

田崎, 和江 ; 縄谷, 奈緒子 ; 国峯, 由貴江 ; 森川, 俊和 ; 名倉, 利樹 ; 脇元, 理恵 ; 朝田, 隆二 ; 渡辺, 弘明 ; 永井, 香織 ; 池田, 頼正 ; 佐藤, 一博 ; 瀬川, 宏美 ; 宮田, 浩志郎 ; Tazaki, Kazue ; Nawatani, Naoko ; Kunimine, Yukie ; Morikawa, Toshikazu ; Wakimoto, Rie ; Asada, Ryuji ; Watanabe, Hiroaki ; Nagai, Kaori ; Ikeda, Yorimasa ; Sato, Kazuhiro ; Segawa, Hiromi ; Miyata, Koshirou
出版情報: 地質学雑誌 = The Journal of the Geological Society of Japan.  108  pp.435-452,  2002-07-15.  日本地質学会 The Geological Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061646
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />1991年12月,排砂ゲートを設けた出し平ダム(富山県黒部川水系1985年設立)から,初の直接排砂が行われ,その際,多量のヘドロが排出された.その後も1999年までに計8回の排砂が行われた.本研 究において,出し平ダム湖および富山湾堆積物の特性について分析を行った.その結果,特に芦野沖にヘドロが堆積していること,そして,富山湾堆積物は他の湾堆積物と比べカオリン鉱物,スメクタイトが多く,出し平ダム湖堆積物と類似した粘土鉱物組成を持つことが明らかとなった.実験より,ニジマスのエラにスメクタイトが吸着することで,エラの変形や脱水を引き起こすことが明らかとなり,また,富山湾で採取されたヒラメのエラ表面が,微細粒子で覆われているのが観察された.以上の結果と1991年から1999年の出し平ダム排砂量とヒラメの漁獲量の変遷には密接な関係が認められ,ダム湖や富山湾底質の経時変化を観察することの重要性が示された.<br />In 1985, a dam with a discharge gate was built at Dashidaira at Kurobe River, Toyama Prefecture for the first time in Japan. The dam sediments were first flushed out in December, 1991. The sediments with bad smell, such as sludge, spread all over the downstream of Kurobe River. After the first discharge of the dam sediments, benthic fishes decreased year by year in Toyama Bay. In this study, the sediments in Dashidaira Dam Reservoir and Toyama Bay were collected in 1997, 2000 and 2001. The Toyama Bay sediments which were considered to have been affected by discharged dam sediments were collected on July 20, 2000, November 19, 2000, and March 3, 2001. The sediments in the dam reservoir and the bay were studied chemically, physically and mineralogically for comparative study. The quantity of clay minerals, mainly smectite, increase toward the discharge gate at Dashidaira Dam. The distribution of clay minerals approximately corresponded to distribution of the N, C, and S concentration in Toyama Bay. XRD data show similar clay mineral components and patterns between dam sediments and suspended particles from the seabed at the offing of Kurobe River mouth. The sediments in Dashidaira Dam Reservoir and Toyama Bay contain relatively high content of kaolin minerals associated with chlorite, vermiculite, smectite, and mica clay minerals compared with sediments of the other bays. Rainbow trouts in water with smectite suspension result clearly indicated the damage to the fish. In the highest concentration of smectite (lOg/l), all 7 rainbow trouts died in five hours. The fish's gills were deformed and dehydrated, suggesting influence of smectite particles adhered to the surface of the gills. Furthermore, SEM observation and EDX analysis of the flat fish's gill in Toyama Bay clearly showed the presence of particle-like thin films with organic materials sticking on the surface. The volume of discharged sediments from Dashidaira Dam Reservoir is clearly related to the decrease of annual haul of benthic fishes in Toyama Bay within the past nine years (1991-1999). 続きを見る


脇元, 理恵 ; 田崎, 和江 ; Wakimoto, Rie ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  60  pp.275-286,  2006-07-25.  地学団体研究会 The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061669
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />新潟県月岡温泉は,原油と共に噴出したpH7.3,Eh-184mV,49.2℃の化石海水型の温泉で,その源泉井戸には黒色の原油と緑色バイオマットが存在する.このバイオマット中には糸状細菌および球菌 が存在し,銅藍(covellite; CuS)の鉱物化が認められた.銅藍の構成元素であるCuは原油に由来している.SEM観察により,油滴表面での糸状細菌のコロニー形成および溶菌作用によるバイオフィルムの形成が認められ,さらに,その表面に銅藍の結晶化が認められた.微生物の培養実験により,バイオマット中には石油分解菌である糸状細菌と硫酸還元菌である球菌が同定された.さらに,有機結合およびリン脂質分析により,バイオマット中のリン脂質,特に,界面活性作用を持つレシチンおよびリン酸エステルの存在が明らかになった.また,糸状細菌は二重膜および細胞外多糖類(EPS)を持ち,リン脂質はこの部分に含まれると考えられる.糸状細菌はバイオマット表面に付着した油滴を栄養源とし,球菌が生成した硫酸塩を電子授与体として代謝を行い,溶菌後,バイオフィルムを形成する.油滴中のCuは温泉水中に溶出し,中性で還元的な環境下において銅藍の結晶を形成する.すなわち,本研究において,石油分解菌の細胞膜およびEPSの有機界面活性作用と硫酸還元菌による水質の還元化が,油滴表面での銅藍の形成に重要な役割を果たしていることが明らかになった.この結果は,土壌および地下水圏の石油汚染地域における石油の分解・除去メカニズムの解明の糸口となると考えられる.<br />The inner wall of the Tsukioka hot spring well was covered with green microbial mats which contained black crude oil. The hot spring is located in Tsukioka, Niigata, Japan. The hot spring water (pH 7.3, Eh -184 mV and 49.2℃) that was produced from a 280m in depth originated from fossil seawater. The aim of this study was to investigate of covellite biomineralization in the green microbial mats with crude oil from the Tsukioka hot spring water. Observations by optical and electron microscopy, phospholipid analysis and bacterial cultivation showed that the biomineralization of covellite (CuS) was found on the surface of crude oil droplets. ED-XRF analysis showed that the crude oil contained SO3 (67.6wt%), CaO (24.8wt%) and Cu2O (2.6wt%). Observations by optical and epifluorescence microscopy as well as scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed that two morphological types of bacteria (i.e., filamentous and coccus typed bacteria) were found on crude oil droplets. Transmission electron microscopic (TEM) observations further revealed that the cell wall of the filamentous bacteria had a double membrane and was surrounded by Extracellular Polymeric Substance (EPS), which might provide the favorable nucleation sites for CuS. X-ray diffraction and electron diffraction analyses of the microbial mats showed that the materials precipitated on the surface of the oil droplets were highly crystallized covellite (CuS). FT-IR spectra of the microbial mats that contained covellite showed the appearance of C-N-H, P=O, P-O-C and N-H bands, indicating the presence of phospholipids (lecithin and phosphoric ester) in the microbial mats. Cultivation experiments, furthermore, demonstrated that the cultivated bacteria were identified as sulfate reducing bacteria (for coccus typed bacteria) and oil decomposing bacteria (for filamentous bacteria). A schematic formation model is here suggested to better understand the interaction between bacterial cells and oil droplets under anaerobic conditions in the Tsukioka hot spring water. The biomineralization of covellite described in this study might have profound implications for bioremediation of oilcontaminated site. 続きを見る


脇元, 理恵 ; 田崎, 和江 ; 縄谷, 奈緒子 ; 池田, 頼正 ; 今井, 茂雄 ; 佐藤, 一博 ; 奥野, 正幸 ; Wakimoto, Rie ; Tazaki, Kazue ; Nawatani, Naoko ; Ikeda, Yorimasa ; Imai, Shigeo ; Sato, Kazuhiro ; Okuno, Masayuki
出版情報: 地球科学 = Earth Science.  58  pp.199-214,  2004-07-25.  地学団体研究会 The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061675
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域地球社会基盤学系<br />大島紬は使用する泥田の状態により,染色の仕上りが異なると言われている.本研究では,現在使用中の泥田,現在は使われていない旧泥田,来期使用のために一年間休閑中の泥田の泥について鉱物学的,微生物学的 特徴を検討した.3つの泥田のEh,DOは,ともに休閑中の田で最も還元状態を示した.泥の中には石英,長石類の他に鉄酸化物や鉄に富むクロライト,バーミキュライト,雲母類粘土鉱物,カオリン鉱物などの粘土鉱物が確認された.一年休閑させている泥田の泥と現在使用中の泥田の泥の総Fe量はともに多く,鉄酸化物や粘土鉱物中に含まれている.一方,有機成分は,現在使用中の泥田で最も高く,この結果は光学顕微鏡観察および偏性嫌気性細菌培養により,多種多様の微生物が観察された事と一致する.また,偏性嫌気性細菌培養結果は,特に鉄還元細菌と考えられる球菌,桿菌が多いことを示した.泥により黒く染色された絹糸部分からは,Fe,S,Ca,Al,Si,P,K,Mnが検出され,これらの元素は,泥およびテーチ木起源と考えられる.よって,大島紬を独特の深い黒色に染色する泥田の条件として,泥田の水質が還元状態である事,染色に重要な鉄は二価鉄である事,泥中には鉄還元細菌をはじめとする多種多様の微生物が存在し,鉄を二価に変えている事があげられる.<br />"Dorozome" is one of the traditional dying methods with muddy clays in Amami-Ohshima Island, Kagoshima, Japan. The brilliant black color of dyed "Ohshima Tsumugi" derives from muddy clays in Dorota (small ponds with muddy clays). In this paper, muddy clays for dying were mineralogically, chemically and microbiologically characterized. The muddy clays consist of Fe-rich chlorite, vermiculite, mica clay minerals, kaolin minerals as well as a large amount of iron hydroxides associated with high P2O5, N, C and S contents in the muddy field. Principally, iron is a key element which constitutes not only crystalline/amorphous hydroxides iron minerals, but also clay minerals. After one year of using the muddy clays, the Eh and DO are significantly reduced in fallow field. Various microorganisms were observed in the muddy clays, such as coccus and bacillus typed bacteria and fungi. Anaerobic bacteria may contribute for reducing condition in the muddy field. The black parts of "Ohshima Tsumugi" contain high concentrations of S, Ca and Fe, whereas white parts without dye contain a small amount of such elements. The heavy metals are originated from both muddy clays and Rhaphiolepis umbellata. The results suggest that specific condition of iron hydroxides is an important factor for brilliant black dye under reducing condition. 続きを見る


森下, 知晃 ; 曽田, 祐介 ; 荒井, 章司 ; 脇元, 理恵 ; 水田, 敏夫 ; 石山, 大三 ; 佐藤, 比奈子  ; Morishita, Tomoaki ; Soda, Yusuke ; Wakimoto, Rie ; Mizuta, Toshio ; Ishiyama, Daizo ; Sato, Hinako
出版情報: 地質学雑誌 = The Journal of the Geological Society of Japan.  122  pp.617-623,  2016-11-15.  日本地質学会 The Geological Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00063637
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域自然システム学系<br />Black-colored rocks (Black-colored Rocks hereafter) occur as veins and a volcanic dike in the Tet ori Group, southern Ishikawa Prefecture. The Black-colored Rocks are composed of angular lithic clasts in a fine-grained (<10-50 µm) matrix. The lithic clasts in veins are derived from the Tetori Group (mudstone, sandstone, and conglomerate), whereas those in the volcanic dike are derived from both the volcanic dike and the Tetori Group. The matrix of the Black-colored Rocks consists mainly of very fine-grained quartz (usually 10 µm in size) with minor amounts of feldspar, maghemite, and unidentified carbon-bearing fine-grains. The Black-colored Rocks contain abundant SiO2 relative to the host rocks. The chondrite-normalized rare earth element (REE) pattern of the Black-colored Rocks is similar to that of their host rocks, although the REE abundance is lower in the former. 続きを見る


脇元, 理恵 ; 田崎, 和江 ; Wakimoto, Rie ; Tazaki, Kazue
出版情報: 金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科環境科学専攻紀要 = Memoirs of Division of Environmental Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa University.  1  pp.53-53,  2006-03-01.  金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科環境科学専攻幹事会 / 金沢大学
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/35304
概要: [研究概要]