Advances in neural information processing systems : proceedings of the ... conference
- フォーマット:
- 図書
- 責任表示:
- edited by David S. Touretzky
- 言語:
- 英語
- 出版情報:
- San Mateo, Calif. : M. Kaufmann Publishers, c1989-
- 形態:
- v. : ill. ; 24-26 cm
- 著者名:
- 書誌ID:
- BA06791660
- 10495258
- 9781558600157 [1558600159] (1)
9781558601000 [1558601007] (2)
9781558601840 [1558601848] (3)
9781558602229 [1558602224] (4)
9781558602748 [1558602747] (5)
9781558603226 [1558603220] (6)
9780262201049 [0262201046] (7)
9780262201070 [0262201070] (8)
9780262100656 [0262100657] (9)
9780262100762 [0262100762] (10)
9780262112451 [0262112450] (11)
9780262194501 [0262194503] (12)
9780262122412 [0262122413] (13)
9780262042086 [0262042088] (14 : set)
9780262042062 [0262042061] (14, v. 1)
9780262042079 [026204207X] (14, v. 2)
9780262025508 [0262025507] (15)
9780262201520 [0262201526] (16)
9780262195348 [0262195348] (17)
9780262232531 [0262232537] (18)
American Institute of Physics |
MIT Press |
VCH, Distribution, U.S.A. and Canada, VCH | |
American Institute of Physics | |
MIT Press |
Frontiers Media SA |
MIT Press |
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers |
Kluwer Academic Pub. |
Academic Press |