

Omote, Shizuko ; Watanabe, Arisu ; Hiramatsu, Tomoko ; Saito, Emiko ; Yokogawa, Masami ; Okamoto, Rie ; Sakakibara, Chiaki ; Ichimori, Akie ; Kyota, Kaoru ; Tsukasaki, Keiko ; 表, 志津子 ; 平松, 知子 ; 横川, 正美 ; 岡本, 理惠 ; 榊原, 千秋 ; 市森, 明恵 ; 京田, 薫 ; 塚崎, 恵子
出版情報: BMC Research Notes.  10  pp.586-,  2017-11-09.  BioMed Central Ltd.
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00049520
概要: 金沢大学医薬保健研究域保健学系<br />Objective: We aimed to evaluate a foot-care awareness program designed to improve foot morphology, physical functioning, and fall prevention among the community-dwelling elderly. Eleven independent community-dwelling elderly women (aged 61-83 years) were provided with foot-care advice and shown effective foot-care techniques to perform regularly for 6 months, and compared with a control group of 10 elderly women who did not receive any intervention. Measurements of foot form, functional capacity, subjective foot movement, and physical function were taken at baseline and 6-month follow-up. Results: At follow-up, improvements were seen in the intervention group in foot morphology, subjective foot movement, foot pressure, and balance. In the intervention group, 90% of women had maintained or improved foot form and none of them had fallen during the post-intervention period, compared to the control group where 30% improved foot form (p = 0.0075) and four (40%) of them had fallen. Therefore, a foot-care program may have the potential to prevent falls and improve mobility among the elderly. Trial Registration UMIN-CTR No. UMIN000029632. Date of Registration: October 19, 2017 © 2017 The Author(s). 続きを見る


平松, 知子 ; 泉, キヨ子 ; 山上, 和美 ; 天津, 栄子 ; 金川, 克子
出版情報: 金沢大学医療技術短期大学部紀要 = Memoirs of Kanazawa University School of Paramedicine.  17  pp.157-160,  1993-01-01.  金沢大学医療技術短期大学部 = Kanazawa University School of Paramedicine
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/18859


泉, キヨ子 ; 平松, 知子 ; 金川, 克子 ; 中谷, 芳美 ; 天津, 栄子
出版情報: 金沢大学医療技術短期大学部紀要 = Memoirs of Kanazawa University School of Paramedicine.  16  pp.49-54,  1993-01-29.  金沢大学医療技術短期大学部 = Kanazawa University School of Paramedicine
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/17647


平松, 知子 ; Hiramatsu, Tomoko
出版情報: 平成18(2006)年度 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C) 研究成果報告書 = 2006 Fiscal Year Final Research Report.  2005-2006  pp.18p.-,  2007-03.  金沢大学医薬保健研究域保健学系
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00056830
概要: 歩行や立位姿勢の安定に関与する足部の役割に注目し,高齢者の転倒を予防するフットケアに活かす蜜齢勺研究として,高齢者の足部の接地伏態および足部の問題を明らかにし,さらに,筋力・バランス能力など身体機能,日常生活,転倒との関連を検討した.対象は ,インフォームドコンセントの成立した立位可能な高齢者とした.1.虚弱高齢者17名と健康高齢者71名を調査した結果,両群とも足足趾の接地状態の不良な者と転倒経験の関連が示唆された.2.地域高齢者105名を対象に足部の問題と転倒について調査した結果,約60%に足の問題を認めた.足問題あり群の転倒は,複数回,平坦な揚所,損傷を伴う傾向がみられた.3.地域高齢者87名を対象に安静立位から最前傾に至る足部の接地状態を調査し,筋力,重心動揺,足問題,転倒との関1車を検討した.足趾の接地分圧は,安静立位時と比ぺて最前傾時が高かった.安静立位時と最前傾時の足趾の接地状態は,いずれも接地するI群,最前傾時の接地するII群いずれも接地しないIII群に大別された最前傾時の母趾の接地分圧は,I群およびII群では体重の約10%,III群は約5%であった。III群は筋力やバランス機能,歩行能力が低く、転倒のリスクカ淘傾向を認めた.以上から、足趾の接地伏態から転倒予測の指標となる可能性および足趾の接地に対するケアの転倒予防効果が示唆された。<br />The present study was undertaken to investigate the contact surface of toes and foot problems in elderly people. The study was additionally designed to analyze the relationship of these factors to the physical activities of elderly people and their propensity to experience falls. The following results were obtained.1. A relationship between contact surface of toes and falling was suggested for both physically weak elderly individuals and healthy elderly individuals.2. Foot problems were noted in about 40% of all elderly people. Elderly people with foot problems tended to experience multiple falls, even on flat surfaces, and to experience fall-related injuries.3. The contact pressure of toes in elderly people was higher when they stood leaning forward than when they stood upright. The subjects were divided by contact surface of toes into three groups: Group I (toe contacting the floor during both when they were leaning forward and standing upright), Group II (toe contact only when they were leaning forward) and Group III (no toe contact while they were leaning forward or standing upright). Contact pressure of the big toe was highest in Group II. Fluctuation of the center of gravity was large in the order of Group III > I > II. The percentage of people having experienced falls was about 20% in Group I and III and 8.8% in Group II. No correlation was found between toe contact pattern and foot problems.These results suggest that appropriate care of the toes, which are intimately involved in postural stabilization, is useful for preventing elderly people from experiencing falls.<br />研究課題/領域番号:17592295, 研究期間(年度):2005-2006<br />出典:「施設高齢者の転倒を予防するフットケア」研究成果報告書 課題番号17592295 (KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所))   本文データは著者版報告書より作成 続きを見る