

出版情報: 東京 : 金原出版, 1982.7
シリーズ名: 外科MOOK / 草間悟[ほか]編集主幹 ; no.26
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出版情報: 金沢 : 金沢大学医学部第二外科学教室, 1997.11
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出版情報: 東京 : 医学図書出版, 1989.10
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研究代表者 宮崎逸夫
出版情報: [金沢] : [宮崎逸夫], 1991.3
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水上哲次, 宮崎逸夫共著
出版情報: 東京 : 金原出版, 1972.12
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Ohta, Tetsuo ; Yamamoto, Miyuki ; Numata, Masayuki ; Iseki, Shoichi ; Tsukioka, Yuhji ; Miyashita, Tomoharu ; Kayahara, Masato ; Nagakawa, Takukazu ; Miyazaki, Itsuo ; Nishikawa, Katsuzo ; Yoshitake, Yoshino ; 太田, 哲生 ; 山本, 美由紀 ; 井関, 尚一 ; 宮下, 知治 ; 萱原, 正都 ; 永川, 宅和 ; 宮崎, 逸夫 ; 西川, 克三
出版情報: British Journal of Cancer.  72  pp.824-831,  1995-10.  Cancer Research UK
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00049832
概要: 金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系<br />We examined the expression of basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF) and FGF receptor by immunohistoch emistry in 32 human pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas. Mild to marked basic FGF immunoreactivity was noted in 19 (59.4%) of the 32 tumours examined, and 30 (93.3%) of the tumours exhibited a cytoplasmic staining pattern against FGF receptor. The tumours were divided into two groups according to the proportion of positively stained tumour cells: A low expression group (positive cells ≪ 25%) and a high expression group (positive cells > or = 25%). No statistically significant difference in tumour size, differentiation, metastases or stage was found between the low and high basic FGF expression groups. However, a significant correlation was found between FGF receptor expression level and the presence of retroperitoneal invasion, lymph node metastasis, and tumour stage. In addition, low FGF receptor expression was significantly associated with a longer post-operative survival as compared with high FGF receptor expression, whereas there was no significant difference in post-operative survival between the low and high basic FGF expression groups. Increased expression of FGF receptor is correlated with the extent of malignancy and post-operative survival in human pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas. Thus, overexpression of FGF receptor may prove to be a more useful prognostic marker than basic FGF expression level in pancreatic cancer patients. © 1995 Stockton Press. All rights reserved.<br />Embargo Period 12 months 続きを見る


Ohta, Tetsuo ; Numata, Masayuki ; Yagishita, H. ; Futagami, Fumio ; Tsukioka, Yuhji ; Kitagawa, Hirohisa ; Kayahara, Masato ; Nagakawa, Takukazu ; Miyazaki, Itsuo ; Yamamoto, Miyuki ; Iseki, Shoichi ; 太田, 哲生 ; 沼田, 雅行 ; 北川, 裕久 ; 萱原, 正都 ; 永川, 宅和 ; 宮崎, 逸夫 ; 山本, 美由紀 ; 井関, 尚一
出版情報: British Journal of Cancer.  73  pp.1511-1517,  1996.  Cancer Research UK
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00049833
概要: 金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系<br />Recent studies have shown that bafilomycin A1-sensitive vacuolar-type H+-ATPase (V-ATPase) plays imp ortant roles in cell growth and differentiation. However, there is no published study that has focused on the expression of V-ATPase in human tumour tissues. This study was designed to examine the mRNA and protein levels for the 16 kilodalton (kDa) proteolipid of V-ATPase in human pancreatic carcinoma tissues. We first investigated the mRNA level for V-ATPase in six cases of invasive pancreatic cancers and two normal pancreases, using reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction technique. Then, we examined immunohistochemically the level of V-ATPase protein in 49 pancreatic cancers and ten benign cystic neoplasms of the pancreas, using antisera raised against the 16 kDa proteolipid. There was a notable difference in the level of V-ATPase mRNA between normal and pancreatic carcinoma tissues, with no evident difference in the expression of the β-actin gene. Immunohistochemically, 42 out of 46 invasive ductal cancers (92%) displayed a mild to marked immunoreactivity for V-ATPase in the cytoplasm, whereas neither non-invasive ductal cancers nor benign cystic neoplasms expressed detectable immunoreactive proteins. These findings suggest that the overexpression of V-ATPase protein is characteristic of invasive pancreatic tumours. V-ATPase may play some crucial roles in tumour progression.<br />Embargo Period 12 months 続きを見る


宮崎, 逸夫
出版情報: 金沢大学十全医学会雑誌.  105  pp.383-,  1996-06-01.  金沢大学十全医学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/9213


太田, 哲生 ; 荒川, 元 ; 二上, 文夫 ; 伏田, 幸夫 ; 北川, 裕久 ; 萱原, 正都 ; 永川, 宅和 ; 宮崎, 逸夫 ; 沼田, 雅行 ; 大熊, 勝治
出版情報: 胆と膵 = The Biliary tract & pancreas.  18  pp.67-72,  1997-01-01.  医学図書出版
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/40233
概要: 最近, 抗癌剤による癌細胞の死滅にはアポトーシスという能動的な死のプログラムが関与していることがわかってきた. したがって, 膵癌細胞にアポトーシスを誘導し消滅させることができる薬物があれば, それは理想的な抗癌剤となる可能性がある. しか しながら, 現在のところ膵癌にアポトーシスを誘導するような有効な抗癌剤がないのが実状である. 最近, われわれは液胞型プロトンポンプの特異的インヒビターであるbafilomycin A1が膵癌細胞に対して効率よくアポトーシスを誘導することを突き止めた. 今後, このbafilomycin A1を用いたプロトンポンプインヒビター療法が膵癌に対する新しい治療戦略の1つとして確立されることを期待したい. アポトーシスという概念は, 約20年前に病理学者であるKerr1)によって提唱されたものであり, ネクローシスと区別される細胞死であることで最近注目を集めている. アポトーシスを起こした細胞では,細胞のサイズの減少,クロマチンの凝縮のような形態学的特徴のほか,DNAの断片化といった生化学的変化がみられ,生体内にあっては比較的すみやかに排除されることが知られている. 続きを見る


古川, 裕之 ; 毎田, 千恵子 ; 大森, 美加子 ; 清水, みさを ; 桶, 展代 ; 旭, 満里子 ; 中島, 恵美 ; 市村, 藤雄 ; 佐藤, 保 ; 分校, 久志 ; 和田出, 静子 ; 野川, 文子 ; 氷見, 嘉康 ; 宮崎, 逸夫
出版情報: 病院薬学.  22  pp.628-636,  1996-12-10.  日本医療薬学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/6296
概要: 金沢大学医学部付属病院<br />The supply of injectable drugs for individual patients using the prescription order entry system was st arted from Apr. of 1995 at Kanazawa University Hospital. The injectable drugs for individual patient are set up by pharmacists into each compartment of the kart (Ordering Kart : Sakase Corporation), and then are carried by nursing assistants to the respective clinical areas. The characteristics of this supply method are [1] it is set up by 4 pharmacists on a daily schedule (8 : 30 am-3 : 30 pm) . [2] injectable drugs for emergency are louded in a special compartment of the carrying kart, and [3] are set up for prescription entry by the physicians within 24 hours. As a result, it is thus possible to check the prescription (dosage, route, incompatibility and stability), to reduce the stock of injectable drugs in the ward while, in addition, manpower for both the nursing and medical office personnel can be reduced. 続きを見る