

Jiemin, Liu ; Wei, Li
出版情報: International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development = International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development.  9  pp.58-81,  2021-07-15.  International Community of Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development / SPSD Press
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00063666
概要: Numerous studies conclude that urban industrial evolution depends on the technological relatedness-associated supply side. However, such industrial evolution may also be affected by market force-related demand side. To fill this gap, this research aims to examine whether market force, reflected by market potential and market segmentation, also has significant impacts on the diversification of regional industries, and whether such impacts differ among different regions of China. The data used export customs declaration data recorded by customs offices. We introduce the PROBIT binary variable model to explore the effects of technological relatedness, market motential, market segmentation on diversification of regional industry. The results show that the diversification of export industries was not only positively affected by technological relatedness, but also impacted by market potential and market segmentation positive and negative, respectively. Notably, the impact of technological relatedness on the innovation of export industry was weakened in areas with low market potential but strengthened in those with high market segmentation. Moreover, we found that the effect of technological relatedness was weakened in more developed cities, while the effects of market potential and market segmentation were relatively universal. Theoretically, this paper expands the framework of evolutionary economic geography. We understood the influential factors of industrial innovation from both the supply and demand side, instead of the solely supply side in most previous studies. Practically, this study points out a new development path for the industrial evolution of marginal areas. 続きを見る


Ihara, Masaaki ; Ihara, Kazue ; 井原, 正昭 ; 井原, 一恵
出版情報: 植物地理・分類研究 = The journal of phytogeography and taxonomy.  37  pp.53-56,  1989-06-25.  植物地理・分類研究会 The Society for the Study of Phytogeography and Taxonomy / 日本植物分類学会 The Japanese Society for Plant Systematics (JSPS)
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00055986


柴田, 正良 ; Shibata, Masayoshi
出版情報: 日本ロボット学会誌 = Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan.  26  pp.864-865,  2008-11-15.  日本ロボット学会 = The Robotics Society of Japan
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/28579


Yamada, Toshihiro ; Imaichi, Ryoko ; Kato, Masahiro
出版情報: American Journal of Botany.  88  pp.963-974,  2001-06-01.  Botanical Society of America
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/16747
概要: 金沢大学理工研究域自然システム学系<br />Ovule and seed development in six species of Nymphaeales was examined. In the Cabombaceae the two species studied resemble some extant basal angiosperms by having a hood-shaped outer integument. A micropyle-hilum complex results when the outer integument and derived testa are lacking between the micropyle and the funiculus, thus the hood-shaped appearance. In the Nymphaeaceae the outer integument is annular at an early stage and then cup-shaped though it is semiannular at initiation in Nupar japonicum and Nymphaea alba. The micropyle and hilum are separated by an intervening testa. Developmental data on the formation of the outer integument, from semiannular to hood-shaped vs. from annular to cup-shaped, are useful for inferring the morphology of the outer integument from the relative position of the micropyle to the hilum in seed fossils. The oldest (early Cretaceous) probable nymphaealean seeds had the micropyle-hilum complex, suggesting that the hood-shaped outer integument may be primitive in the Nymphaeales. This needs to be tested by examination of this feature in other groups of basal angiosperms. 続きを見る