

難波, 恒雄 ; 小松, かつ子 ; 小野, 淳子 ; 鳴橋, 直弘 ; 御影, 雅幸
出版情報: 生薬学雑誌 = The Japanese journal of pharmacognosy.  40  pp.44-53,  1986-03-20.  日本生薬学会 = The Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/36601
概要: "Fu-pen-zi" (覆盆子) is the fruit drug, used in Chinese traditional medicine as the remedies for impotence, pollution and p remature ejaculation, bet-wetting, frequency of urination, etc. "Fu-pen-zi" from China Continent is considered to be derived from immature fruits of Rubus chingii Hu in general, while in local from other Rubus fruits. On the other hand, the botanical origin of "Fu-pen-zi" produced in Korea is regarded as R. coreanus MIQ., R. crataegifolius BUNGE, R. parvifolius L., etc. Rubus fruits are so similar in outer view that the botanical origins of "Fu-pen-zi" seem to be in confusion on present markets. Then, to identify the botanical origins of "Fu-pen-zi" in recent markets and discuss historical correct botanical one, a series of pharmacognostical studies on Rubus plants will be present in turn. The present paper describes anatomical fundamental characteristics of Rubus fruits, including calyxes and peduncles. Moreover one botanical origin of "Fu-pen-zi" from Korea was identified. The results showed that some of "Fu-pen-zi" from Korea were derived from the fruits of R. coreanus. 続きを見る


御影, 雅幸 ; 小松, かつ子 ; 難波, 恒雄
出版情報: 生薬学雑誌 = The Japanese journal of pharmacognosy.  42  pp.284-290,  1988-12-20.  日本生薬学会 = The Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/36609
概要: 「営実」は『神農本草経』2)の上品に「味酸温主癰疽悪瘡結肉跌筋敗瘡熱気陰蝕不疹利関節一名墻薇…」と初めて収載され, 中国で古くから主として瘡毒の解毒や利水薬として用いられてきた. 一方, わが国では古くから「営実」は瀉下薬として利用されてお り, 現在でも家庭薬原料として重要な薬物であり, 局方収載品でもある. 「営実」の基源については『中薬大辞典』3)にバラ科のRosa multiflora THUNB. ノイバラの果実であると記され, わが国の薬局方には「R.multifloraまたはその近縁植物の偽果または果実である」4)と規定されている. 藤田5)は日本産の「営実」が組織学的におもにR.multifloraの果実であることを証明しているが, 今回日本市場を調査したところ現市場には日本産はほとんど見られず, 朝鮮半島や中国産の商品が大半を占めていた. 朝鮮半島の「営実」についてはR.multifloraが報告されているが, 他に.R.maximowicziana REGELツルノイバラも使用することが記されている6). Large sized “Ying shi,” which are collected from the Chinese mainland and North Korea, have recently become available in the markets of Japan and Hongkong. In order to identify their botanical origin, several fruits of the genus Rosa were examined histologically. The studied plants are Rosa maximowicziana REGEL, R. hirtula NAKAI, R. rugosa THUNB., R. davurica PALLAS, R. nipponensis CREPIN, R. suavis WILLD. and R. multiflora THUNB. A new technique was used in this study, comprising the carbonization treatment of whole fruit followed by examination with a scanning electron microscope. From the comparative studies of the secondary electron microscopic images and the measurement of isolated tissues, the large sized “Ying shi” was identified as the fruit of R. davurica. This method is useful for the study of the internal structures of crude drugs having a hard coat and microstructures, such as drugs of seed origin. 続きを見る


難波, 恒雄 ; 小松, かつ子 ; 御影, 雅幸
出版情報: 生薬学雑誌 = The Japanese journal of pharmacognosy.  40  pp.54-60,  1986-03-20.  日本生薬学会 = The Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/36600
概要: In China Continent, "Fu-pen-zi" is considered to be derived from immature Rubus fruits, while that produced in the Korean Peninsula is from mature ones. With regard to the use of "Fu-pen-zi," it is important to find out whether the drug consists of mature fruits or immature ones, because constituents of fruits are expected to change with growth and so are its remedial results. Then, to clarify the growing stage of "Fu-pen-zi," anatomical studies of fruits, calyxes and pedicels of cultivated Rubus coreanus MIQ., which was one of the botanical origins from Korea, were done in its different developmental stages. Our results show that the growing course of fruits is divided into three stages, A, B and C based on the anatomical characteristics of fruitlets, especially mesocarp and endocarp. In this method of division, "Fu-pen-zi" derived from R. coreanus was fruits at the latter half of stage B or stage C, that is, just before ripening or ripening stage. 続きを見る


難波, 恒雄 ; 小松, かつ子 ; 御影, 雅幸
出版情報: 生薬学雑誌 = The Japanese journal of pharmacognosy.  40  pp.95-102,  1986-03-20.  日本生薬学会 = The Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/36599
概要: Though "Fu-pen-zi" from Korea has been considered to be derived from the fruits of Rubus coreanus MIQ. in general, we had already clarified that it was only used locally. In order to identify the botanical origin of Korean "Fu-pen-zi" available mainly in the recent markets of urban areas such as Seoul, Pusan, Daegu, Daejeon, etc., R. crataegifolius BUNGE and R. takeshimensis NAKAI of Section Microphylii were studied comparative anatomically. Our results showed that this "Fu-pen-zi" corresponded to the fruits with calyxes and often pedicels of R. crataegifolius growing in the Korean Peninsula. Its developmental degree was unripening (stage B) or ripening stage (stage C). 続きを見る