

edited by Munenori Kitahara, Chris Czerkawski
出版情報: Fukuoka-shi : Kyushu University Press, c2014
シリーズ名: Series of monographs of contemporary social systems solutions ; v. 5
目次情報: 続きを見る
chapter 1. Legal justice through the fusion of law and information technology Munenori Kitahara
chapter 2. The role of international transportation in trade and the environment Takeshi Ogawa
chapter 3. A comparative study on estimation methods of landscape modality for evolutionary algorithms Setsuko Sakai and Tetsuyuki Takahama
chapter 4. Some properties of harmonic polynomials in the case of so (p, 2) Ryoko Wada and Yoshio Agaoka
chapter 1. Legal justice through the fusion of law and information technology Munenori Kitahara
chapter 2. The role of international transportation in trade and the environment Takeshi Ogawa
chapter 3. A comparative study on estimation methods of landscape modality for evolutionary algorithms Setsuko Sakai and Tetsuyuki Takahama


edited by Munenori Kitahara, Kazuaki Okamura
出版情報: Fukuoka-shi : Kyushu University Press, c2015
シリーズ名: Series of monographs of contemporary social systems solutions ; v. 6
目次情報: 続きを見る
chapter 1. Legality and compliance through deploying information technology Munenori Kitahara
chapter 2. Three-good Ricardian model with joint production : a schematic reconsideration Takeshi Ogawa
chapter 3. An application of cellular automata to the oligopolistic market Kouhei Iyori
chapter 4. Development of a multi-country multi-sectoral model in international dollars Takashi Yano and Hiroyuki Kosaka
chapter 5. Stochastic inventory model with time-varying demand Michinori Sakaguchi and Masanori Kodama
chapter 6. A study on adaptive parameter control for interactive differential evolution using pairwise comparison Setsuko Sakai and Tetsuyuki Takahama
chapter 7. On some properties of harmonic polynomials in the case of so (p, 2) : irreducible decomposition and integral formulas Ryoko Wada and Yoshio Agaoka
chapter 1. Legality and compliance through deploying information technology Munenori Kitahara
chapter 2. Three-good Ricardian model with joint production : a schematic reconsideration Takeshi Ogawa
chapter 3. An application of cellular automata to the oligopolistic market Kouhei Iyori


近藤健児, 寳多康弘, 須賀宣仁編著
出版情報: 名古屋 : 中京大学経済研究所, 2019.3
シリーズ名: 中京大学経済研究所研究叢書 ; 第26輯
目次情報: 続きを見る
公共中間財のある場合の生産可能性フロンティアと小国の貿易 多和田眞, 柳瀬明彦 [執筆]
Time-consuming consumption : origin, interpretation and implications Binh Tran-Nam [執筆]
社会的生産基盤と国際貿易 : 多数財リカード・モデルによる分析 柳瀬明彦 [執筆]
中間投入の入った2国3財のリカード・モデルと生産者割当問題 小川健 [執筆]
Explaining the existence and magnitude of tariff overhangs Ngo Van Long [執筆]
不完全競争と垂直貿易下での貿易の自由化と利潤税改革の厚生効果 大川昌幸, 井口達也 [執筆]
Strategic regional integration Kjetil Bjorvatn, Nicola D. Coniglio, Hiroshi Kurata [執筆]
差別化複占下での技術選択 大川隆夫, 岡村誠, 野村良一 [執筆]
Endogenous FDI spillovers with spillover-prevention costs Kiyoshi Matsubara [執筆]
一般寡占均衡における貿易パターンと貿易利益 : リカード型2国2財モデルにおける考察 須賀宣仁 [執筆]
Input intensity, factor substitution, and the pollution haven hypothesis Shigemi Yabuuchi [執筆]
Subsidy to environmental industry in a north-south model of trans-boundary pollution, trade and migration Nicola D. Coniglio, Kenji Kondoh [執筆]
環境物品に対する輸出補助金と相殺関税 川端康 [執筆]
Trade and international emissions trading in a two-country model Masafumi Tsubuku, Madoka Okimoto, Yasuhiro Takarada [執筆]
公共中間財のある場合の生産可能性フロンティアと小国の貿易 多和田眞, 柳瀬明彦 [執筆]
Time-consuming consumption : origin, interpretation and implications Binh Tran-Nam [執筆]
社会的生産基盤と国際貿易 : 多数財リカード・モデルによる分析 柳瀬明彦 [執筆]