

Kitamura, Kenji ; Nakagawa, Chigusa ; Sato, Tetsu ; 北村, 健二
出版情報: Sustainability (Switzerland).  10  pp.404-,  2018-02-04.  MDPI AG
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00050509
概要: 金沢大学地域連携推進センター<br />Rural communities around the world face formidable problems such as resource depletion, environmenta l degradation and economic decline. While the term 'community' is often used without clear definition or context, it can be viewed as a group of people emerging through social interaction. Through a series of collaborative action toward a shared goal, a community of practice can be formed. This paper proposes a hypothetical framework of integrated local environmental knowledge (ILEK), and applies it to analyze the processes of collaborative actions in the case of the Nishibetsu Watershed in Hokkaido, Japan. The case study identified several phases of actions, all initiated by a group of local residents on a grassroots and voluntary basis. These local resident-initiated collaborative actions had a particular confluence of elements to facilitate gradual strengthening of formal and informal institutions in the watershed scale beyond jurisdictional boundaries, making this a worthy case to study. The local residents used diverse types of knowledge, including livelihood-based technologies and skills of working as a group and with local governments, for establishing and strengthening various institutions for collaborative actions, with such knowledge being used in the manner of tools in a box of bricolage for community formation. © 2018 by the authors. 続きを見る


Omote, Shizuko ; Watanabe, Arisu ; Hiramatsu, Tomoko ; Saito, Emiko ; Yokogawa, Masami ; Okamoto, Rie ; Sakakibara, Chiaki ; Ichimori, Akie ; Kyota, Kaoru ; Tsukasaki, Keiko ; 表, 志津子 ; 平松, 知子 ; 横川, 正美 ; 岡本, 理惠 ; 榊原, 千秋 ; 市森, 明恵 ; 京田, 薫 ; 塚崎, 恵子
出版情報: BMC Research Notes.  10  pp.586-,  2017-11-09.  BioMed Central Ltd.
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00049520
概要: 金沢大学医薬保健研究域保健学系<br />Objective: We aimed to evaluate a foot-care awareness program designed to improve foot morphology, physical functioning, and fall prevention among the community-dwelling elderly. Eleven independent community-dwelling elderly women (aged 61-83 years) were provided with foot-care advice and shown effective foot-care techniques to perform regularly for 6 months, and compared with a control group of 10 elderly women who did not receive any intervention. Measurements of foot form, functional capacity, subjective foot movement, and physical function were taken at baseline and 6-month follow-up. Results: At follow-up, improvements were seen in the intervention group in foot morphology, subjective foot movement, foot pressure, and balance. In the intervention group, 90% of women had maintained or improved foot form and none of them had fallen during the post-intervention period, compared to the control group where 30% improved foot form (p = 0.0075) and four (40%) of them had fallen. Therefore, a foot-care program may have the potential to prevent falls and improve mobility among the elderly. Trial Registration UMIN-CTR No. UMIN000029632. Date of Registration: October 19, 2017 © 2017 The Author(s). 続きを見る


Aida, Mammadova ; Iida, Yoshihiko
出版情報: 金沢大学留学生センター紀要 = Research Bulletin,International Student Center Kanazawa University.  19  pp.88-106,  2016-03-01.  金沢大学留学生センター = International Srudent Center Kanazawa University
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/45329
概要: 本報告では,持続可能な地域の発展に貢献するための,留学生向けのフィールドワーク教育プログラムの開発について予備的な検討を行った結果を紹介する。 フィールドワークとして金沢市内の山間地, 川沿い, 沿岸の3つのコースを設定し, 計10名の留学 生が参加した。 留学生は, 地域住民と交流し, 伝統的な文化や身近な自然との関わりについて実地学習し, 出身地との比較や現実の社会的な課題に関するレポー トを提出した。 その結果, 留学生からのフィ ー ドバックや課題解決のための提案について共通性が確認された。 しかし, 出身地との比較だけでは, 地域の自然と文化に対する認識力を向上させるには限界があり, さらなる手法の探求が求められる。 続きを見る


インタン フィトリ, メウティア
出版情報: 人間社会環境研究 = Human and socio-environmental studies.  pp.29-39,  2016-03-14.  金沢大学大学院人間社会環境研究科 = Graduate School of Human and Socio-Enviromental Studies Kanazawa University
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/44847
概要: Police is part of the state government with several functions; they are including maintaining security and public order, law enforcement, and giving services to the community. Community policing has been evolving slowly since the civil rights movement in the 1960s, exposing the weaknesses of the traditional policing model. It has been developed over the past three decades and continues into the 21st. Community policing is used widely as a term of police philosophies, strategies, and tactics well known as problem oriented policing, neighborhood oriented policing, or community oriented policing. Community policing focuses on crime and social disorder through the delivery of police services that includes aspects of traditional law enforcement, crime prevention, and making partnerships through problem solving. Establishing and maintaining mutual trust is the central goal of the first core component of community policing- community partnership. However, the effectiveness should be achieved at minimal costs, which mean the efficiency concerns. Community policing is affected most by the decentralization and the permanent assignments. 続きを見る


冨吉, 満之 ; 香坂, 玲
出版情報: 環境共生 = Japan Association for Human and Environmental Symbiosis.  26  pp.40-47,  2015-03-01.  日本環境共生学会
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/43273
概要: 研究者情報DB