

斎藤, 武久 ; 松原, 卓也
出版情報: 土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) = Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering).  70  pp.I_1026-I_1030,  2014-01-01.  土木学会 = Japan Society of Civil Engineers
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/41408
概要: A method to predict disaster occurrence of costal structures is examined by refereeing the repeat disaster occurrences of coastal structures at locations close to each other. Significant wave height data from NOWPHAS is used to make a model of wave history, then maximum wave height during each storm, duration of storm and the flow rate of wave overtopping at the maximum wave height are used as key factors and the time function is also introduced to reduce wave energy and flow rate of wave overtopping at the time retroactive from the moment of disaster occurrence. The accumulation value of the wave energy and the flow rate of wave overtopping with the time function are carried out to judge of disaster occurrence of seawalls in Ishikawa coast, and the possibility of the index to explain the disaster occurrence is discussed. 続きを見る


斎藤, 武久 ; 松原, 卓也
出版情報: 土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) = Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering).  72  pp.I_1177-I_1182,  2016-11-15.  土木学会 = Japan Society of Civil Engineers
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/46787
概要: Disaster prediction for upright seawall is examined subsequently to previous our research work in order to provide the p ossibility of index to explain the disaster occurrence. In this method, tidal variation is newly included and the significant wave height data from NOWPHAS each 2 hour is used to predict the flow rate of wave overtopping from the upright seawall. The accumulation value of the flow rate of wave overtopping with the time function are also carried out to judge of disaster. As a result, it makes clear that wave history duration is possible to expand 3 years and the power of the time function is enough 1. 本研究では,繰り返しの暴浪の来襲で海岸構造物が経年的に設計強度を失う可能性に着目し,来襲波浪の履歴を考慮して海岸構造物の被災発生の予測を試みた著者らの前報に続き,波浪履歴を考慮する期間をさらに長期間とした場合の被災発生指標の導出を試みた.この際,前報では考慮していなかった潮位変動データを取り込み,NOWPHASの波浪データから暴浪をモデル化した場合,さらに,2時間毎の波浪データを直接用いた場合を対象に被災発生指標の推定を試みている.  解析の結果,波浪データとして2時間毎のNOWPHASの波浪データを直接使用し,潮位変動を考慮した越波流量を用いた場合,3年間の波浪履歴を考慮することで直立堤の被災発生指標を推定できる事が明らかになった. 続きを見る


室谷, 卓実 ; 齊藤, 千晶 ; 松原, 卓也 ; 上坂, 大 ; 高山, 純一
出版情報: 学長研究奨励費研究成果論文集.  9  pp.47-51,  2013-08-01.  金沢大学 Kanazawa University / 金沢大学学生部学務課教務係
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/35553