

齋藤, 大明 ; Saito, Hiroaki
出版情報: 博士学位論文要旨 論文内容の要旨および論文審査結果の要旨/金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科.  平成16年12月  pp.20-26,  2004-12-01.  金沢大学
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/16596
概要: 取得学位:博士(理学),学位授与番号:博甲第587号,学位授与年月日:平成15年3月31日,学位授与年:2003


Sri, R. Natasia ; Saito, Hiroaki ; Mizukami, Taku ; Kawaguchi, Kazutomo ; Nagao, Hidemi
出版情報: Recent development in computational science.  6  pp.100-111,  2015-05-31.  Kanazawa e-Publishing
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/48734
概要: Solvation free energy has valuable role as represents the desolvation cost of a molecu-lar binding interaction, which is very important in a variety of chemical and biological processes. Therefore, many computational methods have been explored to predict this value. In this study, we attempted to find the correlation between experimental and calculated value of solvation free energy of proteins, containing organic molecules, by using quantitative structure property relation-ship (QSPR) model. To obtained a comparable value of solvation free energy which will be used as reference in QSPR model, we adopted energy representation (ER) method. And as this method works through molecular dynamic (MD) simulation, we then performed the MD simulation prior to the calculation by ER method. The results showed that the predicted solvation free energies were quite close to calculated values by ER method. We also found that the values of solvation free energy, both in MD simulation and ER method, were well correlated to solvent accessible surface area of hydrophobic portion.<br />Selected Papers from the International Symposium on Computational Science - International Symposium on Computational Science Kanazawa University, Japan 続きを見る


Iwayama, Masashi ; Kawafuchi, Kazutomo ; Saito, Hiroaki ; Nagao, Hidemi
出版情報: Recent development in computational science.  6  pp.118-124,  2015-05-31.  Kanazawa e-Publishing
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/48765
概要: We have been applied the conventional approach based on the molecular dynamics simulation to estimate the redox potential so far. In this study, we have focused the computational conditions in order to estimate standard redox potential by using the energy representation method: we calculate excess chemical potential increasing the number of solvent molecules and sampling data for the preparation of energy distribution functions. From these results, we have found that the computational value of the standard redox potential is close to the experimental value in the case of the system with larger number of solvent molecules unaffected by the behavior of counter-ion when we take a sufficient sampling data for the energy distribution functions.<br />Selected Papers from the International Symposium on Computational Science - International Symposium on Computational Science Kanazawa University, Japan 続きを見る


Kurniawan, Isman ; Saito, Hiroaki ; Kawaguchi, Kazutomo ; Nagao, Hidemi
出版情報: Recent development in computational science : Selected Papers from the International Symposium on Computational Science - International Symposium on Computational Science Kanazawa University, Japan.  4  pp.45-52,  2013-02-01.  Kanazawa e-Publishing
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/44799
概要: This study focus on investigating the oxidation potential fluctuation of organic molecule in the solution. The organic mo lecule that was investigated is 3-pentanone molecule that has oxi-dation potential 0.143 V experimentally. The oxidation potential was calculated using Born-Haber cycle approximation involving the calculation of gas phase Gibbs free energy and solvation energy of reduced and the oxidized state. The reduced state represents a neutral charge molecule and the oxidized state represents a radical cation molecule. The first, molecular dynamics (MD) simulation of both state was performed for 2 ns time. Then, 400 snapshot structures of both state molecule was captured. Gas phase Gibbs free energy and solvation energy were calculated using MP2 theory with cc-pvdz basis set and the solvation effect was approached using Polarizable Continuum Model (PCM). Normal Hydrogen Electrode (NHE), that has redox potential 4.44 V experimentally, was used as reference electrode. The result shows the different of gas phase Gibbs free energy average of both state was 756.97 ± 21.598 kJ/mol, and solvation energy average of reduced and oxidized state were -18.42 kJ/mol ± 1.482 kJ/mol, and -219.02 ± 1.094 kJ/mol respectively. Then, the oxidation potential was calculated by substituting gas phase Gibbs free energy and solvation energy into Born-Haber cycle approximation. The calculation result shows the average of oxidation po-tential value is 1.396 ± 0.225 V. The deviation of oxidation potential confirms the fluctuation of oxidation potential during the simulation. 続きを見る


Iwayama, Masashi ; Kawaguchi, Kazutomo ; Saito, Hiroaki ; Nagao, Hidemi
出版情報: Recent development in computational science : Selected Papers from the International Symposium on Computational Science - International Symposium on Computational Science Kanazawa University, Japan.  4  pp.59-69,  2013-02-01.  Kanazawa e-Publishing
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/44803
概要: Structure and hydration property of acetone and 3-pentaone in the neutral and cationic state were investigated by using molecular dynamics (MD) and free energy calculations. The force field parameters of stretching vibration, angle bending, and partial charges of each molecule in the neutral and cationic state were developed by using density functional theory (DFT) calculations with B3LYP method and 6-31+G** basis set. The optimized structures by using these force field parameters in gas phase were compared with the experimental data and AMBER force fields parameters (parm99). From the results, the optimized structure in the neutral state of acetone was in good agreement with the experimental data. The evaluated hydration free energy in the neutral state of acetone was closed to the experimental data, while that of 3-pentaone was little bit larger than the experimental data. The ionization effect of ketone molecule on the hydration free energies was found to be significant in both molecules. 続きを見る


Meidy, Triana Pakpahan ; Saito, Hiroaki ; Kawaguchi, Kazutomo ; Nagao, Hidemi
出版情報: Recent development in computational science : Selected Papers from the International Symposium on Computational Science - International Symposium on Computational Science Kanazawa University, Japan.  4  pp.71-78,  2013-02-01.  Kanazawa e-Publishing
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/44807
概要: Accurate methods of computing the affinity of ligand with protein target are strongly needed in the drug discovery proce ss. Many attempts have been made and several algorithms have been developed for this purpose. We compared the protein-ligand binding free energies (∆G) in various methods include docking score function, combining docking score function and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation with explicit and implicit solvent model, and molecular-mechanics Poisson Boltzmann surface area (MM-PBSA) approach with and without the inclusion of entropic contributions. We tested these various methods to human plasminogen kringle-3 domain protein with the ligand trans-(aminomethyl) cyclohexanecarboxylic acid (AMCHA). The results showed the comparison between these various methods and the experimental affinity value. We found that combining docking score function and MD simulation with explicit solvent model was more favorable and close to the experimental result. This indicated that combining docking score function and MD simulation with explicit solvent model could be more accurate and effective in the protein-ligand binding free energy calculation. 続きを見る


Micke, Rusmerryani ; Takasu, Masako ; Kawaguchi, Kazutomo ; Saito, Hiroaki ; Nagao, Hidemi
出版情報: Recent development in computational science : Selected Papers from the International Symposium on Computational Science - International Symposium on Computational Science Kanazawa University, Japan.  4  pp.79-86,  2013-02-01.  Kanazawa e-Publishing
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/44808
概要: Most of protein function analyses focus mainly on the physical properties of a sin-gle protein. Nevertheless, the enviro nments where proteins perform their biological functions are crowded with macromolecules, such as lipid, nucleic acids, and other proteins. The interactions between macromolecules may be affected by molecular crowding. Therefore, as an initial step we here investigate the protein–protein interactions for gaining insights into molecular crowding effects on protein conformational changes. Computational molecular simulation is one of the useful and important tools to study the protein interactions. Here we develop a coarse-grained model and a topology-based potential interactions to simulate dynamical properties of multiprotein complex crys-tal structure. We apply them to simulate complex crystal structure of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa azurin, a small cupredoxin, which functions as an electron carrier in bacterial respiration. Since electron transfer on azurin plays an important role in the biological system, it is important to cha-racterize the protein interactions in azurin. In our simulation, the interactions between intra- and inter- domains are treated at the residue level with the implementation of the off lattice G¯o-like model. In each domain, bonded interactions between residues are described by bond stretching, bond angle bending, and torsional angle potentials. The non-bonded interactions, which are repre-sented by short range and long range potentials, describe the interactions both among residues and between proteins. We probe the protein–protein interactions by analyzing the protein binding. A simple clustering algorithm is applied to group the bound structures of protein complex. Moreover, we can investigate the importance of the long range interaction on the multiprotein complex system. These studies will serve as valuable insights for further investigation on molecular crowding effects. 続きを見る


Septiana Wulandari, Gia ; Rusmerryani, Micke ; Kawamoto, Shuhei ; Saito, Hiroaki ; Nishikawa, Kiyoshi ; Nagao, Hidemi
出版情報: Recent development in computational science : Selected Papers from the International Symposium on Computational Science - International Symposium on Computational Science Kanazawa University, Japan.  2  pp.69-77,  2011-10-01.  Kanazawa e-Publishing
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/44081
概要: We studied the temperature effect on the dynamics of spherical micelle dimer in wa-ter solvent by using molecular dynamic s (MD) simulation. For this purpose, we carried out the MD simulations of 8-8 spherical POPC micelle dimer in 11,326 TIP3P water molecules under the constant NPT condition for 10 ns and continued the MD simulation under the constant NVT condition for 10 ns. We ran the MD simulations of this system at two different temperatures, 340 K and 370 K. The dynamical behavior of the micelle was analyzed by calculating ASIC parameters. We found that the effects of temperature on stuctures and dynamics of micelle were different for the constant NPT and NVT condition. 続きを見る


齋藤, 大明 ; Saito, Hiroaki
出版情報: 平成27(2015)年度 科学研究費補助金 新学術領域研究(研究領域提案型) 研究実績の概要 = 2015 Research Project Summary.  2014-04-01 – 2016-03-31  pp.2p.-,  2018-03-28. 
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00059914
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域数物科学系<br />本申請研究はタンパク質-基質複合体の構造予測の精度向上を目的に,ドッキングシミュレーションと分子動力学(MD)シミュレーションを連帯させた新しい計算手法を提案し,これを用い,結合ポケット内における基質 の最安定配向の探索手法の開発を行い,計算プログラムの開発とテスト計算を行なう.さらに結合自由エネルギー解析からタンパク質結合サイトの同定と結合構造の同定を行なう.本研究ではリガンド-タンパク質モデルとしてEstrogen receptor (ER, PDB ID: 1WGR)を用いた。分子ドッキング計算はMD計算によって生成されたレセプターのアンサンブル構造に対して行う。本研究ではレセプターの分子誘導適合をモデルするために、ドッキングにより示された結合ポーズの構造最適化を行う。その後、最適化された結合構造に対しMM-GBSA法を用いてリガンド-レセプターの結合自由エネルギー(スコア値)を評価する。最後に、作成したリガンド分子配座に対して、結晶の基質座標をreferenceにした根平均自乗変位(RMSD)計算を行い、結果の正当性を評価する。本研究では1500個のレセプター構造に対して誘導適合分子ドッキング計算を行い、それらの結合ポーズに対するスコア値とRMSD計算を行った。ドッキングによって予測された全ての基質配座のスコア値(結合自由エネルギー)をRMSD値に対してプロットした結果、RMSDの値が小さくなるに従って結合エネルギーが低くなる結果が得られ、開発した手法の有効性が示された。最も結合エネルギーが低かった時のリガンド分子の結合構造のRMSD値は ~ 0.9オングストローム程度であり、結晶で解かれた基質配座とほぼ一致する結果を示した。<br />研究課題/領域番号:26102722, 研究期間(年度):2014-04-01 – 2016-03-31 続きを見る


齋藤, 大明 ; Saito, Hiroaki
出版情報: 平成25(2013)年度 科学研究費補助金 若手研究(B) 研究成果報告書 = 2013 Fiscal Year Final Research Report.  2011-2013  pp.5p.-,  2014-06-12.  金沢大学理工研究域数物科学系
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00056745
概要: 様々な脂質膜環境におけるペプチドおよび膜タンパク質の動的構造の解析,膜内安定性,イオン・分子透過性の評価を分子動力学シミュレーションと自由エネルギー計算により評価した.計算対象には代表的な抗菌性ペプチドであるグラミシジンAを用い,数種類の脂 質膜における分子シミュレーションと自由エネルギー評価(膜内安定性)から,膜選択性機構に言及した.ペプチド-脂質膜間の相互作用特性の内訳(水和・静電・疎水性相互作用)を査察・解析・比較することにより,ペプチドの膜選択性に寄与する相互作用の詳細を解析した.<br />We have carried out molecular dynamics simulations to analysis the structure and dynamics of peptide and membrane protein in several lipid bilayer environments and have investigated the ion and molecular permeability through the channel of membrane protein. The thermal stability of membrane protein in the lipid bilayers has also been investigated by free energy calculation.<br />研究課題/領域番号:23750008, 研究期間(年度):2011-2013 続きを見る