

下島, 正也 ; Shimojima, Masaya
出版情報: 金沢大学十全医学会雑誌 = Journal of the Juzen Medical Society.  127  pp.49-50,  2018-07.  金沢大学十全医学会 — The Juzen Medical Society Kanazawa University
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00052712
概要: 第16回 高安賞優秀論文賞受賞<br />Scientific Reports 2017 Mar 14; 7: 44312 2017年3月掲載   Masaya Shimojima, Shinsuke Yuasa, Chikaaki Mot oda, Gakuto Yozu,   Toshihiro Nagai, Shogo Ito, Mark Lachmann, Shin Kashimura,   Makoto Takei, Dai Kusumoto, Akira Kunitomi, Nozomi Hayashiji,   Tomohisa Seki, Shugo Tohyama, Hisayuki Hashimoto,   Masaki Kodaira, Toru Egashira, Kenshi Hayashi, Chiaki Nakanishi,   Kenji Sakata, Masakazu Yamagishi & Keiichi Fukuda 続きを見る


下島, 正也 ; Shimojima, Masaya
出版情報: 博士論文要旨Abstract
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00049649
概要: 博士論文要旨Abstract 以下に掲載:Scientific Reports 44312(7) pp.1-16 2017. Nature. 共著者:Masaya Shimojima, Shinsuke Yuasa, Chikaaki Mo toda, Gakuto Yozu, Toshihiro Nagai, Shogo Ito, Mark Lachmann, Shin Kashimura, Makoto Takei, Dai Kusumoto, Akira Kunitomi, Nozomi Hayashiji, Tomohisa Seki, Shugo Tohyama, Hisayuki Hashimoto, Masaki Kodaira, Toru Egashira, Kenshi Hayashi, Chiaki Nakanishi, Kenji Sakata, Masakazu Yamagishi, Keiichi Fukuda 続きを見る


下島, 正也 ; Shimojima, Masaya
出版情報: 博士論文本文Full
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00049660
概要: 博士論文本文Full 以下に掲載:Scientific Reports 44312(7) pp.1-16 2017. Nature. 共著者:Masaya Shimojima, Shinsuke Yuasa, Chikaaki Motoda , Gakuto Yozu, Toshihiro Nagai, Shogo Ito, Mark Lachmann, Shin Kashimura, Makoto Takei, Dai Kusumoto, Akira Kunitomi, Nozomi Hayashiji, Tomohisa Seki, Shugo Tohyama, Hisayuki Hashimoto, Masaki Kodaira, Toru Egashira, Kenshi Hayashi, Chiaki Nakanishi, Kenji Sakata, Masakazu Yamagishi, Keiichi Fukuda 続きを見る


Funada, Akira ; Goto, Yoshikazu ; Tada, Hayato ; Teramoto, Ryota ; Shimojima, Masaya ; Hayashi, Kenshi ; Yamagishi, Masakazu ; 舟田 , 晃 ; 後藤, 由和 ; 多田, 隼人 ; 寺本, 了太 ; 下島, 正也 ; 林, 研至 ; 山岸, 正和
出版情報: Circulation journal.  81  pp.652-659,  2017-04-25.  Japanese Circulation Society = 日本循環器学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/48500
概要: Background:The appropriate duration of prehospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)administered by emergency medical service (EMS) providers for patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) necessary to achieve 1-month survival with favorable neurological outcome (Cerebral Performance Category 1 or 2, CPC 1–2) is unclear and could differ by age. Methods and Results:We analyzed the records of 35,709 adult OHCA patients with return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) before hospital arrival in a prospectively recorded Japanese registry between 2011 and 2014. The CPR duration was defined as the time from CPR initiation by EMS providers to prehospital ROSC. The rate of 1-month CPC 1–2 was 21.4% (7,650/35,709). The CPR duration was independently and inversely associated with 1-month CPC 1–2 (adjusted odds ratio, 0.93 per 1-min increment; 95% confidence interval, 0.93–0.94). The CPR duration increased with age (P<0.001). However, the CPR duration beyond which the proportion of OHCA patients with 1-month CPC 1–2 decreased to <1% declined with age: 28 min for patients aged 18–64 years, 25 min for 65–74 years, 23 min for 75–84 years, 20 min for 85–94 years, and 18 min for ≥95 years. Conclusions:In patients who achieved prehospital ROSC after OHCA, the duration of CPR administered by EMS providers necessary to achieve 1-month CPC 1–2 varied by age.<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


下島, 正也 ; Shimozima, Masaya
出版情報: 平成30(2018)年度 科学研究費補助金 若手研究(B) 研究成果報告書 = 2018 Fiscal Year Final Research Report.  2017-04-01 - 2019-03-31  pp.4p.-,  2019-06-11.  金沢大学附属病院救急部
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00055752
概要: エメリードレフュス型筋ジストロフィー(EDMD)の病態解明のため、原因蛋白であるエメリン、ラミン、ネスプリンをノックダウンし、核膜陥入層の評価、及び本疾患のメカニズムの解明を行った。エメリン、ラミンA/Cをノックダウンさせたラット胎仔心筋、 EDMD由来のiPS細胞を作製した。エメリン、ラミンA/Cの発現量が減少することで、核膜陥入層の減少、及び核面積が増大が認められたことより、核の構造維持にラミンA/Cが関与している可能性が示唆された。また、pERKの発現量については有意差はみられなかったものの、血清存在下にてHDAC3の核内の分布が低下することが示された。<br />Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy (EDMD) is caused by nuclear envelope protein such as emerin, lamin and nesprin. To examine the role of lamin, emerin and nesprin in cardiomyocyte, we produced EDMD-iPS derived cardiomyocyte, rat neonate cardiomyocyte during siRNA-mediated lamin, emerin and nesprin.The incidence of cardiomyocyte with nuclear invagination was significantly decreased and the nuclear size was significantly increased. These data suggest that lamin has a pivotal function in the maintenance of nuclear invagination and nuclear size. To clarify mechanism of EDMD, the expression of pERK and HDAC3 was assesed. Although the expression of pERK was not changed significantly, the distribution of HDAC3 in nuclear was decreased under horse serum condition.<br />研究課題/領域番号:17K16244, 研究期間(年度):2017-04-01 - 2019-03-31 続きを見る