

御影, 雅幸 ; 小松, かつ子 ; 難波, 恒雄
出版情報: 藥學雜誌 = Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan.  107  pp.192-198,  1987-03-25.  The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan = 日本薬学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/36573
概要: To study the utilization of soft X-ray microradiogram for the evaluation of crude drugs, seven different grades of Cinnamomi veri Cortex were examined. As the result, through the surface image, broad-linear bands due to calcium oxalate crystals in the phloem rays were observed definitely in the lower grade ones, and scarcely in the higher grade. Moreover, comparing with the microradiogram of the stem bark of Cinnamomum verum, higher grade ones corresponded to the bark from slender parts and lower grades to thicker parts. By use of this method jointly with optical microscopic observation was found to be more useful for the histological study of crude drugs. In addition, this method might be superior to the observation of the internal structures of large sized crude drugs without any damages, and gives various interesting informations by treating the drugs beforehand with chemical reagents such as hydrochloric acid. 続きを見る


難波, 恒雄 ; 御影, 雅幸 ; 小松, かつ子 ; 宝田, さよ子 ; 奥野, 勇
出版情報: 生薬学雑誌 = The Japanese journal of pharmacognosy.  38  pp.264-275,  1984-09-20.  日本生薬学会 = The Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/36597
概要: 漢薬「茵蔯蒿」は古来, 主として黄疸の治療に用いられてきた薬物で, 現在でも茵陳蒿湯や茵陳苓散などに配合して用いられている. 著者らはすでに日本産茵陳蒿とその同類生薬である北茵陳の原植物および利胆作用について検討し, 日本産茵陳蒿は主として カワラヨモギの花穂であるが, オトコヨモギの混入した商品もあること2, 3), また, 北茵陳の原植物はシソ科のOriganum vulgare L. であり, 北茵陳と中国産綿茵陳には利胆作用が認められないこと4)を報告した. 韓国産茵陳蒿の原植物として, これまでイワヨモギ Artemisia iwayomogi KITAM.〔=A. messer-schmidiana BESSER var. viridis BESSER, A. sacrorum LEDEB. subsp. laxiflora(NAKAI)KITAGAWA〕5)やウラジロヒメイワヨモギA. sacrorum LEDEB. subsp. manshurica KITAM.(=A. gmelini STECHMAN6))があてられているが, まだ詳細な検討はなされていない. 韓国市場の茵陳蒿の形態を観察したところ, その原植物は単一ではなく, 2種類のヨモギ属植物からなると推定された. これらの基源を明らかにする目的で, 韓国に分布する同属植物13種類8)(韓国およびわが国での採集品)の葉および茎を比較組織学的に検討した. In order to clarify the botanical origin of the samples of “In Jin Go” purchased in Korea, comparative anatomical studies were conducted on leaves and stems of the samples and Artemisia spp. distributed in Korea. Two kinds of botanical origins were found in the crude drugs; the major component A was A. iwayomogl and the minor one B was A. japonica. A and B were discriminated each other and from the other plants by the shape of the leaves and T-form hairs on the leaves and the presence or absence of palisade tissue and glandular hairs on the leaves and endodermis and oil canals in the stems. 続きを見る


難波, 恒雄 ; 葉, 加南 ; 小松, かつ子 ; 蔡, 小青 ; 御影, 雅幸
出版情報: 生薬学雑誌 = The Japanese journal of pharmacognosy.  44  pp.151-161,  1990-09-20.  日本生薬学会 = The Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/36612
概要: More than 800 kinds of folk medicines are said to be used in Sichuan Province of China. Of them, three kinds of crude dr ugs, derived from the whole plants of Oxalis species (Oxalidaceae) and now on the market, were studied pharmacognostically and the internal structures of the leaves and petioles were compared with those of nine Oxalis species growing in China and Japan. As the result, the botanical origins of "Suan-jiang-cao" (酸漿草), "San-kuai-wa" (三塊瓦) and "Tong-chui-cao" (銅錘草) were proved to be O. corniculata, O. griffithii and O. corymbosa, respectively.中国では漢方の流布とは別に, 古くから各地域でそれぞれ固有の生薬を開発し利用してきた. なかでも現在の四川省は面積が約57万km2, 人口約1億の多民族が居住する地域で, 薬物資源も豊富で, 中草薬として3, 000種類以上があるとされ2), そのなかで800種以上は民間薬として現在でも実際に用いられている3), また, 四川省で採集された民間薬は省内の市場だけではなく, 省外の広い区域にも出廻り利用されている. しかし, これらの正品に関する研究はもとより, 現市場品の基源に関する研究もほとんどなされておらず, 市場には「同物異名品」や「異物同名品」が数多くみられる. そこで今回, 新資源開発ならびに中国における漢方薬と民間薬の関連性を明らかにすることを踏まえて, 四川省産民間薬の調査を行い, 比較的流通量の多い薬物の基源を順次解明する目的で本研究に着手した本報ではカタバミ科のOxalis属植物に由来する薬物について述べる. 続きを見る


難波, 恒雄 ; 小松, かつ子 ; 小野, 淳子 ; 鳴橋, 直弘 ; 御影, 雅幸
出版情報: 生薬学雑誌 = The Japanese journal of pharmacognosy.  40  pp.44-53,  1986-03-20.  日本生薬学会 = The Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/36601
概要: "Fu-pen-zi" (覆盆子) is the fruit drug, used in Chinese traditional medicine as the remedies for impotence, pollution and p remature ejaculation, bet-wetting, frequency of urination, etc. "Fu-pen-zi" from China Continent is considered to be derived from immature fruits of Rubus chingii Hu in general, while in local from other Rubus fruits. On the other hand, the botanical origin of "Fu-pen-zi" produced in Korea is regarded as R. coreanus MIQ., R. crataegifolius BUNGE, R. parvifolius L., etc. Rubus fruits are so similar in outer view that the botanical origins of "Fu-pen-zi" seem to be in confusion on present markets. Then, to identify the botanical origins of "Fu-pen-zi" in recent markets and discuss historical correct botanical one, a series of pharmacognostical studies on Rubus plants will be present in turn. The present paper describes anatomical fundamental characteristics of Rubus fruits, including calyxes and peduncles. Moreover one botanical origin of "Fu-pen-zi" from Korea was identified. The results showed that some of "Fu-pen-zi" from Korea were derived from the fruits of R. coreanus. 続きを見る


御影, 雅幸 ; 小松, かつ子 ; 難波, 恒雄
出版情報: 生薬学雑誌 = The Japanese journal of pharmacognosy.  42  pp.284-290,  1988-12-20.  日本生薬学会 = The Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/36609
概要: 「営実」は『神農本草経』2)の上品に「味酸温主癰疽悪瘡結肉跌筋敗瘡熱気陰蝕不疹利関節一名墻薇…」と初めて収載され, 中国で古くから主として瘡毒の解毒や利水薬として用いられてきた. 一方, わが国では古くから「営実」は瀉下薬として利用されてお り, 現在でも家庭薬原料として重要な薬物であり, 局方収載品でもある. 「営実」の基源については『中薬大辞典』3)にバラ科のRosa multiflora THUNB. ノイバラの果実であると記され, わが国の薬局方には「R.multifloraまたはその近縁植物の偽果または果実である」4)と規定されている. 藤田5)は日本産の「営実」が組織学的におもにR.multifloraの果実であることを証明しているが, 今回日本市場を調査したところ現市場には日本産はほとんど見られず, 朝鮮半島や中国産の商品が大半を占めていた. 朝鮮半島の「営実」についてはR.multifloraが報告されているが, 他に.R.maximowicziana REGELツルノイバラも使用することが記されている6). Large sized “Ying shi,” which are collected from the Chinese mainland and North Korea, have recently become available in the markets of Japan and Hongkong. In order to identify their botanical origin, several fruits of the genus Rosa were examined histologically. The studied plants are Rosa maximowicziana REGEL, R. hirtula NAKAI, R. rugosa THUNB., R. davurica PALLAS, R. nipponensis CREPIN, R. suavis WILLD. and R. multiflora THUNB. A new technique was used in this study, comprising the carbonization treatment of whole fruit followed by examination with a scanning electron microscope. From the comparative studies of the secondary electron microscopic images and the measurement of isolated tissues, the large sized “Ying shi” was identified as the fruit of R. davurica. This method is useful for the study of the internal structures of crude drugs having a hard coat and microstructures, such as drugs of seed origin. 続きを見る


難波, 恒雄 ; 菊池, 徹 ; 御影, 雅幸 ; 門田, 重利 ; 小松, かつ子 ; 清水, 岑夫 ; 富森, 毅
出版情報: 生薬学雑誌 = The Japanese journal of pharmacognosy.  41  pp.35-42,  1987-03-20.  日本生薬学会 = The Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/36604
概要: Cinnamomum verum J. S. PRESL of family Lauraceae is one of the important cultivated medicinal plants in Democratic Socia list Republic of Sri-Lanka. The bark of the tree, "CINNAMOMI VERI CORTEX," KURUNDUPOTU in Singhalese, is known to be a famous spice under the name of Cinnamon. Besides, KURUNDUPOTU is also an Ayurvedic drug used for dyspepsia, flatulence, diarrhoea, dysentery, vomiting, etc. Nowadays, as a spice, Cinnamon is divided commercially into thirteen grades on the bases of differences of the diameter and quantity of Foxing of the Quillings. Among these, we got nine popular grades from the Bureau of Ceylon Standard.To know the qualitical differences of each grade, anatomical and chemical studies of all these were made. Our results showed that higher graded Cinnamon had less mechanical tissues anatomically and contained more essential oils chemically. Moreover, in essential oils, the percentage of cinnamyl acetate was found higher and that of cinnamaldehyde was lower in higher graded ones.スリランカ(Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri-Lanka)における民族医療はアーユルヴェーダ(インド医学)が主流である. スリランカにおいて栽培される代表的なアーユルヴェーダ薬物の一つにKURUNDUPOTU(cinnamon bark の意味のシンハリ名)があり, このものはLauraceaeのCinnamomum verum J. S. PRESL(=C zeylanicum NEES セイロンニッケイ)のコルク層を剥いだ樹皮である. アーユルヴェーダではKURUNDUPOTU は強壮, 健胃, 駆風薬などとして用いられ, また民間的にも頭痛や感冒, 鼻汁, 呼吸器疾患, 下痢などに利用されている2). その産出量は年々増加しており, 大半は香辛料として輸出され, 一部が薬用あるいは料理用に国内で消費されている2). セイロン桂皮についてはすでに太田らにより日本市場品の内部形態3), コロンボおよびスイス市場品とコロンボ近郊などでの栽培品との内部形態による比較研究4)がなされているが, 品質についてはいっさい触れられていない. 現在, セイロン桂皮には商取引上13の等級があり, それらの等級はBureau of Ceylon Standardで規格されている. 等級はAlba, Continental 5 special, Continenta1 5, 同4, 同3, 同2, 同1, Mexican5 special, 同5, 同4, Hamburg 1, 同2, 同3の名称で呼ばれ, これらはQuimng5)の大さやFoxing6)の量で規定されている2). Albaが最高級品とされ, Continentalグループ, Mexicanグループ, Hamburgグループと続くが, Continentalグループの低級品よりはMexicanグループの高級品の方が品質がよいといわれている. これらのグループ名はそれぞれ輸出先国の違いを示しており, Hamburgグループ以外は番号の大きいものが高級品とされている. 今回, 栽培地を調査するとともにこれらの13等級のうち, とくに流通量の多い9等級を入手し, 各等級間の内部形態および精油成分の差異を検討したので報告する. また生薬市場および製薬工場において入手したKURUNDUPOTU等級についても検討した. 続きを見る


難波, 恒雄 ; 小松, かつ子 ; 御影, 雅幸
出版情報: 生薬学雑誌 = The Japanese journal of pharmacognosy.  40  pp.54-60,  1986-03-20.  日本生薬学会 = The Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/36600
概要: In China Continent, "Fu-pen-zi" is considered to be derived from immature Rubus fruits, while that produced in the Korean Peninsula is from mature ones. With regard to the use of "Fu-pen-zi," it is important to find out whether the drug consists of mature fruits or immature ones, because constituents of fruits are expected to change with growth and so are its remedial results. Then, to clarify the growing stage of "Fu-pen-zi," anatomical studies of fruits, calyxes and pedicels of cultivated Rubus coreanus MIQ., which was one of the botanical origins from Korea, were done in its different developmental stages. Our results show that the growing course of fruits is divided into three stages, A, B and C based on the anatomical characteristics of fruitlets, especially mesocarp and endocarp. In this method of division, "Fu-pen-zi" derived from R. coreanus was fruits at the latter half of stage B or stage C, that is, just before ripening or ripening stage. 続きを見る


鐘, 国曜 ; 小松, かつ子 ; 御影, 雅幸 ; 難波, 恒雄
出版情報: 生薬学雑誌 = The Japanese journal of pharmacognosy.  48  pp.141-154,  1994-06-20.  日本生薬学会 = The Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/36620
概要: 「淫羊蕓」は『神農本草経』2)の中品に収載された漢薬で, 古くから補腎益精, 強壮薬として, 腰膝萎弱, インポテンツ, 半身不随及び腎虚などに用いられており, また近年, 狭心症, 更年期の高血圧症, 神経疲労, 健忘, 気管支炎などの治 療にも繁用される3). その基源は諸本草書の記載及び現在の市場品の状況から明らかにメギ科のEpimedium(イカリソウ)属植物の地上部であると思われるが, その原植物は一定でない. 中国は最も本属植物の種類が多い国で, 20種3変種4a~e)が記載されている. これらの内, 『中華人民共和国薬典』5)にはE.brevicornum, E.sagittatum, E.pubescens, E.wushanense, E.koreanumの5種の地上部が「淫羊蕓」の基源として規定されているが, 『中薬大辞典』6a)や『中薬志』6b)をはじめとする総括的な薬物誌6c~g)及び, 『四川中薬志』7a)などの地方薬物誌7b~n), さらに徐8a), 施ら8b)及び梁ら8c)などの現地調査報告を合わせると, 現在使用されている「淫羊蕓」の原植物は同属の16種1変種に及ぶ. "Yinyanghuo," a well known Chinese crude drug used as a tonic, is derived from the aerial parts of Epimedium plants of the family Berberidaceae. This genus contains 20 species and 3 varieties in China, of which 13 species grow wild in Sichuan prov. As their morphological features resemble each other, the botanical sources of "Yinyanghuo" samples available in Sichuan markets do not seem to be one. In order to identify the origins of the 59 samples of this drug collected mainly in Sichuan prov. and also in other provinces of China, Hongkong, North Korea and Japan, comparative anatomical studies were carried out on the aerial parts of 13 species of this genus. The results showed that 7 of the 13 species had papilla on the abaxial epidermis of leaves whereas 6 had not. Each of the 13 species could be distinguished from each other by the characteristics such as the stomatal indices in abaxial epidermis, numbers of vascular bundles in midrib, shapes of leaf margin in transection, shapes of hypodermal cells, numbers of sclereids layers in cortex, types of hairs, etc. In this paper, anatomical characteristics of the 7 of the 13 species possessing papilla on leaf epidermis were described. The original plants of 30 of the 59 samples tested were determined to be derived from these species. 続きを見る


小松, かつ子 ; 御影, 雅幸 ; 難波, 恒雄
出版情報: 生薬学雑誌 = The Japanese journal of pharmacognosy.  40  pp.203-214,  1986-06-20.  日本生薬学会 = The Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/36603
概要: Korean "Fu-pen-zi" derived from the fruit of Rubus crataegifolius BUNGE, about which we had already described in the previous paper, differed from the fruit of Japanese same species in anatomical characteristics. In this paper, in order to investigate the morphological and anatomical variations of Rubus plants, R. crataegifolius, as a sample, from Japan and the Korean Peninsula was examined. The results were as follows: 1) As to the sepal, the Korea Strait line divided the species into two groups, with a few exceptions, morphologically. These were plants from the Korean Peninsula having erect sepals and those from Japan having spread or recurved sepals. 2) The characteristics feature of the fruit from the Korean Peninsula having a thicker endocarp was also observed in fruits from Japanese mountainous regions, whereas the common standard type growing in the mixed forest of Japan had a thin one. 3) The number of vascular bundles of the pedicel was a stable characteristic feature in this species, so, this characteristic feature can be considered to be an important factor to classify Rubus plants. 続きを見る


難波, 恒雄 ; 御影, 雅幸 ; 小松, かつ子
出版情報: 生薬学雑誌 = The Japanese journal of pharmacognosy.  36  pp.6-10,  1982-03-20.  日本生薬学会 = The Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/36584
概要: "Di-fu-zi" (地膚子) is the Chinese crude drug, used as the remedies for gonorrhea, pruritus, eye diseases, etc. In general, "Di-fu-zi" is regarded herbalogically as the fruit of Kochia scoparia (L.) SCHRADER of Chenopodiaceae. However, in Continental China, the fruits of other plants are also available on the market as "Di-fu-zi." Some samples of "Di-fu-zi" collected on the market, seem to be apparently derived from the Leonurus plant of Labiatae. On the other hand, the fruit of Leonurus sibiricus L. is considered to be another Chinese crude drug so called "Chong-wei-zi" (茺蔚子). Then, to identify the botanical origin of "Di-fu-zi" and "Chong-wei-zi" derived from the fruits of Leonurus plants, pharmacognostical studies were made. As the results, some of "Di-fu-zi" from Continental China were proved to be the mixtures of the fruits of Leonurus japonicus HOUTTUYN and L. sibiricus in the ratio 3 : 1. "Chong-wei-zi" from Korea and Taiwan were also proved to be the fruit of L. japonicus and that from Continental China to be the fruit of L. sibiricus. "Di-fu-zi" and "Chong-wei-zi" are originally different Chinese drugs, therefore the confusion of the two must be corrected. 続きを見る