

唐, 寧 ; 伊崎, 陽彦 ; 徳田, 貴裕 ; 季, 若男 ; 董, 麗君 ; 呉, 慶 ; 周, 志俊 ; 黄, 蓉 ; 林, 振宇 ; 亀田, 貴之 ; 鳥羽, 陽 ; 島, 正之 ; 早川, 和一
出版情報: 分析化学 = BUNSEKI KAGAKU.  62  pp.267-273,  2013-01-01.  日本分析化学会 = The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/36937
概要: Urban air contains various kinds of organic pollutants. Among them, several polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and nitropolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (NPAHs) are carcinogenic and/or endocrine disrupting. PAHs and NPAHs in the atmosphere mainly originate from imperfect combustion of organic matter, such as petroleum and coal. In this study, total suspended particles (TSP) were collected in three different particulate size fractions by using Andersen low-volume air samplers in Shenyang, Shanghai and Fuzhou, China, in the winter and summer seasons in 2010. Nine PAHs and twelve NPAHs in the extracts from the TSP were analyzed by HPLC with fluorescence detection and chemiluminescence detection, respectively. The mean concentrations of the sums of the nine PAHs and twelve NPAHs were highest in Shenyang and lowest in Fuzhou. In each city, more than 80% of the total PAHs and total NPAHs were found in the fine particulate fraction (<2.1 μm). All PAHs and NPAHs were clearly higher in the winter than in the summer. Furthermore, the ratio of the molar concentrations of 1-nitropyrene to pyrene ([1-NP]/[Pyr]), which is a suitable indicator to estimate the contribution of diesel-engine vehicles and coal combustion to urban TSP, were smaller in Shenyang in the winter. However, in Shanghai, Fuzhou and Shenyang (summer), the [1-NP]/[Pyr] ratios were close to those of particulates released from diesel-engine automobiles. Our study showed that the major contributors of atmospheric PAHs and NPAHs were diesel-engine vehicles both in the winter and the summer in Shanghai and Fuzhou, and in the summer in Shenyang. However, in the winter in Shenyang, atmospheric PAHs and NPAHs seemed to be affected by the mixture of coal combustion systems, such as coal heating and diesel-engine vehicles. 2010年の冬季及び夏季に中国の東部に位置する瀋陽,上海及び福州で総浮遊粒子状物質をアンダーセン式ローボリウムエアサンプラーを用いて粒径別(<2.1 μm,2.1~7 μm,>7 μm)に捕集した.強い発がん性または内分泌かく乱性を有する9種の多環芳香族炭化水素(PAH)と12種のニトロ多環芳香族炭化水素(NPAH)をそれぞれ高速液体クロマトグラフ(HPLC)蛍光検出法,HPLC化学発光検出法で分析した.その結果,3都市の大気中PAH,NPAH濃度はいずれも冬高夏低の季節変動を呈し,また季節によらず瀋陽で最も高く,福州で最も低いことが分かった.また3都市の大気中PAH,NPAHの80% 以上は呼吸器への沈着率の高い微小粒子画分(<2.1 μm)に存在した.さらに,大気中PAH,NPAHの主要発生源の識別マーカーであるピレンに対する1-ニトロピレン濃度比を3都市で比較した結果,上海,福州及び夏季の瀋陽の大気中PAH,NPAHの主要発生源がディーゼル車であり,冬季の瀋陽はディーゼル車と石炭暖房施設の両方であることが明らかになった. 続きを見る


唐, 寧 ; 伊崎, 陽彦 ; 徳田, 貴裕 ; 季, 若男 ; 董, 麗君 ; 呉, 慶 ; 周, 志俊 ; 黄, 蓉 ; 林, 振宇 ; 亀田, 貴之 ; 鳥羽, 陽 ; 島, 正之 ; 早川, 和一
出版情報: 分析化学 = Japan analyst.  62  pp.267-273,  2013-01-01.  日本分析化学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/43418
概要: Urban air contains various kinds of organic pollutants. Among them, several polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and nitropolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (NPAHs) are carcinogenic and/or endocrine disrupting. PAHs and NPAHs in the atmosphere mainly originate from imperfect combustion of organic matter, such as petroleum and coal. In this study, total suspended particles (TSP) were collected in three different particulate size fractions by using Andersen low-volume air samplers in Shenyang, Shanghai and Fuzhou, China, in the winter and summer seasons in 2010. Nine PAHs and twelve NPAHs in the extracts from the TSP were analyzed by HPLC with fluorescence detection and chemiluminescence detection, respectively. The mean concentrations of the sums of the nine PAHs and twelve NPAHs were highest in Shenyang and lowest in Fuzhou. In each city, more than 80% of the total PAHs and total NPAHs were found in the fine particulate fraction (<2.1 μm). All PAHs and NPAHs were clearly higher in the winter than in the summer. Furthermore, the ratio of the molar concentrations of 1-nitropyrene to pyrene ([1-NP]/[Pyr]), which is a suitable indicator to estimate the contribution of diesel-engine vehicles and coal combustion to urban TSP, were smaller in Shenyang in the winter. However, in Shanghai, Fuzhou and Shenyang (summer), the [1-NP]/[Pyr] ratios were close to those of particulates released from diesel-engine automobiles. Our study showed that the major contributors of atmospheric PAHs and NPAHs were diesel-engine vehicles both in the winter and the summer in Shanghai and Fuzhou, and in the summer in Shenyang. However, in the winter in Shenyang, atmospheric PAHs and NPAHs seemed to be affected by the mixture of coal combustion systems, such as coal heating and diesel-engine vehicles. 2010年の冬季及び夏季に中国の東部に位置する瀋陽,上海及び福州で総浮遊粒子状物質をアンダーセン式ローボリウムエアサンプラーを用いて粒径別(<2.1 μm,2.1~7 μm,>7 μm)に捕集した.強い発がん性または内分泌かく乱性を有する9種の多環芳香族炭化水素(PAH)と12種のニトロ多環芳香族炭化水素(NPAH)をそれぞれ高速液体クロマトグラフ(HPLC)蛍光検出法,HPLC化学発光検出法で分析した.その結果,3都市の大気中PAH,NPAH濃度はいずれも冬高夏低の季節変動を呈し,また季節によらず瀋陽で最も高く,福州で最も低いことが分かった.また3都市の大気中PAH,NPAHの80% 以上は呼吸器への沈着率の高い微小粒子画分(<2.1 μm)に存在した.さらに,大気中PAH,NPAHの主要発生源の識別マーカーであるピレンに対する1-ニトロピレン濃度比を3都市で比較した結果,上海,福州及び夏季の瀋陽の大気中PAH,NPAHの主要発生源がディーゼル車であり,冬季の瀋陽はディーゼル車と石炭暖房施設の両方であることが明らかになった. 続きを見る


浜, 寛貴 ; 徳田, 貴裕 ; 伊崎, 陽彦 ; 大野, 友子 ; 渡辺, 有梨 ; 神田, 哲雄 ; 唐, 寧 ; 亀田, 貴之 ; 鳥羽, 陽 ; 早川, 和一
出版情報: 大気環境学会誌 = Journal of Japan Society for Atmospheric Environment.  47  pp.1-8,  2012-01-01.  大気環境学会 = Japan Society for Atmospheric Environment
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/45056
概要: 石川県金沢市藤江の幹線道路脇において12年間(1999~2010年)の夏と冬の大気粉塵を捕集し、多環芳香族炭化水素(PAH)6種類(pyrene、benz[a]anthracene、chrysene、benzo[b]fluoranthene 、benzo[k]fluoranthene、benzo[a]pyrene)およびニトロ多環芳香族炭化水素(NPAH)7種類(1,3-、1,6-、1,8-dinitropyrenes、1-nitropyrene、6-nitrochrysene、7-nitrobenz[a]anthracene、6-nitrobenzo[a]pyrene)をそれぞれHPLC-蛍光検出法、HPLC-化学発光検出法で測定し、その変遷を明らかにした。この間に、PAH濃度は冬63.9%、夏75.6%減少、NPAH濃度は冬88.0%、夏89.2%減少した。また[1-NP]/[Pyr]値は冬と夏ともに著しく減少した。自動車排ガス規制の強化によって排出源としての自動車の寄与率が低下したことが、大気中PAH、NPAH濃度および[1-NP]/[Pyr]値が顕著に減少した主要因と考えられた。 Airborne particulates were collected at a roadside site in Kanazawa, Japan, in the summer and winter, 1999, 2004/2005, 2007/2008 and 2010. The polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and nitropolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (NPAHs) were determined by HPLC with fluorescence and chemiluminescence detections, respectively. The total concentration of six PAHs (pyrene, benz[a]anthracene, chrysene, benzo[b]fluoranthene, benzo[k]fluoranthene and benzo[a]pyrene) decreased by the factor of 63.9% in the winter and 75.6% in the summer from 1999 to 2010. The total concentration of seven NPAHs (1,3-, 1,6-, 1,8-dinitropyrenes, 1-nitropyrene, 6-nitrochrysene, 7-nitrobenz[a]anthracene and 6-nitrobenzo[a]pyrene) significantly decreased by the factor of 88.0% in the winter and 89.2% in the summer during the same period. The concentration ratio of 1-nitropyrene to pyrene also significantly decreased in this period, suggesting a decrease in the emission amount. As the main reason for the significant decrease in the PAHs and NPAHs, the regulation of exhaust gas/particulates from automobiles was considered. 続きを見る