

杜, 林
出版情報: 人間社会環境研究 = Human and socio-environmental studies.  pp.15-30,  2017-03-28.  金沢大学大学院人間社会環境研究科 = Graduate School of Human and Socio-Enviromental Studies Kanazawa University
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/47172
概要: 本研究では,今後の障害者福祉の一助となるよう,中国において障害のある人びとに関する聞 き取り調査を実施して,現代中国における障害者観を明らかにすることを目的としている。具体 的には,障害当事者の生活実態や意識という視座,および非当事者の障害 者観という視座から検 討するものである。そして,それらを踏まえながら,中国における障害者の現状や障害者福祉政 策の問題について考察する。 調査データの分析から,障害当事者がさまざまな形で差別や社会的な排除を経験し,差別に対 して,「もう慣れた」,「理解してもらえない」という「無力感」を感じていることが明らかになっ た。また,因習的な観念によって,障害当事者および家族ともども,障害に対する態度として,「世 間を避ける」,「障害によって恥を感じる」という意識がある。他方で非当事者は,障害のない人 びとを「私たち」とみなし,障害のある人びとを「彼ら」として区別し,差異化しているという ことがわかった。 こうした分析結果から,現在の中国では障害のある人びとに対する誤解や偏見の意識が根強く 残っており,それゆえ障害のある人びとがさまざまな形で差別され,社会的に排除されている構 造を明らかにすることができた。To improve the well-being of people with disabilities, and clarify the perception of disability in modem China, I interviewed people with disabilities in China. Specifically, this study aims to discuss the living conditions of people with disabilities and what they think of themselves, as well as non-disabled people's perception of disabilities. Subsequently, 1 examine the problems of the current situation and the welfare policy for people with disabilities in China. The survey data indicated that people with disabilities have experienced discrimination and social exclusion in a variety of ways and feel "a sense of powerlessness" that they have become "accustomed to"the discrimination, or feel that "we're unable to be understood." Additionally, family members of people with disabilities also believe that "avoid the world" or "feel ashamed" due to the traditional prejudices that exist on this subject. On the other hand, non-disabled perceive people with disabilities as "they" and themselves as "we." Thus, it was found that discrimination does exist. From the results of this analysis, it is clear that people with disabilities have been discriminated and excluded in different ways because of the deep-rooted misunderstanding and prejudice that is prevalent in the modem China. 続きを見る


松下, 重雄 ; 三橋, 伸夫
出版情報: 日本建築学会計画系論文集 = Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ).  77  pp.795-803,  2012-01-01.  Architectural Institute of Japan = 日本建築学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/39066
概要: The purpose of this study is to outline recent trend and a new approach of Groundwork movement in the UK, especially focusing on new programme for low-carbon society and social inclusion through establishing social enterprise. Characteristics of development strategy of Groundwork are 1)making a project by matching national policy through a holistic approach, 2)developing a financially independent project in niche market and then setting up a subsidiary as social enterprise and 3)reforming a multilayered national network by Groundwork trusts and subsidiaries. Groundwork has established a type of operation model for non-profit organisation in community development and has been one of the largest bodies in the UK. Its next step is similar to establish an operation model for social enterprise through the Groundwork mechanism and network. It is expected to create an alternative body for regeneration in British society and to regenerate more employment in the intermediate labour market. 続きを見る


武田, 公子 ; Takeda, Kimiko
出版情報: 平成22(2010)年度 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B) 研究成果報告書 = 2010 Fiscal Year Final Research Report.  2007-2010  pp.5p.-,  2011-05-19.  金沢大学人間社会研究域経済学経営学系
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00052545
概要: 各国における「貧困との闘い」は、各政府諸機関、非営利・営利の民間団体等の諸主体のもつ多様な資源の提供によって行われている。本研究では、これらの資源を「束」として提供する仕組みが各国においてどのような萌芽をもつかを検討した。その結果、(1)グ ローバル化に伴う格差・貧困問題の深刻化のなかで「束」の必要性は多かれ少なかれ注目される状況にあること、(2)各国での発現は、社会的組織の影響力の強弱、政府部門の大小、分権化の度合い等、複合的な要因に規定されて多様性をもつこと、が明らかになった。<br />Many countries implement the anti-poverty policies with the use of various kinds of resources provided by a number of organization such as governmental institutions and private non-profit/profit organizations. This study aimed to examine the signs of emerging mechanism for providing people with the resources through well-combined policies (good "bunch of social policies") in the countries. The study led to two conclusions as follows. (1) More or less, people in the countries tend to consider well-combined anti-poverty policies as indispensable since the globalization has caused the serious level of income disparity and poverty. (2) In the countries, the signs of emerging "bunch of anti-poverty policies" are different that is attributed to the complex factors such as the influence of social (civil) organization, the scale of governmental sector and the degree of administrative decentralization of social policies.<br />研究課題/領域番号:19402040, 研究期間(年度):2007-2010 続きを見る