

堀坂, 明生 ; 田崎, 和江 ; 野田, 修司 ; Horisaka, Akio ; Tazaki, Kazue ; Noda, Shuji
出版情報: 粘土科学 = Journal of the Clay Science Society of Japan.  33  pp.36-43,  1993-05-25.  日本粘土学会 The Clay Science Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061653
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />Biomineralization of pyrite has been found inside of diatom cell in sludge (Hedoro) of Lake Nakau mi. Direct observations by using SEM equipped with BSI, and EDX revealed formation processes of microbial pyrite. In sludge (0-2.5cm depth) numerous diatoms (Coscinodiscus nitidus) form several framboidal pyrite (5μm diameter) inside cell. The framboidal pyrite are coated by thin film compose of Fe and S that is the almost same composition as pyrite. The BSI image shows slightly weak dense on the surface of film suggesting presence of organics. Chemical composition of normal diatom cell is alomst pure Si. On the other hand, the diatom forming pyrite shows elementary differences between girdle and valve. Chemistory of the girdle shows Fe and S elements indicating substitution of Si. Quantity of Fe and S increases outside to inside of girdle. The formation process of framboidal pyrite inside cell is as follows: The first step is formation of spherical FeS mineral (pyrrhotite), next step is a mixture of pyrite and pyrrhotite by adding S and dehydration. Then the mixture makes a rough framboid. Hexahedron and pentagonal dodecahedron are the characteristic crystal habits of framboidal pyrite in diatom. Some framboidal pyrite coated by thin film of clays with organics. Dozens of framboid aggregate form a ball 50μm in diameter. Formation of framboidal pyrite in diatom should be initially controlled by organics of biofilm. 続きを見る


小岩崎, 浩一 ; 本坊, 好正 ; 田崎, 和江 ; 森, 忠洋 ; Koiwasaki, Koichi ; Honbou, Yoshimasa ; Tazaki, Kazue ; Mori, Tadahiro
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  47  pp.493-505,  1993-11-25.  地学団体研究会 The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061677
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />Jarosite KFe3(SO4)2(OH)6 and ammoniojarosite NH4Fe3(SO4)2(OH)6 were experimentaly formed in 9 K-m edium with Thiobacillus ferrooxidans at 33℃ under acidic condition. The product shows characteristic peaks of jarosite at 3.08, 1.99 and 1.83 A , and those of ammoniojarosite at 3.09, 5.12, 1.98 and 1.83 A in use X-ray powder diffraction and electron diffraction pattern. TEM and SEM observations revealed the crystal growth processes of these minerals as follows ; Bacillus bacterial cells take the form of cross-finger. Both iron and sulfur components precipitated on cell wall. The iron component takes the form of burs, whereas the sulfur component forms rosary-shaped materials. The sizes of iron materials range from 0.5 to 2.0 μm in diameter while those of sulfur materials range from 0.05 to 0.1μm in diameter. Next, potassium and hydroxyl in 9 K-medium reacted on both iron and sulfur components on the cell wall. Cubic or platy jarosite, 0.1 to 5.0μm in diameter, is formed within 3 days. Jarosite of final products changed to reform rosary or parallel crystalline materials. Potassium in jarosite is substituted for ammonia to form ammoniojarosite within 5 days. Jarosite was produced by bacterial mineralization in 9 K-medium within 3 days, and those of ammoniojarosite within 5 days. Without Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, jarosite and ammoniojarosite were produced after 5 or 9 days respectively. The results suggest that Thiobacillus ferrooxidans contributes formation of jarosite and ammoniojarosite as catalyst. 続きを見る


田崎, 和江 ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  48  pp.395-412,  1994-07-25.  地学団体研究会 The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061678
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />地球上に広く分布する微細な炭素粒子は,環境の変化に最も敏感に対応する物質の一つである.その炭素の起源,微細形態,結晶成長の過程,化学結合,分布などを明かにし,炭素物質を評価するうえで,電子線を用 いた手法が有効である.ここには,様々な炭素物質について,その目的に応じた有効な分析方法の実例を示した.走査型(SEM)および透過型電子顕微鏡(TEM)による観察は,炭素物質の微細形態,結晶成長過程,結晶度を知るのに適している.バクテリアなどを含む有機物が濃集した非晶質の炭素は,続成作用により,高結晶度のグラファイトヘと変化する.初期の炭素物質は,球粒,管,フレーク,薄膜,シート,リボン状などさまざまな形態をとり,最も成長した結晶であるグラファイトは,六角板状のバウムクーヘン状構造をとる.炭素の分布を知るには,エレクトロンマイクロプローブ(EPMA)やオージェ(Auger)による元素濃度分布図が有効である.オージェは,導電性物質の蒸着を必要としないので,岩石中のカーボンの存在を薄片の状態で検出することが可能である.高い導電性を持つことで知られているワイオミング産のSybille Monzosyeniteに,オージェ分析を適用し,鉱物境界に高濃度の炭素が存在することが,高導電性の要因の一つであることを明かにした.また,オージェは導電性物質の蒸着なしで,オングストロームのオーダの最表面分析が可能である.フーリエ赤外線分析(FT-IR)は,炭素の化学結合や水分子との結合状態を知ることができる.グラファイトは,その結晶度の違いによりOHやC-C結合の吸収の程度が異なる例として,片麻岩中の低結晶度の炭素から水分が抜け,次に酸素が抜けてグラファイトヘと変化するプロセスを示した.また,電子線走査化学分析器(ESCA)による炭素(1S)の高分解能分析は,様々な炭素結合の種類とその量比を知るのに有効である.この方法により,深海底堆積物中の海緑石に含まれる炭素が,COO,C-O,C-Cそしてグラファイトといった異なる炭素結合により構成されていることを明かにした.この結果は,海緑石が有機物起源であり,その後,無機化すること,有機炭素と無機炭素の境界は明瞭ではないことなどを示している.さらに,重イオン加速器(RILAC)は,炭素が表面吸着しているか,または結晶構造に組み込まれているかの判断に有効である.例えば都市ガスのすすの分析は,金属やSiO_2といった標準試料と比べ,炭素が結晶性の構造を待つことを示した.同時に,この方法は,酸素と水素の存在状態の差異も明瞭に表わすことができる.重イオン加速器は,大気からもたらされた汚染物質の炭素と物質本来の結晶構造中の炭素原子との区別に有効である.<br />Very fine carbon particulates formed by both inorganic and biological processes in the Earth have the most sensitive response to global change. Various electron microtechniques are usufu1 to reveal the micromorphology, texture, growing processes, crystalinity, chemical bond and the distribution of carbon materials. In this article useful methods for evaluation of carbon in various carbon materials are introduced. Amorphous organic carbon naturally and artificially transforms into high crystalline graphite. SEM and TEM observations reveal that precursor carbon materials are composed of spherules, tubular, fiakes, thin films ,fla tsheets, and ribbon texture. Bacteri aand nannobacteria may play a prorninent catalyzing role in the precipitatio onf carbon materia]s. Hexagonal onion-like texture is the most stable form ofcarbon durin ggraphitizatio n,EPMA and Auger can be used for carbon elernentary rnapping. Auger-spectrometer depth profiling and carbon content rnap applied to Sybille Monzosyenite having high electrical conductivity revealed a high concentration of carbon on grain boundaries of the minerals. Chemical bonding of carbon and hydrogen can be analyzed by FT-IR method. FT-IR spectra showing different intensity of OH and C-C absorbed bands are related with the degree of crystalinity of graphite in rocks. The result suggests that graphite occurred by dehydration and reduction of organic materials, ESCA is usufu1 method to know various carbon binding. High resolution of C_ls spectra of micro ESCA can discriminate various carbon chemical binding, such as COO, C-O, C-C, and graphite. ESCA spectra of glauconite in deep sea sediments showed various ratios of COO, C-O, C-C and graphite, suggesting organic origin of glauconite. The result also suggests that there are no clear boundary between organic and inorganic carbon. RILAC method can be used for evaluation of atmospheric contamination of carbon from structural carbon. RILAC spectra of soot showed characteristic recoiled carbon, oxygen and hydrogen ions with standards of purity for metalic plate and Si0_2. 続きを見る


Rajbhandari, Keshab R. ; ラジバンダリ, ケシャプ R.
出版情報: 植物地理・分類研究 = The journal of phytogeography and taxonomy.  38  pp.69-77,  1990-12-25.  植物地理・分類学会 The Society for the Study of Phytogeography and Taxonomy / 日本植物分類学会 The Japanese Society for Plant Systematics (JSPS)
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00055919


Demura, Shinichi ; Kobayashi, Hidetsugu ; Kitabayashi, Tamotsu
出版情報: Journal of physiological anthropology and applied human science.  24  pp.525-533,  2005-09-01.  日本生理人類学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/12258
概要: 金沢大学人間社会研究域人間科学系<br />The purpose of this study was to construct QOL models for the elderly that included ikigai as a co mposition factor and to clarify differences in two kinds of models, one constructed for the elderly with habitual exercise and the other for those without it. The subjects were 1,566 healthy community-dwelling independent people aged 60 years or more (752 males, 814 females). First, the ratio of subjects with ikigai was calculated. The ratios of subjects with different kinds of objects of ikigai were also calculated. Next, structural equation models (SEM) were constructed on the basis of social, physical, and mental QOL and ikigai. Fits of the models were evaluated. To examine whether the presence or absence of habitual exercise caused any difference in the QOL model, subjects were divided into 4 groups according to whether they were male or female and whether they had or did not have an exercise habit. Multipopulation group simultaneous analysis was then performed among the four groups. More than 85% of the subjects had objects of ikigai. Ikigai is an important factor for comprehending the QOL of the elderly. It was possible to construct QOL models for the elderly with ikigai as a composition factor. The effect of physical QOL on mental QOL was negligible in females irrespective of whether they had an exercise habit. The effect of social QOL on mental QOL was profound in aged females with an exercise habit. The effect of the living situation on mental QOL was profound in aged females without an exercise habit. The effect of mental QOL on ikigai was more marked in subjects without an exercise habit than in those with an exercise habit. 続きを見る


御影, 雅幸 ; 小松, かつ子 ; 難波, 恒雄
出版情報: 生薬学雑誌 = The Japanese journal of pharmacognosy.  42  pp.284-290,  1988-12-20.  日本生薬学会 = The Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/36609
概要: 「営実」は『神農本草経』2)の上品に「味酸温主癰疽悪瘡結肉跌筋敗瘡熱気陰蝕不疹利関節一名墻薇…」と初めて収載され, 中国で古くから主として瘡毒の解毒や利水薬として用いられてきた. 一方, わが国では古くから「営実」は瀉下薬として利用されてお り, 現在でも家庭薬原料として重要な薬物であり, 局方収載品でもある. 「営実」の基源については『中薬大辞典』3)にバラ科のRosa multiflora THUNB. ノイバラの果実であると記され, わが国の薬局方には「R.multifloraまたはその近縁植物の偽果または果実である」4)と規定されている. 藤田5)は日本産の「営実」が組織学的におもにR.multifloraの果実であることを証明しているが, 今回日本市場を調査したところ現市場には日本産はほとんど見られず, 朝鮮半島や中国産の商品が大半を占めていた. 朝鮮半島の「営実」についてはR.multifloraが報告されているが, 他に.R.maximowicziana REGELツルノイバラも使用することが記されている6). Large sized “Ying shi,” which are collected from the Chinese mainland and North Korea, have recently become available in the markets of Japan and Hongkong. In order to identify their botanical origin, several fruits of the genus Rosa were examined histologically. The studied plants are Rosa maximowicziana REGEL, R. hirtula NAKAI, R. rugosa THUNB., R. davurica PALLAS, R. nipponensis CREPIN, R. suavis WILLD. and R. multiflora THUNB. A new technique was used in this study, comprising the carbonization treatment of whole fruit followed by examination with a scanning electron microscope. From the comparative studies of the secondary electron microscopic images and the measurement of isolated tissues, the large sized “Ying shi” was identified as the fruit of R. davurica. This method is useful for the study of the internal structures of crude drugs having a hard coat and microstructures, such as drugs of seed origin. 続きを見る


Nagase, Takako ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: Clay Science.  12  pp.1-6,  2006-01-01.  日本粘土学会 = The Clay Science Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/48701
概要: 出版者照会後に全文公開<br />Low-silica zeolite samples and smectite were hydrothermally synthesized from Si-Al hydrous oxides. The synthesized zeolite phases changed to structures having lower Si/Al ratio with increases in the amount of NaOH in the slurry, and time of hydrothermal treatment. When tetraethyl ammonium hydroxide (TEAOH) was added instead of NaOH, ammonium smectite was produced without zeolite. SEM and TEM images suggested that crystallization occurred at the solid-liquid interface. Upon addition of NaOH (Na/Si<0.2) to the smectite, zeolite nucleation was observed on the surface of the clay film. The zeolite phase changes depended on the dissolution of the solid phase and the resultant change in composition of the liquid phase. The observed phase relationships agreed with the calculated formation free energies and solubilities. Thus, low-silica zeolite formation under hydrothermal conditions was strongly affected by the composition and concentration of the solution. The phase relationships based on solubility curves, can be used to control the synthesis of metastable aluminous silicates and can be applied to the design of some industrial materials such as zeolite membranes and molecular sieves using hydrophilic low-silica zeolites and smectites. 続きを見る


Tazaki, Kazue ; Hattori, Tatsuya
出版情報: The science reports of the Kanazawa University = 金沢大学理科報告.  53  pp.39-54,  2009-01-01.  Institute of Science and Engineering, Kanazawa University = 金沢大学
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/17094


Miyata, Hajime ; Tazaki, Kazue ; Tawara, Kenji
出版情報: The science reports of the Kanazawa University = 金沢大学理科報告.  41  pp.1-24,  1996-07-01.  Faculty of Science, Kanazawa University = 金沢大学
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/17423