

奥村, 真子 ; 三木, 理 ; 上野, 聡浩 ; 小杉, 知佳 ; 吉村, 航 ; 加藤, 敏朗 ; Okumura, Chikako ; Miki, Osamu ; Ueno, Akihiro ; Kosugi, Chika ; Yoshimura, Ko ; Kato, Toshiaki
出版情報: 海洋理工学会誌 = Journal of Advanced Marine Science and Technology Society.  24  pp.25-33,  2018.  海洋理工学会 = Advanced Marine Science and Technology Society
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00052741
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域サステナブルエネルギー研究センター<br />The present study is an attempt for assessing the relationship between iron deficiency a nd discoloration in Undaria pinnatifida sporophytes. First, thallus discoloration and the decrease in photosynthetic pigment contents were examined in Undaria pinnatifida by employing an indoor iron-deficiency experiment. When Undaria pinnatifida sporophytes were cultured under iron-deficient conditions, which the iron concentrations were between 2 and 5 μg/L, the growth decreased, the thalli became discolored, and the photosynthetic pigment contents decreased. Iron deficiency caused the sporophytes to become lighter (L*) and less red (a*). Therefore, it appears that iron deficiency induces the discoloration of Undaria pinnatifida sporophytes, similar to how nitrogen and phosphorus deficiencies perform. Next, we investigated how the mechanism involved in the addition of iron affects the discolored Undaria pinnatifida sporophytes due to iron deficiency by performing an indoor iron-addition experiment. Undaria pinnatifida sporophyte growth, thallus color, and photosynthetic pigment content were all restored by the addition of dissolved iron solution, which the concentrations were between 10 and 50 μg/L. Iron addition made the sporophytes recover their lightness (L*) and redness (a*). In addition, the color was restored more quickly as the amount of added iron was increased. The discoloration of iron-deficient Undaria pinnatifida sporophytes can thus be restored by iron addition. 続きを見る


Okumura, Chikako ; Miki, Osamu ; Sakamoto, Yusuke ; Fukami, Takuya ; 奥村, 真子 ; 三木, 理
出版情報: Journal of Applied Phycology 30(3), pp. 2083-2090.  30  pp.2083-2090,  2018-06-01.  Springer Netherlands
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050453
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域サステナブルエネルギー研究センター<br />Marine macroalgae are important for maintaining ecosystems in coastal areas. However, to our knowledge, only a few studies of marine macroalgae have developed protocols for assessing the toxic effects of growth inhibitors typically found in industrial wastewaters. Sargassum horneri, a large brown macroalga commonly found in seaweed beds in coastal Japan, can be easily collected, and its fertilized eggs can be preserved for approximately 170 days. Therefore, the present study evaluated the possibility of developing a seaweed bioassay using the germling growth of S. horneri to obtain toxicological data for phenol. The addition of phenol to culture media clearly inhibited the germling growth of S. horneri. The 14-day EC50 value on the basis of the specific growth rate was 58 mg phenol L−1, while the 21-day EC50 value on the basis of the thallus area was 36 mg phenol L−1. Furthermore, the no-observed-effect concentration was estimated to be 20 mg phenol L−1. Renewal of culture medium did not significantly affect germling growth of S. horneri during our 21 days of culturing. S. horneri appeared to be as sensitive to phenol as other marine macroalgae reported in the previous studies. Therefore, we consider that S. horneri is one of the appropriate candidates of macroalgae for toxicity testing. © 2018 Springer Science+Business Media B.V., part of Springer Nature<br />Embargo Period 12 months 続きを見る


Miki, Osamu ; Okumura, Chikako ; Marzuki, Mawardi ; Tujimura, Yusuke ; Fujii, Takahito ; Kosugi, Chika ; Kato, Toshiaki ; 三木, 理 ; 奥村, 真子
出版情報: Journal of Applied Phycology.  29  pp.1461-1469,  2017-06-01.  Springer
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/46794
概要: The brown seaweed Sargassum horneri (Sargassaceae) is important for marine environment conservation. It could be used fo r a food material, medical applications, and future biofuel production. We compared the growth of S. horneri cultures under single wavelength blue and red light during the germling and immature stages. The growth rate based on the thallus area of S. horneri during the germling stage was faster under blue LED light than under red LED light. Furthermore, based on the wet weight of S. horneri, during the immature stage, blue LED light resulted in a faster growth rate than red LED light. Moreover, during the immature stage, compared with red LED light, blue LED light tended to increase the content of photosynthetic pigments. We conclude that use of blue LED light in indoor tanks during the germling and immature stages will improve the efficiency of S. horneri culture. © 2016 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht<br />Embargo Period 12 months 続きを見る


Miki, Osamu ; Ueki, Chika ; Kato, Toshiaki
出版情報: Journal of Water and Environment Technology.  11  pp.101-110,  2013-01-01.  Japan Society on Water Environment = 日本水環境学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/36943
概要: There are many borrow pits caused by sand mining at the bottom of the coastal sea in Japan. Borrow pits have been identified as a source of oxygen-deficient water with hydrogen sulfide. It has become increasingly important to restore borrow pits to improve the marine environment. However, large quantities of sand materials are needed to restore borrow pits. Recently, dredged materials generated by sea route maintenance have been adopted instead of sand materials. However, one problem of dredged materials is that they can be weak ground materials. Therefore, slag-mixed material made from the dredged material and steelmaking slag has been proposed. In this study, control of hydrogen sulfide release resulting from changing the hardness of the slag-mixed materials has been examined. Hydrogen sulfide release strongly depends on the hardness of the slag-mixed material. Microbial analysis indicated fewer living bacteria and the relative abundance of sulfate-reducing bacteria in the slag-mixed material compared with the dredged material. The solidification of the dredged material using steelmaking slag decreased not only hydrogen sulfide release but also dissolved iron and manganese release. It is considered that controlling the hardness of the dredged material mixed with steelmaking slag provides an effective means of sulfide release control. 続きを見る


Nagai, Taichi ; Miki, Osamu ; Okumura, Chikako ; 長井, 太一 ; 三木, 理 ; 奥村, 真子
出版情報: Journal of water and environment technology.  12  pp.285-294,  2014-01-01.  日本水環境学会 Japan Society on Water Environment
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/38219
概要: Sargassaceae species are important macroalgae for maintaining marine environments. Furthermore, biofuel based on Sargass aceae species has become studied recently. However, Sargassaceae species have declined rapidly in coastal areas around Japan, which are called "isoyake", a term meaning barren areas. The development of effective measures to restore these "isoyake" and the construction of Sargassaceae beds are strongly needed. A lack of iron in coastal areas limits the growth of macroalgae, and may cause "isoyake". However, the effects of the iron concentration on the growth of macroalgae, such as species of Sargassaceae, are poorly studied. In this research, the effects of chelated iron on the growth of Sargassaceae species during the germling and immature stages were examined. The addition of Fe-EDTA promoted the growth of four Sargassaceae species during the germling stages. During the germling stage of Sargassum ringgoldianum, the maximum specific growth rate and the saturation constant were estimated to be 0.17 day-1 and 4.3 μg/L, respectively. Additionally, the periodic addition of Fe-EDTA promoted the stable growth of Sargassum horneri during the immature stage. 続きを見る


Miki, Osamu ; Okumura, Chikako ; Tuji, Kiyoaki ; Takami, Masahaya
出版情報: Journal of Applied Phycology.  28  pp.2883-2890,  2016-10-01.  Springer
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/44876
概要: The effects of high concentrations of nitrogen sources on the germling growth of Sargassum horneri were investigated for the restoration of coastal barren ground using fertilization materials containing high concentrations of nitrogen. Moreover, the safekeeping period of fertilized eggs of S. horneri was studied to elucidate performance stability as an appropriate method using fertilized eggs. The fertilized eggs of S. horneri that had been preserved in a refrigerator for approximately 170 days were able to grow and demonstrate the same growth curve as those that had been preserved for shorter periods. This demonstrates that our culture method can be applied to examine the effects of nitrogen sources on the germling growth of S. horneri. The addition of over 2 mg N L−1 of ammonium (NH4–N) or nitrite (NO2–N) clearly inhibited growth, and the addition of 50 mg N L−1 of NH4–N or NO2–N had lethal effects on the germling growth of S. horneri. The addition of 1 mg N L−1 of NH4–N or NO2–N did not clearly promote or inhibit growth. The addition of 50 mg N L−1of nitrate (NO3–N) did not inhibit growth. It is expected that the effects of NH4–N or NO2–N on seaweed growth depends on the concentration level, growth stage of the seaweed, and seaweed species. On the basis of our results, nitrogen fertilizers that contain high concentrations of some nitrogen sources should be carefully considered before they are applied to restore barren ground in nutrient-deficient coastal areas. © 2016 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht<br />Embargo Period 12 months 続きを見る


Miki, Osamu ; Nagai, Taichi ; Marzuki, Mawardi ; Okumura, Chikako ; Kosugi, Chika ; Kato, Toshiaki
出版情報: Journal of Applied Phycology.  28  pp.1775-1782,  2016-06-01.  Springer Verlag
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/43942
概要: To aid in the restoration of coastal barren ground areas, it is important to clarify the effects of chelated iron on the growth of seaweed. In particular, for the further development of practical methods to promote seaweed growth, Fe-binding organic ligands, such as humic substances (HSs) composed of humus materials, rather than Fe-binding inorganic ligands, such as ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), should be investigated. In this study, the effects of an Fe fertilizer, made from HSs and steelmaking slag, on the growth of the brown alga Sargassum horneri at the germling and immature stages were examined. The addition of the Fe fertilizer eluate containing Fe organic ligand complexes clearly promoted the growth of S. horneri at the germling and immature stages. It was also clear that the effect of Fe concentration in the Fe fertilizer eluate on the growth rate was almost the same as that of Fe–EDTA. Moreover, the addition of the Fe fertilizer eluate had a great effect on the brown color of S. horneri thalli and promoted the increased content of photosynthetic pigments, such as chlorophyll a. Based on these experimental results, the application of the Fe fertilizer containing Fe organic ligand complexes is expected to become an effective method for the restoration of the barren ground phenomenon in Fe-deficient coastal areas. © 2015 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht<br />Embargo Period 12 months 続きを見る


Miki, Osamu ; Okumura, Chikako ; Marzuki, Mawardi ; Tujimura, Yusuke ; Fujii, Takahito ; Kosugi, Chika ; Kato, Toshiaki
出版情報: Journal of Applied Phycology.  29  pp.1471-,  2017-06-01.  Springer Netherlands
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/47033
概要: The original version of this article unfortunately contained a mistake. Figure 7 was incorrect. The correct Figure is given below: (Figure presented). © 2017, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.<br />Embargo Period 12 months


吉田, 匠吾 ; 吉田, 晴信 ; 参納, 千夏男 ; 三木, 理 ; Miki, Osamu
出版情報: コンクリート工学年次論文集 = Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute.  36  pp.1678-1683,  2014.  日本コンクリート工学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00064514
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />本研究は、北陸地方で問題となっている磯焼けの防止対策として、地域産の骨材を用いたフライアッシュ高含有ポーラスコンクリートを開発し、その工学的諸性質を調べた。まず、耐久性に及ぼす骨材の影響を把握するため に、3種類の環境下での暴露試験を実施した。同時に、藻類の生育状況を水槽実験にて確認した。その結果、砕石及びスラグ骨材はポーラスコンクリートとしての適用が可能であり、水槽実験においても藻類が順調に発生・生育することが明らかとなった。この結果に基づき、輪島市の名舟海岸にて安山岩砕石を使用したフライアッシュ高含有ポーラスコンクリートの漁礁ブロックを使用した実証実験を開始した。 続きを見る


植木, 知佳 ; 加藤, 敏朗 ; 三木, 理 ; Ueki, Chika ; Kato, Toshiaki ; Miki, Osamu
出版情報: 海洋理工学会誌 = Journal of Advanced Marine Science and Technology Society.  17  pp.49-55,  2011.  海洋理工学会 Advanced Marine Science and Technology Society
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00064522
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />Discoloration of nori, Porphyrayezoensis, is a terrible economic problem for the fisheries. One of t he reasons for the discoloration of nori is suggested the decreasing concentrations of nutrients, nitrogen and phosphorus. The red tide by some diatom, rainfall, and so on cause the bad balance of water quality. Recently, it was showed that iron is important for the color maintenance of nori. Sea desertification, isoyake. can be seen in some Japanese coastlines. It is suggested that one of the reasons for this phenomenon is the decreasing concentrations of nutrients and iron. Against this backdrop, the fertilizer has been produced using steel-making slag and humus soil, which can stably supply iron and some nutrients. We have demonstrated the effect of the fertilizer on algal growth in Japan. In this study, we studied the effect of the fertilizer to the growth of nori by the mesocosm experiment Both of experimental tanks for the mesocosm were set up nori-meshes. and 60 kg fertilizer in one side, while the other tank was no fertilizer as a control. We surveyed the concentration of nutrients and trace metals, and the growth of nori. As a result, in the fertilizer containig tank the concentration of nitrogen, phosphorus and iron were raised, in brief the nutrients and iron eluted from the fertilizer. And only in the fertilizer containig tank, nori grew up over 10 cm in length. On the other hand, we could not identify the growth of nori by visual observation in the control tank, fertilizer not containing tank. 続きを見る