M could be determined by photomeric detection IC as well as ion exclusion chromatography (conductivity detection). Carbonate-carbon in rain water was determined by this method.(4) Polarized photometric detection : When two polarizers were set on both sides of the flow sell of an absorbance detector, the intensity of natural light transmitted through the polarizers and the flow cell was changed according to the optically active compounds if passed through. The change in absorbance was in proportion to the concentration of the compound. Nonchromophoric optically active compounds such as sugars were sensitively determined using photometric detection HPLC without any derivatization.(5) Automatic pretreatment/HPLC system : The combination of column-switching system and a heart-cutting technique effectively removed interfering compounds in IC. This system was used to determine anions in river and rain water samples by photometric detection IC and orthophosphate in sewage samples by conductivity detection IC.(6) Determination of nitopyrenes by HPLC with chemiluminescence detection : A method of determining nitro-, nitroso- and aminopyrenes has been developed using HPLC with chemiluminescence detection after on-line electrochemical reduction. Determination method of 1, 3-, 1, 6-, 1, 8-dinitropyrenes and 1-nitropyrene has also been developed using HPLC with chemiluminescence detection after off-line chemical reduction. Utilizing these methods, dinitropyrenes and nitropyrene were determined in diesel- and gasoline-engine exhaust particulates." /> M could be determined by photomeric detection IC as well as ion exclusion chromatography (conductivity detection). Carbonate-carbon in rain water was determined by this method.(4) Polarized photometric detection : When two polarizers were set on both sides of the flow sell of an absorbance detector, the intensity of natural light transmitted through the polarizers and the flow cell was changed according to the optically active compounds if passed through. The change in absorbance was in proportion to the concentration of the compound. Nonchromophoric optically active compounds such as sugars were sensitively determined using photometric detection HPLC without any derivatization.(5) Automatic pretreatment/HPLC system : The combination of column-switching system and a heart-cutting technique effectively removed interfering compounds in IC. This system was used to determine anions in river and rain water samples by photometric detection IC and orthophosphate in sewage samples by conductivity detection IC.(6) Determination of nitopyrenes by HPLC with chemiluminescence detection : A method of determining nitro-, nitroso- and aminopyrenes has been developed using HPLC with chemiluminescence detection after on-line electrochemical reduction. Determination method of 1, 3-, 1, 6-, 1, 8-dinitropyrenes and 1-nitropyrene has also been developed using HPLC with chemiluminescence detection after off-line chemical reduction. Utilizing these methods, dinitropyrenes and nitropyrene were determined in diesel- and gasoline-engine exhaust particulates." /> 新しい吸光度検出方式高速液体クロマトグラフィーの応用研究: 環境汚染分析法の開発 | 金沢大学附属図書館 OPAC plus
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新しい吸光度検出方式高速液体クロマトグラフィーの応用研究: 環境汚染分析法の開発

早川, 和一 ; Hayakawa, Kazuichi
金沢大学薬学部, 1992-03-01
平成3(1991)年度 科学研究費補助金 一般研究(C) 研究成果報告書 = 1991 Fiscal Year Final Research Report
1.イオンクロマトグラフィ-(IC)の保持・溶出機構解析:溶離剤成分と試料成分の挙動解析から選択的ピ-ク増感・抑制の理論を提案し、微量リン酸の分析に応用した。Hooverモデルに基づく関係式に新しく溶離剤間分離係数を導入し、二塩基酸溶離液系でも試料成分と溶離静成分の挙動が理論的に推定できるようにした。2.自動前処理IC:カラムスイッチング法の導入により、陰イオン分析を妨害するアルカリ土類金属のオンライン除去ICを開発した。このシステムは、生活雑排水中のリン酸分析を妨害する成分 のオンライン除去にも有効であった。また、電気伝導度検出ICで報告されている自動濃縮分析システムを吸光度検出ICについて考案した。このシステムは、極地氷床コアや雨水等の希薄環境試料の分析に有効であった。3.吸光度検出IC用機能性溶離剤:配位子交換吸光度検出IC理論に基づく光学異性有機酸の分析法を開発した。本法で前処理なしに清涼飲水中の添加リンゴ酸の分析ができた。4.炭酸のIC:大気中の二酸化炭素の妨害を除去して微量炭酸が分析できる窒素通気ーイオン排除クロマトグラフィ-を開発した。これにより雨水中の炭酸が数種の低級有機酸と同時分析できた。5.偏光吸光度検出法:吸光度検出セルの前後に二枚の偏光子を設置すると、吸光度変化量はセル内に存在する光学活性物質の濃度に比例するという偏光吸光度検出理論を提案した。本法は紫外・可視吸収がなく光学活性がある糖などの分析に適用でき、その検出感度も優れていた。6.化学発光検出HPLCによるニトロピレン類の超高感度分析法:オンライン電気化学還元ー化学発光検出HPLC及びオフライン化学還元ー化学発光検出HPLCによるニトロピレン類の超高感度分析法を開発した。これらの方法で、ニトロピレン類の主要排出源の一つと言われているディ-ゼル及びガソリン自動車排ガス中のジニトロピレンが分析できた。<br />(1) Theoretical studies on the retention and peak formation mechanism in ion chromatography (IC) : Following on from our previous work, a new theory "selective peak enhancement and suppression of conductivity detection IC" was evaluated. This theory was effectively used in the determination of trace level orthophosphate in sewage samples. Ion exchange chromatographic behavior of polyvalent eluent systems was evaluated theoretically by introducing a new parameter "the intereluent separation factor" in equations for Hoover's model.(2) Functional eluents for photometric detection IC : Both[Cu(en)_2SO_4 and[Cu(trien)]SO_4 were effective eluents for the sensitive determination of cations. Using a Na_2[Cu(edta)]- Na_2H_2 edta eluent, not only anions but also metal ions were deterifined as metal-edta anion chelates by photometric detection IC. These methods were effectively used in the determination of cations and anions in environmental water samples. Malic acid enantiomers were separately d etermined by photometric detection IC using a copper - tartaric acid complex eluent, based on a ligand-exchange formation mechanism. Malic acid, an apple juice additive, was determined by this method.(3) Determination of carbonate-carbon : Interfering atmospheric carbon dioxide dissolved in eluents was removed effectively by nitrogen purging. Using this equipment, trace level carbonate carbon as low as 10^<-6> M could be determined by photomeric detection IC as well as ion exclusion chromatography (conductivity detection). Carbonate-carbon in rain water was determined by this method.(4) Polarized photometric detection : When two polarizers were set on both sides of the flow sell of an absorbance detector, the intensity of natural light transmitted through the polarizers and the flow cell was changed according to the optically active compounds if passed through. The change in absorbance was in proportion to the concentration of the compound. Nonchromophoric optically active compounds such as sugars were sensitively determined using photometric detection HPLC without any derivatization.(5) Automatic pretreatment/HPLC system : The combination of column-switching system and a heart-cutting technique effectively removed interfering compounds in IC. This system was used to determine anions in river and rain water samples by photometric detection IC and orthophosphate in sewage samples by conductivity detection IC.(6) Determination of nitopyrenes by HPLC with chemiluminescence detection : A method of determining nitro-, nitroso- and aminopyrenes has been developed using HPLC with chemiluminescence detection after on-line electrochemical reduction. Determination method of 1, 3-, 1, 6-, 1, 8-dinitropyrenes and 1-nitropyrene has also been developed using HPLC with chemiluminescence detection after off-line chemical reduction. Utilizing these methods, dinitropyrenes and nitropyrene were determined in diesel- and gasoline-engine exhaust particulates.<br />研究課題/領域番号:02670975, 研究期間(年度):1990–1991<br />出典:「新しい吸光度検出方式高速液体クロマトグラフィーの応用研究: 環境汚染分析法の開発」研究成果報告書 課題番号02670975(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所))   本文データは著者版報告書より作成 続きを見る



早川, 和一, 宮崎, 元一, Hayakawa, Kazuichi, Miyazaki, Motoichi

日本分析化学会 = The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry

Yamamoto, Atsushi, Hayakawa, Kazuichi, Matsunaga, Akinobu, Mizukami, Eiichi, Miyazaki, Motoichi

日本分析化学会 = The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry

早川, 和一, 山本, 敦

The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry = 日本分析化学会

吉田, 育世, 早川, 和一, 宮崎, 元一

日本薬学会 = The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan

山本, 敦, 早川, 和一, Yamamoto, Atsushi, Hayakawa, Kazuichi

Pharmaceutical Society of Japan 日本薬学会

Nishimura, Masayuki, Hayashi, Morimasa, Hayakawa, Kazuichi, Miyazaki, Motoichi

日本分析化学会 = The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry

Nishimura, Masayuki, Hayashi, Morimasa, Yamamoto, Atsushi, Hayakawa, Kazuichi, Miyazaki, Motoichi

日本分析化学会 = The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry

早川, 和一, 宮崎, 元一

日本薬学会 = The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan

松永, 明信, 山本, 敦, 水上, 英一, 早川, 和一, 宮崎, 元一

日本薬学会 = The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan