

金岡, 克文 ; Kanaoka, Katsufumi
出版情報: 日本海域研究 = Japan sea research.  49  pp.23-37,  2018-03-26.  金沢大学環日本海域環境研究センター — Institute of Nature and Environmental Technology Kanazawa University
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050909
概要: The Free Trade Zone (FTZ) in Okinawa Prefecture was founded in 1959. The prefecture, historically referred as the Ryukyu Islands, was occupied by the United States from 1945 to 1972. A FTZ is a kind of special economic zone (SEZ). The Okinawa FTZ was Japan's first SEZ. The US Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands expected the FTZ to contribute toward Okinawa's economic development in order to help to address the challenges posed by the presence of US military bases in the area. However, industrial activities within the FTZ did not grow as expected. The main industry in the Okinawa FTZ was assembling transistor radios. This industry imported parts from mainland Japan. Even after the reversion of Okinawa to Japanese control in 1972, the authorities decided to maintain the FTZ system. However, most companies discontinued their related operations in Okinawa. In 1987, a new FTZ was launched in the prefecture's largest city, Naha. However, the scale of imports and exports to and from the FTZ did not increase in the 1990s. This was due in large part to the fact that the only advantage of the new FTZ was a customs duty exemption. When the Okinawa FTZ was expanded in 2004, its exports started to grow. Moreover, a system based on so-called "International Logistical Hub Industry Development Zones" replaced the FTZ system in 2012. This model is a more liberal system for point of area designation. Future growth is expected under this new system. The Okinawa FTZ contributed marginally to the regional economy as a revitalization measure. In other words, the Okinawa FTZ did not have any substantial economic effects in terms of compensating for the social and economic challenges posed by the presence of US military bases. In addition, it should be reco帥ized that SEZs as a regional economic revitalization policy only have had a limited effect. 続きを見る


ビットマン, ハイコ
出版情報: 金沢大学留学生センター紀要 = Research Bulletin,International Student Center Kanazawa University.  17  pp.1-22,  2014-03-01.  金沢大学留学生センター = International Srudent Center Kanazawa University
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/39017


林, 紀代美
出版情報: E-journal GEO.  8  pp.96-118,  2013-01-01.  日本地理学会 = The Association of Japanese Geographers
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/37549
概要: The purpose of this study was to investigate the diffusion process and background to regional meals, the creation of sal e-consumption activity, and regional characteristics focusing on the distribution and consumption of fish species. Sauries were not part of traditional regional fishery in Okinawa. However, some of the saury catch, which is used as bait in pelagic fishery, began to be converted to food use from the late 1950s. In the 1960s, traders in the Ryukyu Islands (the former regional name for Okinawa which was used before the reversion to Japan) began to import food commodities from Japan. Since the reversion of the Ryukyu Islands to Japan in 1972, traders from Japan proper entered the food distribution sector in Okinawa. Full-scale commodity trading in sauries was gradually established. At present, sales of raw or fresh sauries are diffusing. Eating habits and the socioeconomic conditions of Okinawa differ from those in the rest of Japan and they are reflected in the methods of sales and trends in cooking and consuming sauries.本研究は,沖縄県を対象として,当該地域の漁業活動で対象とされていない魚種の流通・消費を取り上げて,地域の食卓への普及過程とその背景,販売・消費活動の展開や地域的特徴を明らかにすることを目的とする.遠洋漁業用餌のサンマの一部が1950年代末から食用に転用され,1960年代には琉球の業者が食用商材を本土から集荷を開始していた.日本への復帰を契機に,本土の業者も流通に参入し,本格的にサンマ商材が扱われるようになった.今日では生・生鮮品の販売も普及している.沖縄の食習慣や社会・経済的条件の影響を受けて,本土とは異なるサンマの販売形態や調理・消費動向が確認された. 続きを見る


林, 紀代美
出版情報: E-journal GEO.  8  pp.96-118,  2013-01-01.  日本地理学会 = The Association of Japanese Geographers
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/36923
概要: 本研究は,沖縄県を対象として,当該地域の漁業活動で対象とされていない魚種の流通・消費を取り上げて,地域の食卓への普及過程とその背景,販売・消費活動の展開や地域的特徴を明らかにすることを目的とする.遠洋漁業用餌のサンマの一部が1950年代末か ら食用に転用され,1960年代には琉球の業者が食用商材を本土から集荷を開始していた.日本への復帰を契機に,本土の業者も流通に参入し,本格的にサンマ商材が扱われるようになった.今日では生・生鮮品の販売も普及している.沖縄の食習慣や社会・経済的条件の影響を受けて,本土とは異なるサンマの販売形態や調理・消費動向が確認された. The purpose of this study was to investigate the diffusion process and background to regional meals, the creation of sale-consumption activity, and regional characteristics focusing on the distribution and consumption of fish species. Sauries were not part of traditional regional fishery in Okinawa. However, some of the saury catch, which is used as bait in pelagic fishery, began to be converted to food use from the late 1950s. In the 1960s, traders in the Ryukyu Islands (the former regional name for Okinawa which was used before the reversion to Japan) began to import food commodities from Japan. Since the reversion of the Ryukyu Islands to Japan in 1972, traders from Japan proper entered the food distribution sector in Okinawa. Full-scale commodity trading in sauries was gradually established. At present, sales of raw or fresh sauries are diffusing. Eating habits and the socioeconomic conditions of Okinawa differ from those in the rest of Japan and they are reflected in the methods of sales and trends in cooking and consuming sauries. 続きを見る