

喜成, 年泰 ; 新宅, 救徳 ; 岩木, 信男 ; 堀, 純也 ; Kinari, Toshiyasu ; Shintaku, Sukenori ; Iwaki, Nobuo ; Hori, Junnya
出版情報: 繊維機械学会誌 = Journal of the Textile Machinery Society of Japan.  48  pp.T20-T26,  1995.  日本繊維機械学会 = Textile Machinery Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00049932
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />In order to investigate the effects of temperature, relative humidity and strain rates on the stress -strain curve of spandex yarn, tensile tests were performed under many kinds of conditions including impact tests.Stres-strain curves of spandex yarn were obtained on 7 levels in temperature ranging from 243 K to 333 K.Making an approximation with a linear equation, the relation between the modulus E obtained at the temperature ranging from 273 K to 333 K and the temperature was E=E20 (1 +KTΔT). Where E20. was the modulus at 293 K in temperature (=1.0 × 10-2N/tex), KT was the coefficient that gave the change in modulus with the change of 1 K in temperature (=-1.8 x 10-2 K-1) and ΔT was the discrepancy in temperature from 293 K. Under 273 K in temperature, the increase in the modulus with the decrease in temperature was much larger than the slope of the approximate line.In relative humidity ranging from 35 to 95% RH, 5 levels of tensile tests gave the following relation ; E=E65, (1+KHΔH), where E65. was the modulus at 65% RH (= 8.0 x 10-3N/tex), KH was the coefficient that gave the changein modulus with the change of 1% in relative humidity (=7.2 × 10-3) and ΔH was the discrepancy from 65% RH.Tensile tests on 7 levels in strain rates ranging from 1.67 × 10-3 to 147s-1 were performed. The relation of E=E1 (1 +Kv, log ε) between the modulus and the strain rate was approximately expressed by a linear equation.Where E1 was the modulus at 1 s-1 in strain rate (=1.0 × 10-2 N/tex), Kv was the coefficient that gave the change in modulus with the change of one order in strain rate.<br />出版社照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


新宅, 救徳 ; 喜成, 年泰 ; 穴田, 雅 ; Shintaku, Sukenori ; Kinari, Toshiyasu ; Anada, Masaru
出版情報: 繊維機械学会誌 = Journal of the Textile Machinery Society of Japan.  44  pp.T172-T177,  1991.  日本繊維機械学会 = Textile Machinery Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00049935
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />目的 : ダブルツィスタでフィラメント撚糸を製造するときのバルーン形状および糸にかかる張力をスピンドルディスクの形状および撚糸条件から理論的に求める方法を提案するとともに実験により確認する.成果 : 1) バルーン解析により, ダブルッイスタにおける張力は無次元数Kb/m, h/bから求められる.ここでKは空気抗力に関する定数, bは糸がスピンドルを離れるところの半径, mは糸の線密度で, hはbからガイドまでのバルーン高さである.2) バルーン形成時, あるKb/m以下では糸はスピンドルディスクの円すい面に接するようにして離脱する.このとき, スピンドルディスクの頂角が大きくなるに従ってKb/mの上限値は小さくなる.3) 上記のKb/mの上限値より大きい範囲では, 糸はスピンドルディスクの上端より離脱する.このとき張力は上端の半径と同じ円柱の場合の計算値に近づく.バルーンの形状も同様である. The tension in a filament yarn twisted by two-for-one twister was calculated theoretically by use of the twisting conditions and this calculation is compared with experimental results.1) As results of analyzing the balloon theory, the yarn tension can be estimated from the nondimensional number Kb/m and h/b where K is proportional constant for air-drag, b is radius where the yarn leaves the spindle disk, m is linear density of the yarn and h is the balloon height from the point where the yarn leaves the spindle disk to the guide.2) The region of Kb/m where the yarn leaves from the conical plane decreases with increasing the apex angle of the conical spindle disk.3) For the larger value of Kb/m, the yarn takes off the upper edge of the spindle disk and tension is the same that the yarn takes off the cylindrical spindle disk that has the same radius as its upper edge.<br />出版社照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


八田, 潔 ; 喜成, 年泰 ; 新宅, 救徳 ; Hatta, Kiyoshi ; Kinari, Toshiyasu ; Shintaku, Sukenori
出版情報: 繊維機械学会誌 = Journal of the Textile Machinery Society of Japan.  52  pp.T291-T301,  1999.  日本繊維機械学会 = Textile Machinery Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00049936
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />The yarn detecting system is developed using the air pressure variation caused by a yarn running thr ough a pipe. The optimum detecting conditions for several kinds of yarns are examined. The processing technique is also investigated to judge a yarn passing through a pipe at higher degree of accuracy. The system is composed of a yarn detecting block, a pressure sensor and a personal computer. It can stably detect even 20 D spandex yarn that was impossible to be detected. Results obtained are as follows : (1) Pressure variation increases with the area which a yarn occupies in a pipe. For example, larger pressure variations are observed when a yarn has larger diameter, more filaments separate and a yarn has more fuzz.Spandex yarn which has large flexibility shows much larger pressure variation because it flows into a branch pipe. It also shows larger pressure oscillation caused by its extension and/or compression. (2) The supplied pressure to an ejector has little effect on the pressure variation except for a spandex yarn. The pressure variations are also emphasized when a branch pipe is tilted in the yarn entrance direction. (3) Pressure variations must be distinguished from the oscillations of the air flow in a pipe, because the pressure variation caused by a yarn passing through a pipe is very small. In the yarn detecting system, low-pass filter circuits and average processing with a personal computer are useful for increasing the accuracy to judge a yarn passing through a pipe.<br />出版社照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


新宅, 救徳 ; 喜成, 年泰 ; 八田, 潔 ; Shintaku, Sukenori ; Kinari, Toshiyasu ; Hatta, Kiyoshi
出版情報: 繊維機械学会誌 = Journal of the Textile Machinery Society of Japan.  48  pp.T145-T152,  1995.  日本繊維機械学会 = Textile Machinery Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00049937
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />目的巻糸体を回転させる工程において大気圧が回転動力に及ぼす影響について, 周囲の空気をかく拝する動力と糸を解じょさせるための動力の両面から検討することを目的とした.成果かく絆動力は電動機の反力を, 解 じょの動力はラッシングエンド半径を測定する方法によって次の結果を得た.(1) 圧力と空気の密度はほぼ比例しているので, 周囲の空気をかく搾する動力は圧力の減少にともなって0.8乗に比例して小さくなる.(2) 減圧をするとラッシングエンド半径は広がり, これを保っための動力は増加する.バルーンの場合も同様である.減圧の小さい場合, 繊度の小さい糸では半径の広がりも小さいが, 繊度の大きい糸は広がりも大きく動力の増加割合も大きい.(3) 上記の結果, 繊度の小さい糸で巻糸体径が大きい場合は圧力を減じるとエネルギー低減効果がみられる. The relationship between the atmospheric pressure and the energy consumption was studied in the process of rotating yarn package. Both powers caused by the force of stirring the air around the yarn package and by the tension of unwinding a yarn were investigated at several kinds of atmospheric pressure. The power in order to stir the air was obtained by means of measuring the power of the motor to rotate the yarn package and the power in order to unwind a yarn was obtained by means of measuring the lashing-end radius. Results obtained are as follows : (1) The. power to stir the air around the yarn package varies proportionally to 0.8 power of the atmospheric pressure around it, because the air density is almost in proportion to the atmospheric pressure.(2) The lashing-end radius increases with reducing atmospheric pressure, so the power to keep the shape of the lashing-end curve increases. The ballooning phenomenon also has the similar tendency. Under small amount of pressure reduction, a fine yarn has a little enlarged lashing-end radius, on the contrary, a thick yarn largely increases its lashing-end radius, the power loss largely increases.(3) For the reason above, reducing atmospheric pressure takes effect for saving energy in the case of a fine yarn and of a large package.<br />出版社照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


喜成, 年泰 ; Kinari, Toshiyasu
出版情報: 繊維機械学会誌 = Journal of the Textile Machinery Society of Japan.  50  pp.P259-T264,  1997.  日本繊維機械学会 = Textile Machinery Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00049938
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />出版社照会後に全文公開


新宅, 救徳 ; 喜成, 年泰 ; 堀, 純也 ; Shintaku, Sukenori ; Kinari, Toshiyasu ; Hori, Junnya
出版情報: 繊維機械学会誌 = Journal of the Textile Machinery Society of Japan.  47  pp.T89-T95,  1994.  日本繊維機械学会 = Textile Machinery Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00049939
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />目的 ヤング率の異なる糸を用いてっば付ボビン上に巻糸体を形成した際の巻糸体内部の応力分布状態をモデル実験を通して求める.また, 巻糸体内部の応力によるっば付ボビンの変形について有限要素法により解析する .成果 (1) 糸層がつば付ボビンの芯筒を圧縮する荷重は糸のヤング率が小さいほど大きく, その荷重増加の割合は糸層の増加に伴い小さくなる.(2) 糸層がボビンのつばを圧縮する荷重は糸のヤング率が小さいほど大きく, その荷重増加の割合は糸層の増加に伴い大きくなる.(3) 巻糸体はボビンのつばよりも芯筒を強く圧縮する.(4) 巻糸体内部応力によるつば付ボビンの変形は, 糸のヤング率が小さいほど大きく, つばのつけ根付近での変位が最も大きくなる. Stress distribution in the yarn package wound on the flanged bobbin is made clear by using the data of model experiment on which yarn packages are formed by several kinds of yarn that has different Young's modulus. They are also useful for obtaining the deformation of the flanged bobbin using the finite element analysis. The following results are obtained.(1) The smaller Young's modulus of the yarn, the larger the radial load compressing the barrel of the flanged bobbin. Increasing rate of the radial compressive stress decreases with accumulated yarn layer.(2) The smaller Young's modulus of the yarn, the larger the axial load expanding the flanges of the bobbin. Increasing rate of the axial expanding load increases with cumulated yarn layer.(3) The radial load compressing the barrel of bobbin is larger than the axial load expanding its flanges.(4) The smaller Young's modulus of the yarn, the larger the flanged bobbin deforms by internal stess in yarn package.The maximum deformation is generated near the root of its flanges.<br />出版社照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


喜成, 年泰 ; 新宅, 救徳 ; 岩木, 信男 ; 柴田, 裕史 ; Kinari, Toshiyasu ; Shintaku, Sukenori ; Iwaki, Nobuo ; Shibata, Hirofumi
出版情報: 繊維機械学会誌 = Journal of the Textile Machinery Society of Japan.  48  pp.T270-T276,  1995.  日本繊維機械学会 = Textile Machinery Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00049940
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />目的 衝撃域を含む種々のひずみ速度においてPAN系炭素繊維束の応カーひずみ曲線を求あ, その機械的性質に及ぼすひずみ速度の影響を明らかにする.成果 4種類のPAN系炭素繊維について3.3×10-3s- 1~4.0×102s-1の範囲の6種類のひずみ速度において8tex程度の繊維束に対して引張試験を行い, 各ひずみ速度における応カーひずみ曲線を得た.いずれの試料, ひずみ速度においても炭素繊維束の応カーひずみ曲線は厳密な直線よりはやや下に凸の形状を示し, 特に降伏現象がみられずに破断した.引張弾性率はひずみ速度の対数に対して直線的に増加した.また, 破断ひずみはひずみ速度の対数に対してほぼ直線的に減少した.一方, 破断応力は実験毎にかなりのばらつきを示し, ひずみ速度の影響は小さかった.Stress-strain curves of four kinds of PAN based carbon fiber stratds whose fineness were about 8tex wereobtained at six strain rates ranging from 3.3 x 10-3s-1 to 4.0 X 102s-1. The stress-strain curves were almost straight, slightly downwards convex and showed little yielding phenomena for any specimens at any strain rates. The elastic modulus linearly increased with the logarithmic plot of strain rates. The breaking elongation linearly decreased with the logarithmic plot of strain rates. The changes of the breaking stress with strain rates was less than the scattering in each measurement.<br />出版社照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


Htoo, Nyi Nyi ; Soga, Atsushi ; Wakako, Lina ; Ohta, Koichi ; Kinari, Toshiyasu ; 喜成, 年泰
出版情報: 繊維学会誌 = Journal of Fiber Science and Technology.  73  pp.105-113,  2017.  The Society of Fiber Science and Technology = 繊維学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00054177
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />The three-dimension weft- knitted loop model was constructed using the simulated yarn which was made by mass-spring system. The simulated yarn was constructed with the cross-sections consisting of the mass-points connected by the springs within the mass-points. In the simulated yarn, two types of springs were used to describe tensile and bending behaviour of the model. The geometrical knitted loop structure was constructed by setting the cross-sections of the simulated yarn in the loop model considering with the loop parameters. The mechanical properties of the loop model under the tensile condition were expressed by using some formulae considering with the construction of the knitted structure.<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


Wyint, Thinzar Phyo ; Yoneda, Shinnosuke ; Kinari, Toshiyasu ; Tachiya, Hiroshi ; Wakako, Lina ; Inoue, Mari ; 喜成, 年泰 ; 立矢, 宏
出版情報: 繊維学会誌 = Journal of Fiber Science and Technology.  74  pp.82-88,  2018.  The Society of Fiber Science and Technology = 繊維学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00054178
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />Friction, a quality-related property, governs not only the efficiency of processing operations but a lso the quality and performance of the final product. In this work, the frictional characteristics of 100 % polyester,nylon, and polypropylene spunbond nonwoven fabrics bonded with three bonding patterns and the differences in fabric density were tested. A whisker-type tactile sensor machine that can measure the coefficient of friction regardless of the tracing direction was used. Stick-slip trace changes according to the fabric surface morphology were observed. Furthermore, it was found that the bonding method, component filament, and fabric density have a significant influence on the frictional characteristics of spunbond nonwoven fabrics.<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


松田, 啓佑 ; 抜井, 軍光 ; 澤田, 淳 ; 八田, 潔 ; 喜成, 年泰 ; Kinari, Toshiyasu
出版情報: Journal of Textile Engineering.  64  pp.63-69,  2018.  The Textile Machinery Society of Japan = 繊維機械学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00054179
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />In processing synthetic fiber yarn, a lot of rollers are rotated at high-speed. Power loss for rotat ing such rollers has become larger and larger according to increasing yarn processing speed. Former studies proposed that power consumption for rotating yarn package might be reduced by 30% by locating the cover around it in order to limit the air flow. It is important to limit the air flow for saving power consumption. Now it becomes possible to calculate much more complex flow because of development of both the hard-ware of the personal computer and the software for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis. The present study focused on air flows around a single drawing roller as the first step of a series of studies in which we are going to numerically analyze air flows around drawing rollers to clarify the effect of structures of their covers on the reduction of power consumption to rotate them. The comparison of experimentally measured power consumption with corresponding computational results has identified the validity of the present CFD analysis. The CFD analysis also confirmed that the energy-saving effect of the cover exists even if there is a slit on the cover in order to thread air stream caused by high-speed yarn running.<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る