

Lopatina, Olga ; Yoshihara, Toru ; Nishimura, Tomoko ; Zhong, Jing ; Akther, Shirin ; Fakhrul, Azam A.K.M. ; Liang, Mingkun ; Higashida, Chiharu ; Sumi, Kohei ; Furuhara, Kazumi ; Inahata, Yuki ; Huang, Jina-Jung ; Koizumi, Keita ; Yokoyama, Shigeru ; Tsuji, Takahiro ; Petugina, Yulia ; Sumarokov, Andrei ; Salmina, Alla B. ; Hashida, Koji ; Kitao, Yasuko ; Hori, Osamu ; Asano, Masahide ; Kitamura, Yoji ; Kozaka, Takashi ; Shiba, Kazuhiro ; Zhong, Fangfang ; Xie, Min-Jue ; Sato, Makoto ; Ishihara, Katsuhiro ; Higashida, Haruhiro ; 吉原, 亨 ; 小泉, 恵太 ; 横山, 茂 ; 北尾, 康子 ; 堀, 修 ; 浅野, 雅秀 ; 北村, 暘二 ; 小阪, 孝史 ; 柴, 和弘
出版情報: Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience.  8  pp.133-,  2014-04-22.  Frontiers Research Foundation
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00065237
概要: 金沢大学疾患モデル総合研究センター<br />CD157, known as bone marrow stromal cell antigen-1, is a glycosylphosphatidylinositolanchored ADP -ribosyl cyclase that supports the survival and function of B-lymphocytes and hematopoietic or intestinal stem cells. Although CD157/Bst1 is a risk locus in Parkinson's disease (PD), little is known about the function of CD157 in the nervous system and contribution to PD progression. Here, we show that no apparent motor dysfunction was observed in young knockout (CD157-/-) male mice under less aging-related effects on behaviors. CD157-/- mice exhibited anxiety-related and depression-like behaviors compared with wild-type mice. These behaviors were rescued through treatment with anti-psychiatric drugs and oxytocin. CD157 was weakly expressed in the amygdala and c-Fos immunoreactivity in the amygdala was less evident in CD157-/- mice than in wild-type mice. These results demonstrate for the first time that CD157 plays a role as a neuro-regulator and suggest a potential role in pre-motor symptoms in PD. © 2014 Lopatina, Yoshihara, Nishimura, Zhong, Akther, Fakhrul, Liang, Higashida, Sumi, Furuhara, Inahata, Huang, Koizumi, Yokoyama, Tsuji, Petugina, Sumarokov, Salmina, Hashida, Kitao, Hori, Asano, Kitamura, Kozaka, Shiba, Zhong, Xie, Sato, Ishihara and Higashida.<br />CC-BY 4.0 続きを見る


吉原, 亨 ; Yoshihara, Toru
出版情報: 平成25(2013)年度 科学研究費補助金 若手研究(B) 研究成果報告書 = 2013 Fiscal Year Final Research Report.  2011 – 2013  pp.5p.-,  2014-05-27. 
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00059895
概要: 金沢大学子どものこころの発達研究センター<br />本研究では,糖転移酵素に変異を持つ遺伝子改変マウスを用いた行動解析を端緒として,高次精神機能の障害やそれを一因とする精神疾患と脳内の糖鎖機能との関連について検討した.糖鎖修飾に重要な3つの 遺伝子改変マウスを用いて実験を行い,1)糖タンパクの合成に関わるガラクトース転移酵素を欠損させたマウスにおいては,不安の減弱,社会性行動と注意機能の変化を見出した.2)糖脂質の合成に関わるガラクトース転移酵素を欠損させたマウスでは軸索変性によると推察される顕著な運動障害と発育不全,これらの障害はヒトの精神疾患,神経疾患と類似するものであり,病因理解,治療法の確立に有用なモデルマウスであることが明らかとなった.<br />In this study, we focused on the functions of glycosyltransferases that acts as key factors in behavioral regulators. To reveal the relationships between those glycosyltransferases and human mental / neurological disease, we employed several strains of gene mamipulated mice and behavioral, histological and biochemical strategies were used. As result, 1) the knockout mouse related to the glycoprotein formation showed enhanced anxiety and disturbance of attention / sensory gating. 2) the knockout mouse related to the glycolipid formation showed severe motor disfunction and developmental retardation that could be explained by axonal disorganization. Therefore these behavioral phenotypes observed in several gene manipulated mice have similarities in human mental / neurological disease, we could confirm that these model mice are useful for the understanding of human disease.<br />研究課題/領域番号:23700509, 研究期間(年度):2011-2013 続きを見る