

Doui, Misato ; Mikage, Masayuki ; Kawahara, Nobuo ; 堂井, 美里 ; 御影, 雅幸
出版情報: Journal of Traditional Medicines.  30  pp.62-71,  2013.  和漢医薬学会 = Medical and Pharmaceutical Society for WAKAN-YAKU
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00053039
概要: 金沢大学医薬保健研究域薬学系<br />日本では, ショウガの乾燥品を 「生姜」, 湯煎または蒸製品を 「乾姜」 としているが, これらの品質は加工方法の違いに影響される。 我々はショウガの色彩の変化は加熱方法により異なり, その変化は 6 -shogaol の 6-gingerol に対する割合 ([S/G]) と相関していることを明らかにした。 すなわち, 蒸製品の a* 値 (赤み) と 6-shogaol の 6-gingerol に対する割合 ([S/G]) の間に正の相関が認められたが, 湯煎品では成分比によらず a* 値はほぼ一定であった。 また, 180℃での加熱品では [S/G] と a* 値に対数曲線上の相関が認められた。 本研究では, 上述の結果を応用して市場品 「生姜」, 「乾姜」 の品質評価を行なった。  その結果, 大半の 「生姜」 の a* 値は [S/G] と対数曲線上の相関が認められたが, 表面に白味を帯びた検体の a* 値は 2 以下となり, 曲線と離れた場所に位置した。 一方 「乾姜」 の a* 値と [S/G] の関係は, 正の相関を成すもの, [S/G] に関わらず a* 値が 9 付近のもの, a* 値が 8 以下のものの 3 パターンに分かれた。 これらの調製法は順に蒸製, 湯煎, 低温での湯煎品であると判断した。 以上, 色彩と [S/G] の値から調製法が予測できることを明らかにした。<br />In Japan, dried ginger is called shokyo, and ginger dried after soaked in hot water or steamed is called kankyo. The quality of processed ginger might be affected by the processing methods. Previously, we reported that the heating method used to process fresh ginger affected the color of the resultant product and how its color was correlated with its 6-shogaol to 6-gingerol ratio ([S/G]); i.e., the a* value (indicating redness) of steamed ginger positively correlated with its [S/G], the a* value of ginger soaked in hot water remained constant regardless of its [S/G], and the a* value of ginger heated at 180°C displayed a logarithmic correlation with [S/G]. In this paper, we used the above results to evaluate the quality of shokyo and kankyo products on the market. As a result, we found that the a* values of most shokyo products logarithmically correlated with their [S/G]. However, shokyo products with whitish surfaces displayed a* values of less than + 2, and their a* values and [S/G] showed no correlations. Meanwhile, kankyo products were divided into 3 groups by the relationships between the a* values and [S/G]; i.e., samples whose a* values correlated with their [S/G], those with a* values around + 9, and those with a* values less than + 8. These kankyo samples might be produced by steaming, soaking in hot water, and soaking in warm water, respectively. Therefore, we confirmed that the combination of color values and [S/G] could be used to infer processing methods of ginger products. © 2013, Medical and Pharmaceutical Society for WAKAN-YAKU. All rights reserved. 続きを見る


Fukazawa, Ayako ; Yamaguchi, Masaya ; Takano, Fumihide ; Mikage, Masayuki ; 御影, 雅幸
出版情報: Journal of Traditional Medicines.  29  pp.18-24,  2012.  和漢医薬学会 = Medical and Pharmaceutical Society for WAKAN-YAKU
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00053040
概要: 金沢大学医薬保健研究域薬学系<br />Jatyadi Taila(J)はアーユルヴェーダ(インド伝統医学)で用いられる薬用オイルであり,特に薬線Kshara Sutraを用いた痔瘻手術の際に用いられている。この手術方法は日本へも導入されて いるが,Jについては薬理作用,毒性および術後処置について未だ明らかにされていない。そこで本研究では,培養ヒト表皮角化細胞におけるケモカイン・インターロイキン(IL)-8の産出および細胞増殖作用に対するJの効果を調査した。さらにJの代替品として紫雲膏および中黄膏を構成する生薬に基づいたオイルを調製することを試みた。JはTPAで共刺激された角化細胞中のIL-8 産出に影響を及ぼさなかったが,強い細胞毒性を示した。鬱金で作ったオイルは角化細胞中のIL-8産出および細胞毒性を示した。鬱金および黄柏で作ったオイルはIL-8産出を抑える傾向を示した。Jのメタノール画分は細胞毒性を示さずIL-8産出を抑制した。ゴマ油や紫根で作ったオイルのメタノール画分は有意に角化細胞を増殖させたが,IL-8産出に影響を及ぼさなかった。以上よりJは角化細胞の炎症反応の調節を通じて皮膚炎を抑制する可能性があることが示された。紫雲膏や中黄膏に基づいたオイルがKshara Sutraによる手術を受けた患者に役立つ可能性がある。<br />An Ayurvedic medicated oil, Jatyadi Taila (J), is known to be used in Ayurveda (Indian traditional medicine), especially for anal fistula surgery involving the medicated thread Kshara Sutra. Although this surgical method has been introduced into Japan, the pharmacological efficacy, toxicity and postoperative care for J remain unclear. In this study, we investigated the effects of this oil on production of the chemokine interleukin (IL)-8 as well as cell proliferation in cultured human epidermal keratinocytes. We also attempted to create an oil for Kshara Sutra based on Kampo ointments such as shiunko and chuoko, instead of J. J itself did not affect IL-8 production in keratinocytes co-stimulated with TPA, but showed a strong cytotoxicity toward this cell line. Among the tested oils, oil of turmeric resulted in suppression of not only IL-8 production but also cell growth in cultured keratinocytes. Oil of turmeric and Phellodendri Cortex showed a tendency to suppress IL-8 production under the same condition. The methanol-eluted fractions of J suppressed IL-8 production without any significant cytotoxicity. The methanol fraction of the oil from sesame or Lithospermi Radix significantly enhanced the proliferation of keratinocytes without IL-8 production. These findings indicate that the Ayurvedic oil J may have potential for suppression of skin inflammation through regulation of the keratinocyte inflammatory response. It is further proposed that Japanese Taila based on shiunko and chuoko might be useful for Kshara Sutra surgery in patients. © 2012, Medical and Pharmaceutical Society for WAKAN-YAKU. All rights reserved. 続きを見る


Han, Yan ; Kitaoka, Fumiyo ; Mano, Masumi ; Sasaki, Yohei ; Mikage, Masayuki ; 御影, 雅幸
出版情報: Journal of Traditional Medicines.  30  pp.91-101,  2013.  和漢医薬学会 = Medical and Pharmaceutical Society for WAKAN-YAKU
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00053041
概要: 金沢大学医薬保健研究域薬学系<br />漢方生薬 「威霊仙」 はキンポウゲ科のセンニンソウ属植物の地下部に由来する。 近年の生薬市場には多数の原植物に由来する威霊仙が見られるが, 日・中の薬局方では原植物を Clematis hexapet ala, C. mandshurica および C. chinensisの 3 種であると規定している。 現在日本, 中国及び韓国市場の威霊仙の原植物を明らかにする目的で, 東アジアに産するセンニンソウ属植物のうち関連する 9 分類群について, 分子生物学的に ITS 領域を検討した。 その結果, ITS 全領域の塩基配列を検討することにより, 9 分類群を区別することができた。 以上の結果から, 現在市場で入手した11サンプルの威霊仙を分子遺伝学的に同定することができた。 すなわち, 日本市場品は 4 サンプルのうち 3 つは C. mandshurica で, 1 つは C. chinensis であった。 中国市場品 4 サンプルのうち 2 つは C. mandshurica で, 他の 2 つは C. brachyura であった。 韓国産 3 サンプルのうち 2 つは C. mandshurica で, 他の 1 つは C. terniflora var. robusta であった。<br />Clematidis Radix (Wei Ling Xian in Chinese and Ireisen in Japanese) is a crude drug used in traditional Chinese medicine and is derived from the underground parts of Clematis plants, which belong to the family Ranunculaceae. The Clematidis Radix sold in modern markets is derived from a variety of botanical origins, whereas the Chinese and Japanese pharmacopoeias state that Clematidis Radix should be produced from Clematis hexapetala, C. mandshurica, or C. chinensis. To clarify the botanical origin of this crude drug, 9 closely related taxa of the genus Clematis growing in East Asia were subjected to molecular biological studies of their internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions. We found that the ITS region nucleotide sequences of the 9 taxa had diverged. As a result, the 9 taxa could be successfully differentiated by comparing their whole ITS region sequences. Based on this result, 11 Clematidis Radix samples obtained from modern Japanese, Chinese, and Korean markets were genetically identified as follows: Of the samples from Japanese markets, 3 out of 4 were categorized as C. mandshurica, and one as C. chinensis. Among the samples from Chinese markets, 2 out of 4 were identified as C. mandshurica, and the other two as C. brachyura. Meanwhile, of the 3 samples from Korean markets, two were identified as C. mandshurica, and the other as C. terniflora var. robusta. © 2013, Medical and Pharmaceutical Society for WAKAN-YAKU. All rights reserved. 続きを見る


Okutsu, Kayu ; Kurotani, Arisa ; Sasaki, Yohei ; Mikage, Masayuki ; 御影, 雅幸
出版情報: Journal of Traditional Medicines.  30  pp.206-214,  2013.  和漢医薬学会 = Medical and Pharmaceutical Society for WAKAN-YAKU
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00053042
概要: 金沢大学医薬保健研究域薬学系<br />アーユルヴェーダではアリシュタという薬酒が広く利用されている。 日本の薬酒が酒に生薬を浸漬し作られるチンキ剤であるのに対し, アリシュタは生薬の煎液をアルコール発酵させて作られる。 発酵による生薬の成 分変化が, チンキ剤にはないアリシュタ独自の効能に寄与していると予想される。 本研究では, アリシュタとチンキ剤の相違点を明らかにすることを目的とし, 生姜, 大棗, ヒハツから製造したアリシュタ及びチンキ剤のピペリン及び [6]-ジンゲロール含量を HPLC により比較した。 アリシュタ中のピペリン含量はチンキ剤より高く14.6 mg/l であり, 製造過程で大きな変化は見られなかった。 一方アリシュタ中の [6]-ジンゲロール含量は11.3 mg/l とチンキ剤の50%以下であり, 製造過程において [6]-ジンゲロールが減少していた。 そこで [6]-ジンゲロールを添加した酵母培養液を LC-MS/MS 分析し, 酵母によるジンゲロールの代謝物を調べた。 その結果, ジンゲロールが酵母により [6]-ショウガオールなど 4 つの化合物に代謝されていることが示唆され, 同様の化合物がアリシュタにも含まれることが明らかになった。<br />In Ayurveda, practitioners use a herbal liquor called Arishta to treat patients suffering with emaciation or indigestion. Arishta is produced by decocting various herbs and then subjecting the resultant liquid to alcoholic fermentation. During the alcoholic fermentation stage, the constituents of Arishta change chemically, which would also alter the medicinal effects of Arishta. In order to characterize the components of Arishta, we investigated the differences between the compositions of Arishta and a tincture (an alcohol-soaked herbal liquor). First, we attempted to prepare Arishta in our laboratory from ginger, jujube, and long pepper and compared the piperine and [6]-gingerol contents of Arishta with those of the abovementioned tincture using HPLC. The alcohol content of the laboratory-made Arishta (LM-Arishta) was 15%, which was almost the same as that of the Arishta sold in Sri Lanka. The piperine content of the LM-Arishta was 14.6 mg/l, which was slightly higher than that of the tincture. It seems that decoction is more effective way to extract piperine than ethanol immersion. However, [6]-gingerol content of the LM-Arishta was 11.3 mg/l, which was less than 50% of that of the tincture. Subsequently, we incubated [6]-gingerol with yeast in culture medium to search [6]-gingerol metabolites. LC-MS/MS analysis suggested that [6]-gingerol is transformed to 4 metabolites such as [6]-shogaol and 3 or 5 acetoxy-[6]-gingerdiol during alcoholic fermentation. These metabolites were also detected in LM-Arishta and thus, it was suggested that [6]-gingerol was metabolized during LM-Arishta making. © 2013, Medical and Pharmaceutical Society for WAKAN-YAKU. All rights reserved. 続きを見る


Shi, Wen ; Kitaoka, Fumiyo ; Doui, Misato ; Miyake, Katsunori ; Sasaki, Yohei ; Kakiuchi, Nobuko ; Mikage, Masayuki ; 堂井, 美里 ; 垣内, 信子 ; 御影, 雅幸
出版情報: Journal of Traditional Medicines.  29  pp.63-73,  2012.  和漢医薬学会 = Medical and Pharmaceutical Society for WAKAN-YAKU
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00053043
概要: 金沢大学医薬保健研究域薬学系<br />日本薬局方ではアカネ科 Uncaria sinensis Havil., U. rhynchophylla Miq. 及び U. macrophylla Wall. の鉤を釣藤鉤として規定している。 釣藤鉤には異なる薬効を示すインドール及びオキシインドールアルカロイドが含まれているが, これらの組成は原植物の違いにより特徴的に異なるとされる。 しかし, Uncaria 属植物のアルカロイド組成に影響を与える要因については報告されていない。 本研究では, 広域で採集した Uncaria 属植物の種を DNA 塩基配列により正確に同定した後に, アルカロイド (rhynchophylline, geissoschizine methyl ether 及び hirsutine) 含量を HPLC 法により測定した。 その結果, 降水量が低い地域に生育する U. rhynchophyllaの鉤及び茎にアルカロイド含量が高い傾向が認められた。 また, 同一種であっても, 栽培品と野生品のアルカロイド組成は異なり, 市場品 「釣藤鉤」 には rhynchophylline 優位のタイプと geissoschizine methyl ether と hirsutine 優位のタイプの 2 種が確認された。 加えて, 釣藤鉤の原植物を正確に同定するために, DNA 塩基配列解析及び PCR-RFLP 法を用いた分子系統学的手法を確立した。<br />The Japanese Pharmacopoeia states that the crude drug Chotoko is composed of the hooks of Uncaria rhynchophylla Miq., U. sinensis Havil., and U. macrophylla Wall., all of which belong to the Rubiaceae family. It has been reported that the indole and oxindole type alkaloids contained in Chotoko have different pharmacological effects, and Chotoko products derived from different species are composed of different alkaloids. However, there are no reports about the factors affecting the chemical compositions of Uncaria plants. In this study, we analyzed the alkaloid contents (the rhynchophylline, geissoschizine methyl ether, and hirsutine contents) of Uncaria samples collected from a broad range of sites by HPLC after identifying their species by DNA sequence analysis. As a result, we found that the hooks and small stems of U. rhynchophylla grown in habitats with lower annual precipitation levels tended to display higher alkaloid contents. We also found that the alkaloid compositions of cultivated Uncaria plants were different from those of wild plants, even those belonging to the same species, and crude Chotoko products displayed two types of alkaloid profile, the rhynchophylline-rich type and the geissoschizine methyl ether and hirsutine-rich type. Moreover, in order to accurately identify the botanical origin of Chotoko, we established a method involving molecular genetics techniques; i.e., DNA sequence analysis and polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). © 2012, Medical and Pharmaceutical Society for WAKAN-YAKU. All rights reserved. 続きを見る


Tatsukawa, Sanae ; Mikage, Masayuki ; 御影, 雅幸
出版情報: Journal of Traditional Medicines.  24  pp.200-208,  2007.  和漢医薬学会 = Medical and Pharmaceutical Society for WAKAN-YAKU
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00053044
概要: 金沢大学医薬保健研究域薬学系<br />漢薬 「木通」 は, 日局でその基源がアケビ科のアケビ又はミツバアケビの蔓性の茎であると規定され, わが国での国内需要のすべては国内野生品でまかなわれている。 日本に分布する本属植物は主にアケビ, ミ ツバアケビ及びこれらの雑種とされているゴヨウアケビの 3 分類群であるが, 生薬について種の区別はなされておらず, ゴヨウアケビ由来のものも流通している可能性が高い。 また, アケビとミツバアケビについて薬理作用や成分に差が認められ, 同属植物内でも種による使い分けの必要性が示唆されている。 しかし, 日本産については生薬の形態から原植物の鑑別は不可能であるとされてきた。 そこで, 日本産本属植物3分類群の木質茎の形態学的特徴を検討し, 市場品の基源鑑別法の確立を試みた。 その結果, 木質茎表面の色, コルク組織の構造及び茎の半径とコルク層の厚みの関係において相違が認められ, 90 % 以上の精度で 3 分類群を識別できる検索表を作成した。 これにより, 日本産 「木通」 について原植物の識別がほぼ可能になり, 日本産 「木通」 の主産地である信越及び四国産にゴヨウアケビ由来品が流通していることが示唆された。<br />The Japanese Pharmacopoeia Fifteenth Edition prescribes Akebiae Caulis, Mokutsu in Japanese, should be the woody stem of Akebia quinata Decaisne and A. trifoliata Koidzumi of the family Lardizabalaceae. We examined morphologically the woody stems of 3 wild Akebia taxa growing in Japan, A. quinata, A. trifoliata, and A. × pentaphylla Makino, for the purpose of finding morphological criteria to discriminate them and for identifying Mokutsu in the market. We found that the 3 taxa could be distinguished by a combination of surface color of stem, inner morphologies of stone cells and sclerenchyma cells, etc. with an accuracy of more than 90%, though it had been reported that A. quinata and A. trifoliata could not be distinguished by only stem anatomy. Using these criteria, we found that the woody stems of all 3 Akebia taxa were circulated equally in the Japanese market. This is the first record that the stem of A. × pentaphylla is circulating in the market as Mokutsu. © 2007, Medical and Pharmaceutical Society for WAKAN-YAKU. All rights reserved. 続きを見る


Doui, Misato ; Mikage, Masayuki ; 堂井, 美里 ; 御影, 雅幸
出版情報: Journal of Traditional Medicines.  29  pp.115-123,  2012.  和漢医薬学会 = Medical and Pharmaceutical Society for WAKAN-YAKU
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00053187
概要: 金沢大学医薬保健研究域薬学系<br />日本では, ショウガ根茎に湯煎または蒸製を施したものを 「乾姜」, 中国では, 炒製ショウガを 「炮姜」 として用いている。 ショウガの加熱方法は両国で異なっており, 更に加熱程度により品質が異なる可 能性が考えられる。 ショウガは加熱により色彩が大きく変化する。 それ故, 本研究では加熱方法及び程度の違いによる修治生姜の品質の差異を明確にするために, 調製した修治生姜の色彩ならびに含有辛味成分量を測定し, 両者の相関性について検討した。 蒸製品 (St) のa* 値 (赤み) と 6-shogaol の 6-gingerol に対する割合 ([S/G]) の間に正の相関が認められた。 一方, 湯煎品 (Soh) では成分比によらず a* 値はほぼ一定であった。 更に, 180℃での加熱品 (H180) では [S/G] と a* 値に対数曲線上の相関が認められた。 また, 6-shogaol 含量と Soh のb* 値 (黄み), St の b* 値, H180 の b* 値はそれぞれ負の相関が認められた。 このことから, 色彩の測定により加熱方法, 含有成分比が予測でき, 品質を評価する上での 1 種の指標に成り得ると判断した。<br />Medicinal ginger is produced by various processes in Japan and China, e.g., ginger that has been soaked in hot water or steamed is called kankyo in Japan, and roasted ginger is called hokyo (paojiang in Chinese) in China. However, the heating method differs between the two countries, and the quality of processed ginger might be affected by differences in the heating period and strength. The color of ginger changes markedly during heating. Therefore, in this study, we analyzed the color value and pungent compound contents of our processed ginger samples and elucidated the differences in the quality of these samples. In addition, we investigated the relationship between the color values and pungent compound contents of processed ginger samples. As a result, we found that the a value (indicating redness) of steamed (St) ginger was positively correlated with its 6-shogaol to 6-gingerol ratio ([S/G]), the a* value of ginger soaked in hot water (Soh) remained constant regardless of the [S/G], and the a* value of ginger heated at 180°C (H180) was correlated on a logarithmic curve with [S/G]. In addition, the b* values (indicating yellowness) of the Soh, St, and H180 ginger samples were negatively correlated with their 6-shogaol concentrations. Therefore, we confirmed that color values are suitable indices for evaluating the quality of processed ginger because they can be used to evaluate its [S/G] ratio and the processing method by this value. © 2012, Medical and Pharmaceutical Society for WAKAN-YAKU. All rights reserved. 続きを見る


Tatsukawa, Sanae ; Mikage, Masayuki
出版情報: Journal of traditional medicines = 和漢医薬学雑誌.  24  pp.200-208,  2008-01-31.  和漢医薬学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/12181
概要: 金沢大学医薬保健研究域薬学系<br />漢薬「木通」は,日局でその基源がアケビ科のアケビ又はミツバアケビの蔓性の茎であると規定され,わが国での国内需要のすべては国内野生品でまかなわれている。日本に分布する本属植物は主にアケビ,ミツバアケビ及 びこれらの雑種とされているゴヨウアケビの3分類群であるが,生薬について種の区別はなされておらず,ゴヨウアケビ由来のものも流通している可能性が高い。また,アケビとミツバアケビについて薬理作用や成分に差が認められ,同属植物内でも種による使い分けの必要性が示唆されている。しかし,日本産については生薬の形態から原植物の鑑別は不可能であるとされてきた。そこで,日本産本属植物3分類群の木質茎の形態学的特徴を検討し,市場品の基源鑑別法の確立を試みた。その結果,木質茎表面の色,コルク組織の構造及び茎の半径とコルク層の厚みの関係において相違が認められ,90%以上の精度で3分類群を識別できる検索表を作成した。これにより,日本産「木通」について原植物の識別がほぼ可能になり,日本産「木通」の主産地である信越及び四国産にゴヨウアケビ由来品が流通していることが示唆された。 The Japanese Pharmacopoeia Fifteenth Edition prescribes Akebiae Caulis, Mokutsu in Japanese, should be the woody stem of Akebia quinata Decaisne and A. trifoliata Koidzumi of the family Lardizabalaceae. We examined morphologically the woody stems of 3 wild Akebia taxa growing in Japan, A. quinata, A. trifoliata, and A.×pentaphylla Makino, for the purpose of finding morphological criteria to discriminate them and for identifying Mokutsu in the market. We found that the 3 taxa could be distinguished by a combination of surface color of stem, inner morphologies of stone cells and sclerenchyma cells, etc. with an accuracy of more than 90%, though it had been reported that A. quinata and A. trifoliata could not be distinguished by only stem anatomy. Using these criteria, we found that the woody stems of all 3 Akebia taxa were circulated equally in the Japanese market. This is the first record that the stem of A.×pentaphylla is circulating in the market as Mokutsu. 続きを見る


Atsumi, Toshiyuki ; Kakiuchi, Nobuko ; Mikage, Masayuki
出版情報: Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin.  30  pp.1472-1476,  2007-01-01.  日本薬学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/7000
概要: 金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科生理活性物質科学<br />金沢大学薬学部<br />We determined the DNA sequences of the internal transcribed spacer 1 and 2 (ITS 1 and 2), the 5.8S rRNA gene and most of the 28S rRNA gene of Poria cocos for the first time, and conducted analysis of 20 samples including cultured mycelias and crude drug materials obtained from various localities and markets. Direct sequencing of the ITS 1 and 2 regions of the samples, except for four wild samples, showed that they had identical DNA sequences for ITS 1 and 2 with nucleotide lengths of 997 bps and 460 bps, respectively. By cloning, the four wild samples were found to have combined sequences of common ITS sequences with 1 or 2-base-pair insertions. Altogether both ITS 1 and 2 sequences were substantially longer than those of other fungal crude drugs such as Ganoderma lucidum and Polyporus umbellatus. Thus, Poria cocos could be distinguished from these crude drugs and fakes by comparing the nucleotide length of PCR products of ITS 1 and 2. Contrary to the basic homogeneity in ITS 1 and 2, three types (Group 1, 2, 3) of the 28S rRNA gene with distinctive differences in length and sequence were found. Furthermore, Group 1 could be divided into three subgroups depending on differences at nucleotide position 690. Products with different types of 28S rRNA gene were found in crude drugs from Yunnan and Anhui Provinces as well as the Korean Peninsula, suggesting that the locality of the crude drugs does not guarantee genetic uniformity. The result of DNA typing of Poria cocos may help discrimination of the quality of the crude drug by genotype. © 2007 Pharmaceutical Society of Japan. 続きを見る


Kawahara, Kazuhito ; Mikage, Masayuki
出版情報: YAKUGAKU ZASSHI = 薬学雑誌.  122  pp.117-119,  2002-01-01.  日本薬学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/6918
概要: 金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科生理活性物質科学<br />金沢大学薬学部<br />To study the quality of toad venom dried on different metal plates by heating a t 105 degrees C, each 20 g sample of fresh toad venom collected in Hei-Long-Jiang Province, China, was dried on (1) brass, (2) copper, (3) glass, (4) acrylic resins, (5) aluminum and (6) stainless-steel, respectively. Twelve bufadienolides, including bufalin and bufotalin, in each sample were then quantitatively analyzed by HPLC. The total levels of bufadienolides in 1000.0 mg of the dried samples were (1) > (2) > (3) > (4) > (5) > (6), varying from 303.44 mg to 420.72 mg. Besides, the color of dried venom became darker in the order of (2), (4), (6), (3), (1) and (5). Though (1) was not in good color, it was superior to the others in chemical quality. These results suggest that it is possible to dry toad venom in short period by heating it at a high temperature on a tray made of brass. This will be a better method for making high quality toad venom than the traditional method. Moreover, the removal of impurities in the fresh venom by the process of filtration through silk succeeded in raising the bufadienolides content significantly. 続きを見る