

Asai, Hitoshi ; Endo, Soma ; Inaoka, Pleiades Tiharu ; 淺井, 仁 ; 稲岡, Pleiades 千春
出版情報: Journal of Physical Therapy Science.  29  pp.2026-2030,  2017-11-22.  理学療法科学学会 = Society of Physical Therapy Science
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00049533
概要: 金沢大学医薬保健研究域保健学系<br />[Purpose] The purpose of this study was to investigate the trunk position perception in the anterop osterior direction in young participants sitting without their feet touching the floor to avoid the influence of the hamstrings tension and the feet pressure on the perception. [Subjects and Methods] Fourteen healthy volunteers were seated on a chair fitted with an original manual goniometer. There were 7 reference positions set at 5° increments, from −15° to 15°, and reproductions of each position were conducted 5 times. Trunk position perception was evaluated by the absolute error between the reproduced trunk angle and the reference position angle. [Results] The results revealed a significant effect of reference position on the absolute error. The absolute error at the −5° reference position was significantly larger than at the −15° and 15° positions, and the absolute error at the 0° position was significantly larger than at the −15°, 10°, and 15° positions. [Conclusion] These results suggest that the perception of extreme forward- and backward-leaning trunk positions while sitting without the feet touching the floor would be higher than in a neutral sitting position. The relationship between the stability of the posture and the perception may be involved in the sitting position.<br />出版社照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


Asai, Hitoshi ; Hirayama, Kazuya ; Azuma, Yuji ; Inaoka, Pleiades Tiharu ; 淺井, 仁 ; 稲岡, Pleiades 千春
出版情報: Journal of Physical Therapy Science.  29  pp.1670-1674,  2017-09-15.  理学療法科学学会 = Society of Physical Therapy Science
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/00049534
概要: 金沢大学医薬保健研究域保健学系<br />[Purpose] The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the patellar moveme nt and the standing backward leaning perceptibility. [Subjects and Methods] Fourteen volunteers who were confirmed presence of upward patellar movement during backward leaning from the quiet standing posture participated in this study. The quiet standing position, the standing backward leaning position at patellar movement onset and standing position perceptibility were measured. The position of the center of pressure in the anteroposterior direction in standing is represented as the percentage distance from the hindmost point of the heel in relation to the foot length (%FL). [Results] The mean value of the center of pressure on anteroposterior direction positions in quiet standing was 43.2%FL. The patellar movement onset position was 35.1%FL. The individual mean value of standard deviations for the onset position was 2.5%FL. The absolute error at the onset position is specifically and significantly small. [Conclusion] For the subjects whose patellas move during backward leaning in this study, the standing position near the onset position was perceived accurately, probably by the substantial change in sensory information associated with the onset of patellar movement while backward leaning.<br />出版社照会後に全文公開 続きを見る


村山, 孝之 ; 酒井, 智朗 ; 山崎, 貴士
出版情報: 北陸体育学会紀要 = Bulletin of Hokuriku society of physical education.  pp.19-29,  2016-03-19.  北陸体育学会 = Hokuriku society of physical education
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/44856


宮崎, 彩乃 ; 稲垣, 美智子 ; 多崎, 恵子 ; 浅田, 優也
出版情報: 金沢大学つるま保健学会誌 = Journal of the Tsuruma Health Science Society, Kanazawa University.  40  pp.35-43,  2016-07-29.  金沢大学つるま保健学会 = Tsuruma Health Science Society, Kanazawa University
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/45871
概要: 【目的】現在,透析導入原因疾患第1位は糖尿病であり,糖尿病患者の透析予防の重要性が 高まっている。先行研究にて,自覚症状に乏しい糖尿病性腎症患者は,「状況の捉え方」が 療養行動に繋がる可能性が示唆された。そこで本研究では,「糖尿病性腎症患者 の状況の捉 え方質問紙」を作成し,信頼性と妥当性を検討した。 【研究方法】質問項目作成の理論的枠組みには,先行研究の成果である糖尿病性腎症患者の 診断時の認識を説明する10 のカテゴリーと24 のサブカテゴリーを用いた。調査方法は,質 問紙原案28 項目(5段階リッカート尺度),基本属性について自記式質問紙法を用いた。 【調査対象者】研究協力の同意の得られた透析予防指導を実施している病院6施設の糖尿病 性腎症2・3期患者175 名であった。 【結果】4因子20 項目で,因子寄与率50.56%の「糖尿病性腎症患者の状況の捉え方質問紙」 を作成した。本質問紙は,信頼性に関してCronbach` α係数が.594 ~ .768 であり,一定程度 確保できていること,構成概念妥当性・弁別的妥当性の検討,およびMishel(1988)の不確 かさ理論との比較から妥当性を確保できていることを確認した。質問紙の因子名はそれぞれ、 第1因子「将来,糖尿病や糖尿病性腎症が悪化することへの懸念」,第2因子「自分の身体 に覚悟をもった冷静さ」,第3因子「腎症と診断された小さな衝撃」,第4因子「糖尿病性腎 症は自分の力が及ばない感覚」と命名した。 続きを見る