

御影, 雅幸 ; 難波, 恒雄
出版情報: 生薬学雑誌 = The Japanese journal of pharmacognosy.  37  pp.334-341,  1983-12-20.  日本生薬学会 = The Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/36595
概要: The origin of Chinese crude drug "Weilingxian" (威霊仙), available in market, is mainly derived from the underground portio ns of Clematis plants. To clarify the botanical origin of "Weilingxian" from northeast China, comparative anatomical study was made on the crude drug and the roots of five Clematis species growing wild in northeast China. Our results show that two Clematis species were recognized as the botanical origins of "Weilingxian" from this district, one was C. anguslifolia JACQ., and the other seems to be a local variation of C. terniflora.現在の日本市場に出廻っている「威霊仙」は主として朝鮮半島産のものであるが3), 市場にはまれに中国東北部産と称されるものも出廻っている. 中国東北部産威雲仙の基源植物に関しては, 謝4)や李ら5)は「黒薇」の名でキンポウゲ科の(Clematis angustifolia JACQ. (=C. hezapetala PALL. )およびC. mandshurica RUPR. (=C. terniflora DC. )を挙げ, 謝はこれら以外にC. fusca TURCZ. , C. liotungensis KITAG. をもその基源とし, 『中葯志』6)ではC. mandshuricaをあてている, また『東北常用中草葯手冊』7)ではC. angustifolia, C. mandshuricaのほかに「鉄脚威霊仙」としてユリ科のSmilax sieboldii MIQ. を挙げ, さらに同書や『北方常用中草葯手冊』8)では「草本威霊仙」としてゴマノハグサ科のVeronica sibirica L. を記している. 今回入手し得た中国東北部産威雲仙は, その内部形態から明らかにClematis属植物基源のものとSmilax属植物基源のものが認められた. Clematis属植物基源の商品は1株から多数の細い根を出すものである. 植物分類地理学的に考察すると, 中国東北部産のClematis属植物9, 10)の中でそのような根を有すると考えられるものはC. terniflora, C. angustifolia, C. fusca, C. pantens MORR. et DECNE. , C. brachyura MAXIM. , C. ianthina KOEHNE, C. flavellata NAKAIなどである11). そこでこれらの植物の中で, 採集し得たC. flavellataを除く5種の根の内部構造を検討し, 商品と比較した. なおC. ternifloraについてはすでに報告したので1), 本報では商品および根の形状が類似したC. angustifolia, C. fuscaおよびC. ianthinaの根について記載し, C. patensについては内部形態的にこれらの種とはやや異なるので別報にて述べる. またSmilax属植物基源のものについても別報にて詳説する. 続きを見る


御影, 雅幸 ; 難波, 恒雄
出版情報: 生薬学雑誌 = The Japanese journal of pharmacognosy.  37  pp.361-366,  1983-12-20.  日本生薬学会 = The Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/36586
概要: As described in the previous paper, the first botanical origin of the Chinese crude drug "Weilingxian" was the Clematis plant of Ranunculaceae, especially the species in Sect. Tessen. But the botanical origin had changed with the times. In this paper, the change of the botanical origin of " Weilingxian" was clarified herbologically. As the result, the botanical origin of "Weilingxian" had changed from the species in Sect. Tessen to Clematis terniflora DC. in the Southern Song (南宋) dynasty of China. Furthermore, in the same dynasty, "Weilingxian" derived from the species in other families, i.e. Compositae, Umbelliferae, etc. had appeared. In the Qing (清) dynasty, the root of Smilax species of Liliaceae started to be used also as "Weilingxian." 前報1)で述べたごとく, 「威霊仙」の古来の正品はキンポウゲ科のClematis属植物, とくにテッセン節の植物であったと考えられる. しかし, 宋代の『図経本草』3)には明らかにゴマノハグサ科のVeronicastrum sibiricum(L. )PENNELLクガイソウと思える文章と図が記され, さらに時代が下るにつれてユリ科植物, センリョウ科植物, キク科植物などを基源とする「威霊仙」が使用されるようになったようである4). 本報では「威霊仙」の基源植物の歴史的変遷について本草学的考察を加える. I. 宋代初期までの「威霊仙」前報1)で述べたごとく, 「威霊仙」は元来朝鮮半島で用いられていた薬物であり, Clematis patens MORR. et DECNE. カザグルマの根を基源とするものであったと考えられる. これが中国へもたらされたのは8世紀の頃であり, 伝達の地である商州(今の陝西省東南部)にはカザグルマの分布がなかったので, おそらく同節(Sect. Tessen)中のC. florida THUNB. テッセン, C. courtoisii HAND. -MAZZ. およびC. cadmia BUCH. -HAM. ex WALL. の3種の中のいずれかを代用としていたものと考えられる1). 『開宝本草』3)の記文は明らかにClematis属植物を記したものと思えることから1), 威霊仙が中国へもたらされて以後, 少くとも宋代初期, すなわち10世紀の後半迄はClematis属のテッセン節植物基源の威雲仙が使用されていたと想定しうる. 続きを見る


御影, 雅幸 ; 中島, 由仁 ; 難波, 恒雄
出版情報: 生薬学雑誌 = The Japanese journal of pharmacognosy.  44  pp.21-28,  1990-03-20.  日本生薬学会 = The Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/36611
概要: The Chinese crude drug "Wei ling xian" (威霊仙) is derived from the underground portions of Clematis species. However, the aerial parts of the plants are also sold under the same name in Guangxi (広西壮族自治区) and Sichuan (四川省) Provinces. Through a comparative anatomical study of the leaflets, the botanical origins of the aerial part "Wei ling xian" drugs sold in Guangxi Province and Sichuan Province were proved to be C. uncinata CHAMP, and C. leiocarpa OLIV. (= C. uncinata var. coriacea PAMP.), respectively. However, it is wrong to use the aerial part of Clematis species as "Wei ling xian."漢薬「威霊仙」は『開宝本草』に初収載された薬物で, キンポウゲ科のClematis属植物の地下部を正品とし3a, 1), これまでに現在市販されている日本産, 朝鮮半島産, 台湾産, および中国大陸産の一部の商品についてその基源を明らかにした3b). それらはすべてClematisな属植物の地下部であったが, 今回入手した中国四川省各地や広西壮族自治区桂林で一般に使用されている威霊仙は, すべて同属植物の地上部に由来すると思われるもので, 外見上明らかに多種基源であった. これらは「威霊仙」「霊仙」または「威霊仙葉」の名称で利用されているが, われわれが調査した薬店および医院では地下部に由来する威霊仙は使用されていなかった. Clematis属植物の地上部に由来する威霊仙については, 謝4)が四川省でC. chinensis OSBECKの全草, また同省や西蔵自治区では他の同属植物の地上部も利用されるとし, また『中葯大辞典』5)や『四川常用中草荷葯』6)にも四川省では同植物の茎葉(藤葉)が用いられると記されている. 続きを見る


難波, 恒雄 ; 高野, 昭人 ; 御影, 雅幸
出版情報: 生薬学雑誌 = The Japanese journal of pharmacognosy.  41  pp.318-325,  1987-12-20.  日本生薬学会 = The Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/36605
概要: 前報1)では台湾で民間的に用いられている「蒲公英」の原植物はIxeris属およびLactuca属植物に由来することを述べた. これらの植物は中国大陸の南部地域でも「蒲公英」と称して使用されているが3), 正品はキク科のTaraxacumタン ポポ属植物であるとするのが通説である4-6). 本報ではTaraxacum属植物の地下部に由来する日本産の「蒲公英」の原植物について述べる. 「蒲公英」はわが国では『本草和名』7)に「蒲公草」の名で初見され, 現在では主として民間的に胃腸薬として利用されている. 商品はその外形および内部形態から明らかにTaraxacum属植物の地下部であると思われるが, いまだに原植物の同定がなされていない. Taraxacum属植物は互いに類似したものが多く, また環境条件などによる形態的な変異が多く8), さらにさまざまな倍数体が存在する9)などの理由から, 分類学的にきわめて困難な一群とされている. そこで本研究ではまずTaraxacum属植物の地下部の内部形態の変異を詳細に検討し,次いで四国産「蒲公英」の基源を明らかにする目的で四国地方に生育する在来種5種10,11)について比較組織学的に検討した. In China, the Chinese crude drug "Pu gong ying (蒲公英)," which has been used for the women's acute mastitis, urinary troubles, edemas, etc., is prepared mainly from Taraxacum plants (Compositae). In Japan, the crude drug "Hokoei" (蒲公英), which has been used for stomach troubles in folk medicine, is the underground parts of Taraxacum plants. However, the botanical origin of "Hokoei" has not been clear. So, in order to identify the botanicalorigin of "Hokoei," a comparative anatomical study of the undergound parts of Taraxacum plants from Shikoku, Kyushu, Kinki and Chugoku districts was carried out. In this paper the anatomical structure of the underground parts of Taraxacum plants is investigated, which clearly shows that the botanical origin of most of Shikoku (四国) "Hokoei" is T. japonicum KOIDZUMI. 続きを見る


難波, 恒雄 ; 小松, かつ子 ; 小野, 淳子 ; 鳴橋, 直弘 ; 御影, 雅幸
出版情報: 生薬学雑誌 = The Japanese journal of pharmacognosy.  40  pp.44-53,  1986-03-20.  日本生薬学会 = The Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/36601
概要: "Fu-pen-zi" (覆盆子) is the fruit drug, used in Chinese traditional medicine as the remedies for impotence, pollution and p remature ejaculation, bet-wetting, frequency of urination, etc. "Fu-pen-zi" from China Continent is considered to be derived from immature fruits of Rubus chingii Hu in general, while in local from other Rubus fruits. On the other hand, the botanical origin of "Fu-pen-zi" produced in Korea is regarded as R. coreanus MIQ., R. crataegifolius BUNGE, R. parvifolius L., etc. Rubus fruits are so similar in outer view that the botanical origins of "Fu-pen-zi" seem to be in confusion on present markets. Then, to identify the botanical origins of "Fu-pen-zi" in recent markets and discuss historical correct botanical one, a series of pharmacognostical studies on Rubus plants will be present in turn. The present paper describes anatomical fundamental characteristics of Rubus fruits, including calyxes and peduncles. Moreover one botanical origin of "Fu-pen-zi" from Korea was identified. The results showed that some of "Fu-pen-zi" from Korea were derived from the fruits of R. coreanus. 続きを見る


難波, 恒雄 ; 朴, 鍾喜 ; 御影, 雅幸
出版情報: 生薬学雑誌 = The Japanese journal of pharmacognosy.  39  pp.291-300,  1985-12-01.  日本生薬学会 = The Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/36617
概要: 漢薬「香薷」は『名医別録』に「香薷主治暑期吐瀉, 腹痛, 消散水腫」と記載され1), 古くから霍乱, 腹痛, 水腫, 吐下, 傷暑などの治療薬として用いられてきた2). 香薷の基源について『中葯志』3)ではLabiataeのElsholtz ia haichowensis SUNおよびMosla chinensis MAXIM. (=Orthodon chinensis MAXIM. KUDO)の全草, 『中葯大辞典』4)ではE.splendens NAKAI ex MAEKAWAの開花期の全草であると記しており, 佐藤潤平5)は中国東北地方産の香薷はE.ciliate(THUNB. )HYLANDERナギナタコウジュの花時の茎葉であるとしている. 一方, 香薷は韓国でも多く産出し, 漢薬として用いられる他, 民間的にも発汗, 利尿, 中風, 夏の感冒などに用いられている6). 韓国産香薷の基源について石戸谷7)はE.ciliata(=E.cristata WILLD. )の開花期の全草, 林と鄭8)はE.ciliataおよびその近縁植物の花部および果実を付した茎葉, 申9), 韓10), 柳11)および李12)はそれぞれ同様にE.ciliataおよびその近縁植物の開花期の地上部の全草であるとしている. Chinese crude drug “Xiang ru”(香薷) has been used to cure abdominal pain, vomiting, perspiration and disease due to hot weather. To the botanical origin of “Xiang ru,” Zhong-yao-zhi (中葯志) reported Elsholtzia haichowensis SUN and Mosla chinensis MAXIM., and Zhong-yao-da-ci-dian (中葯大辞典) reported Elsholizia splendens NAKAI ex MAEKAWA of Labiatae. In Korea, this crude drug is called “Hyang Yu” and has been used as a Korean folk remedy for diuretic, summer cough and diarrhea. The botanical origin of “Hyang Yu” is considered to be Elsholtzia species of Labiatae, especially E. ciliata (THUNB.) HYLANDER. But there has no pharmacognostical confirmation on it. In our investigation, two kinds of “Hyang Yu” produced in Korea were taken as the materials. To clarify the botanical origin of these “Xiang ru,” we studied anatomical characteristics of Elsholtzia species growing wildly in Korea i.e. E. ciliata, E. splendens, E. angustifolia KITACAWA, E. minima NAKAI, E. saxatalis (KOMAROV) NAKAI ex KITAGAWA. Through our studies, the botanical origin of “Xiang ru” from Korea was proved to be the blooming whole plant of Elsholtzia ciliata and Elsholtzia splendens. The anatomical characteristics of these plants are shown in TABLE I. 続きを見る


難波, 恒雄 ; 小松, かつ子 ; 御影, 雅幸
出版情報: 生薬学雑誌 = The Japanese journal of pharmacognosy.  40  pp.54-60,  1986-03-20.  日本生薬学会 = The Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/36600
概要: In China Continent, "Fu-pen-zi" is considered to be derived from immature Rubus fruits, while that produced in the Korean Peninsula is from mature ones. With regard to the use of "Fu-pen-zi," it is important to find out whether the drug consists of mature fruits or immature ones, because constituents of fruits are expected to change with growth and so are its remedial results. Then, to clarify the growing stage of "Fu-pen-zi," anatomical studies of fruits, calyxes and pedicels of cultivated Rubus coreanus MIQ., which was one of the botanical origins from Korea, were done in its different developmental stages. Our results show that the growing course of fruits is divided into three stages, A, B and C based on the anatomical characteristics of fruitlets, especially mesocarp and endocarp. In this method of division, "Fu-pen-zi" derived from R. coreanus was fruits at the latter half of stage B or stage C, that is, just before ripening or ripening stage. 続きを見る


鐘, 国曜 ; 小松, かつ子 ; 御影, 雅幸 ; 難波, 恒雄
出版情報: 生薬学雑誌 = The Japanese journal of pharmacognosy.  48  pp.141-154,  1994-06-20.  日本生薬学会 = The Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/36620
概要: 「淫羊蕓」は『神農本草経』2)の中品に収載された漢薬で, 古くから補腎益精, 強壮薬として, 腰膝萎弱, インポテンツ, 半身不随及び腎虚などに用いられており, また近年, 狭心症, 更年期の高血圧症, 神経疲労, 健忘, 気管支炎などの治 療にも繁用される3). その基源は諸本草書の記載及び現在の市場品の状況から明らかにメギ科のEpimedium(イカリソウ)属植物の地上部であると思われるが, その原植物は一定でない. 中国は最も本属植物の種類が多い国で, 20種3変種4a~e)が記載されている. これらの内, 『中華人民共和国薬典』5)にはE.brevicornum, E.sagittatum, E.pubescens, E.wushanense, E.koreanumの5種の地上部が「淫羊蕓」の基源として規定されているが, 『中薬大辞典』6a)や『中薬志』6b)をはじめとする総括的な薬物誌6c~g)及び, 『四川中薬志』7a)などの地方薬物誌7b~n), さらに徐8a), 施ら8b)及び梁ら8c)などの現地調査報告を合わせると, 現在使用されている「淫羊蕓」の原植物は同属の16種1変種に及ぶ. "Yinyanghuo," a well known Chinese crude drug used as a tonic, is derived from the aerial parts of Epimedium plants of the family Berberidaceae. This genus contains 20 species and 3 varieties in China, of which 13 species grow wild in Sichuan prov. As their morphological features resemble each other, the botanical sources of "Yinyanghuo" samples available in Sichuan markets do not seem to be one. In order to identify the origins of the 59 samples of this drug collected mainly in Sichuan prov. and also in other provinces of China, Hongkong, North Korea and Japan, comparative anatomical studies were carried out on the aerial parts of 13 species of this genus. The results showed that 7 of the 13 species had papilla on the abaxial epidermis of leaves whereas 6 had not. Each of the 13 species could be distinguished from each other by the characteristics such as the stomatal indices in abaxial epidermis, numbers of vascular bundles in midrib, shapes of leaf margin in transection, shapes of hypodermal cells, numbers of sclereids layers in cortex, types of hairs, etc. In this paper, anatomical characteristics of the 7 of the 13 species possessing papilla on leaf epidermis were described. The original plants of 30 of the 59 samples tested were determined to be derived from these species. 続きを見る


小松, かつ子 ; 御影, 雅幸 ; 難波, 恒雄
出版情報: 生薬学雑誌 = The Japanese journal of pharmacognosy.  40  pp.203-214,  1986-06-20.  日本生薬学会 = The Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/36603
概要: Korean "Fu-pen-zi" derived from the fruit of Rubus crataegifolius BUNGE, about which we had already described in the previous paper, differed from the fruit of Japanese same species in anatomical characteristics. In this paper, in order to investigate the morphological and anatomical variations of Rubus plants, R. crataegifolius, as a sample, from Japan and the Korean Peninsula was examined. The results were as follows: 1) As to the sepal, the Korea Strait line divided the species into two groups, with a few exceptions, morphologically. These were plants from the Korean Peninsula having erect sepals and those from Japan having spread or recurved sepals. 2) The characteristics feature of the fruit from the Korean Peninsula having a thicker endocarp was also observed in fruits from Japanese mountainous regions, whereas the common standard type growing in the mixed forest of Japan had a thin one. 3) The number of vascular bundles of the pedicel was a stable characteristic feature in this species, so, this characteristic feature can be considered to be an important factor to classify Rubus plants. 続きを見る


難波, 恒雄 ; 高野, 昭人 ; 小松, かつ子 ; 御影, 雅幸
出版情報: 生薬学雑誌 = The Japanese journal of pharmacognosy.  41  pp.289-300,  1987-12-20.  日本生薬学会 = The Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/36606
概要: 「蒲公英」は『新修本草』2)に「蒲公草」の名で初収載された漢薬で, 古来婦人の乳癌廱腫, 悪腫, 結核, 小便不利, 慢性胃炎, 胃潰瘍, 消化不良, 淋巴腺炎, 目赤腫痛, 肝炎, 胆のう炎, 尿路感染, 乳汁不通などの治療2,3)に用い られてきた. その本草正品は一般にキク科(Compositae)のタンポポ属Taraxacumspp.植物であるとされ, 『中薬志』4), 『中薬大辞典』5)などにも, その原植物として同属植物が記載されている. ところで台湾では現在, 「蒲公英」は民間的に肝炎, 肺炎, 肺蓄膿, 肺膜炎(肺蓄水)などの治療に用いられている6,7). 台湾産「蒲公英」の基源に関して那ら8)は「台湾中薬市場, 一向未進口蒲公英, 概用本地所産者, 惟考台湾植物学文献, 台産之真正蒲公英, 祇有Taraxacum formosanum KITAMURA 一種; 経著者之一甘偉松, 調査中薬市場所用之蒲公英, 均為同科之Lactuca chinensis MAKINO〔=Ixeris chinensis(THUNB. )NAKAI〕之全草, 而真正之Taraxacum幾未見利用」と記し, さらにTaraxacum formosanumとIxeris chinensisの2種について比較組織学的に検討している9). The Chinese crude drug “Pu gong ying (蒲公英)” was first recorded in “Xin xiu ben cao (新修本草)” in A. D. 657, and has been used for women's mammary tumors, hepatitis, stomach troubles, etc. According to Na et al., “Pu gong ying” derived from the whole plant of Ixeris chinensis (THUNB.) NAKAI of the Compositae family has been generally used in Taiwan. From Puli (埔里) market, in central Taiwan, recently we obtained a sample of “Pu gong ying.” Although it seemed to have been derived from Ixeris plant, its thick leaf, the rough surfaces of its stem and leaf, and also its anatomical characteristics suggested that it had not been derived from I. chinensis. So, in order to determine its botanical origin, a comparative anatomical study was carried out on Ixeris plants and “Py gong ying” from Taiwan, which clearly showed that Puli “Pu gong ying” had been derived from the whole plant of I. laevigata (BL.) SCH.-BIP. ex MAXIM. var. oldhami (MAXIM.) KITAMURA. 続きを見る


難波, 恒雄 ; 小松, かつ子 ; 御影, 雅幸
出版情報: 生薬学雑誌 = The Japanese journal of pharmacognosy.  40  pp.95-102,  1986-03-20.  日本生薬学会 = The Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/36599
概要: Though "Fu-pen-zi" from Korea has been considered to be derived from the fruits of Rubus coreanus MIQ. in general, we had already clarified that it was only used locally. In order to identify the botanical origin of Korean "Fu-pen-zi" available mainly in the recent markets of urban areas such as Seoul, Pusan, Daegu, Daejeon, etc., R. crataegifolius BUNGE and R. takeshimensis NAKAI of Section Microphylii were studied comparative anatomically. Our results showed that this "Fu-pen-zi" corresponded to the fruits with calyxes and often pedicels of R. crataegifolius growing in the Korean Peninsula. Its developmental degree was unripening (stage B) or ripening stage (stage C). 続きを見る


難波, 恒雄 ; 御影, 雅幸 ; 蔡, 少青 ; 楼, 之岑 ; 田中, 治
出版情報: 生薬学雑誌 = The Japanese journal of pharmacognosy.  42  pp.19-27,  1988-03-20.  日本生薬学会 = The Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/36607
概要: In the previous paper, studies of the "Ren-shen-ye" (Ginseng Folium) derived from Panax ginseng C. A. MEYER were reported. This paper describes anatomical studies of five varieties of Panax pseudo-ginseng WALL., namely, var. japonicus HOO et TSENG, var. angustifolius LI, var. elegantior Hoo et TSENG, var. bipinnatifidus LI and var. notoginseng HOO et TSENG, and the commercial "Ren-shen-ye" derived from some of these varieties. The results show that i) these five varieties can be distinguished from one another by the differences in the number and diameter of the vessels in the petioles, the relative thickness of the upper projection of the petiolules, the presence of palisade tissue, and they can also be differentiated from P. ginseng in the relative thickness of the upper and lower projections of the midrib; ii) P. pseudo-ginseng var. japonicus obtained from China, Japan and Nepal can be distinguished from one another by the presence of fibrous bundle sheath in the petiolule, or by its shape; iii) the commercial "Ren-shen-ye" produced in Shaanxi is derived from the leaf and stem of P. pseudoginseng var. japonicus (P. pseudo-ginseng var. major LI), while the "Ren-shen-ye" from Shanghai market is from the leaf and stem of P. pseudo-ginseng var. elegantior. Anatomical characters, useful for the identification of Panax species in China, Japan and Nepal are provided. 続きを見る


御影, 雅幸 ; 難波, 恒雄
出版情報: 生薬学雑誌 = The Japanese journal of pharmacognosy.  37  pp.351-360,  1983-12-20.  日本生薬学会 = The Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/36587
概要: The Chinese crude drug "Weilingxian" has been used mainly as diuretic and antirheumatic remedies. There are various kind s of "Weilingxian" in the present markets, the botanical origins of the crude drugs are complicated. The first herbological description on "Weilingxian" appeared in "Kai Bao Ben Cao" (開宝本草) written in the Song (宋) dynasty of China. The complication in the botanical origin of "Weilingxian" is supposed to exist from old time. Though it has been regarded that the first botanical origin of "Weilingxian" was Veronicastrum sibiricum (L.) PENNELL of Scrophulariaceae, it remained unexplained. Through our herbological study, it was estimated that the first botanical origin of "Weilingxian" had might be the Clematis plant of Ranunculaceae, especially the species in Sect. Tessen of the genus. 漢薬「威霊仙」は扶風湿薬として, おもに神経痛やリウマチなどの治療に用いられる薬物である3). 威雲仙は『開宝本草』4)に初めて収載された薬物であるが, 早い時期から基源の混乱が認められ, 現在中国においても各地で多種基源の威霊仙が使用されている5). 現在各国市場に出廻っている威霊仙の主たる基源はキンポウゲ科のClematis属植物の地下部であるが6), 謝宗万7)や李家実ら8)の市場調査によると, Clematis属植物以外にもユリ科のSmilax属植物, センリョウ科のChloranthus(Sarcandra)属植物, キク科のAinsliaea属およびInula属植物などの地下部が威霊仙として市販されているとしている. またClematis属植物は東亜に多くの種が分布し, しかも形態の類似したものが多いことから, 威霊仙として使用されるものは多種にわたっている6-8). そこで威雲仙の古来の正品および基源植物の変遷を明確にする目的で, 古来の本草文献を考察し, また現在までに著者らが行った市場調査結果6, 9)および先人の市場調査結果7, 8, 10)などに基づき, 本草学的考証を行った. 本報では威雲仙の古来の正品について報告する. 続きを見る


鐘, 国曜 ; 小松, かつ子 ; 御影, 雅幸 ; 難波, 恒雄
出版情報: 生薬学雑誌 = The Japanese journal of pharmacognosy.  48  pp.253-263,  1994-12-20.  日本生薬学会 = The Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/36621
概要: In order to identify the botanical origins of "Yinyanghuo (淫羊蕓)" produced in Sichuan province, China, a comparative anat omical study was carried out on the aerial parts of 13 Epimedium species. In the previous paper, anatomical characteristics of 7 of the 13 species having papilla in the abaxial epidermis of leaves were described, and 30 commercial samples were determined to have been derived only from these species. In this paper, anatomical characteristics of the other 6 species without papilla were studied. The result showed that these 6 species were anatomically distinguishable from each other by the characters used for the discrimination of the 7 species reported in the previous paper. In addition, the key for identification of 13 Epimedium species was made on the basis of their anatomical characteristics of the aerial parts. The origins of 29 commercial samples of "Yinyanghuo" were identified as E. pubescens, E. wushanense, E. brevicornum and E. koreanum.「淫羊蕓」は四川省で産出される代表的な中草薬で, 原植物はメギ科のEpimedium属植物である1). 通常野生品が採集されて市場に出荷されるため, 「淫羊蕓」の原植物は数種にわたるものと思われるが, これまで市場品を同定する手段が確立されておらず, 原植物は確証されていなかった. そこで, 主として四川省産の市場品「淫羊蕓」の原植物を明らかにする目的で, 同省に自生するEpimedium属植物12種と中国東北地区産のE.koreanumの地上部について比較組織学的に検討した. 前報1)では葉の背軸面表皮に乳頭状突起が認められた7種の組織学的特徴を精査し, これらの種のみに由来する市場品30点の原植物を明らかにした. 本報では葉の背軸面表皮に乳頭状突起がない6種, すなわち『中華人民共和国薬典』4)に収載されている5種のうちの4種E.brevicornum, E.pubescens, E.wushanense及びE.koreanum, とE.elongatum, E.platypetalumについて地上部の組織学的特徴と29点の市場品の基源について報告する. 続きを見る