the honing head design on the out of roundness of a workpiece is investigated theoretically. Harmonic analysis is applied to fit the curve to the shape of the cross section of the workpiece. Using the three-stick honing head, the amplitude of waves of degree 3, 6, 9, ··· is attenuated more rapidly than that of waves of degree 2, 4, 5, 7, ··· as the honing proceeds. The four-stick honing head can not attenuate the amplitude of waves of degree 3, 5, 7, 9, ··· but attenuates that of waves of degree 2, 4, 6, ···. In the case of the honing head with greater sticking, the amplitude of some waves is amplified. The influence of the space of stick and shoes around the periphery of single-stick honing head on the out of roundness is investigated. 続きを見る


野崎, 隆太郎 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 細川, 晃 ; 山田, 啓司 ; 田中, 隆太郎
出版情報: 講演論文集.  2004  pp.225-226,  2004-03-01.  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers = 日本機械学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/37040


岡田, 将人 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 細川, 晃
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集 C編 = Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series C.  77  pp.4297-4307,  2011-01-01.  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers = 日本機械学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/37028
概要: The cutting performance of indexable insert drill that has non-axisymmetrical geometry is investigated. A solid drill th at has axisymmetrical and twisted geometry is also used to compare the cutting characteristics. The diameter of drills is 16mm and carbon steel is used as work material. The application effects of MQL that oil mist is supplied from oil holes in the tool are also examined. The temperature of peripheral corner edge of outer insert is measured using a two-color pyrometer with an optical fiber. The tool temperature of indexable insert drill is higher than that of solid drill and it reaches approximately 525°C at highest. On the other hand, the thrust force of indexable insert drill is lower than that of solid drill and it do not change so much with cutting speed. The surface roughness of indexable insert drill is approximately 1.15-5.4μm and this is higher than that of solid drill in each cutting speed. However, it is improved by supplying the oil mist. 続きを見る


古本, 達明 ; 楠, 大樹 ; 網野, 亨 ; 細川, 晃 ; 田中, 隆太郎 ; 上田, 隆司
出版情報: 砥粒加工学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society of Grinding Engineers.  56  pp.48-53,  2012-01-01.  砥粒加工学会 = Society of Grinding Engineers
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/34659
概要: 金属粉末の積層造形と造形物表面の切削加工によって得られる金型は,3次元CADで設計された冷却用水管を自由に配置できる特長を有し,射出成形時のサイクルタイム短縮が実現されている.しかしながら,オーバーハング部である水管上面は原理上切削できない 課題を有していた.本研究では,金型内部の冷却用水管について,水管内に遊離砥粒を流動させることで仕上げ加工する方法を提案している.内面上にらせん状の表面突起を付与したとき,曲率を有した水管の内部流れを解析すると共に,各条件が内面性状に与える影響について調べている.実験の結果,表面突起を付加することで水管の内部流れが乱流となり,突起のない水管と比較して著しく内面性状を改善することができた.また,突起のない水管では難しかった曲線内側の面上も効率的に加工することができた.さらに,同手法が既存金型の水管面上の錆を除去することにも効果的であることがわかった. 続きを見る


細川, 晃 ; 田中, 隆太郎 ; 古本, 達明 ; 上田, 隆司
出版情報: 講演論文集.  2010  pp.387-390,  2010-03-05.  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers = 日本機械学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/37057
概要: hosokawa@se.kanazawa-u.ac.jp


加藤, 寛満 ; ヘリー, モフタディ ; 山田, 啓司 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 細川, 晃 ; 田中, 隆太郎
出版情報: 講演論文集.  2005  pp.367-368,  2005-03-01.  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers = 日本機械学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/37053


細川, 晃 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 岡島, 厚 ; 榎本, 啓士 ; 木村, 繁男 ; 門前, 亮一 ; 野村, 明人
出版情報: 年次大会講演論文集 : JSME annual meeting.  2003  pp.187-188,  2003-08-05.  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers = 日本機械学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/36797
概要: The activities of the problem-based learning (PBL) and their outcomes are reported here. Based on the reactions from students and faculty members to these educational programs, the advantages and improvements are also examined. A series of PBL subjects from 1st to 3rd grade-problem -research, problem-solving and problem-creation- are programmed according to the intelligibility and degree of advancement of students in mechanical engineering. This well-planed system makes it possible to obtain the substantial educational effects and to start smoothly the research for graduation thesis in the last 4th grade. 続きを見る


小矢, 畑亘 ; 岡田, 将人 ; 安井, 慎之介 ; 細川, 晃 ; 田中, 隆太郎 ; 上田, 隆司
出版情報: 講演論文集.  2007  pp.241-242,  2007-03-01.  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers = 日本機械学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/37049


福本, 陽平 ; 山田, 啓司 ; 細川, 晃 ; 上田, 隆司 ; Al, Huda Mahfudz
出版情報: 講演論文集.  2002  pp.315-316,  2002-03-08.  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers = 日本機械学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/37044


柚木, 力 ; 細川, 晃 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 山田, 啓司 ; 田中, 隆太郎
出版情報: 講演論文集.  2005  pp.365-366,  2005-03-01.  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers = 日本機械学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/37054


森田, 精一 ; 山田, 啓司 ; 細川, 晃 ; Al, Huda Mahfudz ; 上田, 隆司
出版情報: 講演論文集.  2002  pp.317-318,  2002-01-01.  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers = 日本機械学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/37043


田中, 隆太郎 ; 西本, 秀人 ; 田中, 大輔 ; 古本, 達明 ; 細川, 晃 ; 上田, 隆司
出版情報: 砥粒加工学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society of Grinding Engineers.  56  pp.819-823,  2012-12-10.  砥粒加工学会 = Japan Society of Grinding Engineers
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/34956


川村, 満彦 ; 寺田, 亮太 ; 細川, 晃 ; 上田, 隆司
出版情報: 講演論文集.  2007  pp.243-244,  2007-03-01.  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers = 日本機械学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/37048


上田, 隆司 ; 平野, 聡 ; 杉田, 忠彰
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集 C編 = Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series C.  55  pp.2228-2236,  1989-08-25.  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers = 日本機械学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/36969
概要: The honing temperature of a cylindrical workpiece of steel is investigated both experimentally and theoretically. The experiment is carried out by using a vertical honing machine consisting of a constant pressure stone system. The temperature distribution in the workpiece is measured by means of a thermocouple formed by spot welding at the bottom of a small hole. The influence of its temperature on the finishing accuracy is also studied. The results obtained are as follows. The change of the cutting condition of sticks can be found from the variation of temperature in the surface layer of a workpiece. On the distribution of temperature in the workpiece, its gradient in the radial direction is small, but that in the axial direction is not so small. Using the suitable model of honing operation, the theoretical equations representing the influence of honing conditions on the temperature of workpiece were obtained. These equations explain the experimental result well. For example, the temperature becomes larger in proportion to the honing speed and the stone pressure, and the heat flux into the workpiece decreases as operation proceeds. 続きを見る


田中, 隆太郎 ; 鬼頭, 昂志 ; 細川, 晃 ; 古本, 達明 ; 上田, 隆司
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集 C編 = Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series C.  77  pp.4318-4323,  2011-01-01.  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers = 日本機械学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/37027
概要: This paper deals with the method to prevent cutting burr at face milling of stainless steels. Without laser heat treatment for workpiece, SUS304 caused largest burr height in three type stainless steels. SUS430 was easier to be hardened using laser heat treatment compared with SUS304 and SUS403. As for SUS304, it was possible to reduce burr height. However, it was impossible to prevention burr generation perfectly. As for SUS430 and SUS403, choosing optimum cutting conditions, it was possible to prevention burr generation perfectly. Therefore, laser heat treatment for workpiece is efficient to prevent cutting burr at face milling of stainless steels. 続きを見る


上田, 隆司 ; 金田, 泰幸 ; 佐藤, 昌彦 ; 杉田, 忠彰
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集 C編 = Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series C.  58  pp.302-309,  1992-01-25.  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers = 日本機械学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/36973
概要: The fundamental characteristics of a new type of infrared radiation pyrometer using an optical fiber are investigated th eoretically and experimentally. The structure of this pyrometer is that the optical fiber accepts the infrared flux radiated from the object and transmits it to an infrared detector InSb cell. This I. R. P. is suitable for measuring the temperature of a very small object whose temperature changes rapidly. The flexibility of the optical fiber also makes it possible to measure the inner temperature of the object by drilling a microscopically fine hole in it and inserting the fiber. Three types of optical fiber were employed : quartz fiber, fluoride fiber and chalcogenide fiber. The main results obtained are as follows. The setting location of the fiber is independent of the total energy Accepted by the fiber, even if the object of a flat surface is not placed vertically to the axis of the fiber. This result is also applied to the object of a curved surface. The target area of the graded-index fiber is smaller than that of the step-index fiber when they are placed at a same distance from the object. The I.R.P. with the chalcogenide fiber can be useful for temperatures above 50°C. 続きを見る


上田, 隆司 ; 三野, 大樹 ; 古本, 達明 ; 細川, 晃 ; 長友, 正平
出版情報: 砥粒加工学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society of Grinding Engineers.  55  pp.424-426,  2011-01-01.  砥粒加工学会 = The Japan Society for Abrasive Technology
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/36200
概要: CO2パルスレーザを用いて単結晶のサファイアウエハの熱応力割断を試みている.レーザ割断はサファイアウエハを分断する方法として有力な加工法である.パルスレーザを用いると,割断面には単結晶ウエハに特有な縞模様が形成される.曲線割断が可能であり, 円弧状にサファイアウエハを割断できる.ウエハ上に加工された浅い溝の上をCO2パルスレーザでなぞることによって,ウエハを割断できる.Single-crystal sapphire wafers were cleaved by irradiation with a pulsed CO2 laser. Laser cleaving is a useful method to cut sapphire wafers. A striped pattern on the cleaved surface is observed when a pulsed laser is used. Laser cleaving makes it possible to cut the sapphire along the circular arc. Sapphire wafers can be cleaved by laser irradiating along a pre-made shallow groove. 続きを見る


上田, 隆司 ; 古本, 達明
出版情報: 日本レーザ加工学会誌.  15  pp.22-27,  2008-01-01.  レーザ加工学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/10694
概要: 理工研究域 機械工学系


田中, 隆太郎 ; 井上, 豪 ; 細川, 晃 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 古本, 達明
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集 C編 = Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series C.  76  pp.794-799,  2010-04-25.  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers = 日本機械学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/37026
概要: High coefficient of friction and wear resistance are required for a mechanical brake. Especially in a wet type brake, a rotor has necessary to contact with a pad directly to acquire high frictional force. This research is carried out to investigate the surface property with high friction coefficient of force in wet condition. The micro wavy and high hardness surface combined machining laser heat treated carbon steel. Laser heat treatment on the surface is undertaken by carbon dioxide laser. The characteristic of friction of this micro wavy surface is investigated to compare with the surface finished. The surface finished by cutting after laser heat treatment have higher static coefficient of friction compared with the surface finished by polishing or cutting. The smaller laser scan pitch becomes, the larger static coefficient of friction is obtained. When the angle between friction direction and laser scan direction is 45°, the largest static coefficient of friction is obtained. 続きを見る


上田, 隆司 ; 金曽, 久佳 ; 杉田, 忠彰
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集 C編 = Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series C.  57  pp.2154-2159,  1991-06-25.  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers = 日本機械学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/36972
概要: Both an evaluating function d to present the overall severity of superfinishing conditions and an equation ks to calculate the specific finishing energy are derived theoretically, assuming that one stick corresponds to a single point tool with a long cutting edge. Some experiments are carried out to confirm the propriety of these results. The ks-d relation calculated from the experimental results is useful in the evaluation of the machinability of work materials and the cutting ability of the stick. Moreover, this relation makes it possible to compare the superfinishing in the production rate and the surface refinement with the honing. 続きを見る


細川, 晃 ; 鈴木, 康昌 ; 田中, 隆太郎 ; 古本, 達明 ; 上田, 隆司
出版情報: 講演論文集.  2010  pp.393-394,  2010-03-05.  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers = 日本機械学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/37056


岡田, 将人 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 細川, 晃 ; 田中, 隆太郎
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集 C編 = Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series C.  78  pp.252-261,  2012-01-01.  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers = 日本機械学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/37029
概要: The cutting performance of indexable insert drill that has non-axisymmetrical geometry for drilling of difficult-to-cut materials is investigated. A twisted drill is also used to compare the cutting performance. The cutting characteristics are evaluated by tool flank temperature at peripheral corner edge θα, thrust force Ft, chip geometry and surface roughness Ra. The temperature of cutting tool is measured using a two-color pyrometer with an optical fiber. As work materials, the carbon steel, stainless steel, titanium alloy and nickel-base alloy are used. The θα and Ft of indexable insert drill are lower than that of solid drill in cutting of titanium alloy and nickel-base alloy. In the case of titanium alloy, the Ft of indexable insert drill is only 40% in the case of solid drill. On the other hand, this tendency reversed for stainless steel, and θα and Ft of indexable insert drill become higher than that of solid drill. The chip geometry by indexable insert drill is divided into parts in fragments so that there is chip breaker on the rake face of insert while the chip geometry by solid drill is continuous and long. The difference of surface roughness by the indexable insert drill and solid drill is negligible in the cutting of difficult-to-cut materials. 続きを見る


田中, 隆太郎 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 細川, 晃 ; 林, 勇伝 ; 山田, 啓司
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集 C編 = Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series C.  73  pp.879-884,  2007-03-25.  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers = 日本機械学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/37004
概要: This study deals with the machinability of steels after heat treatment with CO2, laser using h-BN powder and blast furna ce slug as absorbent. h-BN is well known as solid lubricant. As for blast furnace slug, its composition is similar to that of inclusions in calcium dioxide steel that shows good machinability. The absorbance of slug and h-BN were more than 80%, so it is said that these powders can be used as absorbent for CO2, laser. Only in the case of h-BN, absorbent was melted into substrate and its depth was about 200 μm. When turning the steels after laser heat treatment using h-BN power and blast furnace slug as absorbent, carbide tool showed smaller tool wear than the case of carbon type absorbent. In the profile of the machined surface, there was a wave of about 5 μm in amplitude and its wavelength was equal to the feed rate of laser in heat treatment. This is because the workpiece surface after laser heat treatment has a periodic distribution in hardness. The hardness in the surface layer of workpiece was higher than that of the substrate. 続きを見る


上田, 隆司 ; 大森, 滋人 ; 杉田, 忠彰
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集 C編 = Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series C.  56  pp.2279-2285,  1990-08-25.  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers = 日本機械学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/36970
概要: Using the honing machine, the influence of the honing head design on the out of roundness of workpiece is investigated experimentally. Experimental results for three and four-stick honing heads agree well with the theoretical results obtained in the 1st peport. In the case of the honing head with greater sticking, the simulation of honing operation is carried out using the micro computer and the results obtained are compared with the theoretical results. 続きを見る


上田, 隆司 ; 岡田, 公之 ; 鳥居, 明人
出版情報: 日本機械学會論文集 C編 = Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series C.  55  pp.2251-2258,  1989-08-25.  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers = 日本機械学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/36968
概要: The temperature of working grains on the grinding wheel just after cutting is measured using an infrared radiation pyrometer, in which an optical fiber accepts the infrared flux radiated from the object and transmits it to an infrared detector In As cell. The working condition of each cutting grain varies after every revolution of the wheel due to the wear or the crushing of it, the surface flow of the workpiece owing to the ploughing, or the vibration of the grinding system. The number of cutting grains is greatly influenced by the change of grinding conditions. The mean temperature of cutting grains is hardly influenced by the wheel depth of the cut or the workpiece speed, but it decreases with an increase in the wheel speed. The maximum temperature of cutting grains measured even under the severe grinding conditions is approximately equal to the melting point of the work material of steel. 続きを見る


野崎, 隆太郎 ; Al, Huda Mahfudz ; 上田, 隆司 ; 加藤, 賢一 ; 山田, 啓司 ; 細川, 晃
出版情報: 講演論文集.  2002  pp.37-38,  2002-03-08.  The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers = 日本機械学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/37052


岡田, 将人 ; 細川, 晃 ; 田中, 隆太郎 ; 上田, 隆司
出版情報: 精密工学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society of Precision Engineering.  75  pp.979-983,  2009-01-01.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/39091
概要: The cutting performance of some coated carbide tools in hardmilling of hardened steel is investigated. The cutting chara cteristics are mainly evaluated by tool wear and temperature at flank face for four types of coating films on two types of base materials. Cutting force and surface roughness are also examined. The temperature of cutting tool is measured using a two-color pyrometer with an optical fiber. The tool flank wear becomes large in the case of TiN and TiCN coated tools. The tool flank temperature increases with the increase of surface roughness of coated film, and reaches approximately 500°C for TiAlN/ AlCrN coated tool. On the other hand, the cutting forces do not change so much with surface roughness of coated film. In the case of P30-grade cemented carbide as base material, tool flank wear and flank temperature become large compared with K10- grade. The surface roughness of workpiece increases with the increase in tool flank temperature more than approximately 530°C. 続きを見る


山田, 啓司 ; 西岡, 真吾 ; 細川, 晃 ; 上田, 隆司
出版情報: 精密工学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society of Precision Engineering.  69  pp.120-124,  2003-01-05.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/39631
概要: Laser cleaving process is a prospective technique to divide a thin plate of brittle materials into small pieces, because of its high yield ratio and controllability. In addition, the process is carried out without coolant which causes the environmental pollution and the contamination of the electrical devices etched on the wafer. In this paper, laser cleaving of silicon wafer is conducted with pulsed Nd: YAG laser. The temperature of laser spot is measured by means of the two-color pyrometer with optical fiber and the acoustic emission caused by crack propagation is also observed. When the laser spot is scanned at the appropriate interval and velocity, the crack propagates in sequence by the corresponding laser irradiation. As a result, both high linearity of cleaved edge and fine fractured surface roughness are obtained. The thermal stress distribution induced by laser irradiation is analysed with FEM model, in which the stress intensity factor is calculated at the vicinity of the crack tip in order to clarify the criterion of crack propagation. The analysis and experiments reveal that the maximum tensile stress at the crack tip increases with temperature and the crack propagates when the stress intensity factor reaches the fracture toughness of the material. 続きを見る


上田, 隆司 ; 花見, 真司 ; 裏, 匡史 ; 山本, 明
出版情報: 精密工学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society of Precision Engineering.  54  pp.1138-1143,  1988-06-05.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/39630
概要: The mechanism of chip formation and the machinability of fine ceramics are investigated by both honing operation and scratching test using a conical diamond tool. The workpieces are alumina Al2O3, silicon nitride Si3N4 and silicon carbide SiC which are sintered under atmospheric pressure, and borosilicate glass (SiO2). Based on the experimental results which were done by the authors, the specification of the diamond sticks is decided to obtain superior honing performance. The results are as follows. The machinability of work materials is best in SiO2 and deteriorates in the order of Al2O3, Si3N4, and SiC. Comparing the shape and size of chips made by honing with the grain structure of Al2O3 and Si3N4, it can be estimated that the chips are mainly formed by the fracture occurred along the grain boundary, although chips of Si3N4 are also formed by the fracture occurred through the grain. Two types of material removal are observed depending on the load acting on the cutting grits. When the load is small, the cutting grits are in the condition of wear and the surface roughness of the work material is improved. When the load is set above the critical value, a lot of chips are created and there remains many large craters on the surface honed. 続きを見る


細川, 晃 ; 周, 智鵬 ; 山田, 啓司 ; 上田, 隆司
出版情報: Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering, Contributed Papers = 精密工学会誌論文集.  70  pp.1527-1532,  2004-01-01.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/38635
概要: A new three-color infrared radiation pyrometer using an optical fiber is developed for measuring cutting temperature in high speed machining by small ball end mill. The high speed air spindle unit is adopted to the ordinary milling machine so that the maximum spindle revolution of 40000rpm is attainable. The ball radius of the carbide cutter is 3mm and the side cutting of carbon steel with ballnose is executed without cutting fluid. Cutting temperature distribution along the ball-nosed cutting-edge is measured. The influences of spindle rotational speed, radial depth of cut and feed per tooth on the temperature distribution at the flank face are examined. The maximum temperature of peripheral cutting edge about 700°C is obtained even at the rotation angle of 180° after cutting, and it drops along the ballnose toward the ball tip. Relatively large temperature gradient arises along the ball cutting-edge at higher spindle revolution because cutting speed depends on the local tool radius. Depth of cut and feed per tooth, at the same time, affect the overall temperature at the ball cutting edges. The cooling characteristics in air cutting reveals that the temperature difference during one cycle of intermittent cutting increases as spindle speed decreases. The relationship between the peripheral cutting speed and the tool temperature varies from tool shank to ball tip because the interactions between cutting edge and workpiece change along the ballnose. 続きを見る


千徳, 英介 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 山田, 啓司 ; 細川, 晃
出版情報: Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering, Contributed Papers = 精密工学会誌論文集.  71  pp.481-485,  2005-01-01.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/38634
概要: Laser forming of a sheet metal is the bending process caused by the thermal stresses which is produced in the sheet by l aser irradiation. Therefore, the temperature distribution in the sheet irradiated with laser beam is one of important factors to determine the bending angle of the sheet. In this study, the influence of temperature distribution and the experimental conditions like the diameter of laser beam and the thickness of a sheet on the bending angle is investigated experimentally. The temperatures of a surface irradiated with CO2 laser and its opposite surface are measured using an infrared radiation pyrometer with an optical fiber. As a result, the bending angle is directly proportional to the temperature Ts at the sheet surface irradiated with laser beam and the beam diameter D, and inversely proportional to the thickness h of the sheet. A parameter indicated by D1.41Ts1.5/h1.7 has high correlation with the all bending angles obtained under various experimental conditions. 様々な加工条件で板材のフォーミング加工を行い, 同時にレーザ照射部表面および裏面温度を測定し, 加工条件と照射温度の変形角への影響を調べた. その結果, 変形角はレーザビーム径の1.4乗に比例し, 照射温度の1.5乗に比例し, 加工物の板厚の1.7乗に反比例しており, これらの結果より導出した式は定性的に加工条件の変形角への影響を良く表している. 続きを見る


佐藤, 昌彦 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 田中, 久隆
出版情報: Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering, Contributed Papers = 精密工学会誌論文集.  71  pp.1437-1441,  2005-01-01.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/38633
概要: The temperature on the rake face of a binder-less cBN tool tip in end-milling was measured using a fiber-optic two-color pyrometer. The radiation of the interface between the tool tip and the chip is transmitted through the binder-less cBN and accepted by the optical fiber located behind the tool tip. The radiation accepted is transmitted to a two-color detector, which consists of a InAs and InSb detector, through a rotary fiber coupler. The coupler makes it possible to transmit the radiation outside the milling machine. The fundamental transmission characteristics of the coupler was investigated theoretically and experimentally. This method was found to be very practical to measure the tool tip temperature in end-milling. The results obtained are as follows. The rake face temperature in the up-milling of 0.55% carbon steel ranged from 480 degrees centigrade to 560 degrees centigrade for the cutting speeds of 2.2 m/s to 4.4 m/s. The cutting temperature increases with the increase of cutting speed. The temperature in down-milling is higher a little than that in the up-milling. バインダレスcBNによるエンドミル加工時の工具刃先温度を光ファイバ型2色温度計を用いて測定している. 工具すくい面から放射される赤外線を工具裏面から受光し, 2本の光ファイバを連結する回転型ファイバカプラを介して伝送することにより, 高速回転している刃先の温度測定を可能にしている. 切削速度や切削方式の相違が刃先温度に及ぼす影響について検討している. 続きを見る


田中, 隆太郎 ; 山根, 八洲男 ; 岡田, 将人 ; 細川, 晃 ; 上田, 隆司
出版情報: 精密工学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society of Precision Engineering.  73  pp.803-807,  2007-01-01.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/38822
概要: This paper deals with the machinability of BN added Steels in end milling. The cutting tests were carried out by end mil ling carbon steel JIS S45C, S55C and these BN added steels with carbide tool and TiAlN coated carbide tool. Tool wear, cutting temperature, and, surface roughness were measured and discussed. In end milling BN added steel with square end mill, the progress rate of flank wear width was decreased and fracture at corner was suppressed in comparison with that in machining standard steel. In case of ball end mill, flank wear in end milling BN added steels were smaller in comparison with standard steel. In case of S45C, boundary wear was observed, however it was not observed in end milling BN added steel. BN added showed almost the same surface roughness as standard steel. The temperature of flank wear part in turning work based S55C were 50 °C higher in comparison with S45C base work. The temperature of throw away end mill was higher 100°C in comparison with solid square end mill. There were not significant difference between the temperature in end milling standard steel and BN added steels. 続きを見る


古本, 達明 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 舟田, 義則 ; 尾倉, 秀一
出版情報: Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering, Contributed Papers = 精密工学会誌論文集.  71  pp.501-505,  2005-01-01.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/38628
概要: In this paper, the cutting characteristics of super abrasive stones using a pulsed Nd:YAG laser are studied. The influen ce of the heat on the stone surface cut by laser is investigated. As work materials, CBN stones and diamond stones with grain size of #2000 are used. As a result, the super abrasive stone of 3mm in thickness can be cut with the molten width of 0.2mm in maximum and with no chipping at the edge. The cutting speed of laser beam is 2.6 times faster than that of diamond blade in the case of CBN stone and 24 times faster in the case of diamond stone. There remains a heat affected zone (HAZ) in the stone surface and its thickness is about 0.02mm. In the HAZ, the abrasive grains are oxidized and their crystal structures are changed by the heat of laser irradiation. However, the HAZ raises the absorption of the laser beam at the stone surface and raises the strength of the stone a little because the pores in the HAZ are closed by the re-solidified vitrified bond. Therefore, laser cutting is useful for the manufacturing of the super abrasive stones in productivity and quality.超砥粒砥石の生産性向上を目標として, パルスNd : YAGレーザを用いた超砥粒砥石の切断に関する研究が行われている. 厚み3mmのCBN砥石およびダイヤモンド砥石を用いて切断実験した結果, ダイヤモンドブレードによる切断と比較して取り代および切断速度が改善され, 切断面の熱変質層には熱亀裂が存在せず, 良好な加工が可能なことを示した. 続きを見る


山田, 啓司 ; 森田, 精一 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 細川, 晃 ; 田中, 隆太郎
出版情報: Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering, Contributed Papers = 精密工学会誌論文集.  72  pp.393-397,  2006-03-05.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/38627
概要: In this paper, a refrigerating chuck system is developed to reduce the thermal damages of workpiece in laser cleaving process. The system reduces the surface temperature of table below the freezing point of water, and the work material is fixed on the table by the frozen water between the material and the table. The cooling capability of the system is investigated. The system is applied to the laser cleaving process of silicon wafer with cw-Nd:YAG laser. The laser cleaving experiment of silicon wafer is conducted with Nd:YAG laser, then the width of thermal affected zone on the irradiated surface, the roughness of fractured surface and the deviation of cleaving trajectory are measured. The silicon oxide is caused on the surface of wafer in the room temperature, but the refrigerating chuck can prevent the thermal damage and improve the reliability of the cleaving process. By use of the chuck, the smooth fractured surface is achieved and the linearity of the cleaving trajectory is also improved. 続きを見る


田中, 隆太郎 ; 林, 勇伝 ; 田邉, 一真 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 細川, 晃
出版情報: 精密工学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society of Precision Engineering.  73  pp.1025-1029,  2007-09-05.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/38916
概要: This study deals with the trial for improvement of chip controllability in turning with selective laser heat treatment for workpiece. Selective heat treatment for carbon steel JIS S45C was carried out with Nd:YAG laser which could be transmitted through an optical fiber and shows higher absorption rate against carbon steels than CO2 laser. In turning of these selective laser heat threatened carbon steel, the chip form changed regular curl from irregular curl and chip breakability was improved compared with non-laser treated carbon steel. Surface roughness was obviously smaller comparing with non-laser treated carbon steel. Especially in the case that the depth of cut was larger, the surface roughness was smaller. As for cutting force, the principal force was slightly smaller, but the thrust force and feed force were almost the same. The cutting temperature was slightly lower. The tool wear was almost same as that in the case of non-laser treated carbon steel. 続きを見る


上田, 隆司 ; 鳥居, 明人 ; 中村, 示 ; 杉田, 忠彰
出版情報: 精密工学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society of Precision Engineering.  55  pp.2273-2276,  1989-12-05.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/38880


山田, 啓司 ; Hery, Mochtady ; 平出, 寛明 ; 細川, 晃 ; 上田, 隆司
出版情報: 精密工学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society of Precision Engineering.  69  pp.1487-1491,  2003-10-05.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/38915
概要: Microlens is a key component in the fields of optical communication, data storage and digital display. Integration of microlenses and optical devices is also required for weight saving, reduction in assembly cost and higher accurate alignment. This paper deals with the development of a novel method to fabricate spherical microlenses and microlens arrays. In this method, microlenses are formed on the surface of acrylate resin which is used as sealing material for the optical devices such as photodetectors, laser diodes, CCD image sensors and so on. Microlenses are fabricated under several conditions, and the influences of process parameters on the dimension of microlenses are investigated. The fabricated microlens and microlens array have the appropriate shape, surface finish and alignment so as to condense light. 続きを見る


上田, 隆司 ; 鳥居, 明人 ; 山田, 啓司
出版情報: 精密工学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society of Precision Engineering.  60  pp.1616-1620,  1994-11-05.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/38827
概要: In surface grinding of steel, the temperature in the surface layer of the workpiece and the temperature of cutting grains on wheel surface are measured by means of a new method, in which an optical fiber accepts the infrared flux radiated from the object and transmits it to an infrared detector InAs cell. This I.R.P. is suitable for measuring the temperature of a very small object whose temperature changes rapidly. The influence of the physical properties of workpiece and grinding conditions on the grinding temperature and the thermal partition coefficient are investigated. A carbon steel, a stainless steel and a cast iron are used as work materials. The thermal partition coefficients obtained by experimental results are compared with those obtained theoretically. 続きを見る


上田, 隆司 ; 山田, 啓司 ; 及川, 志郎 ; 細川, 晃
出版情報: 精密工学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society of Precision Engineering.  67  pp.300-305,  2001-02-05.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/39083
概要: Laser forming is the thermal process to deform a metal plate using the thermal stress produced by the rapid heating with the laser. In this study, the influence of irradiating conditions of CO2 laser on the bending angle of the workpiece is investigated. The temperature at the back surface of the workpiece irradiated with CO2 laser is measured using a two-color pyrometer with an optical fiber. The temperature distribution in the workpiece is calculated using the FEM thermal analysis. Simple bending experiments with one-way laser scanning are carried out. Stainless steel SUS304 of various thickness is used as work material. The results obtained are as follows. The bending angle is proportional to the temperature of the workpiece irradiated. The temperature of workpiece increases with the increase of laser power, the decrease of feed rate of the laser beam and the decrease of plate thickness. After all, the bending angle becomes larger with the increase of laser power, the decrease of the feed rate and the decrease of the thickness of the plate. The temperature of the workpiece can be used as a signal to control the deformation of the workpiece. 続きを見る


千徳, 英介 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 細川, 晃
出版情報: 精密工学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society of Precision Engineering.  74  pp.166-170,  2008-02-05.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/39084
概要: Laser leveling is an application of laser forming. Laser leveling of a sheet metal is a plastic process caused by therma l stresses which are produced in the sheet by laser irradiation. In this paper, a sphereical distortion on a sheet metal is leveled by laser irradiation. As a model of a circular distortion, the dsitortion is intentionally introduced on the sheet metal by pressing a steel ball of 25 mm radius against it. As work materials, steel sheet and stainless steel sheet whose thickness is 0.6mm are used. Laser beam is radially irradiated at the center of circular distortion for leveling the distorted sheet metal. Continuous CO2 laser beam is used and its power is changed at the range of 80W ∼ 200W under a constant scanning speed of 2mm/s. After laser irradiation, a distortion of about 400µm hight becomes almost flat without melting a sheet metal. 続きを見る


佐藤, 昌彦 ; 上田, 隆司
出版情報: 精密工学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society of Precision Engineering.  67  pp.1850-1855,  2001-11-05.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/38881
概要: In this paper, the activity of effective cutting grains in cutting of work and the activity of effective cutting grains in generation of finished surface are described. The former was investigated by the measurement of wheel surface temperature immediately after grinding using infrared radiation pyrometer with an optical fiber and the latter was investigated by the measurement of finished surface roughness using three-dimensional surface roughness tracer respectively. These activity of cutting grains in the whole circumference of wheel surface was clarified. The results obtained are as follows: 1) Cutting grains which have effective concern with cutting of work certainly act in every rotation of wheel. 2) The number of effective cutting grains in cutting of work increases as wheel depth of cut increases. 3) Cross-sectional shape of scratch toward grinding direction on the finished surface accurately correspond in the every period of one circumference of wheel in the order of sub-micrometer. 4) Finished surface is generated by some identical cutting grains even when wheel depth of cut increases. 続きを見る


上田, 隆司 ; 佐藤, 昌彦 ; 杉田, 忠彰
出版情報: 精密工学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society of Precision Engineering.  61  pp.1448-1452,  1995-10-05.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/38879
概要: Temperature of interface between a cutting tool and a workpiece is measured using two-color pyrometer with a fused fiber coupler. A conical tool is used as the cutting tool which is made of translucent alumina sintered under HIP, and 0.55% carbon steel is used as a workpiece. The infrared rays radiated from the interface and transmitted through the conical tool are accepted by a fused fiber coupler and led to two infrared detectors of different spectral sensitivity. Temperature is obtained by calculating the ratio of the output voltage from these two detectors. The results obtained are as follows. The temperature increases very rapidly and reaches 1000°C at about 40 μs after the beginning of cutting. The rate of increase of temperature is very great : about 108 °C/s at the cutting speed of 1 500 m/min. The temperature increases with the increase of cutting speed, but at a speed faster than 1000 m/min its influence is small. The temperature shows a tendency to saturate about 1300-1400°C as the cutting speed increases. 続きを見る


上田, 隆司 ; 山田, 啓司 ; 杉田, 忠彰
出版情報: 精密工学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society of Precision Engineering.  56  pp.1452-1455,  1990-08-05.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/39418


上田, 隆司 ; 金曽, 久佳 ; 松森, 昇 ; 杉田, 忠彰
出版情報: 精密工学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society of Precision Engineering.  57  pp.1229-1234,  1991-07-05.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/39427


嶋村, 公二 ; 細川, 晃 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 政, 誠一
出版情報: 精密工学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society of Precision Engineering.  76  pp.1182-1187,  2010-01-01.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/39410
概要: The UBMS (UnBalanced Magnetron Sputtering) method is applied to the coated end mills and some kinds of such tools are used in high-speed milling of SUS304. This coating film is designed to improve lubricating ability rather than heat resistance. TiCN film deposited by UBMS method (U-TiCN) has smooth surface and low coefficient of friction. XPS analysis reveals that the U-TiCN film includes many free carbons rather than carbide phases, and this structure acts as lubricant as well as thermoprotective film. Long tool life and good finished surface quality are obtained with U-TiCN coated end mills than standard commercially available coated end mills in high-speed side milling without coolant. An U-TiCN end mills having a low coefficient of friction suppress adhesion of workpiece material and overlap of chips to the cutting edge. 続きを見る


古本, 達明 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 小林, 直人 ; 細川, 晃 ; 田中, 隆太郎 ; 阿部, 諭
出版情報: 精密工学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society of Precision Engineering.  76  pp.173-177,  2010-01-01.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/39089
概要: The consolidation characteristics of ferrous based powder for Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) and Selective Laser Melting (SLM) are described. Yb : fiber laser beam is applied to obtained the high quality layered structure. In order to investigate the influence of laser conditions on consolidation quality of the layered structure, the maximum temperature at irradiation area of a laser beam is measured with a two-color pyrometer. In addition, the cross section of layered structure and the specific cutting force with dynamometer is evaluated for the optimization of the quality of consolidated structure. The result shows that the consolidated structure was changed with the energy density and the time interval of the laser beam scan. The maximum temperature during laser irradiation was not influenced by the previous laser beam scan when the time interval between the laser beam scan is over 50ms. The pore on the consolidated structure decreased with the increase of energy density, however superfluous supply of energy density caused the precipitation of carbon from the ferrous powder. The specific cutting force of the consolidated structure was greatly related to the ratio of consolidation. 続きを見る


山田, 啓司 ; 大礒, 桂一 ; 細川, 晃 ; 上田, 隆司
出版情報: 精密工学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society of Precision Engineering.  67  pp.1861-1865,  2001-11-05.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/39093
概要: The thermal stress cleaving of silicon wafer with a laser beam is a prospective technique, which supersedes the mechanical dicing. This method makes it possible to cut a wafer at very high production rate in comparison with the diamond thin blade wheel and to protect the wafer from the contamination of cutting coolant and chips. In this paper, the cleaving mechanism of silicon wafer irradiated with the pulsed Nd:YAG laser is investigated. The temperature at the area irradiated with laser is measured using two-color pyrometer with an optical fiber. The acoustic emission is also measured to examine the mechanism of the crack propagation. In the process, the temperature at the area irradiated with laser should be controlled in order to reduce the thermal damages and to improve the cleaving accuracy. 続きを見る


細川, 晃 ; 織田, 正人 ; 眞下, 和史 ; 佐久間, 邦郎 ; 山田, 啓司 ; 上田, 隆司
出版情報: 精密工学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society of Precision Engineering.  69  pp.258-262,  2003-02-05.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/39092
概要: In this study, a new technique of in-process evaluation of the wheel surface is proposed. Five specified wheel surfaces are prepared as the references via the appropriate dressing procedure, and grinding sounds generated by these wheels are discrimi-nated by analyzing the dynamic frequency spectrum with a neural network technique. In the case of conventional vitrified-bonded alumina wheel, grinding sound can be identified under the optimum network configuration in such that learning rate is 0.0029 and number of hidden layer is 420. This system can recognize instantaneously the difference of the wheel surface in a good degree of accuracy insofar as the dressing conditions are relatively widely changed. In addition, the network perceives the wheel wear because the grain tips are flattened as grinding proceeds and the grinding sound resembles to that of the wheel generated with lower dressing feed. 続きを見る


山田, 啓司 ; 加藤, 寛満 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 細川, 晃 ; 田中, 隆太郎
出版情報: 精密工学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society of Precision Engineering.  76  pp.1283-1287,  2010-01-01.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/39088
概要: Micro machining of single-crystalline silicon is performed with the second-harmonic of Nd:YAG laser in this study. In experiments, various shapes of plastic microlens are fabricated on a transparent substrate by the developed die-less method. These microlenses are shaped by thermal deformation induced by the Er:YAG laser beam absorbable for the acrylate resin. And then, these lenses are used as optical devices to generate the local high energy density desired for machining of silicon in air and water. Machining characteristics are investigated in the single groove machining process, and the grid groove pattern and the herringbone pattern are formed to demonstrate the feasibility of proposed methods. 続きを見る


山田, 啓司 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 堀居, 直幸 ; 細川, 晃 ; 田中, 隆太郎
出版情報: 精密工学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society of Precision Engineering.  74  pp.150-154,  2008-02-05.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/39087
概要: Water spraying is usually used in the removal of hard dental tissue with laser for the clinical cavity preparation which is previous to the prosthesis. However, the effect of water on the dental tissue irradiated with laser has not been evaluated quantitatively. In this paper, the cavity preparation is performed for human dentin tissue with Nd:YAG laser and Er:YAG laser to investigate the effects of water. The thermal damages caused on dentin tissue are microscopically observed and the perforatability is evaluated from the dimensions of cavity perforated. The thermal damages caused on dentin tissue is reduced by water, especially very fine cavity can be achieved in the cavity preparation with Er:YAG laser, while the perforatability with laser beam is decreased by water. The audible sound pressure level is also measured to investigate the feasibility of sound monitoring as the removal-monitoring method. It is found that the sound pressure level increases linearly with the extent of removed dental tissue. 続きを見る


山田, 啓司 ; 小谷, 祐司 ; 上田, 隆司
出版情報: 精密工学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society of Precision Engineering.  65  pp.123-130,  1999-01-05.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/39331
概要: The temperature of workpiece irradiated with CO2 laser is measured using a new type of infrared radiation pyrometer with an optical fiber. In the pyrometer, a chalcogenide optical fiber and a two-color detector which consists of InSb and InAs detector are used. The power intensity of the laser beam during the exposure time and the two dimensional picture of the intensity distribution of the laser beam are measured experimentally. The measuring system for the intensity distribution of laser beam consists of MCT cell and an optical fiber. The temperature distribution on the workpiece irradiated with laser is calculated numerically using FEM for unsteady state. The change of physical properties of materials is considered. Comparing the experimental results with the calculated ones, the absorptivity of the work material for CO2 laser is obtained. 続きを見る


上田, 隆司 ; 入山, 孝宏 ; 杉田, 忠彰
出版情報: 精密工学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society of Precision Engineering.  61  pp.278-282,  1995-02-05.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/39082
概要: A new type of Infrared Radiation Pyrometer using a fused fiber coupler is made, and its characteristics are investigated theoretically and experimentally. This pyrometer can be applied to measure the flush temperature of a small area on ceramics (PSZ) when it is irradiated with CO2 laser. In this pyrometer, the infrared rays radiated from the object are accepted by an optical fiber, and divided into two parts and transmitted to the two types of infrared detectors by a fused fiber coupler. The temperature is obtained by calculating the ratio of the output voltages from these two detectors. The characteristics of this pyrometer are as follows. It is possible to measure the temperature with controlling the disturbance of the emissivity. When the object has a surface of uniform temperature, the measuring temperature does not depend on the size of the object. In the case when the object has the distribution in temperature, it is possible to estimate the maximum temperature correctly from the experimental results. 続きを見る


上田, 隆司 ; 山田, 啓司 ; 古本, 達明
出版情報: 精密工学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society of Precision Engineering.  66  pp.1388-1393,  2000-09-05.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/39085
概要: The flash temperature of a dental hard tissue irradiated with pulsed Nd:YAG laser is measured using a two-color pyromete r with an optical fiber. This pyrometer consists of a chalcogenide optical fiber and a laminated infrared detector. The influence of the laser power on the temperature of the dental tissue is investigated, and the relationship between the laser power and the removal volume of the dental tissue is obtained. In order to examine the thermal damage on the dental tissue, hardness and bending strength of the tissue are measured after being heated electrically at various temperatures. FEM thermal analysis is conducted to estimate the temperature distribution in a teeth and to discuss the influence of heat flux on the dental pulp. The results obtained are as follows. The appearance of the tissue begins to change at about 150°C and its hardness decreases with the increase of temperature. Its bending strength starts to decrease at about 50°C. Only the carious tissue can be removed from the cavity due to the large difference of energy absorptivity between the tissue and the carious one. It is possible to protect the dental pulp from thermal damage, because the temperature gradient in the teeth is very steep due to the small thermal conductivity of the dental tissue. 続きを見る


上田, 隆司 ; 大野, 誉洋 ; 坂本, 智
出版情報: 精密工学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society of Precision Engineering.  62  pp.1014-1018,  1996-07-05.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/39424
概要: The machining damage done to the surface of ceramics by superfinishing is investigated experimentally. The bending strength of the ceramics finished is measured. The influence of the grain size and the finishing conditions on the bending strength is investigated. The work materials used are alumina Al2O3 sintered under atmospheric pressure and Mn-Zn ferrite sintered under HIP. The results are as follows. Superfinishing is very effective in removing the machining damage and improving the bending strength of the ground ceramic. Using a finer grain under lower stone pressure makes it possible to remove the work material as chips by plastic deformation and decrease the machining damage on the surface. It is estimated that the bending strength is influenced by the median cracks which are formed under the bottom of the groove by active grains. It is possible to increase the bending strength, using the stone under the condition of glazing. 続きを見る


上田, 隆司 ; 金曽, 久佳 ; 大野, 誉洋 ; 杉田, 忠彰
出版情報: 精密工学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society of Precision Engineering.  62  pp.418-422,  1996-03-05.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/39421
概要: Influence of the grain size of diamond stone on the superfinishing performances is investigated experimentally. The mechanism of chip formation is investigated by observing the shape of chips and the finished surfaces of workpiece with scanning electron microscope. The work materials used are alumina (Al2O3), silicon carbide (SiC), silicon nitride (Si3N4) and zirconia (ZrO2), which are sintered under the atmospheric pressure, and Mn-Zn ferrite, which is sintered under HIP. The grain size of stone is changed from # 500 to # 8 000. The results are as follows. The diamond stone with suitable bonding strength makes it possible to remove the work material as chips even if its grain size is finer than # 1 000. Two types of chips are obserbed; one is the crack-type chips which are made by brittle fracture, and the other is the flow-type chips which are made by plastic deformation. As the grain size of stone becomes smaller, the shape of chips changes from crack-type to flow-type. The critical grain size is dependent on the work materials and it becomes smaller in the order of ZrO2, Mn-Zn ferrite, Al2O3, Si3N4 and SiC. The condition of making the flow-type chips is important to obtain the mirror surface of ceramics. 続きを見る


上田, 隆司 ; 佐久間, 邦郎
出版情報: 精密工学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society of Precision Engineering.  63  pp.1039-1043,  1997-07-05.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/39415
概要: In order to improve the sound environment in workshop, the quality of machining noise which is produced in honing operat ion is investigated using Semantic Differential. The noises produced in milling and forging operations are used to compare with the honing sound. The main results obtained are follows. The coordinate of semantic space is derived using factor analysis : its first factor, “powerful” factor; and second factor, “metallic” factor. But it is not easy to find an appropriate index for third factor of “pleasant” in these machining sounds. These three sounds have high loadings on “powerful” factor, and the impression of “powerful” factor increases in the order of honing, forging and milling. Forging and honing sounds have high loadings on “metallic” factor, but the milling sound has low loadings on it. As the sound pressure increases, the impression of “powerful” and “metallic” factors becomes stronger. 続きを見る


上田, 隆司 ; 荻野, 健太郎 ; 山田, 啓司 ; 細川, 晃 ; 佐藤, 昌彦
出版情報: 精密工学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society of Precision Engineering.  68  pp.430-434,  2002-01-01.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/38818
概要: The water-solution type coolant is used instead of ordinary. oil type coolant and the effect of the coolant on the finishing is investigated experimentally. As work materials, titanium, titanium alloies and Ni-based alloy are used. Electrolytic in-process dressing is employed to promote the ability of metal removal because the water-solution type coolant is inferior to that of oil type one in the permeability. The specific cutting energy k s of these materials are compared with k s of a bearing steel in order to evaluate the machinability of the work materials. The results obtained are as follows. The superfinishing opera-tion using a water-solution type coolant is the effective method to finish the surface of these difficult-to-cut materials when the electrolytic in-process dressing is applied together. The suitable conditions in electrolytic dressing for each work material are obtained, and the titanium which has the highest adhesive property needs the strongest electrolysis among the work materials used in this study. The electrolytic-in-process dressing makes it possible to maintain the cutting ability of the finer grain size stone for a long time, and to obtain the mirror surface of Incoloy 800 with #8000 SD diamond stone. 続きを見る


山田, 啓司 ; 上田, 隆司 ; 上野, 康晴 ; 舟田, 義則 ; 粟津, 薫 ; 杉田, 忠彰
出版情報: 精密工学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society of Precision Engineering.  63  pp.1735-1740,  1997-12-05.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/39332
概要: In order to evaluate the mechanical properties of diamond-like carbon(DLC) thin films formed on the substrate of single crystal copper or aluminum by EBD, the indentation test using Vickers diamond is carried out both in an ultramicro hardness tester and in a computer. Experimental results obtained are compared with those obtained by MD simulation. The natural vibration of carbon atoms in DLC model made by MD simulation using Tersoff potential energy coincides well with the Raman spectra of the DLC film which is measured to characterize the structure. MD simulation makes it possible to observe the mechanical phenomena occurred in the DLC film in the order of atomic scale during the indentation process, and to determine the raw hardness of DLC thin film by means of subtracting the influence of the substrate from the experimental result. 続きを見る