

edited by Sonia Ryang
出版情報: London ; New York : Routledge, 2000
シリーズ名: Asia's transformations / edited by Mark Selden
目次情報: 続きを見る
The politics of legal status : the equation of nationality with ethnonational identity Chikako Kashiwazaki
The North Korean homeland of Koreans in Japan Sonia Ryang
Political correctness, postcoloniality and the self-representation of "Koreanness" in Japan Koichi Iwabuchi
Mothers write Ikaino Melissa Wender
Reading against the bourgeois and national bodies : transcultural body-politics in Yu Miri's textual representations Lisa Yoneyama
Cultural identity in the work of Yi Yang-ji Carol Hayes
Korean ethnic schools in occupied Japan, 1945-52 Hiromitsu Inokuchi
Korean children, textbooks, and educational practices in Japanese primary schools Eriko Aoki
Kids between nations : ethnic classes in the construction of Korean identities in Japanese public schools Jeffry T. Hester
Ordinary (Korean) Japanese John Lie
The politics of legal status : the equation of nationality with ethnonational identity Chikako Kashiwazaki
The North Korean homeland of Koreans in Japan Sonia Ryang
Political correctness, postcoloniality and the self-representation of "Koreanness" in Japan Koichi Iwabuchi


Michael Weiner
出版情報: London ; New York : Routledge, 1994
シリーズ名: The Sheffield Centre for Japanese Studies/Routledge series