

西本, 陽一 ; NISHIMOTO, Yoichi
出版情報: 金沢大学人間科学系研究紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Human Sciences Kanazawa University.  13  pp.45-70,  2021-03-31.  金沢大学人間社会研究域人間科学系
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00061718
概要: Recently, anthropologists have begun to encounter villagers in small-scale society often talking, with some objectificat ion, about their ethnic group. This paper examines one of such cases, narratives about “the Lahu” by Lahu villagers in Northern Thailand and considers the theoretical implications that such narratives have for social-cultural anthropology. The paper argues that the “Lahu” narratives have not been formed in or due to the influences of recent global processes, yet by the Lahu’s historical experience of ethnic relations at the regional level, in which the Lahu have always faced overwhelmingly powerful ethnic neighbors. Furthermore, from the case study of the “Lahu” narratives, I suggest several hypotheses, including one that group members who share historical experience have a unique style of narratives. 続きを見る


西本, 陽一
出版情報: 地學雜誌 = Journal of geography.  113  pp.283-293,  2004-01-01.  東京地学協会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/35099
概要: The Lahu people, a highland dwelling ethnic minority in mainland Southeast Asia and southwest China, have historically p racticed swidden agriculture, and for many generations lived and moved in areas under the pressures of diverse valley dwelling peoples. Their whole population probably exceeds 70, 000, most of whom lived in the remote areas within five modern states : China, Burma, Thailand, Laos, and Vietnam. In each of these states governed by lowland peoples, the Lahu are an ethnic minority without a country of their own. However, if we change our viewpoint, the Lahu appear as people with different attributes. While on a political map comprising modern nation-states the Lahu are divided and included in the five sovereign states, whereas on a topographic map, the Lahu settlement area appears as one geographical area and the people live in one environmental niche. Actually, in pre-modern time, natural environments were the primary condition defining the life-ways of peoples, both highlanders and lowlanders. Diverse ethnic peoples in the pre-modern Lahu settlement area interact with each other, which constituted a patterned ethnic constellation. This ethnic relation, however, began to change after Western colonialism introduced modern notions of nation-state, international boundary, and sovereignty. In the modern era, these modern ideologies have become political reality through diverse national policies for nation-building. Now, even in the remote areas where the Lahu people often find themselves, one cannot live without being influenced by a central government. The lives and the world view of the Lahu people have also become more and more conditioned by the modern conceptual framework of nation-state. However, the Lahu of North Thailand still refer to themselves as “mountain people”. This self-identification is based on the binary opposition between “mountain” and “plain” or “town”. The Lahu understand modern concepts mainly from a pre-modern worldview. Modern concepts, for example, “government” is perceived less as an abstract agency rather than as a personalized patron-like ethnic neighbor who both oppresses and supports its people. On the other hand, modern ideas, such as “state” and “development” seem to have gradually enter Lahu concepts. The present Lahu perception is based both on the pre-modern and modern conceptual frameworks, and the power relation between the two frameworks changes depending on conditions. Moreover, another huge process, “globalization”, could in the future modify the basis on which the Lahu view the world surrounding them. Studying the world-views of marginal peoples, including the Lahu, requires multiple perspectives, and should not be limited either to area or national conceptual frameworks. 続きを見る


西本, 陽一 ; Nishimoto, Yoichi
出版情報: 平成20(2008)年度 科学研究費補助金 萌芽研究 研究成果報告書 = 2008 Fiscal Year Final Research Report.  2006-2008  pp.300p.-,  2009-03.  金沢大学人間社会研究域人間科学系
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00051800
概要: 本研究は、「周縁性」を中心テーマとして、社会的な周縁におかれた少数者集団が、自らが経験してきた歴史・社会的な苦境の中で、何を感じ、何を希望として抱いているかという問題の解明を目指すものである。具体的には、東南アジア大陸部北部から中国西南端に かけての山岳地帯に暮す少数民族ラフを対象として、歴史的・社会的な周縁化の過程の中で、彼らの間で起こってきた伝統宗教の改革・復興運動およびキリスト教への改宗に焦点を当てる。特に、「周縁性」の経験および「周縁性」への応答としての宗教変容や宗教運動についての、ラフ自身による語りの実証的な記録と分析とによって、その社会的な経験を彼/彼女らの視点にできるだけ近づいて理解しようとするものである。このような研究目的をもつ本研究は、(1)東南アジア大陸部山地における諸民族の政治・経済・文化的権力関係の歴史研究、(2)ラフの宗教復興・改革運動の研究、(3)村人自身の語りによる「周縁性」の経験の研究の3つの部分から構成される。このうち平成20年度には特に、(2)と(3)について研究を進めた。平成20年8月から9月にかけて、中国雲南省およびタイ国チェンマイ市にて現地調査をおこなった。研究最終年度にあたる平成20年度には、論文と学術発表を積極的におこない、成果の発表にも努めた。平成20年度末には、3年間の研究成果の報告書である『平成18年度〜20年度科学研究費補助金萌芽研究(課題番号:18652077)研究成果報告書「周縁性の経験-少数民族ラフの宗教変容と語り-」、研究代表者:西本陽一』(2009年3月31日、全302ページ、DVD付)を刊行した。<br />研究課題/領域番号:18652077, 研究期間(年度):2006-2008<br />出典:「周縁性の経験: 少数民族ラフの宗教変容と語り」研究成果報告書 課題番号18652077(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所))   本文データは著者版報告書より作成 続きを見る