

米山, 猛 ; 香川, 博之 ; 山出, 洋司 ; 瀧野, 孔延 ; 楊, 青 ; 伊藤, 豊次 ; 稲城, 正高 ; Yoneyama, Takeshi ; Kagawa, Hiroyuki ; Yamade, Youji ; Takano, Yorinobu ; Qyang, Qing ; Itoh, Toyotsugu ; Inagi, Masataka
出版情報: 精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集 = 2003 JSPE Spring Meeting.  2003 Spring  pp.125-125,  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00052930
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系<br />レーザによる金属粉体の焼結積層造形技術を用いて冷却水路を内蔵した金型を製作し,射出成形における冷却促進と成形品の高精度化を図った.本報告では,スティール粉体を用いて冷却水路をコア内に持つ金型を作成し, 通常の水路を持つスティールの切削金型による冷却と比較した.その結果冷却水路を内蔵した金型を用いると金型内の温度が均一化し,成形品のソリ量も減少することがわかった.<br />出版者照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


米山, 猛 ; 香川, 博之 ; 山出, 洋司 ; 伊藤, 豊次 ; 稲城, 正高 ; 瀧野, 孔延 ; 楊, 青
出版情報: 精密工学会誌論文集 = Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering. Supplement. Contributed papers.  71  pp.347-351,  2005-01-01.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/43208
概要: 冷却水路を内部に持つ射出成形金型を, スティール粉体レーザ焼結造形法を用いて作成した. 箱形の成形品を対象とし, コアコーナ部に水路を設けることで、コア表面の温度分布が均一化し、成形品のソリが, 通常の金型による成形品と比べて著しく低減した . コア側の水温をキャビティ側の水温よりも適切に低くすることによって, 成形品のソリを最小にすることができた. An injection mold with inside cooling water channels which are difficult to be made by conventional machining method has been fabricated by using selective laser sintering of steel powders. A box shape work piece has been applied as a test structure. By the cooling inside the corner of the core, the temperature difference in the core surface is reduced and then the dimension accuracy of the work piece is improved compared with the work piece injected in the conventional machined mold with outside cooling channels. The core surface temperature is directly controlled by the cooling water temperature and kept constant at the end of each shot. When the water temperature of the inside channel in the core is assigned properly lower than that of outside channel in the cavity, the warp of the periphery of the box became minimum. Although the heat conductivity of the sintered material is lower than that of mold steel, cooling effect and accuracy improvement are promoted by the combination of cooling channels near the mold surface and adequate cooling temperatures. 続きを見る


香川, 博之 ; 米山, 猛 ; 伊藤, 強 ; 伊藤, 豊次 ; 岩根, 昭裕 ; 稲城, 正高 ; 瀧野, 孔延 ; 楊, 青
出版情報: 精密工学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering.  68  pp.1057-1061,  2002-01-01.  精密工学会 = The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/42715
概要: An injection mold with inside cooling water channels which are difficult to be made by conventional machining method has been fabricated by using selective laser sintering of metal powders. By the cooling inside the corner of the core, the temperature difference in the mold is reduced and then the dimension accuracy of the work piece is improved compared with the work piece injected in the mold with outside cooling channels. When the water temperature of the inside channel in the core is assigned lower than that of outside channel in the cavity, the temperature distribution in the mold becomes more uniform and the dimension accuracy of the work piece has been further improved. After the experiment, the structure of the sintered mold and its thermal conductivity has been measured to consider on the relation with temperature distribution in the mold. In order to achieve the uniform temperature distribution in the mold, adequate channels location will be necessary in relation with the thermal conductivity of the mold. 続きを見る