

御影, 雅幸 ; 中島, 由仁 ; 難波, 恒雄
出版情報: 生薬学雑誌 = The Japanese journal of pharmacognosy.  44  pp.21-28,  1990-03-20.  日本生薬学会 = The Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/36611
概要: The Chinese crude drug "Wei ling xian" (威霊仙) is derived from the underground portions of Clematis species. However, the aerial parts of the plants are also sold under the same name in Guangxi (広西壮族自治区) and Sichuan (四川省) Provinces. Through a comparative anatomical study of the leaflets, the botanical origins of the aerial part "Wei ling xian" drugs sold in Guangxi Province and Sichuan Province were proved to be C. uncinata CHAMP, and C. leiocarpa OLIV. (= C. uncinata var. coriacea PAMP.), respectively. However, it is wrong to use the aerial part of Clematis species as "Wei ling xian."漢薬「威霊仙」は『開宝本草』に初収載された薬物で, キンポウゲ科のClematis属植物の地下部を正品とし3a, 1), これまでに現在市販されている日本産, 朝鮮半島産, 台湾産, および中国大陸産の一部の商品についてその基源を明らかにした3b). それらはすべてClematisな属植物の地下部であったが, 今回入手した中国四川省各地や広西壮族自治区桂林で一般に使用されている威霊仙は, すべて同属植物の地上部に由来すると思われるもので, 外見上明らかに多種基源であった. これらは「威霊仙」「霊仙」または「威霊仙葉」の名称で利用されているが, われわれが調査した薬店および医院では地下部に由来する威霊仙は使用されていなかった. Clematis属植物の地上部に由来する威霊仙については, 謝4)が四川省でC. chinensis OSBECKの全草, また同省や西蔵自治区では他の同属植物の地上部も利用されるとし, また『中葯大辞典』5)や『四川常用中草荷葯』6)にも四川省では同植物の茎葉(藤葉)が用いられると記されている. 続きを見る


難波, 恒雄 ; 朴, 鍾喜 ; 御影, 雅幸
出版情報: 生薬学雑誌 = The Japanese journal of pharmacognosy.  40  pp.224-232,  1986-06-20.  日本生薬学会 = The Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/2297/36602
概要: The Chinese crude drug "Qin-jiao (秦艽)," in Chinese, has been used to cure headache, rheumatis, dysuria, fever, etc. In K orea, the same crude drug is called "Jin Beom" or "Mang Sa Cho," and has been used as a Korean folk medicine having the same effects as those in China. The botanical origin of the "Qin-jiao" in the present markets is rather complicated. "Qin-jiao" from China is regarded as the underground portion of Gentiana macrophylla PALL. of Gentianaceae. Higashi reported that the botanical origin of the drug from Manchuria (満州) was Aconitum albo-violaceum KOM. var. purpurascens NAKAI of Ranunculaceae, and Konoshima reported that from Inner Mongolia (内蒙古) was Gentiana decumbens L. Besides the plant origin of "Qin-jiao" from Korea has been considered to be Aconitum species. To clarify the botanical origin of "Qin-jiao" from Korea, comparative anatomical studies were made on the underground portion of three Aconitum species growing in Korea. To the result of this study, it was clarified that "Qin-jiao" from Korea was the underground part of Aconitum loczyanum R. RAYMUND and A. longecassidatum NAKAI. 続きを見る