

Aoki, Ken-Ichi ; Kobayashi, Tamao ; Kumamoto, Shin-Ichiro ; Onai, Shinnosuke
出版情報: The Science Reports of Kanazawa University = The Science Reports of Kanazawa University.  61  pp.1-23,  2017.  Institute of Science and Engineering, Kanazawa University
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00051445
概要: We propose a new iterative method to directly calculate the spontaneous mass generation. It is regarded as a new regular ization method resembling the finite volume calculation which assures non-negative fluctuation property at every stage. We work with the Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model and the strong coupling gauge theory where the dynamical chiral symmetry breaking occurs. We are able to conclude the physical mass definitely without encountering any singularity nor recourse to any additional consideration like the free energy comparison. However in special case of the 1st order phase transition, we find that the iterative method has a chance to go wrong. 続きを見る


小内, 伸之介 ; Onai, Shinnosuke
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/48032
概要: 博士論文要旨Abstract