

edited by Ana Llinares, Tom Morton
出版情報: Amsterdam : J. Benjamins, c2017
シリーズ名: Language learning and language teaching / series editors, Birgit Harley, Jan H. Hulstijn ; v. 47
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edited by John Flowerdew and Tracey Costley
出版情報: Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge, 2017
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Introduction Tracey Costley and John Flowerdew
Investigating local sociocultural and institutional contexts for discipline-specific writing Richard W. Forest and Tracy S. Davis
Developing writing courses for specific academic purposes Helen Basturkmen
The role of grammar in the discipline-specific writing curriculum Lindsay Miller and Jack C. Richards
Approaches and perspectives on teaching vocabulary for discipline-specific academic writing Averil Coxhead
Using genre analysis to teach writing in the disciplines Sunny Hyon
Teaching writing for science and technology Jean Parkinson
Using annotated bibliographies to develop student writing in social sciences Damian Fitzpatrick and Tracey Costley
Discipline-specific writing for business students : research, practice and pedagogy Julio Gimenez
Teaching English for research publication purposes with a focus on genre, register, textual mentors and language re-use : a case study John Flowerdew and Simon Ho Wang
Introducing corpora and corpus tools into the technical writing classroom through Data-Driven Learning (DDL) Laurence Anthony
Critical literacy writing in ESP : perspectives and approaches Christian W. Chun
Towards a specific writing language assessment at Hong Kong Universities Jane Lockwood
Introduction Tracey Costley and John Flowerdew
Investigating local sociocultural and institutional contexts for discipline-specific writing Richard W. Forest and Tracy S. Davis
Developing writing courses for specific academic purposes Helen Basturkmen