

Liang, Guoxin ; Kitamura, Kouichi ; Wang, Zhe ; Liu, Guangyan ; Chowdhury, Sajeda ; Fu, Weixin ; Koura, Miki ; Wakae, Kosho ; Honjo, Tasuku ; Muramatsu, Masamichi
出版情報: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.  110  pp.2246-2251,  2013-02-05.  National Academy of Sciences
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/34139
概要: Activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID) is essential for the somatic hypermutation (SHM) and class-switch recombination (CSR) of Ig genes. The mechanismby which AID triggers SHMand CSR has been explained by two distinct models. In the DNA deamination model, AID converts cytidine bases in DNA into uridine. The uridine is recognized by the DNA repair system, which produces DNA strand breakages and point mutations. In the alternative model, RNA edited by AID is responsible for triggering CSR and SHM. However, RNA deamination by AID has not been demonstrated. Here we found that C-to-T and G-to-A mutations accumulated in hepatitis B virus (HBV) nucleocapsid DNA when AID was expressed in HBV replicating hepatic cell lines. AID expression caused C-to-T mutations in the nucleocapsid DNA of RNase H-defective HBV, which does not produce plus-strand viral DNA. Furthermore, the RT-PCR products of nucleocapsid viral RNA from AID-expressing cells exhibited significant C-to-T mutations, whereas viral RNAs outside the nucleocapsid did not accumulate C-to-U mutations. Moreover, AID was packaged within the nucleocapsid by forming a ribonucleoprotein complex with HBV RNA and the HBV polymerase protein. The encapsidation of the AID protein with viral RNA and DNA provides an efficient environment for evaluating AID's RNA and DNA deamination activities. A bona fide RNA-editing enzyme, apolipoprotein B mRNA editing catalytic polypeptide 1, induced a similar level of C-to-U mutations in nucleocapsid RNA as AID. Taken together, the results indicate that AID can deaminate the nucleocapsid RNA of HBV. 続きを見る


村上, 清史 ; Murakami, Seishi
出版情報: 平成12(2000)年度 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B) 研究成果報告書 = 2000 Fiscal Year Final Research Report.  1999-2000  pp.10p.-,  2001-03.  金沢大学がん研究所
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050056
概要: HCVの持続感染の遮断が肝がん発症のリスクを低下させると期待される。HCVは宿主とは異なるRNA複製過程があり、RNA複製酵素であるNS5BはHCV複製遮断の有力な標的である。HCV複製の阻止を目標に、HCV複製酵素NS5Bの構造と機能の検 討と、NS5Bの宿主の炎症応答経路への影響の検討を行った。我々は、集約的な及び1残基のアラニン置換変異を系統的に導入し、NS5Bの諸機能を解析した。その結果1)NS5BのRNA依存RNA合成(RdRP)活性に必須である5アミノ酸残基を新たに特定した(Hepatology,in press)。2)NS5BのRdRP活性には、鋳型結合能は要求せず、鋳型/primer結合能を要求した。Y276が鋳型/primerに必須なアミノ酸残基として特定された。3)活性中心より離れたRdRP活性に必須2残基が、NS5Bのhomomericな相互作用に関わることを見い出し、各種の置換変異を用いてhomomericな作用がRdRP活性に必須で、この2残基は相互作用に直接関わる残基の可能性が強く示唆された。4)NS5Bの過剰発現系で炎症関連シス配列AP-1、NFkBの活性化を認めた。しかしアラニンスキャンでNS5Bの特定配列との相関が認められず、発現量によってNS5Bの転写活性化効果は変動した。NS5Bによる炎症関連遺伝子の修飾の可能性はあるが、感染時にHCVの他の蛋白が同時発現する条件で、NS5Bの微量発現が今回観察された効果が得られるか否かは今後の検討に残された。<br />Eradication of HCV has been expected to reduce or prevent incidence of HCC.HCV NS5B, RNA-dependent RNA polymerase(RdRP), is a target to inhibit HCV replication. We constructed a series of clustered and point alanine substitution mutations of NS5B and examined the effects of the mutations on functions of NS5B.The results are followings. 1)5 amino acid residues were newly identified to be indispensable for RdRP activity(Hepatology, in press). All are outside of the motifs conserved among RdRPs and reverse transcriptases. The result may provide desigins for specific inhibitors for HCV RdRP.2)RdRP activity of NS5B requires not template binding but template/primer. All mutants negative in the template binding are positive in RdRP activity except Y276A which is both negative in template/primer binding and RdRP activity. 3)The two residues apart from the catalytic center of RdRP activity are important for oligomerization of NS5B which we could find to be essential for RdRP activity. 4)Overexpression of NS5B activated AP-1 and NF-kB critical for acute inflammatory response, but a NS5B sequence could not be specified to be responsible for the activation which is influenced by expression level of NS5B.NS5B may modulate inflammatory responses but it remains addressed whether our observation has biological relevance in chronic HCV infection where a low amount of NS5B with coordinated expression of the other NS proteins is expected.<br />研究課題/領域番号:11694257, 研究期間(年度):1999-2000<br />出典:「C型肝炎ウイルス(HCV)NS5BのRNA合成活性と炎症応答の修飾」研究成果報告書 課題番号11694257(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所))   本文データは著者版報告書より作成 続きを見る